Sebastian: The Complete Series (6 page)

BOOK: Sebastian: The Complete Series
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“I’d like to read through these first, but yes. Based on what you’ve told me, I'm interested, very interested.”

“Take them home and read through everything. Fill in what you can and call Suzie up any time with your questions. I can book you in for another chat in two days then we can go through everything in fine detail. If you sign up with me, you will begin a two week training course and shadow another escort on a few dates. Perhaps a double date for your first time, then we’ll get you out on your own. It generally takes a month. In that time, you will be given clothing which is more fitting to your escort persona, and you'll receive the basic pay rate which all trainees get. Two thousand pounds.”

“I’d get two grand for not doing anything?”

“Oh, Sebastian. You'd be doing a lot, love. There’s a lot to learn.” She stood up, offering me her hand and I shook it gently. “I’ll see you in two days.”

“Thank you for your time… and patience.” I grinned at her. “I’ll be back, and I’ll have a long list of questions.”

“The more the merrier for me. Get them out of the way now. I’ll look forward to speaking to you.”

As I left her office, I knew before the door closed I was going to take the job. No matter what I found in the file, I wasn’t going to let it put me off. As long as she was truthful about letting me take my time and not pressuring me, I could be happy here.

I had to at least give it a go. I couldn't just walk away. It was too intriguing, too good to turn down.


s I watched my new friend Harry walking into the room, we shared a cheeky smile and wave. He was older than me by four years and being an escort was his full time job. He’d given up his uni studies in biology to do this because he enjoyed it more and he got paid a ton of money for it.

During the past three weeks I'd met a few men who’d done the same thing, and they’d warned me I would eventually start to think about it too. At that point, I knew there was no way I would leave my studies—I enjoyed it too much and no amount of money would change my mind. I said,
at that point

Harry and I were meeting up at the office for the last time before
Madam Harriot
—I hated calling her that—would give me the go ahead to get out and follow him on a date. It would be my first time out in the field as she called it, and I was excited about seeing how things went. No matter how many times I asked different men about their ‘dates,’ I always got a watered down version of them.

They were careful with how much they told me. Harry, who I was closest to, said it was because they had undercover police officers and reporters get in here before, and that’s why they didn’t give too much away. The paperwork I'd been given at my interview had been carefully worded so it looked like I would only be paid for the normal date type stuff. All of the ‘skills’—which is sexual stuff to me and you—were included in the personal part, and was just for reference, there were no prices for sex. That wasn’t written anywhere; it was all done verbally and with knowing looks between the escorts and Suzie.

The whole business was a farce really because they made out like we were just going for dinners and escorting people to entertain them and be friends, but they failed to mention the ‘happy ending’ to these dates, and that's how they got away with it and managed to keep things legal.

I could spend two hours going through all the paperwork and the contract with you, but that would be tedious and I'm easily bored, so let’s just say this. Imagine every sexual thing you have ever heard or read about, then see it listed with tick boxes beside them, yes, no, maybe later. Hmmm. Yeah, there were some stuff on it which I had to google, a lot of stuff actually. Almost all mine were NO! But when I had been there a few weeks and talked to a few people, I changed a few more to maybe later.

Basically, I agreed to your bog standard sex, and I ticked the condom option for all of them, which Harriot rolled her eyes at and told me men wouldn’t be happy about getting a blowjob with a condom on and I should rethink that one—which I did, and came up with the ‘finishing over my face or body’ option to keep both me and the client happy.

Harry was there to help me visualise a few of the things which I’d ticked off as maybe later. One of them was food play, which I got bad visuals about, like using vegetables as dildos, stuff like that. Harry laughed at that, but explained vegetables could and would be used, but that fell under the toys section, which I had also ticked maybe later because toys freaked me out a bit. I said yes to using them on the client, but not to me. Why? Because, people, toys come in a lot of sizes, and the thought of someone trying to fit something a foot long inside me made me want to run away.

