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Authors: Jessica Ashe

Score (21 page)

BOOK: Score
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The best part was how she squirmed and moaned under my touch. She couldn’t keep still. Every stroke of my tongue brought her more pleasure and she wasn’t afraid to make it known. Four years ago, the way I made her feel scared her, but now she couldn’t get enough of it.

My tongue found her clit and pressed against it, while one finger slipped inside her sex and the other teased her asshole. Jenny grabbed the bed sheets as her legs wrapped around my back and held me firmly in position. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to.

“Keep going,” Jenny moaned, as my finger rubbed the wall of her tunnel. I had no intention of stopping.

My fingers pressed harder and my lips parted to take her bud inside my mouth. I sucked on it gently and noticed my cock hardening as I remembered how she had sucked greedily on my cock just minutes ago. 

Jenny came as quickly as I had. She yelled out “I’m coming,” but she needn’t have bothered; it was fairly obvious. The muscles in her thighs tightened and I felt her pussy contract around my finger before she exploded against my mouth. I had one hand pressed on her stomach and felt the muscles spasm out of control as she shook on the mattress. 

Gradually, her fingers loosened their grip on the bed sheets and I pulled away from her pussy. God, it was so fucking beautiful. Every bit of her looked perfect. I wanted to go back down there straight away, but she reached out and grabbed my arm to pull me up towards her. 

I kissed her hard with my lips still glistening from her wetness as we both tried to catch our breath and recover. My cock was still creeping to attention, so I knew my recovery wouldn’t take long.

“Already?” Jenny asked, eyes wide, as she felt my cock, still wet with her saliva, press against her thigh.

“I’m amazed it took this long when I have someone as gorgeous as you in bed with me,” I replied, before nuzzling on her neck. 

I leaned over the side of the bed to grab my wallet from my pants and dug out a condom. 

“You don’t have to wear that,” Jenny said. “I’m on birth control and I don’t have any… you know...” 

“Neither do I,” I replied. My reputation as a player wasn’t unwarranted, but being a player didn’t mean I ignored the concept of safe sex. 

“Then put it down and fuck me,” Jenny commanded. “I want to feel you empty yourself inside me.”

“Shit, you don’t need to tell me twice.” I threw the condom down on the floor and crawled back over to Jenny. My hands reached out to grab her legs, but she wriggled out of the way and then clambered on top of me, pushing me onto my back. 

Her thighs clamped down either side of me as she reached behind and took hold of my shaft in her soft, delicate hands and guided it towards her opening. It took a great deal of self control on my part not to come the second my cock felt her wetness. 

Jenny sat down slowly as I watched my cock disappear inside her. For a few moments she just sat there and stared at me as she got used to having me inside her again. Then she started rocking forward slowly, grinding her hips into mine and massaging her breasts. My hands clasped her thighs as I resisted the urge to dictate the pace and start fucking her. I wouldn’t last two minutes if I did that. 

As her breathing quickened, Jenny placed her hands on my chest and started moving her hips quicker, looking me in the eyes as her skin started glowing and sweat began to trickle down between her breasts. 

My hands reached up and squeezed her breasts, gently playing with the nipples while she began to moan in time with the movement of her hips. I could feel her heartbeat in her chest and knew she was close. I looked down at her sex and saw her essence dripping out and soaking my cock. The sensation was unreal. She was so wet; so tight. I didn’t know how much longer I could last. 

“Coming,” Jenny murmured. “I’m coming.” She dug her nails into my chest and I responded by pinching her nipples firmly as she froze and groaned loudly, her pussy pulsing against my hard cock. 

The second she’d come, I grabbed her ass and took control of the rocking of her hips. I came soon after, exploding inside her until I reluctantly pulled out and let her collapse down on top of me. 

Jenny lay on my sweaty chest as we both tried to catch our breath. I couldn’t quite believe that the sweet little Jenny I’d first met just over four years ago was now lying on top of me with a pussy full of my cum. Life was good, and I was determined to keep it that way.


We had only just got our breath back when a knock on the door signaled that room service had arrived. If we’d thought we were hungry before then it was nothing compared to how we felt now.

I could have eaten both the chicken burgers, and I had a feeling Jenny wanted to do the same. We didn’t even stop to talk between mouthfuls until we’d both finished the burgers and were working on polishing off the fries. 

“We might as well hang out here for the summer,” I said. “I’ll buy a place eventually, but it’s easy enough to just stay here for the time being. You can have all the massages and spa treatments you could ever want.”

“Dad and Carrie will get suspicious,” Jenny replied. “I still don’t want them to know what’s going on between us. Not yet.”

“As far as they’re concerned you’re getting up and going to work as normal and no one’s going to care what I’m doing. I’ve been thinking though, why don’t we just go ahead and tell our parents? I don’t care what Mom thinks and I’d rather be honest with your dad.” 

“Dad will go ballistic,” I said. “I never told him about any of my college boyfriends, so he probably still thinks I’m a virgin. That’s not even taking into account the whole ‘you being my stepbrother’ thing.” 

“Give your dad more credit than that. He knows you changed at college. Hell, I spotted that the second I saw you back in Liverpool. And I think he’ll be okay with it; he actually quite likes me.” 

“Yeah, he likes you as a stepson. I don’t think he’d like… what we do together. And neither will my mom.” 

