Sebastian: The Complete Series (5 page)

BOOK: Sebastian: The Complete Series
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hile I waited for breakfast, I watched morning TV, rolling my eyes at the couple having a shouting match about her having an affair with the husband’s dad. I thought about Robert and his suggestion about joining the agency.

If I could earn money like he’d paid me, it would clear a lot of my student debts off before I even left university. My parents weren’t able to pay anything towards the fees, so I’d always worked two jobs along with doing my studies, but it was beginning to affect my grades and I knew I could do better if I wasn’t so tired or rushing to work. I could do less and earn more.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew a lot of clients would be nothing like Robert, and I tried to imagine what it would be like to blow someone who was ugly or smelly, but then I thought about what he’d told me about the agency and I began to ignore those images.

When he came back, he placed a wad of cash on the dresser and slumped beside me on the bed while I stared at the money. All that for one amazing night. A night I would have gladly given away for free.

“Thank you.” I smiled at him, feeling suddenly shy.

“Thank you.” Robert leaned over and kissed my shoulder, running his tongue over his teeth marks and turning my mind into jelly again. The knock at the door made us both jump. “Thank God. I'm starving. You made me work up quite the appetite.”

He took the tray of food from the porter, and we sat at the small table where two full fried breakfasts with loads of toast and tea were revealed to me.

“Just what the doctor ordered.” I grinned at Robert and he rolled his eyes. “Hey, you had to give me at least one.” The smell of bacon reminded my stomach it hadn’t seen food since breakfast time the day before, and it rumbled embarrassingly. “Sorry.” I shoved a piece of sausage in my mouth and moaned.

“Keep moaning like that and you won't get to finish.”

“I need to eat before you do anything else with me. My stomach thinks my throat’s been slit.”

Robert sliced his meat up precisely and delicately, and I smiled a little seeing those big fingers doing something so tender. “When did you last eat?”

“Breakfast yesterday.”

He frowned. “Why? Did you have a large one and not feel hungry?”

“A large one.” I chuckled and he didn’t. “No, some toast. I don’t have time to cook like this in the morning. Too busy. I had an early appointment then went to bed for a few hours before I started my shift last night. It was so quiet, I should have eaten, but I just didn’t get time what with the all the women groping me.” I shuddered a little. I was so glad I didn’t have to go back there.

“You take women as clients too?” Robert opened his eyes wider, his fork hovering near his lips.

“What?” I almost choked on my toast. “God no, I didn’t
them to touch me. They just don’t know how to take no for an answer when they’re drunk.”


I smiled. “Hen night. Loads of women celebrating their friend’s last night of freedom and they choose a gay boy to come on to.” I snorted a little and he smiled. “Anyway, I’m not working there anymore. I hated it. I had this real bitch for a boss who seriously thought I was some kind of slave or something. She needs a good fuck to loosen her up or something. She hated me, don’t know why. Maybe because I'm gay or something and was always complaining about being touched up by the women in there when I didn’t want it to happen, like she thought I should just allow it to happen and be happy about it.”

Robert sat there in silence, taking everything in. I was too busy stuffing my face to think too hard about it, and I was too tired to realise I'd let him think I worked for some horrible brothel where I'd been abused or something. Anyway, I ate like a horse and felt too full when my plate was empty.

It was ten a.m. by that time, and I remembered we had to be out of the hotel room by ten thirty. Robert was dressing in another sexy suit as I pulled on my jeans and shirt.

I looked at the pile of cash and saw a note on top of it. It was the name of the agency.
Secret Pleasures Escort Agency
. He’d written the number and the address for me too. “Thanks for this.”

“No problem.” He fastened his tie with a smile. “I asked my friend more about it. They sound pretty professional. All the clients have to give their details and fill in a few forms about themselves. They take credit cards, so they have traceability about who you’ll be seeing.”

"Sounds good.”

“Better than the place you were working at?” He didn’t sound too sure.