Harry was good looking in that kind of preppy, nerdy way—tall and slim, with a ‘I’m a private schoolboy and my daddy has too much money’ type of thing about him. He wasn’t from Leeds. He came from down south and spoke like the Queen—no accent, no slang. I couldn't imagine him doing this job, and we’d spoken how he lied to his parents about what he did for a living. He said he worked in a prestigious research lab which caused him to travel a lot and paid him obscene amounts of money. They bought it, which shocked me, but I guess people don’t want to question too much just in case they find out the truth. He was the type of guy I'd make fun of if I ran into him in a bar. He was too posh for me and his accent would have wound me up big style, but he was nice and I'd started to learn appearances could be deceiving.

He lived in a nice little apartment on the waterfront next to the canal, and that's where we were walking to. After I'd convinced him we needed to stop off at McDonalds for dinner, which he hated and I loved, we made our way through the city until we got to the outskirts of town and his apartment block came into view.

“I'm going to be your client this afternoon.” He said it while he was slurping on his strawberry milkshake and I thought I'd heard him wrong.


“You heard.” He smiled at me then threw his empty cup in the bin. “I'm your first. Excited?”

“Erm…” I looked him up and down then quickly turned to look at the view over the bridge we were on, watching the canal and the cute river boats docked there. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well—” He stopped walking and rested his back against the wall of the bridge, smiling coyly at me. “You just took me for dinner.” A roll of his baby-blue eyes. “And now I want my real date.” Harry looked me up and down then grabbed my thin coat lapels and pulled me into him. “I want you to play with me. Tease me… With food stuff.” My smile dropped and he grinned. “You'll see why when it’s over.” He pushed me backwards then we started walking again. “This is training, Seb. You need this. Trust me. It helps. I was with someone before I went out. It stops the nerves from appearing. You know me, trust me—sort of. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” He grinned again and I gave him a shove.

“Do we get to agree on everything before we do it?”

“Of course. This is how you'll be expected to be with clients, so everything we do will be a learning experience for you.” He slid his eyes to me then gave me a soft shake. “Seb, everything will be fine.”

“Yeah, but… we’re friends.”

“Do you only fuck people you're
friends with?”

I paused because he’d hit the nail right on the head. “Yeah.”

He laughed as he slipped his arm around my shoulder. “You're going to be fine. That's one good point in your favour. Emotional ties don’t end well with this job. Trust me. I've been there.” We were in his apartment block and heading for the lift when he leaned against the wall and looked off into the distance. “There's always one who makes you think there's more. Sometimes they say it out loud, sometimes it’s how they act with you, but it’s all bullshit. I don’t even know why they do it. I mean, they’re getting what they want, there's no need to fucking lie and talk themselves up. I don’t fall for it anymore. Just brush it off and move on. I think some of them like to think they're your saviour or something like that. It’s more their fantasy than ours, but let them believe it and save your heart from aching.”

As we walked onto the lift, I thought about Robert. He fitted that description. In one moment he’d seemed pissed off with the whole escort thing, then he was getting me in touch with an agency. All to keep me safe he’d said.

Robert had been on my mind a lot for the first two weeks. It was because of him I'd got the job, because of him I'd fucked a person for money, and I had mixed feelings about the whole night.

If I’d gone home on that bus, none of this would be happening and I'd be working with my mate in the gay bar, getting a shit wage and probably—okay, more than probably—I’d be taking home some drunk to spend the night with for free.

“I haven't had sex in ages.” I slapped my forehead after saying it and Harry laughed loudly.

“Yeah, I know. That happened to me too in the beginning. You'd think with all the sex talk you'd be horny as hell, right? I was so worried about what I was going to do, I just stopped thinking about it.” We got off on his floor and I followed him to his front door. “Did you pass all the blood tests?”

“Uh huh. All of them. Thank God. I was worried.”

“Yeah, being a biology major you'd think I would have been safer in college, but nooo.” He shook his head as he pushed me inside his apartment. “That weighed heavy on my mind too. Do you feel better now you know you're all clean?”

