Scornfully Yours (Torn Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Scornfully Yours (Torn Series)
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My torso lifted off the bed as I pushed my breasts out more for him to take. His one hand toyed with one and his teeth/tongue on the other. When his tongue circled and bit my nipple, I buckled.

“Carter…” You’re driving me crazy! I thought as his fingers finally pushed inside my silken folds and rubbed against my nub. My hands found his hair. I pulled it and brought his lips onto mine. Our tongues fought as his fingers continued to ambush me. I gasped when he stuck his fingers inside my pussy.

“Exquisite,” he murmured.

I blinked a few times. Exquisite?

Bass…he uses that word…Bass.

Fuck, I needed to stop this. I don’t know why, but I felt like if I went through with this, Carter would just think I’d be back to being his permanent bootie call. I think not.

“Stop! We have to stop.”

Carter stilled.
—inches away from me, eyes searching mine—fingers still inside me.

“You’re serious? I’m so fucking hard, Em. I’m ready to combust here and you want to stop? What the fuck? I don’t find this funny.”

“Well, I don’t either. Can you please take your fingers out of me?”

Carter kept staring at me, and much to my annoyance, he still hadn’t pulled his fingers out. “Fine, I will stop…after you come apart on my fingers.”

WTF? “No!”

But he was determined and within a heartbeat, two fingers stroked me as his thumb massaged my nub. I thrashed and whimpered from his onslaught. Loving and hating what he was doing to me—hating him for making my body his slave, loving him because I just do.

“Look at me!” Carter commanded but his fingers didn’t stop. My body heightened and exalted. Climbing higher, reaching higher for the ultimate quaking nirvana.

My eyes searched his. I tried but it was hard to focus. His assaulting fingers were twirling and sliding in and out of me.

“Look. At. Me. Emma!”

“Carter,” I whimpered.

“Don’t hold it back. Just let go. I want to feel your juices gush like a dam on my fingers.” He ordered as his fingers became serious. He took hold of my womanhood, hooked it inside my upper vaginal grid, his thumb on my nub. His other free hand was pressed on my abdomen, pressing me down on the bed as his finger, rubbing and flicking with purpose, did their annihilation. I was locked down and didn’t have a choice but to savor the sweet torture he was giving my body.

“Look at me!” Carter ordered again when he felt my muscles contract. His eyes consumed me as my orgasm hit my body. It rippled and pulsated through me. My mind went blank. I had to blink a few times before I looked at him.

Carter beamed at me as he studied the satisfaction on my face. “Shall we see how you taste this morning?” His fingers slid out of me and he immediately placed them on his tongue. He licked them without tearing his eyes off me. “You still taste like heaven, Emma.”

I opened my mouth and shut it again. I couldn’t believe I let him do that to me after I told him not to. Okay, I get that I didn’t reject the idea much when he started to finger fuck me, but still. I am a little bothered right now and more than a tad confused.

Sitting up, I glared at his grinning face. “You shouldn’t have done that!”

“Why not, you loved every second of it. If I really wanted to take you, I could’ve done it with ease, but I didn’t. Look at my cock, it’s still hard. Want to give it a go? I promise to make you come a few more times.”

Arrogant son of a bitch!

“Fuck you, Carter!”

Still grinning, “Well, that was the idea baby.”

“Ugh! You’re incorrigible! I don’t even know why or how I tolerated your absurdity for the last few months!” I exclaimed and made a move to leave the bed but he caught me and pulled me back to him and I landed on my back. 

Hovering on top of me, he spoke. “Don’t leave. Stay.”

Stay here…for now or
with him until he was done with me? It was a double entendre. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to move on.” He could take that in any way he wanted to. But I was done yo-yoing with my emotions over him.
I think

I had my future to think about and that’s what I should put first. Messing around with Carter would be great. I mean he’s great in the sack, but then what? Would
I have to go through the motions again once the novelty wore off? I think not. It would be better to just let him go.

Pushing him off of me, I scrambled to my feet. Heading towards the bathroom, I stopped midway. “Oh, by the way, thanks for the orgasm.” I smiled at him and headed towards the bathroom.

Hardy har har. His expression was priceless. Take that jerk!









“Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.”

Angelina Jolie




When I got out of the shower, Carter was nowhere to be seen. Apparently, he went fishing with some of the gals and guys. I was somewhat relieved, but my mind was nagging me. Did he fuck some other girl from his army of skanks while I was in the shower? Amanda seemed to be following him everywhere. She was pretty gorgeous, but a skank all the same.

Yeah, but she totally deserved it. I remembered her calling Carter incessantly (while we were still together) wanting to ‘kick it’. Seriously, ‘kick it’ was her code? Ugh!

I guess there are a few types of women this world has to offer—the loose women, the prudes, and the closeted whores. I guess, I fell in the closeted whore’s section. I do love sex, but I just don’t sleep around or steal someone’s guy. That’s just not me.

There were a bunch of people out on the lake and a few strolling outside just chilling, but I didn’t really know any of them. When I found Brody in the kitchen, I was hella relieved.

“Hey, Brody, do you know where the girls are at? I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”

Brody stopped drinking from his bottled water and looked thoughtful for a moment. “Try checking their rooms, they’re in the west wing. I think they’re talking or whatever.”

I gave him a quick wave. “Thanks bud.” I went back upstairs towards the west wing.