“I don’t know your mom, but I promise I will charm her as well. My dad will be fine with it I reckon. He’s a pretty relaxed guy when it comes down to it.” 

“You speak quite highly of him,” Jenny remarked. 

“He’s a cool guy,” I replied. “We’ve always been close. Quite frankly, I have no idea how he ended up with my mom, but he’s gotten rid of her now and I’m sure he’s a lot happier for it.”

“Not that I’m complaining, but I’m surprised you didn’t live with him instead of your mom.” 

“Sure, but Mom acquired a new stepdaughter I was rather keen on so that made the decision a lot easier. Plus, Dad moves around a lot. I’d be fine with that now, but when they split up about six years ago that would have been harder.” 

Jenny’s situation was much the same from what she’d told me. She was close to both parents, but her mom wanted to move back home and that would have meant Jenny moving schools. Her parents had come to the amicable agreement that she was better off living with her dad.

“Do you still see him a lot?” Jenny asked. “It must be tough for you, with him living in California while you lived in England all that time.”

“I see him every few months,” I replied. “He traveled a lot for work and I had enough money for him to fly over whenever he had a few days off. And we talked a lot on the phone. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

“When is he coming over?” Jenny asked.

“The day after tomorrow. Carrie has agreed to make herself scarce, so it will just be you and me, plus both our fathers. I’m actually quite looking forward to it.” 

“Good for you,” Jenny said. “I’m terrified. I’ve only ever met one partner’s parents and they clearly didn’t think I was good enough for their little prince.”

I frowned. “I know I might be seeing things through rose tinted glasses, but how could they possibly not think you were good enough. You went to Harvard for Christ’s sake.”

“Yes, but I wasn’t studying pre-med or engineering. My boyfriend was basically a genius, so his parents didn’t take too kindly to a liberal arts major. Trust me, it’s impossible to escape snobbery in this world; no matter how much you achieve there will always be someone who achieves more.”

“I believe you. Well, you don’t need to worry about that here. My dad is going to love you. Then I just need to meet your Mom. What should I expect with her?”

“Basically, she’s the polar opposite to your mom,” Jenny replied. “You know how Carrie is the hard working one out of our parents?” I nodded. Sheridan was constantly trying to get Carrie to work less and spend more time at home, but all she had done in response was work more. “Well my mom left my dad because he worked too hard. Mom believes that family should always come first. She saw Dad chasing more and more money and gave him an ultimatum; money or her.” 

“Ouch. He certainly went for a different type of woman with my mom then.” 

“Yep,” Jenny replied. “He thought that was what he wanted, but he’s slowed down a lot in the last few years. No offense to your mom, but I think he regrets his decision. Now he’s the one who wants to live a more chilled out life.”

“Sounds like my mom and your mom should never be in the same room together,” I joked, before picking up the room service menu and looking at the desserts. “Fancy something else to eat?” 

Jenny picked out some ice cream and I put through the order. “One more thing,” I said to the receptionist, “please send up some massage oils as well.”

“Yes sir,” came the prompt reply.

“Massage oils?” Jenny asked, raising her eyebrows. “Will they have them?”

“This is the penthouse suite. If they don’t have them, they’ll send someone out to buy them. Now then, we have a bit of a wait until our food arrives. Whatever shall we do with that time?” 

No matter how much Jaxon tried to reassure me about meeting his father, I couldn’t help but be terrified at the prospect. It didn’t help that I was being introduced as Jaxon’s stepsister, which meant I had to tread a fine line between being nice and polite, while also laying the groundwork for a future switch to girlfriend status. It was the sort of problem I expected to see in advice columns, but despite the plethora of guidance on the Internet, there was little that seemed tailored to our situation. The information that was available always recommended abandoning the relationship. That was the last thing I was going to do.

At least the impending arrival of Jaxon’s father took my mind off Jaxon’s illness. Either he was having no adverse reactions to the radiotherapy or he was doing a damn good job of hiding it. There were a few times when he arranged for me to have a spa session, which—while great for me—felt a lot like his way of getting some privacy. Still, so far so good, and I wasn’t about to complain.

Jaxon’s father would arrive at the house about five, but Jaxon wanted some time alone with him before dinner so I agreed to make make myself scarce. Aaron had been desperate to meet up ever since the night I found him talking to Jaxon so I agreed to meet him for a drink. 

I’d been putting him off because I knew he would insist on apologizing constantly for what happened even though it wasn’t his fault. I’d have probably done the same thing in his position so I wasn’t about to have a go at him. That didn’t stop him apologizing the second we met at the bar.

“You really don’t need to apologize,” I insisted. We were getting a few looks from strangers nearby who probably thought we were a couple making up after a fight. 

“I’m going to keep apologizing all night,” Aaron said. “And probably for a long time after that. I lied to you for four years, so I have a lot of making up to do.”

“Can you just buy me a drink and we’ll call it even? I’m not going to want to spend time with you if all you do is grovel.” 

Aaron ordered me a vodka tonic and bought a pint of some microbrew that I’d never heard of.

“Has there been any update on Jaxon?” Aaron asked, as we hovered close to a table that two people looked like they were about to vacate. “Since the press conference.” 

“Not really,” I said. “He’s responding well to the medication—or at least he’s not responding badly to it—so things are looking good.” 

“How are you handling things? I can’t even imagine what it must be like. If I found out that Millie was ill, I don’t know what I would do with myself.”

BOOK: Score
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