“Huh? Oh God, yeah.” I shoved the cash and the note in my pocket. “I guess you'll be busy doing surgeon things today.”

“Yes.” He smiled widely at me. “What are your plans for the day?”

“I have to get home, get changed—Shit, I have to get my car sorted. It got clamped last night.” I bit my lip, trying to think if I should go back and use some of the money Robert had given me and get the car back, or if I should pay some of the bills for the house. “I have university too in three hours.”

“Busy day.”

“They all are.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I suppose I shouldn’t complain. You’ll work three times harder than I do and in a much more important role. You help people, I just…” I stopped talking and laughed. “I was going to say fuck around.”

Robert smiled softly and offered me his hand, which freaked me out considering what we’d just been up to, but I took it and held it tightly. “It was nice meeting you, Sebastian. Thank you for last night… and this morning.”

“Thank you.”

This part of the whole experience between us suddenly felt off, and I blushed a little when I thought about what we’d done and how we would never do it again. “Well, have a good day and a good trip back down south when you leave.”

“Thank you. Keep safe, Sebastian.” He frowned a little, and I leaned up and kissed those deliciously full lips one last time.

It ended up being too hot for us both when I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we both groaned before I pulled away quickly. “I have to go. I’ll see you around, maybe.”

“Good bye.”

I threw one last big smile over my shoulder as I walked out.

He quickly closed the door and I took off as fast as I could down the hallway and found the lift. I felt excited and upset at the same time. I was worried about how I felt about the whole experience, but it was what it was.

One hot night and nothing more.

I’d had tons of one night stands, well, not tons, but more than enough, and none of them had lingered in my memory for longer than a day. Robert would just be one of those.

I stepped into the lift and leaned against the wall, feeling the thick wad of cash in my back pocket. I decided I was going to need the car more than the electricity bill. We could pay a bit and put them off, but I needed the car.

As soon as I got outside the Hilton, I took in a deep breath, pulling my mobile out and calling my house mate and best friend Tony up so I could tell him everything as I walked back to the train station to sort out my car.

Tony thought I was insane, but when I mentioned just how much I got paid, he changed his mind and was all uber happy about it. He googled the agency and read out loads of information to me as I rushed around Leeds city centre, dodging the people in my way and trying to take in what he was telling me.

Everything sounded good, and I knew I was going to call them as soon as I got home because I’d be stupid to turn an offer like that down. It wasn’t set in stone, they could just turn around and tell me to piss off, but if I didn’t try then I would never know.

When I arrived at the car parking lot where I’d parked, I got rid of Tony and called the company up to pay the fine and organise them to come round and remove the clamp from my tyre. I went into the train station and got a coffee from Starbucks while I waited, and researched some information for a paper I needed to write that afternoon.

Half an hour later and I was back in my beat up old Micra and on my way home, still thinking about all of the crap I needed to do.

After I got home, and after I’d gone through the entire night with both Tony and Bruce Lee, I ploughed through my paper and had a sandwich before I got dressed for university. It was then I took out the number for Secret Pleasures and just stared at it. I’d applied for loads of jobs over the phone, so I decided to just act like this was your every day job and not me becoming a rent boy.

I sat on the edge of my bed and dialled the number up, taking a big breath before a posh lady answered the phone, sounding more like a corporate company secretary then some escort service.

“Good afternoon, I was passed on your details through a client of yours who thought I may fit in with your agency. I wondered if you’d be interested in meeting me.”

The lady tapped loudly on her keyboard then came back to me. “We are taking on new escorts right now. We have an opening for an interview at nine tonight if you’re interested. The madam will be able to see you herself. What’s your name, sweetie?”


“Uh huh, and the rest? It’s all confidential, honey.”

“Sebastian Knight.”

“Really? What a great name.”

I grinned down the phone. “I know, right? Sounds like some sort of secret agent. I love it.”

