Sebastian: The Complete Series (7 page)

BOOK: Sebastian: The Complete Series
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“I was supposed to tease you, right?”

“Fuck teasing. Just get your cock in me and give me what I need.”

“Okay.” I laughed as I lifted off him and slipped the plug from his arse, replacing it with three of my fingers and working him into a shuddering wreck beneath me.

“Seb… please.”

I was already rolling the condom on, swapping my fingers for my aching cock. He had me worked up and ready to fuck.

It wasn’t slow or soft. It was sex. Just hard, fast, no work up, no words just grunts and groans as I gave him my cock, my fist wrapped around his as I took him over the edge and watched him shoot all over his chest for me.

“Knees!” I pulled out and twisted him over, quickly getting my cock back in his arse, and fucking him until I was crying out his name as I came hard. It hadn’t taken long, I'd been too ready for it to end and so had he. Which made me think he'd not had sex like that in a while. “Thanks for teaching me sooo much, Harry. It was awesome.”


“Hey, I know the names of both my parents, thank you very much.” I slipped from his arse and removed the condom before going to the bathroom where I flushed the condom down the toilet and washed myself down. I took in a damp cloth for him and dropped it over his face. “Don’t say I'm not romantic.”

“Oh, no. Never.” He was smiling at me as he washed his stomach and cock. “So,” he breathed out loudly as I slumped next to him and switched the TV on. “That was nice.”

“Yep. Thanks.” I could feel him rolling his eyes as I laughed.

“That was unprofessional.”

“It was just a quick fuck. Get over it. Can't we do that anymore or something?”

“Not really.” He sat up and ran his fingers through his messy, just fucked hair and smiled at me. “We’re not supposed to mess around like this together. Shit happens and it leaves a bad feeling.”

“I'm not expecting you to become my boyfriend or anything.”

“That won't happen again.”

“Yeah, you say that now, but…” He smiled as I winked playfully. “No, seriously. It’s cool if this is the only time. Thanks. I enjoyed it.”

“It’s good you can top. You're fantastic at it too. You’ll be doing both, so it’s important you can get hard and fuck the clients if that's what they want.”

“Yeah, but it was easy with you. I wanted it.”

“At first you didn’t. Then you just got into it. That's how it will be with others. And if you think you'll struggle, there are things to help you get hard. Harriot will give you some. Just be careful how much you take, you can get too used to them if you know what I mean.”

“Do you mean Viagra?”

“Yeah, that and some other stuff too. I take them with one regular guy I see because he's just not my type. There's nothing wrong with him. He's a big teddy bear. Actually, he looks like a big bear.” Harry laughed hard. “Really hairy and thickly built. He likes me to fuck him hard while I call him lots of dirty names. He likes it to last for ages too. The first time, I struggled a bit, had to close my eyes while I bent him over and thought of something to turn me on.”

“Okay.” I chuckled at him then leaned over and kissed him softly. “Thanks.”

“It’s okay.” He pushed me away and got up. “No kissing the clients like that. It’s too personal. I don’t kiss the men I'm with ever. That's why I got a little lost when you kissed me like that.”

“I like kissing.”

“Yeah, me too, dick head, but it’s… I don’t know. Unless they ask for it specifically, then don’t do it.”

“Sucking someone’s cock is more personal than a kiss. I kiss loads of people on a night out. I'm all over everyone who I bump into.”

“Then it won't be an issue for you, not right now anyway.” He looked a little smug then turned around and went into the kitchen. “You'll get tired of giving everything you have away. You'll want to keep something special for the real relationships you have. I know men who won't get fucked because they only do it with their boyfriends. Which is stupid, don’t do it. You get more money for taking it up the arse than you do for topping.”

“Yeah, I heard. So, you can have boyfriends as well as fitting all the clients in?”

“I don’t. But I'm not looking for anyone. It can work. Some men it turns them on. You know Jack?” I nodded. “He's got a partner, been seeing him for about three years. He loves Jack coming home after he's seen someone else, fucks him as Jack tells him all about the men he's been with. Turns them both on. Not for me though.”

“Depends. If the guy was that into it though, it would turn me off. Like he was with me for the sex only, not anything else.”

“Yeah, me too. But Jack says they love each other, so… Who knows?” He was walking back in with a tray. I looked at it as he laid it at my feet and knelt in a well-practised way.

