SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (80 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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Long ago dragons lived on the flesh of humans, their favorite being that of a female virgin, but times have changed and the dragons have learned to adapt in order to protect themselves from being hunted. When one of the members broke the pack that had been made within the group it was up to the Alpha do decide the punishment and Niq was not the type of Alpha to accept the killing of a human as a mistake. He knew that it would only lead to the humans hunting for the dragons as well as more killing on both sides.

Of all of the monsters that Alissa had dealt with Niq was the most human like. He had lived for hundreds of years, even though he still looked as if he were in his mid-20’s and had learned a lot throughout his lifetime. The most important thing he had learned was how to survive. Alissa did not like working with monsters, but she had to admit that she was glad she would be asking Niq for help and not one of the more unpredictable monsters.

It was not to say that Niq was unpredictable, but Alissa knew he would not kill her just because he wanted to. She knew that he would have a hard time being around her because she was a female virgin, but that it would also work to her benefit. Not only were female human virgins what the dragons loved to feast on, they were extremely attracted to them as well. There was something about them that drew the dragons to the female virgins. Alissa had seen it in Niq’s eyes the first time she had met him and could hear it in his voice when she had talked to him on the phone.

She had called him to set up a meeting so that she could ask for his help with hunting this demon. She knew it was going to be dangerous for her to enlist the help of Niq, he was not only a powerful and unpredictable dragon but he was also a powerful man. If she made one wrong move he could completely ruin her. She knew it would take a lot for him to actually kill her, but it would not take too much to upset him enough for him to ensure her entire life was ruined. She would have to step lightly when it came to Niq.

Alissa was on her way to meet with Niq, she had sat up a meeting in his office thinking that it was the safest place to meet with him. She wanted to ensure her own safety while trying to get him to understand that she needed his help. As far as she was concerned, she owed him. She had made a deal with him that she would not hunt the dragons if he ensured that they were not killing humans but if she found out that one of his group had been killing humans she was going to make sure that they never had the chance to do it again.

This allowed Niq and his group to continue to live, he knew that had he not agreed Alissa would have picked each of the dragons off one by one. She may not have looked dangerous, but he knew she was and he had not wanted to have to kill her in order to keep his people safe it was not the type of dragon he was.

As Alissa drove to Niq’s office, she thought about him and how she would make her plan work. She knew that she was going to have to use her seductive powers to keep him under control. He was known for flying off of the handle and not being very patient and if they were going to kill this demon he was going to have to be calm and patient. It was not going to be very difficult for her to be seductive toward him, he as all of the dragons were, are extremely attractive. They all had dark eyes that were mysterious and almost hypnotizing at the same time. He had darker skin than her and had a presence about him. When Niq walked into a room, he demanded respect and this was something that Alissa struggled to give to him. Even though he was in his human form quite attractive, he was nothing more than a monster to Alissa. She knew she would have to put that out of her mind if she were going to make her plan work.

Alissa pulled into the parking lot of Niq’s office, parked her car and stepped out. As she looked up at the tall building she could see him standing at his window looking out. Her heartbeat quickened as she thought about facing him. It had been a few years since she had last talked to him and it was not like they were good friends. She was to say the least worried about their meeting.

Alissa walked into the office door and was met by the receptionist. “Mr. Cogan is waiting for you,” she said without even greeting Alissa.

“Oh,” Alissa said, as she was ushered toward the elevator.

“He is on the 11
floor,” the receptionist said, rushing her into the elevator. She pushed the button for the 11
floor and as she pulled her arm out of the elevator the door closed and Alissa was on her way to see Niq.

Alissa tried to calm her breathing, she did not want Niq to know that she was nervous. She wanted to appear calm and collected but even for her it was difficult. The elevator stopped and Alissa heard the ding, she was on the 11
floor. As the door opened, she was startled to see Niq standing in front of her.

She walked out of the elevator as Niq looked her up and down. “Why are you here,” he asked her.

“Well, I thought maybe we could sit down and talk,” she answered him nervously.

“You said you need help now what is it,” he replied to her walking toward his office.

As he reached his office, he opened the door for her and she entered. She would never understand how he had spent so many years with humans and had not picked up any common courtesy.

“You know Niq,” Alissa said jokingly, “you really need to work on your people skills.”

She was smiling and trying to lighten the mood, but she could tell that Niq was having none of it. Alissa turned and walked toward one of the chairs in Niq’s office, making sure to use her sexiest walk in order to grab his attention. He followed close behind her, “You’re not people Alissa, you are a hunter,” he said glaring at her.

“Niq me being here has nothing to do with the dragons,” she said, looking at him as sincerely as she possibly could.

“Then what,” he asked her as he sat down. She could swear that he looked down her body before looking back up at her. There was no hiding the fact that she was a virgin from him, the dragons had the special ability to tell who was a virgin and who was not which made them that much more dangerous. Most of the time dragons had no problem controlling themselves, but when they were in the presence of a female human virgin you could actually see them struggling to take control of themselves and Niq was no different.

“You know what happened to my family when I was a child,” she began. It was common knowledge that a demon had killed her family at least it was among the paranormal community.

“Yes,” Niq said, sitting up in his seat. This seemed to get his attention, causing Alissa to sigh slightly in relief.

“The demon is only a few hundred miles from here and I cannot kill it on my own,” she continued.

