SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (41 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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“I just want to tell you, wife that this doesn’t change anything between us. I kind of find it hot that you would want to do this and with your best friend. I hope that it’s everything that you want and more. I would never deny you anything. I’m glad that I don’t find this a slight on my manhood. I actually want this to happen. I know how important Timothy is in your life and I would like to think that we can be at least friends with benefits.”

“I would like that too, Holden. I’m just not sure that sharing your wife is the answer. It’s not to say that I haven’t thought about it, but this is something a little bit different. I certainly didn’t think that we would be doing her together. I can honestly say that I’ve never tag teamed a woman, but there’s always a first time for everything.

I unbuttoned their shirts, seeing that they both liked to work out and put their bodies to the test. They saw my dark skin and the contrast to their pale white complexion was a bit jarring. I had their pants down around their ankles and both of them were standing there at complete attention and ready to go into battle. I let them watch, as I peeled back the layer of the white dress. It was essentially a wedding dress, but more something that you would see on the beach than a church.

It was short, except for the train that had now been taken care of with the sharp blades of a pair of scissors. I lifted the straps off my shoulders, watching, as their cocks bobbed up and down to the show that I was giving them. “I think it’s time for the big reveal. Trust me, you’ve both seen it before, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have some surprises up my sleeve.” When I dropped the straps, my hidden secret came out to their eager eyes. I was wearing edible underwear. I took one hand each and I drew them to the bed.

I lie there with my legs spread with each one holding one leg each and then they were moving in. until they were touching the strawberry essence. I heard them slurping and I looked down to see that they were stripping those edible panties away and consuming that delectable delight. There was no reason to stop them, after all the creamy center was where they were going to end up. I put my feet up onto the mattress, spreading my knees and letting them get better access to the goods.

“I don’t know about other women, but I think I understand why it’s better with two. You haven’t lived…oh yeah…until you have two men going down on you at the same time.” I could feel their hot breath and then their tongues begin to move in unison. One concentrated on my clit, sucking it into his mouth, until Timothy buried his oral protrusion into my body. I’d never felt anything like it and I never knew that I could be a hair trigger from going off.

That wet sloshing sound was a byproduct of my excitement. I wasn’t in love with Timothy, but I did enjoy seeing his body and playing with him was something that I could get used to.

“Honey, I would like to see you cum all over our faces. Just let yourself go and I’m sure that it won’t take all that long for you to have that orgasm. I know how much I mean to you and I know that what you said on the beach was not just platitudes. I think that deep down we know that we were meant to be together and that this issue with your visa was the perfect way to make us see what we had right in front of us.” He returned to licking circles and I found myself pushing up against them.

“We are definitely going to have to do this… AGAINNNNNNNN.” My legs were quivering and there was no denying that having them both was like a dream come true. As I was coming down from that moment, I noticed that Timothy was now between my legs and that Holden was holding my ankles wide.

“I thought that he deserved to go first. After all, I had that pleasure two days ago. Don’t worry, I plan to give you more than you can handle.” I felt Timothy bury himself in one long stroke. I don’t think that he would have done that, except that he was a little inebriated. “I love that we can do this together. You really are something special to me and to your friend Timothy.

I had their clothes off and I had their bodies and I knew that the love that I shared with Holden would forever bond us. I don’t think that I would ever fall in love with Timothy, but I think that we could make room for him in our life and in our bed. Until such time that he found somebody special, I would be more than happy to show him a good time with my husband, either watching or joining in.

He was fucking me hard and my heels were slapping up against his back, as I turned my head and found a hard on with my name on it. I slipped my lips over the crown of Holden’s cock, as he started to piston in and out of my mouth, until they had a healthy rhythm going that really did have those bedsprings working to the best of their ability.

“This is fucking amazing. I don’t think that I could ask for anything more. You’re one of my best friends, Avril and now you’re my sometime lover.” His seed blasted fourth and he pulled free, so that he could spray from my pussy all the way up to my breasts. I guess seeing that was what brought forth Holden’s own climax. He let loose and filled my mouth, although this was more explosive than the last time. Maybe seeing me with another man had tickled his fancy.

I was still tingling and the product of Timothy’s desire was now congealing on my stomach. I could feel it turning into this hard sticky mess. I would need to take a shower, but right now that was secondary. My main concern was to see if they were feeling any ill effects from doing something like this. I don’t think that I could have done this with anybody, but my best friend. I don’t think that Holden would be comfortable with me being with any other man besides Timothy. They were both going to be in my life and working side by side in both restaurants. This was what I had envisioned and I think that I could have died right now with a smile on my face.

I lie between them, touching their chests and seeing them looking at the ceiling with smiles on their faces. I don’t think that I could be happier, except that I knew now that I was probably with child. It was almost like I’d been given a gift and even though I had not confirmed it with a doctor, I was still sure that there was a life growing inside me. I knew that it was Holden’s, but I also knew that Timothy would be a part of its life.

As I closed my eyes, I put my hand on my stomach and knew that everything was coming up roses. I loved that both of these men loved me for who I was. My weight was not an issue and being big boned was something that they both liked. What girl could have what I have? I wanted to tell myself back in the day that everything was going to be great. At least I could look back at those times as growing pains. Life was strange and it is true that it’s all about waiting. The universe has a way of giving you exactly what you want.










