Scornfully Yours (Torn Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Scornfully Yours (Torn Series)
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     I can’t. I want you too much.

, my mind was resolved.

     Her hips grinded against me and her scantily covered hot mound rubbed against my naked cock.
Jesus, sweet Jesus
, I thought as I panted against her neck as Emma became determined with her grinding.

     The hazy lust-filled moment that blanketed us, instantly left me when I heard my phone ring. I cursed, not knowing if I should be
grateful for the interruption or be pissed off that I had Emma wantonly aroused and ready for the taking.

     No, Emma didn’t deserve me being a selfish knob taking her like this. Well, at the same time, it was a good heed because she was on the rebound. That alone should have put me off immediately, but didn’t. Instead, I am more than willing to wait for her when she’s ready to date again.

     Do I want her? I wanted to possess her without uncertainty.

     Do I want her body? I craved it like no other!

     Do I want her love? I didn’t think I did, but I do now—I wanted her love, to the very last ounce.

     Kissing her forehead, I unlatched her legs from my waist and swam towards my ringing phone.

     Martin Lombardo, my godfather.

     “This better be important, Papa.” I call my father, dad. I call my godfather, papa by the time that I talked. No one really explained to me how I came about calling him that, but calling him that fits. He was more of a father figure to me than my own father. Martin was my paternal grandmother’s best friend’s son. Martin and my father grew up together but my father didn’t seem to like Martin, quite possibly because Martin was a genius, plain and simple. While my father, a total waste of space and a fucking loser, couldn’t do anything right. He leeched of grandma and her money as did my mother, though beautiful was another airhead. It could possibly be the result of their coke-snorting lifestyle but hey, why make excuses?

     “I know its past decent hours to be making social calls, but I knew that you wouldn’t be asleep anyway. I just got an email from one of the execs from the studio. They need a replacement for Samantha Knowles by the end today.” That doesn’t sound good.

But what did I have to do with it? Shouldn’t he be calling casting agents? Or go through actor profiles? My brain registered as I pulled myself up out of the pool and scoured for my abandoned jeans. Stepping into them, not caring how wet my body was.

     “I’ll get to the point, son. For the last few hours, I’ve been considering other options. How do you feel if I cast that pretty Emma as your lead? Her acting was great and I could hire tons of other actresses that are seasoned and famous—but what captured my attention was the chemistry you two have. I want that crackling magnetism in my film. That’s what I lived for, for my kind of movies—
that chemistry
. That alone could make the film itself. It doesn’t hurt that she’s not bad to look at. She’s beautiful but you know that already. So, what do you think, Bass?”

     What do I think? I want to fucking howl. I should send Samantha Knowles a fucking thank you present for landing me this opportunity. Emma with me—for months in Greece. What could be better? It was fucking perfect!

     “I think it’s a brilliant idea. I just have to run it past her though. I’ll call you before lunch time.”

     Martin cleared his throat. “I need to hear from you before nine. If she says no, I need to get the back-ups. But if she says yes, she has to come to the studio and not to mention she needs to look for an agent.”

     “No worries, I’ll make the steps easier for her.”

     “I’m sure you will, child. I’ve never seen you so love-stuck. She’s a lovely woman. You better treat her well.”

     I chuckled. “I learned from the best. I’ll get back to you soon. Bye.” Martin laughed on the other end and cut off the call.

     “Emma?” I called out.

     She was on the lounge chair wearing my shirt as she studied the stars above. “Yes?”

     Strolling towards her, I sat on the edge of the lounger and stopped myself from reaching out and touching her legs. “That was Martin. He’s wondering if you’re interested in replacing Samantha in the film?”

     She sat up, her eyes popping out. “Shut up!”

     Shrugging and smiling at the shocked Emma.

“If you say so”

    Emma’s mouth hung open. “Martin
me? But I fucking suck compared to other actresses. I’m a newbie,
an amateur
, what could I possibly offer?” She was excited to be sure, but her doubts were creeping up, full blast.

     “Chemistry, he said we crackled with it.” I reached out and stroked her calf, loving the satiny feel of her skin. “Martin is known for picking out fresh faces and he has an eye for making a hit. He thinks
you and me
will be a hit. That alone proves how much he wants you to be onboard. Will you do it, Em? Filming doesn’t start until summer time anyway.”

     “Bass, are you crazy?
Of course, I want to do it!
It’s a fucking Martin Lombardo film. I am not dense not to recognize this once in a lifetime opportunity. But what I’m worried about is…I don’t want to disappoint any of you guys. This is major for me. I’m psyched and freak out at the same time.”

     “Baby, look at me,” I asked, “You’re great. I’m not saying this just because I feel like I should—but you were fantastic. Didn’t we just speak about you following your dreams? Well, this is it. It’s the universe calling out to you and handing you this amazing opportunity. What other fantastic way to debut your acting chops other than being a lead actress in a Martin Lombardo film?” I thoughtfully said.

     Yeah, I do want to spend time with her in Greece, that’s a given. But, also, I believe that it would be a great way for her to see if she really wanted to become an actress or not. I do think she has it to make it in the industry. Looks aside, her acting was believable. I felt her emotions and frustrations when she read her lines tonight.

     She was going to do great, I knew it. This was her calling. I just needed her to see it though, but her insecurity was doing a massive tsunami in her mind—washing away all her excitement, her faith in herself, and her fire.

     “I don’t know.” She shook her head and let out a long breath. “Can you guys give me until the weekend to think it over?”

     I shook my head, feeling disconcerted at her hesitation.

“Martin needs your answer by nine in the morning.”

