Seasons of Fate (15 page)

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Authors: Avery E Greene

BOOK: Seasons of Fate
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‘I know baby, I am too. Why don’t you get some sleep, and then later on we can have some food before we get back. Hopefully John and Lys will be at the airport. I text them the flight details.’

She nodded at me and curled herself into a ball, I watched her until her breathing changed. I left the room so she could sleep. My thoughts ran over everything that had happened over the last three months. It was like a movie reel, from the start when we were told Mr Seymour Black had been killed, our first few days being in the States, sightseeing together in the City, being stabbed, seeing Mason for the first time, his compassion, John and Lys turning up, my growing feelings for an amazing man, being honest about my past, his trip away, our texts, acknowledging my feelings for Mase, our first kiss, hearing him sing, watching him with Lily, meeting his family, making love for the first time, telling him how I felt, being chased by paps, the argument with his family, and our final moments together. Everything that we had been through felt like a life times worth but it had only been three months. Before I knew it, I was being woken for dinner, Lily was already sat down after her nap.

   ‘Hey mum, I’m starving, Amanda said I could choose anything from the menu, but I said I would wait for you.’

‘Thanks baby lets have a look.’

Lily chose a burger and fries which I thought was funny considering we were on a plane but they looked amazing and tasted even better, I settled for a Caesar salad. Once we finished, our dishes were cleared away. The pilot announced that we would be landing in about 1 hour, so I took that time to ask Lily about how she felt.

   ‘Baby, I wanted to ask you about what you heard at the Stones.’

‘Its ok mum, I know already, I talked with Mase before we left. He explained that everything that was said was just because everyone was worried. He said that didn’t change how he felt about me.’

Wow my little girl was definitely older than she was.

   ‘Are you ok with that? I mean what was said was just because everybody was worried about Mason, it’s like I would be worried about you. His parents will always want to look after him, it doesn’t matter that he’s an adult.’

‘Yes, it’s ok. He said he would come as soon as he could but I could call him anytime on skype.’ Of course he did. I should have known he would make sure she felt safe.

‘That’s nice sweetheart. Why don’t you play for a bit before we land?’

She nodded and the conversation was forgotten. I couldn
’t help but twirl my ring around, my new talisman, it made me feel close to him. In no time we were taking our seats for landing.


   The plane landed at a private airstrip, where a car was waiting for us. Our luggage was loaded into the car while we disembarked. A loud shout caught my attention, and then I saw John and Lys running toward us, Lily wasted no time running toward them, it was a bittersweet reunion. John picked Lily up in a tight hug, and Lys carried on toward me.

‘Hun, welcome back’ she didn’t need to say anything else, I fell into her embrace and tears welled in my eyes.

‘I didn’t know you were meeting us at the plane.’

‘Mason called and let us know a car was coming to get us so we could meet you here, I’m sorry Summer, he explained what happened. He sounded like shit but, he wanted to make sure you were both ok.’

‘Yea, well we’re as good as we can be at the moment. It was not the way I imagined coming home. Thanks for coming.’

‘Don’t be silly’ John walked up behind us with Lily in his arms ‘Hey how’s my girl?’

‘I’m good, did you talk to Mase?’

‘Yeah, he called. He’s worried about you, he asked me to keep him up to date. Just so he knows how you’re really feeling. He knows you won’t tell him anything, not to hurt him.’

‘Wow, he really does know me, I asked his mum to do the same but that was before they told me their true feelings. I can’t believe they think I had something to do with the stabbing. I mean why? Why would I?’

‘Don’t think about it, its ridiculous, lets go, we want to show you the new house. The solicitors got hold of us as you requested and the funds have all been taken care of, you don’t need to worry about ‘Him’ anymore.’

‘Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing the house, so we can get settled in. Did they say anything about additional funds?’

‘They wouldn’t tell us much, but they did say that a trust has been put in place for Lily, it’s in your name.’

Wow ok, Seymour Black did look after his mistakes after all. We drove back in the car Mase had arranged, to a house I had never seen, it took just under two hours but we finally arrived. Our new home, Wales. I settled on a place in the valleys of Wales, called
Brecon, it was rural but a city, providing a fresh start but also giving us the privacy we all felt we needed to start again.The house wasn’t too big, but had a drive which was gated. I had made sure to look at options with enough bedrooms but also space where we could go if any one of us needed time alone. The driver carried our bags into the lobby and left.


   Lys showed Lily her new room which she had decorated with Disney Princesses just as she’d asked for. John showed me to my room. It was neutral like I had asked for, with a large bed. Each bedroom had its own bathroom so privacy was provided, John had improved my requests by making each room more of a suite, which we could retire to if the need arose. I wandered around the rest of the house while Lily got her bearings, it really was beautiful, but that feeling of something being missing was still there, stuck in my chest. Like an ache. By the time we had looked at each room, it was past Lily’s bedtime so Lys offered to take Lily to bed and I retired to my room to make a phone call, it was about 4.15pm back in the States, he answered on the first ring.

‘Baby, I’m so glad you called. How are you? How was the flight? My pilot told me you arrived safe and sound? How’s Lily doing?’ I let him get the questions out before answering

‘Hi babe, I’m fine, the flight was great, Lily’s ok. Now, how are you?’

‘I’m good’ I let out a little sigh, knowing he was skirting over the truth ‘No really, I’m not great, I miss you both, but I’m holding it together.’

‘Have you talked to your family?’

‘No, not yet. Mel’s called and text me but I don’t know what to tell her yet. I feel …. disappointed. I have never felt that with my folks. They were always a constant in my life and now I feel like their hiding something from me, I don’t know, it sounds stupid I guess.’