The Cowboy’s Ebony Mail Order Bride

Carl Gillipsy was an oil man and they said his father and his father and his own father, well, they were just the epitome of old southern evil.  Carl’s father was alive to see racial discrimination in the sixties and his father was alive to see the real segregation of the 1900s.  And his father was a true blood soldier of the Confederate Army even though those boys quieted up during the late nineteen century, at least for a while.  His father before him owned slaves in the days preceding the Civil War. 

Gillipsy himself they said was evil because he was his father’s son and because he was an oil man, the preferred career of the Republican-owned, Koch-sucking Grand Old Party.  Gillipsy worked his way up from petroleum landman to Right of Way Agent and eventually founded his own continental oil company, and the family motto—unofficially of course—was at least it’s all American-made, as if that was the only good thing you could say about Gillipsy Oil.

Carl though wasn’t like forefathers when it came to sales.  He had a way with words but not so much a way with people.  All people knew about Carl was that he came to the Town of Granfork, minded his own business, and had the biggest Stetson hat you ever saw. 

When it came to dealing with people one on one that was just a whole other matter. 

“Well, well,” Nancy Doltraine the middle-aged cashier said, eyeing Gillipsy as he entered the department store, always dressed well in his black suit and black raincoat.  Whenever it was cold or wet, he always wore a coat.  Lately winter had been long for Granfork County. “Looks like you’re all dressed up and nowhere to go.”

She smiled at first in friendliness, but then in forced enthusiasm, eventually melting into sheer terror.  She realized that this wasn’t just another shopper for coats and boots.  This was someone important—the kind of guy who could buy the whole store just out of spite for dealing with a rude cashier.

“It’s you,” she said, blinking her eyes and sighing.  “Hello Mister Gillipsy.”

“Good afternoon,” he said in that even-tempered and somewhat distant manner.  His face was indeed ubiquitous around the town and in the nearby cities of Austin and Georgetown and all the way down to Houston.  His face graced the cover of every Texas magazine and every Google News story this side of creation.

“I’m here to buy a new coat.  Something a bit light.  Spring is fast approaching.”

She smiled as she looked into his face; a human face, yes, and a clean and handsome one since Gillipsy had only reached the age of 36. 

But his aura was intense.  His non-enthusiasm was brutal, as if his firm mouth and chin were a constant reminder to remind everyone that he didn’t need them.  They needed him and his money all but paid for their micro-economy.

“Oh yes you are correct on that, sir.  No sense in a man like you being overdressed.”

“Well,” he said, always happy to correct a misstatement.  “I prefer to think that it’s cautious and respectful to be overdressed.  And not insolent by being underdressed.”

“Well I uh…” she shrugged, caught off guard and not wanting to ruffle his feathers.

“There’s nothing wrong with being pleasing in appearance.  It shows respect.  It also shows one’s better side.  And you, my dear, are indeed a lovely woman to behold.”

“Ohhhhh well thank you!” she said, waiting for a back-handed compliment or building insult.  But nothing.  What do you know, Gillipsy actually said something.  This would be a story to hell her grandchildren.

“I’ll help myself to the dressing room,” he said with a half-smile, which surely looked like the very waters parting from her vantage point.

Perhaps it was no coincidence that Gillipsy was there about the same time as Tonya Abrams walked into the Grandfork Men’s House department store.  It was almost something like fate.

“Hi there,” she said to the cashier, looking around the store and booming back and forth until she found the boots section.

“Hey there,” the cashier said back, noticing the woman was a cowgirl, from the very top of her hat and downward.  She was also young-looking, about late twenties7.  

“Looking for size thirteen, size thirteen.”

“Oh?  Special occasion?”

“No ma’am,” she said, flipping through the boots on display and sizing them up.  “They’re for me.  I’m a rancher.  I need them to protect my ankles.”

“Well now,” the woman said with a smile.  “Why does a pretty young woman like you feel obligated to get your hands all dirty?  You should be out charming those young fellas.”

Tonya laughed quietly, not sure if she was flattered that a southern white woman was giving a young black woman a genuine compliment or insulted because she was holding back feminism.

“Well, thank you, kindly.  But I reckon no man can handle me.  I’m as stubborn as an oxe and as fast as a horse.”

“You sound like my grandmother,” Nancy said.  “She was ahead of her time.  I guess you might say we didn’t inherit the gene.”

“Too bad,” Tonya laughed.  “There are plenty of ladies but not a lot of strong women.”

“Up north there are,” Nancy said politely.

Tonya laughed.  “Here and there.  I guess.”

Just then Gillipsy walked out of the dressing room, abruptly and eager to leave as always.  However, seeing that Tonya was halfway to the register, decided to wave her in.

              “Go ahead,” he said, acquiescing.

              “I will,” she said proudly, sure as hell not about to give up her spot to the well dressed white man. 

              Carl waited patiently as Nancy ran up Tonya’s boots. 

              “I’m sorry, the card’s been declined,” she said apologetically.

              “God damn it,” Tonya said with a stomp.  “Fuckers took the money out of my bank.”

              “Well that happens…you know, when you don’t pay your bills.”

              Nancy flinched and kept her head low as Tonya turned around and glared at the smirking oil man.

              “Excuse the hell me, but who in the name of Fucking Christmas are you?  And why is it your business?”

              “Is your bank Reliant State?”

              “Well did you…”

              “Because I own that bank,” Gillipsy said firmly, as poor Nancy cowered further.  “That’s the money you owe me.  And you have a lot of nerve telling me that I’m wrong taking the money that you owe me.”

              “Well for your information, I had to buy these boots to get a job to pay my balance.”

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