Seasons of Fate (14 page)

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Authors: Avery E Greene

BOOK: Seasons of Fate
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‘Mason, your father and I just want to make sure you’re happy and …safe’ Oh it was like a switch flipped in my head.

‘Oh My God’ it was the first time I had spoken since they had started their argument

‘What? What’s wrong babe?’ Poor Mase, he looked confused.

‘You think….oh god I feel sick. You think I had something to do with that man…. trying to hurt Mason!!!! Why would I do that? Do you think I was….some sort of distraction? Is that why you don’t think I’m after his money? Just his death? Is that it? Wow, I can’t …. I can’t be here anymore, I’m sorry Mase, I really am.’ I stood to leave but Mase moved to hold my wrist and said

‘Sweetheart they don’t think that, don’t be ridiculous. Mom tell her, please, tell her that’s not what this is.’

‘Mason… I can’t son. I’m sorry Summer. We really do like you, but I can’t help but find all this a bit…well a bit coincidental. It’s not personal, we see how much Mason loves you and Lily but as a mother try to understand that it’s about protecting our son.’

The weird thing was I could understand it but that didn
’t mean I was going to stick around for this shit.

‘You know what Gabrielle, I do understand. You’re protecting your family, but I’m going to protect mine, and I can’t let Lily fall even more in love with all of you if this is what you think of her mother. Mason, I love you so much but I’m not going to be the one who causes a rift between you and your family. I have never had what you have and I’m not going to be the one to ruin that but I’m not staying until the morning. Thank you for your hospitality. I’m just sorry that you feel this way about me. I don’t understand why?’

At this point my tears started to cloud my eyes but I had to get this out

   ‘I’m a good person, considering, I guess I could have gone a different way but I didn’t because I’m a good person. I love my daughter, my friends. I love your son, something I never thought I would have, but somehow it did, and for god only knows what reason he feels the same, so I wanted to thank you for that. I hope you find it in your heart not to make my daughter feel like she’s done anything wrong. She picks up on everything.’

With those words I turned and left the room. Unfortunately Lily was stood by the door with tears in her eyes, listening to everything that was said. I picked her up and held her tight, while she sobbed into my neck, when I turned Mason and his family were watching from the doorway. It was the saddest moment of my life, because my little girl was heart broken.

   ‘Baby, I’m sorry. Lily, Princess its ok, I’m going to take you to my place.’

‘No….no it’s ok, I just need a ride to the airport so we can get home. We don’t belong here.’

‘Summer, you don’t need to go yet, please we didn’t mean to hurt you, either of you.’

‘Enough, I’ve heard enough. Mom, dad. I love you, but I don’t think I have ever seen you do anything like this to somebody I care about. I can’t look at you right now. Summer, I’ll arrange for your things to be at the plane, I’ll take you to my place for the night.’

He silently asked for Lily and she easily fell into his arms before we walked out to his car and drove away.

Chapter 11



   The drive to Mason’s place was quiet, Lily had fallen asleep after her tears had dried up so we were left to our own thoughts. Pulling into the underground garage, it was quiet. Nobody knew we were here, and luckily nobody followed us from his parent’s estate. Mase carried Lily in his arms and we silently travelled up to his place. He took Lily straight to the second bedroom and tucked her in before coming back to me just outside the bedroom door. He took my hand and we walked into the master suite. I closed the door behind us, and walked over to the bed. I felt his arms circle me from behind and leaned back into him. It’s a comfort after everything, over the last few days and now his family. I feel lost so god only knows what’s going on in his head.

‘Mason, please tell me what you’re thinking.’

‘I…I can’t. There’s too much. Baby…’ He’s crumbling right in front of me, and I don’t know what to do. I turn in his arms and hold him close. When I look up into his eyes there shining, it’s too much for him.

‘I’m so, so sorry. It’s my fault. If we hadn’t met, this would never have been an issue. The paps would have left you alone, your family would have no need to feel the way they do and you wouldn’t be hurting right now.’

‘No, your right. They would be hurting for others reasons. I would be dead. You saved me baby. We were supposed to meet at the exact time we did. What were the odds that you came to the States, and at the same time you came out of that hotel, I was going in.’

‘Fate’ it’s the only word I could think of. I looked up into his eyes and he leaned down, meeting in the middle for a kiss which made me melt the moment our lips came together. It doesn’t take long before things heat up, I don’t think I will ever get enough of this amazing guy. Pulling away all I could think to say was ‘Please’ he understood. I want and need him, it’s not something that I will ever be able to understand. This need to be one with him, supersedes everything. No more words are needed. I move my fingers to the hem of his t shirt and lift it over his head, he bends slightly helping me before lifting my shirt at the same time. It doesn’t take long before we lay bare together. I marvel at this beautiful man, taking in everything I can see, trying to memorize every inch. I love him.    

   He covers me with his body, and kisses me like it
’s the last time. It never takes me long to feel ready for him, I can feel every part of him, perfectly aligned. His erection sliding between my folds, I can’t help the pleasure that builds every time he moves against me, but I need more and so does he so I move my hand between us and wrap my hand around his length, feeling my own wetness at the same time, moving him to my throbbing core, he doesn’t waste any time before pushing inside me, but he does take his time, making sure I’m ok.