“Fruit? Don’t you have something else to eat?”

“We’re not eating it, well, not yet. I'm going to show you some food play. It’s erotic and it teases a lot. Not every client wants full sex. They want something more, something longer lasting. It can take hours to satisfy someone like that. You have to think on your feet sometimes too if they haven't got everything you need. When you get a good client, they’ll prepare everything they want for you and have it to hand. Sometimes it just happens and you have to think outside the box.”

He pushed my knees apart and slid in between them. He was different now, he wasn’t the same man who I'd looked down on while we were fucking; this was his professional side and I went with it.

“You're not going to put any of those inside me, are you?”

“No.” He shook his head a little. “You could do, if they wanted you to. Remember, this is their fantasy and you're there to help satisfy that. Do a good job and they’ll come back, don’t give them exactly what they need, and they’ll find someone who can. Getting repeat business is the bread and butter of this job. You need at least five or six regulars on top of the newbies you'll see. To a lot of men, it’s something they’ll do only a couple of times a year. Those are the hardest to please because they’ve planned out the night exactly and you have to make sure they get what they want. Repeats, you get to know them, get to know what they like. It’s like a relationship, but… not.” Harry massaged my thighs, smiling sexily at me as he began his routine. I was too busy watching him, trying to remember how he moved, how he looked, memorizing every bit of information for later.

When he ran the cool tip of something wet over my thigh, I jumped and he chuckled. “What’s that?”



“Seedless. That’s important.”

“Right.” I groaned a little as he slid it up to my cock and over it. “Right.” I moaned as he flicked his tongue over my head, sucking the juice from it. “Jesus Christ.”

“Hmmm. You don’t get teased often, do you?”

“No.” That time I groaned loudly for him as the cool melon slid over my balls. “I just like to fuck and leave.”

“This escort service is your true calling.” He grinned up at me then ran his thumb over my slit and I dropped my head back and just enjoyed it.

“Watch what I'm doing. You're supposed to be learning.”

“I am.” I closed my eyes and slipped my fingers into his hair, pulling his mouth against my cock.

“Sebastian. No!”

I groaned in frustration but started to behave. This was more of a lesson in restraint rather than food. I was totally over the whole thing half an hour later. I was hard and dripping—my body was sticky and messy and I was breathing hard, watching as he used his mouth to tease my balls, gently skimming his finger over my hole.

“Harry…” I broke off as he sucked me into his throat. “I'm going to come soon.”

He removed his mouth and smiled. “You’ve done good.” He sat back and nodded to my cock. “Come then.”

“What? You got me this hard and now I have to sort myself out?”

“Yep. You can do it here, with me.” He pulled his own cock, moaning as he worked his head in his fist. “Or you can do it in the shower alone.”

Just watching his fist pumping over his cock made my own leak more. I wrapped both of my hands around my length and fucked into them, watching his legs open wider and his finger reaching for his hole.

“Fuck! That's hot.”

“Yeah.” Harry threw his head back and came hard.

I quickly followed him, coming all over my stomach and thighs and calling out as my overdue orgasm ripped through me. It felt so good after waiting so long.

Harry looked gorgeous, and there was a part of me which wanted to lift him up and drag him into the shower with me and fuck him against the wall, but he caught my look and shook his head. “This lesson is over. Go shower first, but be quick. I need one too.”

“We could share.” I grinned at his frown. “Fine! Okay. I get it.”


y new hairstyle was bothering me, but Tony and Bruce, my housemates, thought I looked classy. Less blond and a shorter cut made me look different, but the same too. I was still me, just… more up market I supposed.

It was done at this expensive place which Harriot sent all her escorts to. Her and the owner had some sort of deal and she got all of our appointments cheaper, which pissed me off because she was probably getting deals all over the place, but taking full cost off our earnings. It was still far above what I would ever pay to get my hair styled though, so I kept my mouth clamped shut and just dealt with it.

My clothes were back from the tailor and they fitted like a second skin. They enhanced every asset I had, especially my arse, which looked awesome. Me and Harry went together and he chose them because I wanted bright, more
stuff and he chose less me, but still to my taste.

They suited me and felt amazing on my skin. I'd never worn anything so expensive before. It gave me confidence and that was the whole point. It also didn’t scream whore which apparently the clothes I chose did. It made me think back to Robert again and why he chose me. I obviously looked the part. I wondered if he would pick me up now if he saw me and then fisted my hands together and swore quietly. Why couldn't I forget about him?