“No one will believe that’s your real name.” She laughed softly. “Okay, Sebastian Knight. You have our address?”

“Yep. Do I need to bring anything with me?”

“Bring your usual details. National Insurance number, proof of address, that sort of thing. Oh, and you sound young, sweetie. Bring in your birth certificate too. We have to be sure everyone here is of age.”

“I will do. Thanks for your help.”

“No problem, honey pie.”

After the call, I felt much better and more confident about this new adventure. I couldn't wait to find out more and I quickly wrote down some questions I wanted answers to then dashed off to Uni.

As I fell into the car, I grimaced when I felt a shot of pain in my arse, then smiled to myself remembering Robert and what we got up to. I wondered if that was his real name. I wanted to see him again. I liked him, trusted him. It would be easy to just have him as a client because I enjoyed him so much.

It made me excited to think of all the new experiences I could have. Sex was something I enjoyed, and I had plenty of it, so being paid for it didn’t seem to be that big of a deal. It was the fact I wouldn’t get to choose who I would be which bothered me.

I wondered how many other nights like this I would remember on my journey into the unknown.


ecret Pleasures Escort Agency was like any other building on the outside, all glass and steel—very modern looking. I don’t know what I expected to see when I pulled up, but it wasn’t that at all.

My day dragged, even the time at university where I usually lost myself in historical myths and legends. I couldn't wait to get out and go home where I could change clothes and prepare myself to meet my possible new employers.

By the time I arrived at the building, I was nervous and rethinking my idea. It seemed unreal I was even considering this as a possible career. I mean, honestly, have you ever met an escort? Ever heard of anyone who did it? Nope. I hadn’t at that point either.

Standing outside and mulling over my options, I watched the door from across the street carefully. It was a big building—they obviously just rented a floor or part of a floor, because no way would this all belong to an escort agency. Surely the demand for paid sex wasn’t this popular. How could it be when I’d not heard of anyone doing it before?

It was nearly nine p.m., and as I was getting ready to walk across the road and make my way inside, I saw a group of good-looking, well-dressed young men walk out of the building. They were laughing and obviously good friends. Could they work for the agency? I wanted to ask them loads of questions, but if I was wrong, then I would’ve embarrassed myself and maybe them. So I just watched them make their way down the street.

When they’d gone from my view, my head cleared and I ran across the road into the building. I was afraid if I stopped, I would just walk past and never think about this again.

The security guard gave me a strange look as I slid to a halt in front of him. Quickly giving him my cheekiest grin, I walked calmly up to him and leaned against the chest high partition which surrounded him.

“Hi. I’m looking for…” I looked around, and when I saw it was clear, I lowered my voice so only he could hear me. “Secret Pleasures.”

He nodded his head to the lift. “Fifth floor. The receptionist will help you when you arrive.”

“Thank you.”

The lift was close by and I hurried into it. I hated being late, and I’d spent too much time thinking about going in and made myself late by five minutes. The doors pinged open and I stepped out seeing two glass doors on either side of the large lobby. There was a smart silver sign next to one of them, and the fancy scroll it was written in made me choose that door. I was right. I was there.

A long breath escaped my lips as I stood straighter and walked in. There was a pretty brunette sitting behind a classy, black marble desk. She lowered her glasses to the tip of her nose and smiled warmly at me. “Sebastian Knight?”

“That's me. Sorry I'm late.” I took another breath as she leaned over and stroked my hand softly.

“It’s okay, honey. I understand you're nervous, but you don’t have to be. Just take a seat. Madam is still talking to the earlier candidate.”

“Is that what I should call her? Madam?”

“Madam Harriot, and I'm Suzie. We spoke earlier on the phone.”

"Oh yeah.” I grinned at her and she chuckled.

“I like you, Mr Knight.” She gave me a long look, checking out every inch of me. “I think Madam will like you too. She’s been looking for someone like you for a while. Ever since Dominque retired.”