‘No it doesn’t, it makes sense, but you will feel better if you talk to them. Let them explain why they feel the way they do.’

‘Wow, you really are amazing. Most people would tell me to run for the hills, but you’re encouraging me to actually talk to them. Even after what they said about you. God, I love you.’ I smiled, he was so honest about his feelings

‘I love you too’ I little giggle snuck out before I said ‘this is weird but everybody is in their room or asleep. Do you want to keep talking? Or…shall I skype you so we can fool around?’

‘Holy shit, babe don’t say things like that to me on the phone, it’s an instant hard on’ he smiled I could hear it in his voice before he said ‘meet me on skype in ten minutes, naked’ Oh my god, what was I doing? I know, making us feel better about the distance. We had only been apart for about ten hours but that was too much time.

‘You’re on, make sure you lock your door. Oh and Mase, make sure your naked too’ with that I ended the call and flew to my bathroom to get ready. I had never done anything like this so didn’t know what to expect but just the thought of seeing him touch himself was making me hot. I stripped off my clothes, had a quick wash, to freshen up, tied my hair back, and applied a little lip gloss and mascara. With a little spritz, I felt ready. I pulled on a silk robe which was hanging on the bathroom door, compliments of Lys no doubt, and walked over to my new laptop, which was set up on a desk in the corner of my room. John and Lys had literally taken care of everything while we were away. Making sure the house was perfect but also making sure we were all equipped. They had free reign and they had done an amazing job. It was like we had always lived here, all our belongings had there place, and our rooms had our own stamp on them. Perfect.

Exactly ten minutes after I had hung up, the skype app started to flash announcing an incoming call. I made myself comfortable on the bed and answered the call. It took a moment before his beautiful face filled my screen but I sighed in relief, the ache temporarily eased.

   ‘Baby, oh god, it’s so good to see your face.’

‘Hey handsome. I’m missing your smile. Where are you?

‘I’m at my place, no possibility of being disturbed. Now let me see you, are you naked as per my request?’

‘Yes, but I was a little cold so I have a robe on, but I’m all birthday suit under this.’

I let out a little giggle and then told him to show me his amazing body. He stood up and I was given the best view, drooling I took my robe off and lay back, allowing him a view of my whole body.

   ‘Holy shit, your gorgeous, baby run your hands down to your stomach.’

I did as he asked, it
’s weird. I thought I would be bashful but with him, it was simple, easy. I could see his hand wandering down toward the impressive length stood at attention. Watching him made me feel hot, it was a highly erotic sight.

‘Mase, how does it feel to touch yourself while I watch?’

‘You have no idea, its not the same as having you next to me but seeing you bare for me, touching yourself is an amazing sight to see.’

‘I have no idea what I’m doing, you need to tell me what you want?’

‘Just touch yourself, your breasts, your stomach, and your thighs, rub your clit love, and imagine it’s me, I would touch you until you come, make yourself feel good.’

I tried to do what he
’d asked but found it difficult, it just didn’t feel like him

‘This doesn’t feel the same, I miss your hands, your touch.’

‘I know. Close your eyes, listen to my voice.’ I did as he asked ‘Use your fingers, lightly touch your breasts, like feathers, until they tingle’ I did as he asked and imagined him doing it, using his voice as a guide, it started to feel good so I carried on down, slowly touching my stomach, my legs, before slipping my fingers between my thighs, he guided my movements, touching my clit, and sliding my fingers through my folds, making me wet just hearing him, when I felt myself begin to heat, I knew it wouldn’t be long before my release took over so I opened my eyes to watch him, he was on his bed, his right hand sliding up and down his cock while he used his left arm to prop himself up. I could see his tip glistening and his breathing was quick, his eyes were hooded, mirroring my own.

‘Mase, I’m going to come, keep touching yourself, I want to watch you, while I finger myself.’

My breath came in deep pants while I watched his body go rigid on screen, his hand started to speed up and just at that moment I started to tingle all over before my muscles clamped down on my fingers and I shouted out, while watching Mason come all over his stomach. He let go and fell all the way back onto his bed while panting. I watched in awe as I lay sprawled on my bed, coming down from an amazing high. 

   ‘Wow’ the only words I could think to say. That was a first for me, amazing wasn’t the right word but close enough. To be able to still make him feel good while we were so far away from each other gave me a bit of hope that we could get through this time apart, but it wasn’t the same as being right next to him, feeling his movements, kissing him, falling asleep together. He was quiet for a few more minutes before saying

‘Baby, I have never done that with anybody before, your incredible. It’s not the same as having you in my arms but, the next best thing.’

I agreed and we just lay together, but apart talking, and reaffirming our feelings. Before I knew it, my clock read 1am

   ‘Oh god, it’s so late here. Did you realise how long we’ve been online?’

‘Yea, I guess it seems worse in the UK, its still early evening here. I better leave you to it, you must be shattered?’

‘I’m tired but I don’t mind, I am having serious Mase withdrawal.’

‘Ohhh… that’s cute, I love that. I’ll text you tomorrow, sleep babe, goodnight.’

‘Goodnight, love you.’

‘Love you too’ and with that last endearment we ended our call.


   I lay in bed for a while before feeling the effects of our trip, I was exhausted but for some reason I just couldn’t drift off. How was I going to deal with the anxiety creeping up on me, like something was going to happen and I wasn’t prepared. I knew Mase would do whatever to be with us, but at what cost. I needed to make him see that his family still needed him regardless of their feelings toward me. It would work out, I was sure of it but how? I had no idea.

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