SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (85 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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Chapter 7

"Dad, the wolves are knocking on the door, they want Valerie back, and they brought their enforcers with them. We don't have enough guards to stop this from being a bloody mess. Their leader wants to meet with you." Melonius stood in his father's study, looking nervous. He kept swiping his hair off his forehead, a nervous habit.

"Fine, I will meet with him, no guards, his or mine, escort him in here. Protect Valerie though, are we clear?" John told his son, feeling protective of the girl.

"You love her, don't you?" Melonius said, sounding shocked.

"That's between me and her." John told him, "the two of us can discuss this later, once I work this out with the wolves. They can't have her back."

"Whatever you say Father."

A few minutes later Melonius ushered the wolf leader into John's office.

John stood defensively, with his arms crossed over his chest, and a look on his face that said he would fight if he had too.

The wolf sauntered in and slammed the door in Melonius's face and then turned to face John.

"You have my son's bride to be." He informed him.

"I'm aware of this." John told him. "It's been a while Kale, how have you been?"

"Drop the shit John. I want the girl." Kale told him.

"She's not being kept here against her will." John told him, arching a brow. "I can arrange for you to ask her yourself, if you'd like."

"She was picked to be his mate, she has an obligation." Kale growled, his eyes shifting with his agitation and then went human again.

"According to your laws, you can't marry an unwilling mate." John reminded him.

"You never should have stolen her from us, she belonged to my son."

"And you can't claim a woman who needs a chance to live her own life. What do you think is going to happen if she realizes the freedom you'd be taking from her once she's married to wolves?" John taunted him.

"I want to talk to her. She needs to come home where she belongs." Kale insisted.

"Fine, you can talk to her." John pulled his phone out, and texted a message and then waited.

A few minutes later, Valerie walked through the door way, and looked nervous when she saw Kale there.

Kale took a step towards her, and John instinctively put himself between Valerie and Kale.

"Don't go near her." John warned him, his eyes flashing red and his fangs coming out.

"This is the way of it then? We save you, and you throw your lot in with vampires?" Kale asked her, demanding an answer.

"Your son deserves a woman who loves him." Valerie said, looking apologetic.

"He needs pups, and a wife, he doesn't need to worry about love." Kale told her, sounding angrier by the second.

"Ask her if she wants to return with you, and then get out." John said, sounding confident that Valerie would want to stay.

"You're going to let this man pull the wool over your eyes? Just because he's the King of the vampires doesn't mean he's going to give you anything, he's a stingy bastard." Kale snarled.

"He never even told me he was King of the vampires." She said, her eyes growing round and she glanced at him, looking surprised.

"I didn't want to intimidate you." John said softly. "Once I met you, I wanted whatever we had growing, to just... grow. I didn't want to scare you off."

"You've never scared me John." Valerie said, and put her hand on his cheek, gazing at him lovingly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Kale spat. "You guys think you are in love?"

"You can't have her." John informed him and pulled Valerie against his side, protectively.

"I don't want her. She's damaged goods. My son deserves better." Kale said, and stomped out. "This isn't over John. I'll get my revenge."

"You say you always do." John sighed. "Just go Kale, you got to see her, she doesn't want to go, tell your son to find a new, and willing bride, or better yet, let your son pick his mate and let him have a chance at being happy for a chance."

"I'll raise my pack my way, and you can lead your vampires yours. Don't think you are better than me." Kale told him, then slammed the door on the way out.

Valerie stood there stunned, expecting bloodshed, and was surprised at what just happened.

"It could have been worse." John muttered. "The last time we got into a physical war, there was heavy losses on both sides, we try to avoid it, if we can. Generally our spats are petty."

"Like stealing the bride to be?" Valerie asked him.

"Something like that." John told her. "I don't regret it for a moment, I'm glad you are in my life Valerie."

"I love you John. I hope you realize that I'm staying with you simply because of that." She informed him.

"You're strong, with a vitality and lust for life that makes me want to just watch you live. I've never felt this way about anyone before." He cupped her cheek with his hand, staring down at her affectionately. "I don't know if this is what love is supposed to feel like, but the urge to be near you, protect you, defend your honor overwhelm me. I think about you constantly when you're not in the same room with me, and I've never desired another woman the way you make me feel."

"Just ask the girl to marry you already and be done with it Father." Melonius stood, giving his father a droll look, as he leaned against the doorway of the study.

"Mind your own business." John glared at him.

"Well, if I have to listen to you be sappy for the first time in my life, I might as well get to enjoy it." Melonius said, grinning at Valerie, then winked at her.

"Just you wait Melonius, you're going to meet the right woman and then you'll understand." John informed him.

"If only I had such good fortune." He smiled at his dad. "I don't think falling in love is something to be afraid of, unlike you."

"I'm not afraid of falling in love, I just was afraid I'd never find the right woman." He said, then his gaze softened and he looked down at Valerie. He pulled her hand up to his mouth and kissed her hand.

"Okay, and on that note, I'm leaving." Melonius said, but you could hear him chuckling as he walked down the hall, leaving the two of them alone.












Rescued by my Alpha Bear

Chapter 1

The night was peaceful, the winds tranquil and not a cloud in sight.  It wasn’t the kind of night she thought it would be.  She always pictured rain, storms or at least ominous looking clouds.  But today, it seemed as if the world was finally at peace. 