Sure enough, I could hear women’s voices talking inside the room but I couldn’t make out whatever they were saying from the hallway. With a soft knock, I pushed the door open. “Why are you all in here? The weather is bright and sunny outside!”  I cheerily greeted the quiet crew.

All three women looked at me. Lindsey was sitting crisscrossed on the bed;, Amber was sitting on the couch hovering over a table with a bunch of credit cards splayed all over it; and Trista was standing against the wall looking pained.


“Did I just miss something? Why are you guys looking all glum?
Did someone just die?

Trista just shrugged and kept staring at Amber. I looked at Lindsey for answers. “Amber’s parents are getting divorced.”

Oh, no.

I rushed to Amber’s side and gave her a tight hug. “Hang in there. You’re a tough cookie.”

Amber sadly nodded her and sniffed. Aw, she was obviously crying. “I hate this shit. I don’t know why dad had to cheat on my mom with a stewardess. A fucking STEWARDESS! How original. And now he’s buying the fucking whore a house in Malibu. What a fucking gold-digger. That home wrecker is killing my mom right now. My mom’s hysterical.” She sniffed again and wiped her eyes. “You know what the most fucked up thing is though? The stupid bitch is our age. Can you believe that shit? My father is banging a chick our age. What a disgusting pig! I hate him!” Amber started crying severely. I rubbed her back when I thought she couldn’t breathe from all her sobbing.

“I don’t think it’s wise to lay all the blame towards the mistress, Amber. It does take two to tango you know.” Trista put her two cents in the subject.

Why weren’t these two consoling Amber? I wondered when they didn’t make a move to make our friend feel better.

Amber growled. “Yeah, you would know, right? It takes one to know one!” Her accusatory tone and eyes landed on the shocked Trista.

What did she just say?

“What the fuck are you talking about, Amber?”

Amber just snorted. “I followed you two weeks ago because you were being so sneaky. Funny isn’t it? You’re screwing your cousin’s husband!”


My eyes went back and forth between the best friends. Trista looked teary now. “I didn’t mean for it to happen like that, I swear. Harry and I got drunk one night at a family party and it just happened.”

OMG! Trista really was a mistress…to her cousin’s husband? Talk about scandalous!

“Well, don’t you think it’s high time you stop fucking each other’s brains out before it gets worse, Trista? Don’t you think what my dad is doing to me and my mom is horrible?” Trista slid down the wall and plopped on the floor looking distraught. Lindsey rushed over to her side and tried to soothe her.

“I can’t leave him. I don’t think I can,” Trista whispered. “It’s too late now. I’m in love with him.”

“You’re ruining your life, Trista! You’re not that kind of woman.”

“Well, you’re not one to talk about ruining lives. You’ve been using cocaine for like forever!” Trista retorted back with vengeance.

Cocaine? No.

I pushed Amber and checked her. Fair enough, she had a clear baggie of powdery white stuff sitting on her lap. And lots of it!

“You can’t be using this shit, Amber. This is so bad for you! Your dad’s not worth it. He’s not worth ruining your life over!”

“I’m an adult. I can do whatever I want!” Amber yelled back as she prepped her paraphernalia on the table, right there in front of us.

“Amber! Stop it!” Lindsey stood up and tried to take away her stuff. Amber stood up and ended up slapping Lindsey’s face. Lindsey recoiled from the impact.

“What the fuck!” Lindsey screeched.

“I want you all out of my business right now. None of you are of any help! Do you hear me? SCRAM!” Amber sat back down again. Opened her tiny baggie and poured the powdery white stuff on the table. With her Platinum AMEX card, she made three perfect straight lines, tediously. She took out a tiny black straw and snorted the first line in her left nostril. She closed her amber-colored eyes and tilted her head back, sniffing and clearing her nasal passage, making sure she got all of the powdery stuff inside. She then opened her eyes and looked at us each in the eye. “I need you all to leave. Just give me time. I need this right now before I go crazy. I’m not going to ask again.”

Frozen and horrified, Lindsey and I both looked at Trista—who merely just shrugged and left the room. What the hell! Were we just going to leave Amber in here wired and high? Lindsey followed suit. I stood there staring at Amber, not knowing what to do.

“Amber…please…listen to me.”

Amber gave me a sad smile. “This is not the first time, my friend. I’m sorry you’re witnessing this ugly side of me, but I am what I am. I quit before and quit again, but I just need time to process things, okay? I really like you, Emma. But right now, I really need you to leave. I just want to be alone.”

“Amber… you’re hurting. You can’t possibly be okay to be left alone.”

“Each person hurts differently. Each person processes hurt in their own way. This is how I cope with it.”

I just wanted to hug her. Her eyes were so haunted and anguished. I felt helpless. With a begrudging nod, I silently left the room. I found Lindsey and Trista at the end of the hall waiting for me.

“How long have you guys known?” I asked the two people that have known Amber the longest.

“Ever since it started,” they both responded in unison.

“Well, isn’t there a way to help her?” Why were they acting like this was this was normal?

“We both told her parents before but they just didn’t care. They said their daughter’s a big girl and that she could handle herself.”

I blinked for a few seconds before Trista’s words sank in. “Are you serious? What kind of parents would say stuff like that about their daughter’s addiction?”

“Give her a week or two, Emma. This is her way—
fucked up way
, yeah—but it’s her way to cope,” Lindsey murmured.

I stared at her wide-eyed. So, I guess this was just a routine for them? Uh, I don’t know. I didn’t like this. I feel like there’s something that we should do.

It sucked to sit idly by and watch your friend be in shambles.


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