Attorneys at Law - Drake

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Authors: Allie Williams

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Attorneys at Law




By Allie Williams

Copyright © 2013 by Allie Williams

All rights reserved.







This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, characters, and places are products of the author's imagination and used fictitiously. Resemblances to actual locales or events or persons living or dead is coincidental.





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Thanks to the most important person in my life, my husband! Without his love, encouragement, and support I would have never started writing.



              “GOOD MORNING MR. Murphy, what can I do for you?” Carolyn knew receiving a call from Drake Murphy this early in the morning was not a good start to her day.


“Carolyn, where the hell is the legal brief on the Anderson case?” Drake’s voice rang out sternly.


“I haven’t received it from Mr. Montgomery yet” was Carolyn’s response.


Drake didn’t have time to worry with such menial tasks as tracking down paperwork. Especially when said brief should have already been in his hands. What the hell was Ethan doing? This was the second time this week he had missed a deadline.


“Call Ethan and get an update, tell him I’ve been waiting… know what? Never mind, I’ll call him myself,” and with that, the phone on Carolyn’s end went dead.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“Hey man, what can I do for you?” Ethan already knew why Drake was calling and knew he had to answer the call. He was already behind and didn’t need Drake walking over to his office and adding even more time to his projects.


“Where the hell is the brief you owe me?” Drake growled.


“I’m still working on it, but I’ll have it to you by the end of the day.” Yep, Drake was not happy, but then, what was new.


“I was supposed to have it this morning! Of course, let’s not forget the fact that this is after you already put me off for two days!”


“Look man, I’m buried under a lot of paperwork since Mary left. I’ll get you the brief by five.”


              “No more Ethan, I’m calling Brenda in human resources. She’ll send you names of available paralegals from our temp agency. Hire one today, or I will!” and with that, Drake hung up.


Ethan sat rubbing his temples, trying to ward off the headache that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in his head these past few weeks. Mary leaving had thrown a huge wrench in his otherwise orderly schedule. He couldn’t blame her though, her father had suddenly fallen very ill after his heart attack, so she had moved back home to take care of him. He also hated to admit it, but Drake was right, he needed to hire a replacement, like yesterday.



DRAKE WAS RUNNING late for his two o’clock, which just added to his already hectic day. Something he prided himself on was always being on time; otherwise it showed lack of respect towards your client. If he could make it to his car without any interruptions he should be able to make it to his clients office with a few minutes to spare.


Drake rounded the corner near the elevator and spotted Ethan talking to a woman. He needed to talk to Ethan about an issue with a case, but his time was short so it would have to wait. Just as Drake pressed the down arrow for the elevator he heard his name.


“Drake, do you have a minute?” Ethan asked.


“Running behind this morning, it’ll have to wait,” Drake didn’t turn around.


“I want you to meet someone. It will only take a minute.”


Drake turned to face Ethan and he knew he was scowling. What part of ‘
I am running behind, it’ll have to wait’
did Ethan not understand. He hated repeating himself, but the second time would definitely get the point across. Before he could utter a word, another voice interrupted.


“Hello Mr. Murphy, I’m Anna Thompson, Ethan’s new paralegal.”


Drake turned and briefly glanced at the woman who spoke, and at the hand she offered, then turned his attention back to Ethan.


“I told you I have a meeting,” turning just as the elevator doors were opening Drake walked inside dismissing them both. As the doors began to close, he noticed Ethan was none too happy, and the new paralegal was glaring daggers through him, interesting, looks like she had a little fire in her. That brief moment provided him a chance to look her over, and she was definitely his type in the looks category. Even with his
no fraternizing with the employee’s
policy, he made a mental note to personally introduce himself when he returned.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Drake walked into his office and finally took a deep breath. Thank God his meetings for the day were finally over. He had been going nonstop since before five this morning and he still had a lot of paperwork to finish. He needed to check in with both of his partners for an update and then get started. As it was, he would be spending dinner at the office, no need to make it breakfast as well.


Drake headed to check in with Matthew first, he was the newest partner and he liked that he was always straight to the point. When Drake arrived Matthew’s door was closed, so he knocked. “Come in,” greeted him so he opened the door and entered. Matthew sat behind his desk working and Drake got a chance to study his newest partner. Most would probably give him grief that he hired someone so young, but Matthew’s abilities and work ethic has outweighed any issues Drake had with his age. The man knew how to do his job and did it well.


“Drake, what can I do for you?” Matthew finally looked up from his computer.


“Just wanted to get an update from you and find out when you’re heading to Florida?”


“I actually fly out tomorrow evening and will be there until Thursday, then I thought I would hang out over the weekend and get a little R&R before Monday.”


“Sounds good, especially since you will be in the Keys. Do you need Ethan or I to handle anything while you are away.” Drake knew better since Matthew seems to always be two steps ahead of everybody, but he wanted him to know he could always count on his partners if he needed them.


“Nope, all good here, everything I have won’t require any action until after I’m back.”