“Hmm.” She reached under her desk and pulled out a portfolio photograph, like what a model would use.

“Wow.” I took the photo and looked carefully at him. He was stunning. He had a cheeky smile like me, with deep brown eyes whereas mine are lighter. His hair was dark chocolate colour where mine is light brown and highlighted to an inch if its life. I could see similarities, but I didn’t consider myself anywhere near his league. “I don’t think I’ll fill his shoes. He's amazing looking.”

Suzie glanced up and down me again and chuckled. “You too, honey pie. Slap a thousand pound suit on you and give you a two hundred pound haircut, you’ll be amazed with the difference. Small things are easy to sort out. You have good bones, baby. You could slice ham with those cheekbones. You have that nice, slim, toned look which is popular right now, but you don’t look thin like a lot of the men out there. They force it—it’s natural with you.”

I was still reeling about the cost of the suit. “I won’t be able to afford a suit or a haircut like that.” I looked hesitantly at the door, thinking about making an escape. She took my hand again and smiled.

“That would be covered by us if we took you on. You get expenses. It’s all in the cost of your date. We take a little out to cover everything, but it’s very reasonable considering what you get in return for it. Madam will explain in more detail if she takes you on.” Suzie paused a little then leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. “You're new to this, aren’t you, sugar?”

“Yep. Well, sort of. I had one date and he told me about you.”

“You get his name?”

“He doesn’t come here. He said it was a friend of his.”

She laughed loudly. “Oh, sugar, that’s what they all say. Trust me, if he’s heard of us, he’s used us. Maybe he was hoping to get you on the books so he could use you more often. That would be good for you if he’s a high spender. What name did he give you?”

I frowned a little, not wanting Robert to have lied to me. “He said he was called Robert. I didn’t get a surname. He said he was a surgeon down here from London.”

“Hmm, we do have a few surgeons, consultants, that type of thing. Robert’s not that uncommon. What did he look like?”

I drifted off thinking about Robert. Remembering how good he looked made me break out in a cold sweat. “He was amazing looking.” I copied her pose and smiled at her. “Really good-looking, great body.” I whistled slowly. “He had these amazing brown eyes and these cute dimples when he smiled—”

“Okay, I'm going to stop you right there. Let me give you some advice, sugar plum. Even if this guy
on our lists, I wouldn’t let you date him because you’ve obviously fallen for him.”

“I have not.” She was starting to bug me and I was too snappy when I replied.

“Erm, yes you have. It happens all the time with newbies. Trust me, he’s not interested in keeping you as a boyfriend. He got what he wanted and let you go. Seeing someone who you have feelings for—”

sugar plum
. I don’t have feelings for him.” I could sense one of my bitch fits coming on. “I'm not looking for a rich man to sweep me off my feet. I'm not even looking for a boyfriend outside of this. I'm just looking for something which I can enjoy and earn a lot more money than I am right now. It’s a job to me, nothing more. Yeah, I liked the guy,
, like you said, he’s not in love with me or anything like that. It was just sex. Amazing, mind-melting, teeth-clenching, sheet-ripping sex.”

She laughed with me then shook her head. “Right. The good ones like him are always popular. Anyone who can make you come hard and leave you begging for more will always be at the top on anyone’s list.”

Right then we heard voices behind us and Suzie stood up, straightening her smart black suit before folding her hands in front of her. I turned and watched a very elegant, dark-haired woman walk towards us. Her arm was wrapped around a very cute blond who was my age. “Thank you for coming, Stephen. I’ll be in touch tomorrow. It was lovely to see you again. Say hello to Theresa.”

“I will do. Not that she’ll be happy to hear from you.”

“Hmm, no. Not with me thinking about taking you on anyway.” Madam Harriot waved him off then turned to look at me.

Like Suzie did, she appraised me quietly. She even walked around me, shifting my jacket to the side so she could check out my arse.

