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Authors: Jessica Ashe

Score (20 page)

BOOK: Score
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I desperately wanted to spend the night in Jaxon’s arms, but that couldn’t happen. There was only so much news we could break to our parents in one day. We needed some time alone together, and I knew a hotel that had a penthouse suite available soon.


I strolled into work the next day as if nothing had happened. Much to my surprise, there was not an avalanche of emails waiting for me. I’d expected to see angry messages from Sam, but there were none. In some ways, that was worse.

No one looked at me on the way to my office. My colleagues had never been overly friendly with me in the short time I had been here, probably because they knew I got the job based on my relationship with Jaxon. That relationship now kept my colleagues quiet and respectful around me. They’d no doubt seen me looking devastated on television and that had earned me some privacy for the time being at least.

That privacy lasted until about lunchtime when Sam walked into my office on the pretense of “seeing how I was doing.” We both knew the big transfer wasn’t going to happen any more, but for twenty minutes the conversation danced around that. Sam asked me how other projects were going, but, at his request, I had been ignoring all other work to focus on Jaxon, so I had no idea how other projects were progressing.

Eventually he got to the point. As much as I sometimes hated Sam for his relentless focus on work, I knew he was a nice guy when he stopped for long enough to let his emotions run his mouth instead of his desire to make more money for his employer.

“Is there anything we can do for you?” Sam asked. I shook my head. I should probably just resign, but that would get me no end of grief from Carrie. Better they fire me instead. “I’ve been speaking to the parent company and we both think it’s best that you end your secondment here and go back to work for Avian Financial.”

“Okay,” I replied simply. I had no idea what work for Avian Financial would entail because I hadn’t even stepped through the door when they had transferred me to New York United. Wherever I worked would be much the same. I didn’t have the strength to focus on anything, so each day would pass in a blur until I got to see Jaxon again.

I’d spoken with Jaxon before work and had talked to him about just quitting and spending every hour with him, but he told me to stick things out. It’s not like money was a huge issue. Dad would support me while Jaxon fought his illness, but Jaxon wanted me to focus on my career. He never said anything explicitly, but I knew he worried about what would happen to me if he wasn’t around.

“I told them that you would work here for another month and then move back,” Sam continued. “But just take the next month off. I’ll keep your office open if you need it, but you don’t need to come in. You’ll keep getting paid and after a month you can just show up at Avian Financial and they’ll never know the difference.” 

“Thanks Sam,” I said. The words felt completely inadequate, but I didn’t have the energy to offer anything else. One day I would let him know how much I appreciated his help. It was just a shame Sam didn’t have a little more influence over this place because he could have really made a difference.

I hung around at the office for a few hours because I didn’t know where else to go. Jaxon was having his first radiotherapy treatment this morning, and he’d insisted on going alone. I wanted to be with him, but Jaxon told me I couldn’t be in the same room and he didn’t want me there in case he threw up. In the end, I relented and let him go alone. It must have gone well, because he sent me a message around lunchtime asking to meet me for coffee. I leapt out of my seat, picked up the few minor possessions I had in my office, and headed outside.

Even though the New York weather was technically getting cooler, the air felt as humid and suffocating as it had been all summer, perhaps even more so. I started sweating the moment I stepped outside and cringed as Jaxon put his hand on my back and kissed me on the cheek to greet me. We still weren’t prepared to do anything more affectionate than that in public. We wanted to keep the ‘stepbrother, stepsister’ thing plausible for as long as possible. 

Jaxon took the second bag I was carrying with the stuff from my office. It was only a water bottle, a bag lunch, and two pictures—one of Mom and one of Dad. It was fair to say that I’d never truly made the office feel like home.

“I’m on a leave of absence,” I said to Jaxon, when I noticed the puzzled expression on his face. “Sam said I could take a month off before transferring back to Avian Financial.” 

“Oh,” Jaxon exclaimed. “So I have you all to myself for a month? I can live with that.” 

“How did the treatment go this morning?” I asked, as we strolled towards a coffee shop. 

“Fine,” Jaxon replied. “No problems at all. I felt weak at one point, but I’m already feeling better. I’m not about to go for a run or anything, but all things considered, it wasn’t too bad.”

I suspected he was just putting a positive spin on things, but other than looking a touch pale, he did appear healthy. Jaxon held the door open for me and I started to walk inside when he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked. 

“What are we doing?” 

“Going for coffee,” I replied slowly. “Are you sure that treatment isn’t still affecting your thinking?”

Jaxon grinned. “I meant, why are we going for coffee when we have the whole afternoon free? Come on, follow me.” 

Jaxon practically dragged me into a taxi which took us on a short three mile—but twenty-minute drive—to the hotel that Daisy stayed in.

“Please tell me you’ve gotten rid of her,” I said as we took the elevator up to the penthouse. “I could do without seeing her right now, or ever again for that matter.”

“Don’t worry,” Jaxon replied. “She’s long gone.” 

I walked nervously into the apartment despite Jaxon’s insistence that Daisy had left and the cleaners had been in. I wouldn’t put it past her to booby trap the room or leave some nasty little surprise for us. Daisy had been many things, but she wasn’t stupid and if anyone had figured out the true nature of my relationship with Jaxon it would be her. She knew we might come up here together and could have plotted one final piece of revenge.