He was the one who started me on this journey and I struggled to not think of him because of it. Every time I saw my reflection, saw the nice suit and the good hairstyle, every time I ran my manicured fingers over my exfoliated skin, I saw him.

I was better looking and more toned since he last laid his eyes on me. Harry and a few other escorts dragged me to the gym as soon as I joined up where I was introduced to the treadmill and to yoga. Stamina and stretching were important for the job, so they told me. I was fitter than I had ever been and ready to go on my first date with a client.

My education suffered a lot that first month. The training was hard and it took more of my time up than I thought, but now it was over, I was spending more time catching up and my grades reflected that.

It was a Saturday night, a rainy one, and it was an evening where I wanted to lay in bed with my mp3 player and read, but that night was my first date night and I had to leave the house. The agency paid drivers to take us to our dates if they were needed and my client had a hotel thirty minutes outside of Leeds, a really good one which you drove past and got snotty looks from the guy standing outside. I already felt like I shouldn’t be in there. I was just getting into the sleek Mercedes outside my shitty house, which stood out like a joint of beef at a vegetarian dinner, and felt my stomach turn.

To keep me calm, I went over the sheet of paper Harriot gave me which listed the clients name and details. He was called Anthony and he was a repeat user of the escorts at Secret Pleasures. He wasn’t interested in a regular and was a guy they tested out new ones on. He enjoyed being their first apparently and he was sweet. He looked nice too, which is another reason they chose him. Having some Neanderthal for your first time would be off putting and this was all about easing me into the job, not scaring me off. This guy was slim built and looked like a lot of other men, nothing really stood out except his eyes. They looked a little cold, but that was probably the cool blue colour.

He didn’t want anything funny, just a date with dinner in his room followed by foreplay. He didn’t want full sex, another great first time experience. By the time we pulled up outside the hotel, I was a lot calmer, and the driver told me repeatedly to call him if I needed anything because he would be close by. They didn’t usually do that unless it was a first time client, so I felt looked after and secure knowing he was a call away. The guy was six foot four and built like a rugby player—no one would mess with him if he showed up. He watched me enter the hotel then parked up and I took a deep breath and made my way to the bar where I was meeting Anthony.

I spotted him sitting at a table in the middle of the room, looking relaxed and drinking a glass of red wine. He was smartly dressed in grey pants and a thin sweater. He looked a little older than the picture, more grey in his dark blond hair and a few more wrinkles around his eyes, but then he'd been seeing escorts for a while and it was probably an old picture. I walked as relaxed as I could, attempting to look professional, but still like I fitted into the whole meeting a friend for drinks scene.

“Anthony.” I held my hand out and he turned to look at me standing beside him. “I'm Sebastian.”

“Good Evening.” He stood and kissed my cheek. “You're even lovelier than your picture.” He gave me a long look up and down and I smiled more. “Very lovely, Sebastian. Please, take a seat. Would you like a drink before we go upstairs?”

A drink sounded great and it would help me get to know him before we went upstairs. “That sounds great.” I wasn’t supposed to drink more than one glass of wine, so I ordered a small glass of white.

“This is your first time?” He smiled softly at me over his wine glass and I nodded, not totally happy he knew that bit of information. “I like first timers.”

“So I heard.”

“Oh, what else have you heard?”

“All good things, Anthony.”

He noticed my sexy smirk and tilted his head and nodded. “That's nice to know. I've heard good things about you too. So far, you're meeting my expectations. You’re everything I desire in a man. You’re perfect.”

“No one’s perfect. Especially not me. You should see me in the morning.” I gave him my cheekiest grin and he burst out laughing.

“Now that's new. I like that. Honesty. Very good. And hopefully I will see you first thing in the morning one day.”

The waiter turned up and we let him settle my glass in front of me and walk off before we talked again.

“If I'm too honest… too unprofessional, you'll make sure I know, right?”

“I'm sure you'll be fine, Sebastian. I like you. You're like a breath of fresh air. This is why I love meeting new escorts. I get to see a little bit of the real person before it’s hidden away for good, leaving just a blank piece of paper where I can draw what I want or need. Don’t lose too much of the real you. It helps to actually feel like I'm getting
, not just… a Stepford wife of an escort.”

“Stepford wife?”