She ran as fast as she could, wearing only jean shorts and a blue t-shirt, her straight blond hair tumbling up and down as if storm winds had found her, assaulting her curvaceous, athletic, but plump body.  But all that was in the air that day was adrenaline, as Abigail Campos ran like the wind, committing to leave this time—finally leave and start a new life.

Anywhere but here
, she said, still looking back to see if anyone was following her.  Yet.  Of course, they were going to try to follow her.  She wasn’t a person to those people but an escaped asset.  She ran down a steep hill, still hearing the echoing voices, the sounds of imprisonment.

You fucking ungrateful bitch! 

You ever talk back to me again and I’ll kill you.

Stop crying!  Stop your fucking crying or I’ll beat you again!

A houseful of old memories—getting beaten as a teen, then watching her stepfather do to the same to her younger brother and her mother—was no match for the woods.  The woods, despite the creepy noises and little scrapes and cuts, always seemed like a peaceful place.  Instead of an angry stepfather, a bear was a fair compromise.  Instead of a psychopath mother who suffered abuse and gave it back to her kids tenfold, there were a few coyotes that minded their own business.

When she finally exited all signs of town life and disappeared into the miles of natural forestland, she felt a huge unburdening, realizing that she may well become lost in the woods.  At least here, she would be completely safe from the human world. 

She looked behind her, realizing that tall trees were the only landmarks left.  The branches and layers of leaves blotted out the natural moonlight, even as strange sounds began to multiply.  For a moment, as she listened to a tiny little hum occurring somewhere near her knees, she wondered if she made the right choice.  Nothing could kill her in the woods, could it?

Bears usually kept to themselves and avoided humans.  Wolves sometimes traveled in packs, but wouldn’t her taller presence scare them away? 

she thought, even as demonic laughter drowned out her rational thoughts—the same way her family would always laugh after another face-whipping with the belt. 
I’d rather die out here with wild animals than endure another moment with them.

She stood at attention, her back arched and her head turning both directions looking for any sign of movement.  She walked forward, carefully, not wanting to make any creaking sounds, in fear of alerting a stronger beast.  She wondered if she could defend herself if worse came to worst.  A long time ago, her stepfather, drunk off his ass as always, gave her a lesson in survivalism.  He said aim for the jaw.  To break apart the snout of a large animal. 
Yeah right, like I’m going to overpower a wolf. 
It sounded much easier than it actually felt, now here in the cold and ruthless forest where a dozen creatures die every day, and not a whimper is heard for miles.

She  walked backwards, closer to the woods and away from the stomped surface of grass and leaves, which looked slightly like a road less traveled.  Someone had been walking here, perhaps even a man, since the foliage was flattened.  But this also seemed to be where the commotion was coming from.  She walked backwards until stumbled upon a warm body.

She lifted her hands and scooted herself away, watching the animal in terror.

A wolf stood in her presence, not a yard separating them.  It only took a few moments for the wolf’s disposition to change, its face contorting into an aggressive stare, its teeth showing a guttural rattling noise complementing its slanted eyes.

“Oh God.  I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” she said, scooting herself away in a hurry.

The wolf continued growling as it moved closer, readying to make a deadly pounce.

“Help meee!” Abigail screamed, as she shifted backwards so hard, she only fell on her head on the grassy ground beneath.  But just before the wolf made the deadly leap, someone or something came to the rescue.  A large fur-covered appendage came swooping out and smacked the wolf several away.  The wolf whined and paced around, eyeing Abigail first and then the monstrosity behind her.

She looked up and to her right, still lying on the grass.  Above her stood a bear, a large and ferocious creature over eight feet tall with a terrifying snout and large forearms.  The more she looked at it, her mouth dropping in awe and her body shivering with terror, the more she realized it wasn’t just a bear.  Its face was bear-like and its body was covered with fur.  But its top claws were huge and so heavy in form they resembled that of a man.  Its posture was also upright, as if its hind legs had become accustomed to walking upright. 

She was too scared to back away but began whispering.  “I’m not going to hurt you.  Not going to make any sudden movements.”

The bear roared as loud as he could, coming closer to her, and sending a huge warning call throughout the forest.

“Oh God!  It’s okay…not going to hurt you!” she said one note louder, inching away and too afraid to rise to her feet.  She tried to remember the advice her stepfather gave her way back when…

If you’re ever confronted by a bear, stand as tall as you can.  Make no sudden movements.  Don’t show fear.  Make a lot of noise if he becomes threatening.  But knowing how stupid you are, you’re as good as a bear chow

She flinched at the prospect and then figured there’s no sense dying in fear, writhing on the ground.  She backed away a few more scoots and then slowly rose to her knees.

The abnormal looking bear tilted its head, as if acknowledging some form of communication.  But within seconds, especially after seeing Abigail hold her arms out in a threatening manner, he began growling and pacing.

“Oh shit,” she said. 
Make noise.  Make noise
.  “Fuck you!  Fuck you, bear!  Fuck you and your mother, Mister Bear!  Fuck you!”

The bear roared again, walking forward in a strange, ethereal manner—almost like a giant man stalking a smaller animal.

Abigail screamed and started waving her hands back and forth.  The bear did finally stop roaring and seemed to watch Abigail in confusion, pacing back and forth but just maintaining eye contact.

“Jesus.  What do I do now?”  She said, seeing the bear’s lack of aggression, but remembering the advice not to run in fear.

The bear started roaring again, a series of loud and primal screams to the full moon above.  He began slapping his chest, an unbearlike characteristic, she observed, even with limited knowledge of the creatures.

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