Second Chance (Enduring Kiss) (10 page)

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I didn't want to come off as jealous or nosy so I casually asked, "So were you, um, seeing anyone?"

If she was surprised by my question, she didn't show it. Stephen snorted, but I ignored the asshole.

"Not really,
" she replied.

"What does that mean?"

I had not meant to ask that aloud. She laughed though, and I relaxed.

"It means it was complicated. Do you really want to know?" She asked uncertainly.

I thought about it a moment. Did I want to know about past lovers? Not really, I thought. However, I did want to know what she was giving up to be with me.

"Yes, I do. If it was important to you, I want to know."

"Okay, well, like I said it was complicated. Sean and I have been friends for a long time and almost immediately there was an attraction there."

I stiffened at her words
, but I didn't interrupt.

"Only just in the last few days had things begun to feel strained. We knew we
had either to take the next step in the relationship or stay away from each other. He didn't know that you were dead, well that I thought you were dead. He was under the impression that I had not found my mate, as he had not. You know how those relationships can end. Someone usually gets hurt."

"So, you both decided to not start something then?" I asked.

Rebecca blushed and I knew I was wrong. "Well, um, see the tension was becoming uncomfortable and anyway, I went to the Pack Master and asked his advice. Actually, I was there to see him about being followed. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?"

Stephen spoke up for me again. "We were trailing any of your pack that left the house. It just so happen we smelled you."

"Ahh, I see. That explains why I recognized the scent. Who was it?"

"I believe that was Bruce."

Rebecca nodded. "How is he?"

"Oh, he's doing great. He and his mate are expecting their second child in the fall." Stephen answered.

"Oh! That's wonderful! I can't wait to see everyone."

"Can we get back to the subject please?" I interrup

They could catch up later. They both glared at me
, but I didn't pay much attention.

"You were saying you asked
advice from your Pack Master?"

Rebecca gritted her teeth
, but Stephen laughed loudly. I was going to kick his ass one of these days.

"Yes, he had a theory on second chance mates. When we lose a mate or if i
t takes a long time to find him or her, we tend to feel the pull to someone else. Sean is my second, but by the time I decided to try and move on with him, I found out you were alive." She shrugged, but I could tell he meant more to her than that.

I hugged he
r to me tightly. "Will you be alright?" I asked.

She si
ghed deeply. "Yes, I have you, but I am worried about Sean. I told him goodbye and why I was leaving. He knew it would happen, but I could see how sad he was. He's been alone a long time. I know his mate is out there, hopefully he'll find her soon."

"Or maybe she'll find him,
" I added.

, maybe. So what about you? What have you been up to Master Evans?" Rebecca teased.

I was glad she could find humor in the situation. It was so much better than her fear.

"Hmmm, well being a Master is hard work." Stephen snorted. "Hey it is. Dawson is awful to work with. He’s the Pack Master," I said to Rebecca.

"Oh? What ha
ppen to Pack Master Reese?"

"He didn't make
it out of Logan's imprisonment," I told her sadly. She nodded, but did not say anything.

Turning to Stephen I said, "You know, anytime you're ready to kick his ass and take the spot, let me know. I got your back." I was trying to lighten the mood and I was pretty sure it worked.

"Really, you're going to challenge him Stephen?" Rebecca asked excitedly.

"I don't know, maybe one day,
" he replied.

I knew Stephen was more serious about it than that
, but I wasn't going to call him out on it. When he was ready, he would let me know.

"I inherited some of Logan's invest
ments and added a few of my own," I said bring us back to the subject. "I own a couple of storefronts and a restaurant." I paused for moment then added, "I also help find other people jobs."

When she looked at me quizzically
, I elaborated. "Basically I help the other lowly vampires that live in the area find a place to work and live if they need it. I help humans and wolves also. I own a job search center."

"Really?" She asked surprised. "That's really neat. Maybe I could help. You know I almost have a degree in accounting. I could help them with thei
r finances?"

She sounded
excited and I loved it. Things were looking up.

"That's a great idea honey. We'd love to
have you."

She smiled brightly and I felt hope again. Maybe things would work out after all.

"So I guess it's my turn to ask. Have you been seeing anyone?" She asked.

"No, no
t really. Nothing serious anyway," I replied truthfully.

Rebecca's face fell a little and she looked away. I noticed Stephen giving me a dirty look so I glared back at him then turned my attention back to Rebecca. She was looking out the window silently.

I pulled her closer to me and she turned towards me again. I smiled at her and she smiled back, but I noticed it didn't reach her eyes.

"You okay
?" I asked uneasy with her change in mood.

"Oh yeah, I'm good, j
ust tired." She yawed right at that moment punctuating her words.

"Lay down on my lap and I'll play with your hair while you rest

She did not
hesitate. Her head lay on my thigh while her body curled into a ball. I ran my fingers through her silky strands slowly. Sitting with her like that brought back many memories of moments so similar. Her lying beside me while I played with her hair. It felt comfortable and right.

As her breathing became slow and even
, I finally allowed myself relax. She was finally coming home, I thought with a smile.




Chapter 7




I woke slowly feeling engulfed in warmth. Drake's arms and scent surrounded me and because of the slight bouncing sensation, I knew I was being carried. My ear pressed against his chest, my eyes still closed. We stopped for a moment and I could hear Drake's muffled voice. I did not really pay attention to the conversation. It was brief and we began moving again. I snuggled closer inhaling deeply and dozed off.