“Great, then I’m going to head to Ethan’s office and check in so I can go finish up and get home.” Drake stood and headed out the door, turning around right before he left, “Oh, and Matthew, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”


Matthew laughed as Drake left his office, that last comment pretty much left him open to anything and everything, yep, this could end up being a great trip.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


When Drake walked into Ethan’s office, he paused when he noticed he was on the phone. Ethan motioned him in, so he walked in and sat in one of the guest chairs to wait. Drake studied Ethan while he was talking and realized he looked tired, too tired. The man had been working nonstop for weeks, and with Mary gone he was still trying to get caught up. Ethan needed a break and Drake had the perfect plan.


“Sorry about that Drake, Ms. Whitmore can be long winded. What can I do for you?”


“I made a decision about your workload, but I want you to listen before you respond.” When Ethan nodded, Drake continued.


“I’m taking your entire case load and moving it over under my staff. I want you to take the rest of the week off and I don’t want to see you until Monday, or you’re fired. Understand?” Drake watched Ethan’s emotions run across his face.


“What do you mean you’re taking over my entire case load? No way, not happening.” What the hell was running through Drake’s head? “I am already behind on my cases as it is, this will just make it worse Drake!” “Also, what about Anna? She’s new and I need to finish getting her up to speed?”


“Look Ethan, you’re overworked and tired, you need a break and some release. How long has it been since you’ve been to the club?” Drake waited to see if Ethan would acknowledge his question, but no response came. He could see the wheels turning, Ethan trying to decide how to answer. Drake knew about Ethan’s need for kink, and a visit to Club Sensation was not only long overdue, it would do wonders for the man.


“I know about the club Ethan, I’ve known since I hired you. No judgments here…go, take care of yourself and I’ll see you Monday, and in case you wondered it’s not an option. Just make sure before you leave tonight that all of your cases are handed over to my group, and that Anna knows to report to me first thing tomorrow morning, seven o’clock sharp.” Drake stood and walked out not giving Ethan a chance to respond.



DRAKE WAS IN his office a little after six the next morning to ensure he was ready when Anna arrived. After the way their first “meeting” had gone he had a feeling this morning would be interesting. At exactly seven o’clock there was a knock on his office door. Looked like Anna knew how to be on time.


“Enter.” Drake spoke and looked up to see Anna enter his office. He had briefly seen her the day that Ethan tried to introduce them, but this was the first time he had a chance to actually take in his fill. She was tall and slender with dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, curves in all the right places. Definitely his type; maybe he
reconsider his policy of not dating employees. Then again, he had never really dated women; for years it had always been just one night of hot and heavy sex.


Anna entered Drake Murphy’s office and suddenly felt like the preverbal bug under the microscope. She had only seen him a few times since the day he refused to shake her hand, but he always seemed to stalk through the office like a panther after his prey. Right now his eyes were locked on hers and the solid black orbs held a heat she could only identify as desire. Their conversation had not even begun and she felt she was already in trouble. There was just something about the man, beyond his good looks, that intrigued her and she had a feeling she was going to find out exactly what it was.


Drake Murphy definitely fit into the gorgeous category; well over six-foot tall, dark brown hair, dark bedroom eyes, and she would bet a perfectly chiseled body underneath that tailored suit. There was also something dangerous about the man, an edge of some sort, the kind that screamed he most likely took what he wanted, when he wanted. Right now he looked like he wanted her, and if that was the case, he was in for a rude awakening; she would not get involved with her boss.


“You asked to see me Mr. Murphy?” Anna said, hoping she had added the right amount of annoyance and sass to her voice. She wouldn’t let him know how much he affected her.


“Sit down.” Drake ordered and waited for Anna to take a seat.


“Would a
be too much to ask?” She would normally label someone like Drake rude, but she somehow knew better. The man emanated a power that she suspected most people just followed without question. Well, not her!


“I said sit down, Ms. Thompson! You will find out rather quickly I expect my requests to be followed, if it helps, consider it an order.” Sure enough he instantly saw her body tense and eyes flair with defiance as well as need. A need she most likely didn't realize she had. Drake hadn’t had a challenge in a long time; he was definitely going to enjoy this.


Not moving and standing straighter, Anna began to reply, “Look Mr. Murphy, I understand you’re the boss here, but being rude and disrespectful…” Anna didn’t get to finish her sentence. Drake abruptly stood from his desk and the panther she had only witnessed before began to stalk in her direction. She should run, she knew that, but she was rooted to the spot where she stood.


Drake rounded his desk and approached Anna. She had raised her chin and stood in place, she was putting up a front so he would believe she was unaffected, but he knew better, she wanted him. He knew that sounded egotistical, but he was right. He stopped just in front of her and stared down into her eyes. This is what he loved, a challenge, a challenge he planned to win.


“You can either do what I ask, when I ask it, or go home, your choice.”


