Read Seasons of Sorrow Online

Authors: C. C. Wood

Tags: #Contemporary Women, #Motherhood, #loss, #Fiction

Seasons of Sorrow (25 page)

BOOK: Seasons of Sorrow
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he following Saturday, Charlotte was getting ready to go on her first official date with Gregory Swift. He had called her on Wednesday while he was in California.

It was pretty late, after ten, when he texted her Wednesday.

U still up?

Charlotte texted him back.

A few seconds later, her phone rang. Charlotte smiled when she saw Greg’s name on her screen and answered.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey. What are you doing up so late?” he asked.

Charlotte put her Kindle down on the bed. She had been reading another very steamy book and thinking of Gregory.

“Couldn’t sleep. I was reading. How’s the trip going?” she asked.

“I should be done by tomorrow and home on Friday. Thank God.”

“That’s good. Will you have to go back again?”

Greg sighed. “I shouldn’t. Unless this company decides they have another issue with the package I offered them, this should be it. They have a two week window to change their mind, but I don’t see that happening. I tailored this package specifically to their requirements. If they have any complaints, it’s their doing.”

“Then I hope this is the end of the problems,” Charlotte murmured.

“So, do you have any plans this weekend, specifically Saturday?” Greg asked.

“Not that I know of,” Charlotte answered.

“Well, would you like to have plans you know about?” he teased.

“Maybe. What did you have in mind?” she asked.

“Dinner. Just you and me.”

“Hmmm. I don’t know. Are you sure Brandy shouldn’t come with us?” Charlotte joked.

“Yes, I’m sure. It’s going to be just the two of us and it will be our first date.”

“What was Saturday?” Charlotte asked.

“It was supposed to be a group outing but a third of the group was gone. That’s not the same as me asking you to dinner and you saying yes,” Greg answered.

Charlotte smiled. “True.”

“So, want to have dinner with me?” Greg asked.

“Yes. That sounds nice.”

“Good. Now, it’s after eleven there. You need to get some sleep,” he admonished.

“Yes, sir,” she said, tongue in cheek.

“Good girl. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he said.

“Good night, Greg.”

“Sweet dreams, Charlie,” he responded.

She hung up and went to sleep as soon as she turned off the light.

Now, it was Saturday, and Charlotte was more nervous than she had been on her wedding day. She changed her outfit three times before she finally settled on a deep purple wrap dress that clung in all the right spots without being too sexy. The v-neck was just deep enough to show a hint of cleavage.

Charlotte left her hair slightly messy and put on more make-up than usual, including a wine colored lipstick that made her mouth look pouty and sexy. She even found the insanely expensive perfume that Brandy insisted she buy last year and dabbed it behind her ears, on her wrists, and in her cleavage.

She didn’t bother with a necklace. She figured the bare skin of her chest would speak for itself. Though she did slip a pair of amethyst drop earrings in her ears. Since Greg was so much taller than her, she also slid her feet into a pair of extremely tall black peep-toe pumps. They made her legs look long and lean.

It was twenty after six and Greg was due to pick her up at six-thirty. Charlotte looked in the mirror and was satisfied with how she looked, pretty and sexy without being over the top. Her heart jumped in her chest, and Charlotte didn’t understand why she was so nervous. This was Greg, her best friend.

As her hands smoothed imaginary wrinkles out of her dress, Charlotte realized why she was so nervous. Greg wasn’t coming to pick her up as her best friend. He was coming as her date. And there would likely be more of those kisses that made her feel as though she had drunk several shots of tequila.

Trying to distract herself from the nerves, Charlotte went to the bed and picked up the dark silver clutch that she was carrying tonight. She double checked to see if her money, ID, and lipstick were all there. It was.

When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, she jumped and rolled her eyes at her own weirdness. Greg was still the same man she’d known for years. Nerves were ridiculous.

Taking a deep breath, she walked down the stairs and to the front door. She glanced out the window by the door and saw Greg standing on her porch, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. She threw the door open and gaped at the huge spray of orchids he held.

“Wow, they’re beautiful,” she said.

He grinned and handed them to her. She gestured for him to come in and shut the door behind him.

“Let me go put these in a vase and we can go. I have time, right?” she asked.

Greg nodded. “Our reservation is at seven-thirty, so we have time.”

Charlotte glanced at him. “An hour before our reservation?” she asked as she walked toward the kitchen to get a vase.

Greg followed her and leaned against the doorway, sliding his hands into his pockets. “Yes, I’m taking you to Cafe Madrid and I’m sure traffic will be heavy downtown this time of night.”

She stared at him. She loved Cafe Madrid. They served tapas and had a fantastic selection of wines. Derek rarely took her, but she always asked to go for her birthday each year.

“That sounds great,” she said finally before reaching up into a cabinet for a vase.

As she filled the vase with water and arranged the orchids, Greg moved across the room so he was leaning against the counter next to her. He ran a finger down the side of her neck and Charlotte shivered just from that single touch.

“You look beautiful,” he murmured.

She felt a blush rise in her cheeks and kept her eyes on the flowers as she fidgeted with the stems.

“Thank you.”

His finger hooked under her chin and turned her face towards his. “Why won’t you look at me?” he asked.

She took a shaky breath and comprehension filled Greg’s eyes. His pupils dilated as he leaned toward her. The kiss was gentle, but Charlotte felt the underlying desperation and yearning. He was making her feel things that she hadn’t thought she was capable of feeling.

Just as she opened her mouth beneath the tender onslaught, Greg pulled away.

“No more kissing,” he said. “This is our first date and I want it to be special.”

Charlotte smiled a tiny smile. His kiss had gotten rid of some of the butterflies in her stomach. Instead she felt like dragging him upstairs to her bedroom. The strength of her reaction shouldn’t shock her so much. This wasn’t the first time he kissed her, but it always seemed to feel that way.

