Second Chance (Enduring Kiss) (11 page)

BOOK: Second Chance (Enduring Kiss)
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When I groaned
, so did Drake and I never felt so powerful. We had fooled around plenty in the past, given each other so much pleasure, but I had never felt as bold as to do something like that before. Watching the pleasure and enjoyment in eyes was worth the slight embarrassment.

"Take them off." His deepened voiced ech
oed throughout the silent room.

I peeled my panties down and dropped them to the
floor. He continued to stare into my eyes.

"Now the shirt,
" He commanded.

I pulled it off and left it with my panties on the floor. His eyes finally left mine to skim over my naked body. I could feel heat move over my skin
, but his groan of pleasure made me feel confident.

I spread my legs giving him a frontal view of myself. My fingers brushed through the blonde curls spreading wetness over the swollen flesh.  I circled the small bundle of nerves until the teasing left me shaking with need. I arched, my breast pushed high as I finally made full contact with the nub.

Drake's growl made a grin break across my face. I lowered my head to look at him and found him touching himself. His jeans were undone and his hand was grasping himself. My lips parted as he pumped in time with my ministrations. It was without a doubt the most erotic thing I had ever seen. He was long, thick and beautiful.

The sight was too much for me, I bucked against my hand as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. I closed my eyes and arched into my climax feeling every nerve on fire. My heart was pumping, my breathing heavy as I fell bac
k down limp on the bed.

My eyes flew open when Drake growled out his release. The muscles stretched and the veins throbbed as his neck arched back and his jaw tightened. His hand moved swiftly over himself until he thrust his hips one last time spilling his seed. It was the sexiest moment of my life.

Lifting his head his baby blues still held the edge of desire, but now also looked serene. His dark hair curled around his ears making my fingers itch for contact. Oh, how I wanted to touch him right then. I could see the same need on his face.

We were lost in each other's gaze for quite a few minutes until the last rays of sunlight left the room leaving us in a soft darkness. He wasted no time coming to me. When he reached the
bed, he stripped his clothes and climbed in beside me. Wrapping me in his arms, he kissed me thoroughly. That was what I needed, to feel his body flushed with mine, and his heartbeat strong under my palm.

He pulled back from my lips and kissed my nose and cheeks before returning to my lips once again. He kissed me lightly then hugged me clo
se burying his face in my neck.

Before I could stiffen at the thought of his mouth near my neck he said, "That
was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. Thank you."

I relaxed against him feeling comfort and peace,
as if our bond was getting stronger. I was feeling like I was finally home in his arms.

"I'm sorr
y I had to leave you last night," Drake said shattering the peaceful moment.

He squeezed me tight
ly, running his hands down my back then up again. His face was still close to my neck making me feel a little uncomfortable.

’s not talk about it, okay?" I said pulling back enough to move his head away from the curve of my shoulder.

He pulled back a little on his own and just looked at me a moment. I knew my emotions showed on my face and it wasn't long before Drake understood. I
did not want to think or talk about him feeding on other women. Drake nodded grimly.

We held each other for
a while longer. I skimmed my fingers over his smooth skin, reacquainting myself. My palms smoothed over his shoulders and down his chest. His chest was unusually smooth for a dark haired man and I loved it. I loved every peak and valley of muscle. Circling his flat brown nipples, I laughed when he groaned as they peaked.

"Do you want to take a walk around and see the house? I've made a few changes. We could catch up
with some of your friends also," Drake said.

"Yes, I'd love that." I smiled.

We disentangled ourselves and got out of bed, both needing to clean up. I quickly showered then came out wrapped in a towel. Drake was dressed and waiting, sitting on the side of the bed. I tried to ignore his heating gaze as I searched my bag for some clothes. I found what I was looking for and started to dress.

I didn't go back in the bathroom. I figured after what just happened there was no sense in being coy. I chose a very sexy black lace bra and matching panties set just to tease him. It worked. He growled as I wiggled into my panties. I couldn't hide my pleased grin.

After dressing in blue jeans and a dark blue tank top, I threw on some flip-flops and went for my brush. Drake was suddenly behind me in the vanity mirror.

"Let me,
" he said taking the brush out of my hands.

I watch him through the mirror
as he brushed out my long wet hair. His gesture was tender and the feel of the bristles along my scalp was blissful.

When he finish
ed, I pulled my almost dry hair up into a ponytail. "Ready," I said.

Drake grabbed me into a quick passionate kiss before we headed out of the room hand in hand.

As we walked down the darkened hallway, I could not help but notice how quiet it was. I looked around and found no one. There was not a single guard around. That was quite unusual.

I turned to Drake. "Wh
ere is everyone?" My brow wrinkled in confusion.

Drake shrugged like it wasn't a concern and continued down the hall.

We went down a set of beige carpeted stairs and turned down another hall coming to an open doorway. I expected it to be the living area. He did say we would meet up with some of my old friends, but it looked like the lights were off.

As soon as we turned the corner into the dark room
, the lights burst on and probably fifty or more people jumped up shouting "Welcome Home!" I gasped then smiled brightly.

Drake squeezed my hand and I turned my smile toward
s him. "Did you do this?" I asked.

He nodded smiling back. I noticed he
smiled without showing his teeth and I felt saddened by this realization. I knew he was doing it for me so I would feel more comfortable around him. I appreciated it, but I knew I was going to have to get comfortable with this new Drake. It just wasn't fair for him to have to tip toe around me.