“Much. It’s made me realise how stupid I'd been before. I don’t want to ever be put through that again. Condoms all the way every time for me from now on.”

“You still have to get tested every six weeks, you know.”

“No way. How’d I miss that scary piece of info?”

Harry chuckled as he hung his coat by the door. “It’s just a precaution.”

“Don’t the clients get tested?”

“No.” He shook his head with this stunned look on his face. “No way. It’s up to us to be careful, and if it happens, then it happens.”

“Right.” I bit my fingernail while I thought about everything. Mistakes could happen—a split condom, a mouthful of cum. It was so easy, and it hit me hard—this was one big threat I should take more seriously if I wanted to keep clean and safe. “That's freaking me out a bit.”

“It should do. It’s a danger to us. Harriot is keen to keep us clean though, not because she gives a shit about us, but she gives a shit about people talking about her HIV-spreading escorts. One poor bastard got it a year ago. You should have seen how she treated him. Got him marched out of the building, struck off every list around. No big pay-out, just fuck off and don’t die too quickly kind of thing.”

“That's… that's horrible.”

“Yep. She made us all know it was his fault too. Not the disgusting prick who’d fucked him without something. I knew the escort, he said the client got behind him and pulled the condom off. It wasn’t until they’d finished he noticed he'd come inside him.”

“Oh my God. Does that happen a lot? How can you trust someone?”

“It doesn’t happen really. That was a wild card situation. Most men think we’re the ones who are going to give them something, but we’re probably cleaner than anyone they would pick up for a one night stand at home. That guy obviously thought there was no harm in fucking without a condom, because in his mind, we were all infected and dirty, so why should he care? He won't get in the door of anywhere again. That's one good thing about this business—they keep fuckers like him out. Shame he’ll probably find some stupid desperate thing on the streets and do the same to him. That's why I like it in the agency. You have more protection.”

“I suppose.”

Harry looked at me then hugged me. I rested my head on his shoulder and relaxed a bit. “You don’t know how hard it is to do this without an agency. If you're out on your own, anything can happen. I know what I told you worries you, but you'll see in time, this is a much safer place to be.”

All the talk left me feeling like I wanted to slump onto the sofa and watch mind-numbing TV, but he didn’t let me catch my breath before he stripped off my jacket, giving me his professional, sexy smirk as he teased my chest with little touches.

“We’re starting now? Don’t I get to—”

“Nope. Now. You won't always be in the mood. In fact, most times you’ll feel like this, Seb. You think you'll turn up horny and ready for it? No.” He pushed me down on the sofa and straddled me. “But as this
your first time…”

I gasped as he pushed his mouth against my neck. He didn’t wait for me to get into it, he was all over me, rubbing himself on me and teasing my throat with open-mouthed kisses.

“I did mention I hadn’t had sex in a while, right?”

“You did and I can tell.”

When he lifted up and smiled at me, I grabbed hold of his shoulders and kissed him, making sure I teased him with my tongue and ran my hands up his back, lifting my hips into his and rubbing my cock against his own. It got hot too fast for both of us, and somehow we’d ripped each other’s clothes off and I had him underneath me with his legs spread and his back arching as I sucked his nipples. This didn’t feel like what we’d talked about and I grinned at him as he frowned up at me. I'd made him lose his professional cool and I loved it.

“Sebastian!” Yeah, he would have sounded sterner if he wasn’t rubbing his hard cock into mine and begging me with those pretty eyes.

“Yes, Harry?”

“Ugh.” He threw his head back and closed his eyes. “Fine!”

He reached under the sofa and pulled out a plastic box which had a tube of lube and condoms in. There was also a cute little plug and I quickly pulled it out and wet it before I laid over him and pressed the tip of my finger against his hole. The small plug slipped into him making Harry groan and I chuckled as I pressed the base against his cheeks before I started kissing him again.

His wrists were pinned above his head, I was holding onto him tightly, pressing my weight down on him so I had every bit of control I could over him. He loved it and begged for my cock with every burst of air he took in when we parted lips.

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