“She might be a nasty piece of work, but she’s not a spy,” Jaxon said, when he saw me checking for a surprise under the bed. “You don’t need to worry about booby traps.”

“You can never be too careful,” I replied. Once I’d satisfied myself that the room was safe, I picked up the menu and looked at the options available for room service. I was starving and the hotel had a ridiculously extravagant selection of food available specifically for the guest staying in the penthouse suite. The prices were equally extravagant mind you, but right now I’d have paid a week’s wages for a sandwich.

“Order whatever you like,” Jaxon said. “My favorite is the chicken burger with Swiss cheese, bacon, and barbecue sauce, but I suspect you’re going to want to go for something healthier."

“Screw that,” I replied, my mouth salivating at Jaxon’s description of the food. I picked up the phone and ordered two of the chicken burgers. “It’ll be half an hour,” I told Jaxon, repeating the bad news I’d received from the receptionist.

“Yeah, they cook everything fresh to order. The food tastes phenomenal, but you do have to wait for it.” 

I groaned as my stomach rumbled. It was only one o’clock, but I hadn’t eaten a thing for six hours. “It’s going to be a long half an hour.” 

“In that case,” Jaxon said, taking my hand and leading me over to the bed, “I suggest we think of a way to pass the time.”

I’d been so used to acting like a stepsister around him that I’d forgotten we were alone in a penthouse together. A penthouse with a huge four poster bed. 

The second his lips touched mine, my hunger for food turned into hunger for Jaxon. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and squeezed his firm flesh. There wasn’t a bit of fat on him and while he wasn’t huge and muscular, he was far from skinny either. I had to have him. He threw me down on the bed and pressed himself against me. That was all it took to get me dripping wet these days. 

Jaxon opened my blouse and began to undress me, but I wanted more of him this time. I wanted to taste him like he had tasted me. I tried to push him off, but he was too strong. In the end, I managed to squirm out from under his grasp and threw myself on top of him. I opened his pants and pulled them down his legs, forcing him to sit on the edge of the bed as I did so. 

I dropped to my knees and freed his shaft from his boxers. I’d never looked at it this close up before. That was probably for the best. It was already six inches, but it kept growing as he stiffened in front of me and the girth was daunting. I’d known he was big when he first entered me, but hadn’t realized just how phenomenal this particular specimen was. If Jaxon ever gave up on soccer he’d make a great underwear model.

I looked up into Jaxon’s eyes as I slowly stroked his cock. My thumb rubbed the bit of precum already glistening on the tip, as I licked my lips seductively. Jaxon had gone down on me a few times, but now it was my turn to repay the favor. If the reactions of past boyfriends were anything to go by, I would have him coming in minutes.

“That’s such a beautiful sight,” Jaxon said. He reached down and squeezed my breasts, still in my bra, but I pushed his hand out of the way. He was about to complain, but then I lowered my head, opened wide, and slowly took his cock in my mouth.

Jaxon gasped as my lips moved inch-by-inch down his shaft. I fit more than half of him in my mouth until my gag reflex kicked in and stopped me going further. It had been a while since I’d done this, so I needed to practice opening my throat up, especially for someone as big as Jaxon. 

I pressed my lips tightly against the shaft and sucked hard as I raised my head back up to the tip. My lips released with a loud pop, but I quickly clamped them back around his flesh and moved back down his length. 

I managed to take a little more in this time, and used my hand to stroke the base that my mouth couldn’t reach. I sucked hard, every now and then getting a little taste of his cum as it appeared on the tip of his cock. I wanted more. Each time my lips moved down his cock I took another half inch of him into my mouth until I made it nearly all the way to the bottom. I lifted my head up, sucking hard and gasping for breath when I released his cock. A long strand of saliva stretched from my lips to his tip.

“Jesus, you’re good at this,” Jaxon moaned. I went back down on him as his fingers wove into my hair. He moved my head up and down on his cock in a slow and steady rhythm, while I kept sucking and slurping with all my energy.

“I’m close,” he moaned, as he thrust his cock hard into my mouth. I waited for him to explode, but instead he pulled out and took hold of his member before shooting his load all over my chest.

“Just when I thought you couldn’t look any better,” Jaxon said, admiring my chest covered with his essence. “You look pretty much perfect right now.” 

I smiled and put my lips back around his cock to suck the last few drops out. I don’t know if it was just my hunger talking, but damn, he tasted good. I considered scooping up his cum from my chest, but instead settled for wiping it off with one of the hotel’s expensive towels.

Jaxon pulled me up onto the bed and managed to unzip my skirt and have it half way down my legs before I’d even landed on the bed. 

“Now it’s my turn,” he said smiling, as his head disappeared between my legs.

I’d never had a woman fit so much of my cock into her mouth before. Jenny sucked like a pro. I nearly told her that, but for some reason women didn’t always like being compared to professional sex workers or porn stars. I’d found that out the hard way. I consider it a compliment, personally, but what do I know.

I didn’t have the patience or willpower to tease Jenny today and, judging by how wet her panties were when I peeled them off, I didn’t really need to. My lips went straight to her pussy and I stuck my tongue deep inside her cunt. God, she tasted so sweet. Eating pussy was usually a means to an end, but with Jenny it was the end. I almost preferred this to the actual sex. 

BOOK: Score
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