Scornfully Yours (Torn Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Scornfully Yours (Torn Series)
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Do you guys honestly think that I didn’t feel that tug when we were first introduced? I did,
we did
, but I thought it was just lust, so I brushed it off. That was two years ago. All that time, there was always a magnetic pull, it was difficult but nothing happened. But this one night, when everyone decided to go to sleep early during a family get together, it happened—
we happened
. Harry wants to leave my cousin, Leah, but I told him not to. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet and I’m not too sure if I’m ready for my entire family to disown me.”

What. A. Conundrum.

I suppose no matter how much you twisted it around, someone was going to end up hurt. Trista’s not just hurting a person here but she’s hurting
, people that are dear to her, her family. I admired her bravery and at the same time I felt sorry for her. I’d hate to be in her shoes.

“I hope Harry is worth it, Tris. I’ll skin him alive if he’s playing you for a fool,” Lindsey finally spoke up.

“Make sure he’s worth it because if he isn’t, maybe it’s time to move on to greener pastures,” I added as I looked at her saddened face. “How’s Amber doing?”

After her hermit-like hiding in Lake Tahoe, I spoke to her briefly before we all rode out back to school yesterday morning. She said she was tired and that she didn’t feel like talking. I gave her a quick hug and let her be. Amber really wanted to alone. I wasn’t going to nag her.

“She dropped out today and. left for New York to be with her grandmother. She didn’t even give us notice
a goodbye. All I got was a freaking text message.” Trista looked even more upset now. Lindsey and I got the same message.

“Will her grandmother help her?” Amber needed to heal and deal with her drug habit.

“I am keeping my fingers crossed. I really hope so because I don’t know what I’d do if she overdoses. If we had managed to confiscate her cocaine, she’d have just got more later on. She’s stubborn and doesn’t like to be told what to do. It’s hard to help someone when they don’t want to help themselves.”

I was going to ask Lindsey about the men in her life when I got interrupted.

“Here you are!” Carter surprised me as he gave me a big smacking kiss on the lips. “Hey, Tris and baby sis.”

“Hey yourself. What are you doing here? I thought you had class?” I asked as he sat on my retro chic armrest.

“I do and I’m about to head out soon. I just wanted to drop by and say hi. How about I take you ladies out tonight for dinner?”

All three of us exchanged glances. They knew I was going to see Bass tonight, so they remained mum.

that…I’m actually going to go meet Bass tonight. This was planned a week ago.” Sort of, in a sense, for my rain check with Martin.

Carter immediately tensed. “Do you really need to go see him? I don’t think it’s necessary, Em. He can go fuck himself.”

“Uh, you’re such a tool, Carter. You didn’t like it when Emma was making your life a living hell, right? So, back off! You just got her back, don’t make her change her mind now.”

Catty, aren’t we? Lindsey didn’t want me back with Carter–that was obvious. I knew she loved her brother, but I guess she saw what her brother was up to and didn’t like what she saw.

“Just back-up a second there, Linds.” Carter turned to me and spoke close to my ear, ”If this is what you think is best, then I trust you. Okay? I have to run to class. I love you.”

“I love you.”

With a quick kiss, he darted off to his class.

“That was harsh, Lindsey!” Trista chided. Lindsey just shrugged and leaned back.

“I just don’t know. I don’t want him to hurt Emma again. Look, there’s this guy who is super sex on legs that treats her so well and she’s trading that to be back with
I don’t know. I just don’t want you to have any regrets, Em. That’s all.”

“Lindsey has a point, Emma. But if Carter is the one that really makes you happy, then we will fully support you.”

“Thank you.”

The thought of seeing Bass again after five days of not seeing him made my stomach churn.

Tonight, I had to brave it out. I suppose I can try my acting skills tonight. I have to act polished and composed because I don’t know how Bass will be around me. Last time he was with me when I spoke with Martin.

Tonight was going to be different. I was on my own with no Bass to run to and make feel safe.

It was time to put my big girl panties on and act like one.




I dressed with the utmost consideration. I chose my silver/black sequined silk tunic loose dress that had a low curved back and stopped mid-thigh. I left my hair loose and amped up my make-up. I went for the smoky eye look and accentuated the top part of my cheeks and the curve of my eyebrows with a slight white shimmer mousse cream. I applied my candy pink lipstick on and finished it off with a swipe of tinted peach gloss and then blended it together.

It was already twenty to six and I would be extremely late if I didn’t leave right this second.

Frantic, I gathered my silver clutch as I slipped into my silver cut-out bootie shoes in haste. “I’m leaving! Have a great time with lover boy!” I called out to Lindsey, splashing a spray or two of my perfume before dashing out the door. I slipped inside my G-Class white on black Mercedes and headed to the restaurant.

My car was super expensive and my dream car. It was dad’s graduation present since I graduated with honors. Mom didn’t approve of it but dad…he was determined and got it anyway. I was beyond psyched! Speaking of parents…I decided to give them a call.

“Sweetie, how are you?” Mom’s voice came through the car’s speakers. I sighed once I saw the traffic jam that awaited me. Crapper.

“I am well, Mom. I was hoping to speak to you guys tomorrow or the day after? It’s about something important.”

“That sounds serious. What is it about?” Mom sounded worried.

“It sorta is…well it’s about my future…I think I found my niche.” I went on, giving her a clue.

“Hmm…why  do I feel like this is going to give me a cardiac arrest?” Mom sounded suspicious. “I will tell your dad. He’s off tomorrow and I will take a day off as well since your Aunt Gemma is here. I want to spend time with her.”