“Right, too young for that one. You're nineteen?”


“I like younger men in my bed.”

“Good, because I like older men in mine.”

He laughed loudly then reached over and took my hand in his. “I like you a lot. Let’s go. I'm hungry and I have dinner booked to arrive in my room in ten minutes. You can bring the wine, or I have champagne upstairs.”

“Well, in that case.” I left my wine and stood up. “Let’s get going.”

We shared the lift up to his floor with another couple, so we didn’t talk but he watched me carefully, taking in my body as we stood opposite each other. He was obviously appreciating me and it made me relax even more. At least he liked what he saw.

He slipped his arm around my waist as we walked to his room. “I ordered for you. Your details listed you liked meat, so I asked for steaks. I hope you'll like them. They’re quite well cooked from here.”

“I'm actually really hungry and steak sounds good.”

He opened the door, ushering me in and locking the door. “Take a seat and I’ll pour us a drink.”

While we waited for the food, I made sure to follow my instructions and give him my undivided attention, being nice and flirty, touching him a lot. I liked he got turned on and he had a visible semi when the food arrived, so I got up to answer the door while he gave instructions on where it should go.

The meal was a new one for me. I don’t think I had even been on a real date before. I never dated. I never took people for meals. The closest I came to it was grabbing a take away while we waited in the taxi queue to take the guy home. The food was amazing and he was interested in talking about me and how I got into the service. I knew not to give anything too personal away, like where I lived, worked, school, that sort of thing, but he made me at ease and I slipped up a few times. Mentioned I went to Leeds University and lived not far from it in a shared house.

“So, what do you do, Anthony?”

“I'm a pathologist.” He happened to say it just as he sliced through his rare cooked steak and a small amount of blood ran out, making me turn away.


“It is.” He smiled at me then slipped his steak into his mouth.

“Dealing with death so much must be difficult.”

“Not at all. I have issues with the living.” He laughed and drank his champagne. “The dead don’t complain. I could never be a physician. I dislike people most of the time. I like peace and quiet.”

“Well, you'll get plenty of quiet doing what you do.”

“Hmmm. If it bothers you…” I felt a little sick and he smiled. “Not a great conversation for dinner.”

“No, but it’s what you do and you should be proud of it. It’s just, I've never met anyone who… Maybe I have. Who knows?”

We were nearly finished with the meal and he poured me another glass of champagne, which I reminded myself not to drink, then he cleared his throat. “It’s been explained what I like?”

“Yes.” I decided to have the second glass at that point. “I know what you like.”

“Good.” He stood up and offered me his hand. “I’d like you to shower then lie on the bed for me while I take mine.”

I nodded then he showed me to the bathroom and left me alone. I rushed through it because I was already clean, but seeing me fresh out of the shower was something he needed. I didn’t wash my hair, but everything else was sparkling when I got out. I dried off, then met him in the bedroom. He was naked and drinking another glass of champagne. He had a really good lean body, he worked out—maybe just running or something, but he looked after himself.

“I won't be long. Relax. Your money is on the side. Please take it and put it away.”

I did as he asked, quickly checking the amount, then lay on the bed. It gave me time to look at the room and think back to the last hotel room I was in… with Robert. This one was nicer, plusher, but I wished I was back in the small room at the Hilton. Part of me wanted it to be Robert in the shower—a stupid part of me, obviously.

It had been over a month now, almost five weeks, and that one night still played around in my brain on a constant loop. I could smell him sometimes, that's how strong the memory was. In time, it would go away, just like he did. Gone, never to be seen again.

“You look lovely.” Anthony startled me and I opened my eyes to see him standing beside the bed, his cock half hard and a bottle of lube in his hands. “Such long, slim legs.” He ran his palm over my thigh and I fought hard to stay calm. “I'm nice, Sebastian.”

“I know… I'm sorry.”

“I felt you tense as soon as I touched you. Tonight is about me enjoying you, and you enjoying me. I don’t like penetrative sex. I like to touch, to caress, to feel your heart beating and see your blood pumping through your veins. I want to hear you moan for me as I make you come.”

He was beside me now, kissing my chest. His delicate fingers worked over every inch of me. Slowly his touch became stronger as I relaxed, and he knew when to take me to the next level. He was a definite great first timer.

“Lie on your side and press your cock against me.” I moved as he wanted and he lifted my leg onto his hip. “Perfect.”

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