I opened my eyes as I was laid
down softly. Drake stood above me. I blinked a few times to clear my vision then looked around. I was lying on a four-poster queen sized bed. The bedding was white silk with blue accented pillows. My gaze went to the rest of the room. The robin's egg blue walls made the gorgeous mahogany furniture stand out. The bed, dresser, vanity, and nightstands were all a matching set. White roses sat in crystal vases throughout the room. It was feminine and beautiful.

Drake's voice broke through my perusal. "Do you like it?" I looked at him a bit confused.

"Like what?"  I asked.

He lifted his hand up
, gesturing around him. "Your room?"

My room, not our room
I thought, feeling dejected. I knew it was ridiculous to feel that way. It was obvious I couldn't stay with Drake. I told him I would not feed him and I definitely didn't want to watch him feed on someone else.

Moonlight streamed through the windows letting me know he clearly wanted to keep me separated from that aspect of his
life. My room was above ground, far away from his. That was probably for the best, I thought.

Just the idea of a feeder lying beside him all morning had tears prickling my eyes. It also reminded me of our conversation in the limo. He practically admitted to not being abstinent while we were apart. I couldn't really blame him. He did believe I had left him
, but still one thing that I had always felt fulfilled by was that we would be each other's first. I knew it wasn't possible anymore and it hurt.

Sighing I
looked up at him. I had to put thoughts of him with other women of out of my mind. The most important thing was that he was alive and we were finally together again.

"It's lovely,
" I finally whispered. His shoulders sagged in visible relief.

"Good. W
ell, I'm going to let you get some rest and I will see you later."

He leaned
down and kissing me briefly on the forehead. I was baffled. He was leaving me alone? We had not seen each other in five years. I would have thought we would spend a lot of time together getting to know each other again.

When I continued to look blankly at him he began shifting his eyes around the room looking everywhere but at me. He looked extremely uncomfortable making me completely confused.

"I, uh, have some things to do," He said finally.

His gaze landed on mine and it was
as if a light bulb went off. I could actually see hunger burning in his baby blues. The look was so close to desire I found myself looking away. The jealousy was killing me, but I forced a nod, showing acceptance.

He quickly kissed my head again and left. I could tell he was in a hurry and I began to feel guilty. If I fed him he could have stayed
, but I just couldn't yet. I began to wonder if I ever would get over my phobia or if it would become the norm. I was beginning to understand the pain both of us would endure if I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to put it aside and sleep.
Luckily, the emotional turmoil I had been through the last few hours was enough to exhaust me and I slept fitfully.

I woke up alone
as I had every day for the past five years, and I felt lonelier ever before. I had hoped Drake would have come back to me, but that was stupid thinking. I looked over at the beautiful sheer curtains letting the afternoon sunlight drift in and knew that was stupid thinking.  He could not stay in this room. It was bad for his health. I thought I was never going to get used to him being a vampire.

Another thought popped in my head and it saddened me. I wondered if he could still change into a wolf. I missed running with him. We would run along the great rivers around this area, splashing and having fun. He would find the biggest rock and climb to the top then jump off just to see how far he could go. I guess
ed even if he could shift into wolf form going out for morning runs was out.

I sighed and rolled over to face the door wonder
ing what I was supposed to do. I used to live in this house, but it seemed different. I wasn't sure where to go or who to talk to. Was I supposed to wait for Drake to come to me?

I missed him so much I could still smell him. I breathed deep letting his scent wash over me. Closing my eyes
, I moaned at the thoughts that were trying to invade my mind. His arms wrapped around me and his kisses covered my lips. My own lips parted thinking about his teeth nibbling and his tongue searching.

I began picture him slipping his hand beneath my shirt to caress my breast. I wasn't wearing a bra because I took it off before falling asleep. My own fingers glided over my nipple still cover
ed with a cotton t-shirt. They hardened into tight peaks and I moaned again a little louder. I rubbed my naked thighs together for I had taken off my Jeans that morning also.

I imagined Drake's hands skimming over my body
and down my stomach. I found my hand was following the path of my imagination until I reach the cotton-covered apex. My finger ran over myself making me groan and spread my thighs wider.

I heard an answering groan and startled. My eyes flew open looking straight at him.
Drake was sitting in a chair situated in a darkened corner of the room. His blue eyes were almost glowing in the shadows. I gasped and removed my hands from my body.

"Don't stop,
" He said breathlessly.

I blushed and shook my head. I felt awkward and embarrassed. He stood up and started toward
s me, but stopped at the ray of sunlight that was trailing across the room separating us. I felt ridiculously cheated and angry at that sunlight.


That word came out of his mouth husky and full of desire. I knew the beam of sunlight would not kill him, but it would hurt and weaken him. I also knew he wanted us to play this game. He wanted to watch me. I pushed the covers as my gaze stayed locked with his and I surprised myself when my hands began their journey again.

My palms rested on the swell of my breast and slowly moved down
, rubbing circles over my nipples. They were still hard and I arched back a little in pleasure, never taking my gaze away from Drake. I again slid my hands down my torso and stomach until I reached the apex of my thighs. As I gently slid over the cotton, I could feel myself become wet with need.

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