"We all wanted to welcome
you home Rebecca. We missed you," he said softly.

I kissed him hard on the lips. Too soon
, he pulled me back chuckling softly.

"Go on and see everyone. They'
re dying to catch up." His eyes were bright with happiness as he pushed me into the room.

I took only a couple of steps b
efore I was engulfed in a hug. I wrapped my arms around my dear friend Rachel. We both were sobbing by time we let each other go.

ou're just as tall I remembered," I said looking up at her almost six-foot frame.

Her pixie like face and long dark wavy hair seemed out of place for
her tall stature, but she was beautiful and I had missed her greatly.

Her soft green eyes smiled down at me. "I
missed you, Rebecca," she said choking up again.

I hugged her
again. "I missed you too, Rachel," I said pulling away.

As she looked at me the enjoyment in her eyes changed to one of concern. She leaned down and whispered, "Are they really goin
g to question you about Logan?"

My face lost some of its glow and I shook my head no. She nodded and smiled gently.

I had tried putting that part of my past in the back of mind, but I knew a time would come soon when I would have to tell Drake. I was not looking forward to it, but he needed to know the truth about me. It would change things between us, I knew, but it had to be done.

The somber though
t threatened to ruin my mood, so I pushed it away again for another day. Today was about happier things like seeing my friends again.

I was hugged and kissed by almost everyone. Some of the guards from that time with Logan gave me knowing looks and smiled gently letting
me know the secret was safe. It was unnerving yet also comforting to have their support.

I mingled and talked with most everyone. They all wanted to know where I was and what I had been doing for the past five years. I told them about Savannah and the amazing pack I had found. I told
them about school and how I hoped to finish getting my accounting degree. They all were supportive and seemed truly happy that I was back.

I was having so much fun and the night was going wonderfully when a very large man broke through the crowd and headed my way. He was extremely tall probably close to seven feet with very short spiky bleached blonde hair. His severe
hairstyle was unattractive on his wide face. He had a prominent fore head, piercing gray eyes and thin lips drawn into a tight line. It was a shock really to see a werewolf that wasn't handsome. I realized it was not his natural looks that made him so unattractive, but the unnatural hair color combined with the ego he was sporting.

The crowd p
arted and some seemed to cringe as he pushed his broad shoulders through. I began to worry over the way some cowered. They were afraid of him and it made my hackles rise. Who was this jerk? When he reached me, he towered above me glaring with menacing eyes. I looked at him and narrowed my own.

"I would w
atch yourself if I were you pup," he growled.

I almost took a step back a
nd lowered my gaze in submission, but his power trip made me want to bring him down a notch. I kept my gaze steady with his. His lip lifted into a snarl at my defiance.

"I am your Pack Master and I will not allow disrespect. But seeing that it's your first night back I will let it slide tonight." His eyes were practically flaming with anger.

I reluctantly bowed slightly. "Pack Master," I acknowledged through gritted teeth.

His expression didn't change. "Reb
ecca, I am glad to see you back," he said and I could smell the lie.

It made my nose twitch and my eyes narrow. I also realized I knew him. I
looked at his intimidating face, broad nose and high cheekbones. Suddenly it clicked. The hair threw me off, but if I mentally switch it to his naturally dark brown, I recognized him. My eyes widened.

"Greg?" I asked. My tone showed how unbelievable I thought it was.

His sneer seemed to get worse. "That's Pack Master Dawson to you, Rebecca," he spat.

I cringe at his tone a
nd that pleased him. He grinned brightly. I could not believe he was the same guy I knew before. He wasn't a good friend or anything, but he had been so quiet and polite. Wow, I thought, power could really change a person.

"Now that your here I'm going to have to speak to you about a few
things," he said suddenly.

I looked at him in complete confusion. I wondered what he could possibly want to talk to me about. It
did not take long for him to spell it out for me and I could feel my face pale.

"Yes, I believe there is the small matter of Logan's murder that needs to be cleared up. I believe you have the answers to my questions
and you will tell me."

He smiled
smugly. I knew he could see and smell my panic and he looked too pleased by my reaction. As his face split into a knowing grin, my heart pounded and my breathing labored. I was going to faint if I didn't get out of there soon.

I began looking around for the nearest exit when
Drake was suddenly by my side.

"What's going on Dawson?"

His deep voice smoothed over me sending a shiver down my spine. Even as scared as I was, he had that affect on me. Drake placed his hand on the small of my back showing his possessiveness. It made me feel better knowing he was by my side.

Dawson's smile was superior as he looked at Drake. "Well, I've been looking for your Rebecca here all these years; right along with you Evans. She's wanted for q
uestioning about Logan's murder," He announced loudly.

Drake growled, his eyes flashing. "I don't think so Dawson. She will not be questioned at all."

I looked back at Dawson as he threw back his head and laughed. "You can't interfere with pack law Evans and you know it. Hand over the girl so we can get this over with."

I looked back and forth between the two me
n. I began to panic. They wanted to question me tonight. I wasn't prepared.

Drake pulled me closer as if to protect me from the big brute
, but when I looked up at him I could see he couldn't win this one. He looked devastated and concerned. I knew he could not interfere just as Dawson said. I took a deep breath. I was a big girl and it was time to face the music.

I touched Drake's cheek softly. I tried to smile reassuringly
, but I knew I failed. I was too scared.

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