“Sebastian Knight, I'm Madam Harriot. It’s nice to meet you.” She offered her delicate hand and I shook it gently. She was beautiful. Very Russian ballerina—slim and petite, looked like she would break in half if she sneezed. “You're lovely.” She tilted my chin up as she slipped on a pair of glasses, looking closely at my skin and eyes. “Very nice eyes. So blue. Very unusual.” She tilted my chin the other way and nodded. “Well, I like you. You're what I've been looking for. Let’s go talk in my office. You're obviously new to this, and I need to make things very clear to new starters like you so I don’t get burned when you pack this in after three months leaving me with a huge debt.”

“Okay. I’d like to know more so I can make my decision.”

She smiled, then linked her arm through mine and led me to her office at the end of a long corridor. Her office was just like any other high profile manager’s office and she settled me down in a comfy chair and poured me a glass of cold water.

“We don’t drink alcohol while we’re working. That’s one of the rules. One of many. All of them are there to help you and to keep this agency looking professional.” She sat behind her desk and crossed her legs. “What do you think this agency does?”

I smiled widely at her and she tilted her head. “You set men up with other men for sex.”

“Well, first of all, we don’t just set men up with men. We offer every kind of pairing. Male, female. Male, male. Female, female. Then of course, we have our speciality escorts, you’d know them best as ladyboys, pre-op transsexuals.” She smiled at me and I snapped my mouth shut. “Clients can also have one of each on the same date. We have a good selection of bisexual men and women on our lists and we try to cater to every desire a person could have. We have every type of person here—every nationality, colour. You name it, we can find a person for you.”

“Okay.” I played with my fingertips and thought about everything. “So, you need me to fill a certain space? Dominque’s space?”

Her eyebrow lifted in surprise. “Suzie talks too much. You wouldn’t be filling his position, because
no one
could do that, and you wouldn’t be taking over his clients, not unless they request you. You’re the same type as him, and that’s what I need right now.”

“I'd only be paired with men, right?”

“You could be requested to double date a client with a female escort. You wouldn’t be expected to do anything with her, but you would satisfy the client together.”

“Right.” I nodded. “I'd be okay with that. I just don’t… I can't be with women.”

“I understand, Sebastian. We would never ask you to do anything which you were unable or unwilling to do. That's why we have such an extensive questionnaire for our staff. We want to make sure we match clients with the best possible escort. You'll understand more when you fill it in.” Madam sat still, watching me as I tried to remember all the questions I wanted to ask but had forgotten as soon as I got in there. “Would you like to know about the fees we would charge and the percentage you would get?”

“Yes.” Of course, money. I need to know that.

“We have a sliding scale, so the longer you're here, the more you get paid. We also pay more for your skill set. The more you are able to do, or willing to do, the more you will be booked and the more you will get paid. These are all listed in the contract and the personal preferences questionnaire I will give to you. When you first read them, you'll mainly tick no to them, but in a few weeks and after settling in, you'll rethink those and change some of them. It’s quite normal to upgrade your skills and tastes as you become more comfortable with us and your role.”

“So, I'm seeing this as I start off at the basic level. No kinky stuff, just male on male, easy peasy.”

“Yes.” She laughed softly. “We’d ease you in gently. Not many dates, with clients we know and who would be willing to help settle you in.”


She slid over a large folder. “This has everything in it which you would need—including the basic fees. These don’t apply to everyone, but to trainees they would.”

I opened the file and found the client price list and gaped a little as I read through them. “People would pay this much for a weekend with me?”

“Well, yes, but bear in mind, those prices would be reduced slightly for you. We take thirty five percent of everything you earn, but we also make sure you look and act the part before you go on a live date. That costs money. On you, not so much, on others, if we spend more, we take back more. I don’t see you being any higher than thirty five.”

“Well, that's good.”

“Indeed.” She smiled again. “I already know I want you, Sebastian. Do you think you would like to sign with me?”

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