Anna stood toe-to-toe with Drake and she hoped he didn't notice her whole body seemed to be trembling. He was so close she could smell his cologne, something with sandalwood. She could also feel the heat radiating from his body. Starting to lean into him, his comment finally hit her consciousness, how dare he!


“You’re an egotistical ass!” she yelled.


“Tell me something I don’t know
.” Placing the emphasis on sweetheart, Drake waited for her outburst.


“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I’m not your sweetheart or anything else Mr. Murphy. I’m sure human resources would like to know you think so highly of your employees!”


Drake chuckled, he couldn’t help it, she was a live wire and he liked their sparring. He didn't remember the last time he had enjoyed himself this much. He took a small step forward, closing the gap between them. His entire body was almost flush with hers, but still not touching. He leaned forward until he was only a breath away from her lips and began to speak.


“You do that sweetheart, you go to HR, and while you’re there keep telling yourself that your entire body doesn't want my touch. I bet you’re already imaging it aren’t you? My hands, my mouth, licking, sucking, and probing every inch of your body.” Drake knew he was crossing a line, but he couldn’t help it, Anna sparked something inside him that no other woman had, his dark side.


Anna realized Drake was too close. She could feel his breath on her lips as he spoke and his body hovered just far enough away from her that he hopefully wouldn't be able to feel her traitorous nipples hardening. Her whole body had tightened with arousal when he had stepped so close. Looking at his face she realized all she had to do was lean forward less than and inch and she could taste him. Again, his comments finally registered. She stepped back and slapped him. Hard.


It took Drake a moment to feel the sting that radiated across his left check. The little vixen has slapped him; game on! His left hand came up and grabbed her wrist; in mere seconds he had both her wrists locked in his left hand behind her back. He walked her backwards just a few steps until she was pressed up against the door to his office.


Anna realized her mistake the instant she looked into Drake’s eyes, but it was too late. He already had her arms bound and his body pressed solidly against her. She was so confused, why did she want to scream
to this man? A man that seemed to infuriated her beyond belief. But she knew, she craved the loss of control and this man was a pro.


“Let me go you Neanderthal!” Anna began struggling, trying to break free.


“Struggle all you want Anna, but you’re here until
decide to release you or until you tell me
.” Drake knew he should let her go, but damn the women had him hard as a rock. The more she struggled the harder he became. She liked this; it was obvious. Her eyes had even glazed over as soon as he had restrained her. Whether she wanted to admit it, she needed a dominant man to show her how good letting go of her control could be, and he was just the man for the job.


Anna tried to pull free from Drake’s grasp, but her efforts seem to turn the man on even more. She could feel the hard length of him against her stomach. Even through all of their clothing she could tell he was a large. What would it feel like to have him inside her, bringing her immense pleasure?


Her lips were just too tempting for Drake, and he had to have a taste. His right hand tunneled into her hair, jerking her head back and exposing her neck. He wanted to trail his mouth down her neck into the low V-neck of her sweater and nuzzle her cleavage, but that would have to wait for another time. Tugging her head back a little more he crushed his mouth her hers.


Anna moaned as Drake’s hand tightened in her hair and he positioned her where he wanted. God, she should hate this type of treatment, but she was more turned on than she had ever been. Drake’s mouth was consuming hers and she was defenseless against him. His tongue swept into her mouth, tangling with hers. The man didn’t just kiss, he devoured, took.


A knock on his office door had Drake breaking away from the kiss. Anna’s lips were red and puffy from his kisses, and her lipstick had smudged from his attention. He let go of her and stepped back, pulling a handkerchief from his suit pocket. He wiped his own lips then handed it to her. She ignored his offer, walking around him as she used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe her lips. He followed her back to his desk where they both sat down.


“Enter,” he called out. His assistant Carolyn entered his office carrying a folder of paperwork.


“Sorry for the interruption, but I need your signature so I can send this over to the courthouse first thing this morning.”


Drake took the folder from Carolyn and reviewed the paperwork before signing everything and handing it back. She turned and walked out of his office as quickly as she had entered. As soon as the door clicked closed, he turned his attention to Anna. Her entire expression seemed calm and she had a blank expression, as if she hadn’t been affected by the kiss. He could tell she was already trying to distance herself from what had just transpired. He leaned back in his desk chair, and waited to see what she would say.


“Mr. Murphy, I am here to do a job and nothing else. Your previous actions imply you have other endeavors in mind, if that is the case, please let me know now so I can find other employment.” Anna hoped her voice sounded steadier than she felt. Her entire body was still throbbing from Drake’s attention.


“I assure you Ms. Thompson that you have no clue what I have in mind, however, if you would like to keep this professional that is your choice, but don’t expect me not to try to change your mind.”


Anna wanted to scream, the man was infuriating! “Again, Mr. Murphy, any more nonprofessional behavior, and make no mistake, I will go to human resources.” With that she stood and walked out of Drake’s office.


Drake watched Anna leave and couldn't help but to admire her spirit. He couldn't wait to get inside her, and he would.

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