“No kissing. Okay, I guess that’s okay,” she said, “Though I thought most dates, even first dates, ended in a kiss, but I’ll try to contain my disappointment.”

Greg grinned at her and gave her one more light kiss. “No need to be a smart ass. I do plan to kiss you again, but I’d prefer to wait until after dinner. I want this night to be perfect.”

Charlotte felt her chest tighten. She liked the importance Greg placed on their date. He wanted it to be perfect. For her.

“It already is special, Greg,” she said.

He stepped back. “Okay, you have to stop looking at me like that or we’ll never leave.” He glanced down at the vase and the flowers she was playing with. “Are you done here?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Okay, do you have a bag?”

She nodded again, smiling a little.

“Then please go get it so we can get out of here before I forget all about my noble intentions.”

Charlotte laughed and went into the living room to grab her clutch. Greg walked her out to his car and she stopped short.

“Where’s your truck?” she asked.

He gave her a gentle shove toward the passenger door. “I drove my car today.”

“When did you get a car?” she asked.

“A few months ago. When I started spending more time with clients, I needed a car.”

He opened the passenger door for her and helped her inside. Charlotte felt the leather of the seat against her back and bare arms and ran a hand over it. It felt smooth, soft, and expensive. She realized Greg was driving a Mercedes and rolled her eyes. He used to say he would never drive a luxury vehicle because it reminded him too much of the stuffy people he had been forced to spend time with as a child.

After he climbed into the car, they were on their way. Traffic was heavy and it took almost the full hour Greg anticipated to reach the restaurant. When they entered, the tables were full. Greg gave the hostess his name. She explained that it would only be a few moments and wound her way through the restaurant.

A few minutes later, she returned. After retrieving menus, the hostess asked them to follow her. Their table was near the back of the restaurant and slightly out of the way. Even though it was crowded and busy, the table felt secluded, private.

Charlotte smiled at Greg when he pulled out a chair for her. She truly appreciated the effort he was expending to make the evening wonderful. After she sat, Greg pushed her chair in before he sat directly next to her. The hostess placed their menus on the table, explained the wine list and menu, and said that their server would be with them in a moment.

After the hostess walked away, Charlotte put a hand over Greg’s.

“Thank you,” she said to him. “This is the best date I’ve ever had.”

He turned his hand over so he could clasp hers. “Don’t say that until the evening is over. You might jinx it.”

Charlotte grinned. “Okay.”

Their waitress came up to the table. “Hi, I’m Judy. I’ll be your server this evening. Did Elle explain our menu and wine suggestions to you?” When they nodded, she continued, “Do you have any questions or are you ready to order?”

“Can we have a few moments?” Greg asked.

Judy smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

“I’d like a glass of water, please,” Charlotte said.

With another nod, Judy looked at Greg. “Would you like one also?”

“Please,” he said.

After she walked away, Greg and Charlotte put their heads together over the menu.

“What’s your favorite?” Greg asked her.

“I love the paella,” Charlotte answered.

“Okay, paella it is. How about an assorted cheese plate and marinated quail?” he suggested.

Charlotte had never ordered the quail because Derek hated fowl served on the bone and refused to order it. She always wanted to try it though.

“That sounds delicious. What about vegetables?” she asked jokingly.

“Let’s get the mixed salad. Will that be enough vegetables?” he teased.

Charlotte nodded. “And don’t forget the tortilla Espanola. It’s one of my other favorites here,” she said.

“Does anything else look good to you?” Greg asked.

She shook her head. They were ordering five tapas plates already, which was quite a bit of food.

“What about wine?” he asked. “What’s your favorite?”

“Red or white?” Charlotte quipped.


“Hmmm,” she thought. Typically she always got stuck drinking whatever Derek liked, so she wasn’t used to choosing wine. “Tempranillo for red and Albarino for white, though I think white would complement our menu choices the best.”

She realized that there were still things she and Greg didn’t know about each other, even after so many years of friendship. Though they had shared countless meals together, Derek had been present at most of them and his preferences ruled. It was nice for her dinner date to ask her what she wanted and what she liked for a change.

Greg closed the menu. “I think you’re right.”

A few minutes later, Judy returned with their water and Greg ordered the food and wine. Despite the crowd, it didn’t take long for Judy to bring out their tapas. Their meal was leisurely and they each had two glasses of wine.

The nervousness that plagued Charlotte before Greg picked her up was gone. She was having a great time. She enjoyed their banter and the more serious conversation. When Greg offered her a piece of cheese and his thumb grazed her bottom lip as he fed her, Charlotte even felt a shiver move up her spine. While it was still comfortable and friendly, the underlying sensual tension was there.

After an hour and a half, they finished the last of their tapas and wine. Greg looked at Charlotte.

“Do you want dessert or coffee?” he asked.

“I don’t think I could eat another bite.” She paused. “And we can have coffee at my house.”

She almost took back the words immediately because it sounded like an invitation to more than coffee. Honestly, it was, but she was thinking of a few more of those intoxicating kisses and being alone with him. Charlotte wasn’t sure that she wanted more than that tonight, though her body disagreed.

Still, Greg seemed to understand that she wasn’t using coffee as a euphemism for intimacy. When Judy came back to their table, he asked for the check and paid. Then he rose, pulled her chair out for her, and guided her out of the restaurant with a hand on the small of her back. It was something that Charlotte loved. It made her feel cherished.

When they exited the restaurant, Greg took her hand and laced their fingers together. It was a sweet gesture, almost old-fashioned. They took their time walking around the corner to his car, enjoying the cool night air.

BOOK: Seasons of Sorrow
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