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.”

Danny Kaye




     “Martin needs your answer by nine in the morning.” Nine in the morning, that’s like five hours from now—
more or less

     Bass was right on one thing though, what better way to debut myself other than
Lombardo film?

     But as amazing the idea is, I can’t help but feel frightened. What if my acting is subpar? What if they hated it? Would I be able to handle acerbic reviews and comments angled towards me by critics?

     My heart was galloping at a speedy rate. It was already heightened by Bass’s nipping and biting, but
it had skyrocketed to an unparalleled level. I’m agitated and in dire need to speak to someone other than Bass. But first, I need to be alone and soothe my nerves before I call Lindsey.

Yes, I would call my friend even at this ungodly hour.

      I’m in dire need of a 911 emergency therapy discussion.

     “Do you mind if I go shower?” I asked Bass. He looked a bit confused about my question–I’m sure that he wasn’t expecting me to say something so random–but I felt like I needed a hot shower, right now…PRONTO.

     “Go ahead and feel free to use my bathroom upstairs. You know where everything is. There is an extra toothbrush in the second drawer to the left and there are soaps and shampoos in the shower, use whatever you need.

     I hesitated a second before I leaned over and gave Bass a peck on the cheek and hastily left the pool area. I know it was stupid to hesitate for a second before I kissed his cheek after what we doing a few minutes ago, before we got interrupted by Martin, but is being shy a good excuse? I am beyond disconcerted about the fact that Bass won’t kiss me. It seems that the more I push him to do it—the more he
hesitates. Well he can keep his kisses ‘cause his licking and biting sure hell got me so hot and bothered in no time. I know girls shouldn’t compare but I couldn’t help doing it. Carter was awesome—but I felt like with Bass, it would be just explosive. And I have concluded this after that teeny, tiny stint in the pool? Hell yes!

I felt it
—in my bones and in my core. God knows what would’ve happened if we didn’t get interrupted? I wanted to see Bass lose control. Crazy isn’t it? But I wanted the real him unleashed and unbridled. I wanted the real man behind the controlled restraints. I had a quick glimpse of it and I wanted to see more.
I think

     I made a quick stop at the movie theatre to fetch my belongings and more importantly, my phone. Wasn’t it weird that I felt right at home in Bass’s house? I barely knew him and yet here I was—not feeling awkward at all.

     Striding upstairs in my barely clad state, my mind boggled as I went to his room on auto-pilot. Per his instructions, I found a toothbrush and immediately took care of brushing my pearly whites while I went to turn on his shower, making the water as hot as I could stand it. When I jumped in the shower, my eyes surveyed the selection of hair care products and shower gels I had to choose from.

     Amused, I scoured for his scent amongst the shower gels. After a few tries, I figured he was Lime Basil & Mandarin
of guy. You’d think lime and basil  would be an icky combination—but nope! It was alluringly sexy and zesty at the same time. The smell was so
and I contemplated if I wanted to finish showering or just inhale the damn scented shower gel until I passed out. But alas, I’d rather step out and smell it coming from the man himself. It was so much better!

     After my quick shower, I wrapped my head with a towel and covered my body with another one.

     The screen on my phone read 4:24, I bit my lip nervously before I hit dial. I was about to give up after a few rings, but thank heavens the woman managed to pick up before I ended the call.

     “Do you need someone to bail you? Which station?” Lindsey grumbled and made a loud noisy yawn.

     “This is
Amber that’s calling babe. I know you probably half asleep already but I need to talk to you. It’s a 911.” After a full minute pause, I thought she passed out on me.

     “Sorry, had to pinch myself to wake up. What’s up?” Lindsey asked with another yawn.
, buddy, way to go for making me feel guilty for waking you up!

     “Okay, well we both know I went to Martin Lombardo’s place tonight right?”

     “Who would forget about tonight after Carter’s demonstration of a growling bear?” Lindsey said amusingly.

, Carter’s growling. What the hell?

     Mentally shaking my head, I continued my story. “Well, Martin insisted for Bass and me to read lines tonight and somehow, like half an hour ago, he called out of the blue and offered me the lead of the movie that’s going to be filming this summer with Bass. Martin needs my answer by nine this morning—that’s in a few hours. I’m calling because I don’t know what to do, Lindsey! I mean—
I want to do it
, but I don’t want to embarrass myself either. You know?”

     “Hold up—Martin Lombardo offered
to star in his movie to be filmed this summer
Bass and you’re fucking
this over?” Lindsey asked hysterically before she started to blabber. “Okay—I get why you’re being this way. Coming from your high school drama classes to the big screen—I
that this is a big
deal. But Emma, Martin Lombardo himself offered you the role! He must believe you’re good or
good enough
for him to even consider you. So do me a favor and stop it with this boo-hoo party you’re giving yourself because you’re going to be a movie star BABY! Get that? A. MOVIE. STAR. Ahhhh! I knew you were going places with that angelic beauty of yours, Em—
but an actress?
That’s incredible!”

     Angelic beauty? Hardy har har. I know I’m decently pretty, but angelic beauty? That’s a little too much. When I think of angelic beauty, I think of Grace Kelly and I
hell don’t match up to that.

     “It’s great and all, but what if I embarrass myself
my family? You know how scary and devastating it would be if I became an embarrassment to everyone or let everyone down?” I voiced out my fear. “I don’t want to give it my all and not be good enough–I don’t think I have it in me to be butchered by the rest of the country or better yet—
the rest of the world
! God, the thought alone sends me into overdrive and I might just end up in a mental hospital.”

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