“Great! How is baby Joey?” Joey is my little cousin who is five years old and I adored him to bits.

“Asking for his dad…I just hope that this will be a good transition for him. He’s such a good kid.”

A car honked behind me and I rolled my eyes. Geez, what’s the hurry? Everyone is going bumper to bumper. You sure ain’t going anywhere, so there’s no need for the damn honking! I fumed.

Cali drivers…fucking insane folks they are!

“You shouldn’t be talking and driving at the same time young lady!” My mother scolded me—telling me the same line since I got my driver’s license.

“One word, Bluetooth.”

“I’m getting off the phone now so you can focus. We’ll see you tomorrow. Love you, kiddo.”

“Love you too Mommy Dearest.”

Finally at six-forty, I was outside of the French restaurant, Melisse, on Wilshire Boulevard. I was ten minutes late and because of it I am so nervous I feel like I’m about to piss in my undies.

I took three calming breaths before I got out of the car and handed my keys to the valet peeps.

Once inside, I was greeted by a slim pretty brunette. “Good evening, I’m Alyssa. Do you have a reservation?”

“I’m with the Lombardo party,” I said and noticed how her eyes snapped and sharpened.

“With Bass Cole? He just got here.” She started to become chatty as she eyed me with interest.

“Okay. Um,
can you direct me where the table is located?” My thumb pointed towards the dining room.

She immediately stood ram-rod straight and stepped out to show me to my table. “Certainly, sorry. It’s just that I am huge fan of Bass. I heard he’s going to make a risqué Lombardo film. Is that true? I can’t wait to see him on the big screen. He oozes with raw sexuality, don’t you agree?” Alyssa smiled as she sashayed about.

“I suppose,” I muttered. It’s not that I don’t feel like talking, it’s the fact that she’s talking about Bass and I didn’t feel like talking about him, especially in the state that I am in.

   Martin and Bass were already seated in a darkened corner, talking in hushed voices. Martin stood up when he saw me striding towards them and Bass…
…let’s just say he didn’t care much about it.

“Here you are. Is everything to your liking Mr. Lombardo?” Alyssa asked in a saccharine tone.

“Perfect, thank you.” Martin dismissed her in a polished manner as he came over and gave me a quick peck and pulled out my chair for me.

“Good evening, Martin, Bass.”

“Emma,” Bass greeted me through gritted teeth.

Cold indifference, I hate that. It made me feel like shit.

Sensing the tension, Martin stepped in. “Still looking beautiful as ever, Emma, how are you? How was Tahoe?” Martin inquired as he poured me a glass of Shiraz.

“It was revealing, I suppose.” Revealing was the right word. It was a weekend full of revelations.

I looked at Bass but he was busy on his phone as he sipped on his wine.

The waiter came and took our orders and Martin waited a minute or two before speaking again. “Thanks for taking on the role as Angela in such a short notice, Emma. I must say that I am quite anxious to start filming this movie. The studio had a lot of reservations about it in the beginning once the script was done, but that didn’t deter me. You and Bass will make it happen for me. I can’t wait to see it on the big screen.”

Wow, pressure much? “Thank you. It’s not like I could decline it. It’s a great opportunity for me and thank you for offering it. You don’t know awesome this is.” I cleared my throat before I continued, “You know, just in case I totally suck, you can take the money back. I’m doing this because I really love to act and not for the money.”

That caught Bass’s attention. He and Martin roared with laughter.

“Oh, Emma Anderson, you are a gem. Where have you been hiding all this time? I like your personality. You’re going to be great, so your money back guarantee assurance is of no need, my dear.” Martin shook his head in wonderment.

Yes, the money is great. Come on, now it’s five million dollars…but in all honesty, I’m really doing this for myself. There was no other reason behind it.

“So what were you up to this weekend, Emma?” Bass finally diverted his attention to me as he slipped his phone inside his pocket. His azure eyes drawing me in, looking very decadent and sinful.

I licked my lips. “I…uh, got drunk and the usual. It was good. It was very good.”

Martin’s excused himself to take a phone call. Bass waited until Martin was out of earshot before he spoke again. “And Carter? You’re back with him, aren’t you?”

Shit. How did he do that? He seemed to just know…

“Yes, we did get back together.” I braved it out and took a quick glance at him. Sigh, why did he have to be so…
so everything?

Bass was playing with his fork, making circles with it as he stared at it. “It was going to eventually happen. It was a given when you decided to join them. A part of me hoped you didn’t though.” Bass lifted his eyes. It burned holes in me. Ah, fuck.

We stared at each other as I took in his face. How did he get such perfect skin? Was he a fan of facials? Fuck and those lips…I dreamt of those lips…why was he so stingy with his kisses? I still don’t get it. It was like the more he hesitated, the more I craved it.

But it was just as well…I was with Carter now.

“Bass…are you angry with me?” He gave me a sad smile before he shook his handsome head. His dirty blonde hair stuck out in all sorts of directions—bed head—but he sported it perfectly. In fact, it made him look sexier.

“What should I be angry about, Em? That you’re in love with Carter? No, I am not angry. I’m not a dolt.” Bass huffed out a sigh. “As long as you’re happy, nothing else matters.”

“Bass! Fancy seeing you here so soon! I’ve missed you. Do you want to come over again tonight? I’m free and available for you.” A stunning lithe tall woman interrupted us and gave Bass a long lingering kiss on the lips.

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