Niq sat back in his seat understanding that she needed his help. There was only one way that she could kill the demon and Niq knew it. She needed his help or at least the help of a dragon. If he allowed this it would be very dangerous because demons were known to bring their friends when a dragon was involved. There were only two ways to kill a dragon, one was by using a dagger that has been made out of dragon bones and the other was by demons.

“I would consider sending a dragon with you, but what am I going to get out of the deal,” Niq was licking his lips as he asked the question.

Alissa began getting more uncomfortable as she realized Niq continued to adjust his pants as well as his body in his seat. He could move fast and if he wanted her he could take her before she would be able to get to the door of the office.

“Actually, I wanted the dragon to be you,” she stated as if she were questioning herself. Niq’s eyebrow lifted and she knew she had his undivided attention. “I need someone who is powerful and who I know I will be safe with during the hunt.”

Niq laughed quietly, “You would feel safe with me?”

Alissa felt stupid saying it, but she knew he had more self-control than the less experienced dragons and she needed the most powerful dragon she could get. This was the strongest demon she had ever faced and she could not take the chances of having a dragon with her that was not up to the job. She also knew that if Niq sent a dragon with her and she did not come back with that dragon she would face death.

“More with you than a less experienced dragon,” she stated.

“When do you plan on going after this demon,” he asked as if he were considering helping her.

“The sooner the better,” she answered, “I believe that it is going to go after another family and I want to stop it.”

“Of course you do,” Niq said quietly, “I never understood that about humans, always feeling as if they have to save everyone else. Why can’t you just allow events to happen naturally?”

Alissa wanted to scream,
Because it is not natural! Because it is a monster that is going to kill a human family and there is nothing natural about that!
She did not, however, instead she looked at Niq, “I suppose it is part of being human,” she answered.

“So be it,” he said, looking at her as if he were questioning her motives, “I will finish up here and we can head out tonight. I will inform the receptionist that I will not be back for a few days, but I am also going to inform my second that if I am not back in a few days they are to go after you and make sure you are dead. I am also going to warn you that if you make one wrong move I will not hesitate to kill you and eat you right there.”

Alissa knew that he was telling the truth, the dragons were not known for making threats and not following through with them. She nodded her head.

“I will meet you at the restaurant across the street in 3 hours,” Niq said. He stood up and Alissa quickly realized their meeting was over. She stood and began walking toward the door. She could feel Niq walking close behind her. When she reached the door Niq reached around her and opened it. His body was so close to hers that she could feel the heat off of it and as he reached around her he whispered in her ear, “You are going to owe me for this.”

Alissa took a deep breath and looked down at the floor, Niq pulled the door the rest of the way open and allowed her to walk out. Niq watched her walk to the elevator taking in the way her ass swayed when she walked. He felt his cock twitch as she stepped into the elevator and knew he was going to have a very interesting weekend.

As the elevator doors closed Alissa leaned back on the wall of the elevator, letting out a huge sigh. She began to wonder if what she was doing was a good idea. She knew she was going to be with Niq all weekend if not a bit longer. She knew they would be stuck in her car for a few hundred miles and she wondered if he was going to be able to control himself. More than that, she wondered if she would be able to control herself.

As much as she did not want to admit it, she felt the wetness building between her thighs when Niq had whispered in her ear. Her heart had all but stopped and she struggled to breathe. It was going to be one of the longest weekends of her life as well as one of the hardest. She knew that she would have to stay strong when it came to fighting the demon, but she was going to have to be even stronger when it came to Niq.

Alissa decided to go hang out at the library and do a bit of research while she waited for Niq to finish up his work. She tried to focus, but no matter how hard she tried she could not get her mind off of Niq. She thought about how it would feel to have his body pressed against hers and she imagined that as he moved in his seat he had been adjusting a throbbing cock. Even though she was a virgin, she had a great imagination when it came to sex and for some reason she was unable to shut it down.

Alissa shook her head and focused on the books she had laying on the table next to her. She had found everything she could on demons as well as any news article she could that seemed to have anything to do with the demon she was hunting. She was looking for strange murders of entire families, but then again, she knew that all murders of entire families was strange.

She focused the best that she could on the books and it as not long before she realized she needed to leave. There had been several murders of entire families, not only locally, but in the surrounding cities. It seemed to Alissa that this demon really kept close this specific area. Realizing that she was almost late to meet Niq she grabbed her things and headed out the door.

She had been able to calm her nerves by reading, but as she headed out of the library door she felt her anxiety returning. She quickly made her way to her car and drove back to the restaurant that sat across from Niq’s office. She was glad that she had made it there before him, he was not the type of man… or monster that you wanted to keep waiting.

She walked into the restaurant found a table and sat down. She realized that she had not eaten all day and she was very hungry. She ordered a meal and waited for Niq to arrive. Her plate had just arrived when Niq walked into the door. He made his way over to her and looked down at her plate, “Thanks for waiting,” he smirked.

“Well, it’s not like this is a date,” she replied as she took a bite of a large cheeseburger, “plus I was hungry.”

She was relieved when Niq sat down and ordered a meal for himself. It meant that he would not be hungry while they were in the car. She felt a bit safer than she had before he had arrived.

“I think it is best that I drive,” Niq said once his meal was ordered, “I don’t need to sleep so we’ll get there a lot faster.”

“You think that I am going to let you drive my car,” Alissa said taking a drink of her tea.

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