‘Don’t hold back, I’m fine, you always feel amazing. I want you to remember this moment, just like I will, please’ with a moan he starts to move, slow gentle movements making sure he holds back, like he wants the night to last forever. I can see the strain in his eyes, so I run my hands down his back using my nails, as his thrusts become firmer I can feel the warmth starting to spread through my torso and down towards my sex, I know the feeling and can anticipate the explosion before it happens.

‘Baby, I’m so close, please don’t hold back, I need you, and I want you to let go and take me how you need, please.’

My words seem to cause a flicker of something behind his eyes. Mase started to move with harder, faster strokes, lifting my legs over his shoulders making everything more intense, its deeper bordering on painful but pleasurable at the same time, I can
’t help the noises I’m making as he thrusts in and out, I want to scream, and curse but nothing comes out. Mason’s breathing increases as he continues to make love to me, he leans down and kisses my mouth, my neck, moving down, his mouth closes over my nipple, sucking and teasing, making my eyes roll back into my head. It feels like we’ve been pushed inside our own bubble where nothing else matters except this feeling, before I know what’s happening I feel him tense at the same time as I shatter, with the most intense orgasm I ever had, he continues to move until we are both spent, breathing hard, he rests his head on my breasts. We don’t speak, just relax in the glow of our amazing sex.

‘I will never get enough of you, how is that possible Mase?’

‘Because we love each other, it’s that simple. I have never wanted anybody the way I want and need you babe, please promise me that what happened earlier will not effect us?’

‘Sweetie, nothing that happens will effect how I feel about you, but you can’t stay mad at them, you will need them even if at this point, you don’t want their help. Families stick together even when their pissed off with one another. Promise me that once you’ve cooled off you’ll talk to them, please!’

‘I would promise you anything, I’ll try ok, I need some time to think, my parents have never been this narrow minded so its taken me by surprise. Lets not talk about this now, let’s just enjoy the time we have now before your flight.’

‘Ok I can live with that, for now but I’m not giving up.’

We changed the subject and talked about when he would come to the UK and the new house, I told him about Lily
’s birthday and that she was disappointed not to be here, but in keeping with not talking about his family we kept to light topics until the early hours when we both fell asleep.

The next morning I was up early, trying to make breakfast before Lily woke up, the smell of coffee caught Mason
’s attention and he walked up behind me resting his chin on my head

‘Good morning beautiful. You’re up early?’

‘Morning, I couldn’t sleep in, plus I wanted to make sure I could make you breakfast before we leave.’

‘Thanks sweetheart, Lily still sleeping?’

‘Yea she must be worn out, usually any noise wakes her, weird.’

‘Shall I check on her?’

‘Can you, thanks.’ he walked off toward the bedroom, and was gone for fifth teen minutes before coming back out.

‘Hey, sorry I took a while. Lily was awake, just sat in bed, so we had a little chat. I’m still amazed how grown up she is, and how much she actually knows. Did you know she overheard everything last night, I mean with my family?’

‘I wasn’t sure how much she heard, I didn’t want to ask. How bad?’

‘Well she thinks my parents hate her and that Mel doesn’t want to see her again.’

‘Oh God, that bad.’

‘Yea… Its ok I talked to her so hopefully she feels better about things. She was just getting dressed so will probably be out soon.’

‘Thank you babe, I may need to have a chat with her but it can wait.’

We sat to eat our cereal and fruit, before Lily made her entrance, amazing really but everyday she looked that little bit older. She didn
’t say much just sat down to eat. After breakfast we cleaned up and started to get our things together. Mase had already arranged for our cases to be at the plane when we arrived so apart from our passports and our hand luggage we were ready to go. Mason picked Lily up so we could go to his car together. I think he just wanted to feel as close to her as possible before we left. We drove out of the underground garage with no issues. Everything was quiet, so we began the drive to a private airport where Mason’s plane was waiting.


   When we arrived all our paperwork was checked before we boarded the plane. Mase was greeted by his pilot, and stewards, whom helped Lily stow her backpack while I stayed as close to Mason as possible. When the Pilot announced the time Mason made his way to Lily, their goodbye was heart wrenching, and I soon had tears streaming down my cheeks. Once he assured her that he would be over as soon as he could, she hugged him tight and curled up in her seat sobbing. One of the stewards leaned down to give her a little comfort, When he walked toward me, I started to tremble, it was the weirdest feeling, nauseating and powerless, yes that’s how I felt like everything was wrong somehow. My tears continued and he pulled me into his arms

‘Angel don’t cry, please, it kills me to see you cry.’

‘I’m….I’m sorry’ I had no words, what do you say to the love of your life when you’re leaving him.

‘Don’t be sorry love, this is just temporary, I’ll be with you sooner than you know, just try to imagine us together again ok. I love you Summer.’

‘I love you, so much. I’ll call you as soon as we land ok.’

‘Make sure you do, I need to know you back safe.’ The flight checks were done and Mason was asked to disembark.

‘Goodbye baby.’

‘Bye’ my heart splintered as he walked down the steps, with a final wave the doors were locked and we were asked to take our seats. I held Lily’s hand while we prepared to take off, and watched Mason leave the runway through the small window, allowing my tears to run as we took off leaving New York and Mason Stone behind.

Chapter 12



   Our flight was comfortable, but long. Mason
’s plane was amazing. Once we were in the air, the steward advised us that we could lay down in the back bedroom to rest and they would serve dinner in a couple of hours. I thanked them and picked Lily up, walking into the bedroom was weird. I felt like I was missing something. I lay Lily down, she still had tears in her eyes but her sobs had died down.

‘Mummy, I’m sad.’

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