School Pranks (12 page)

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Authors: Lousia Evelyn Carter

BOOK: School Pranks
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     Educators who enjoyed a reputation as you all have, had no need to stoop so low to damage a co-worker.  Instead of hurting Miss Forest, you hurt yourselves.  Of course, you all are ashamed of yourselves, but all is forgiven.  Miss forest has forgiven all who participated in these shameful pranks, said the good fairybeing.  “The damage done to the system is




     Yes, that group got their wish; they fired Miss Forest.  When the people of Grande` became aware of that firing most citizens were disappointed.  Nothing noble was found in such prank.  The ones who participated in the prank were ashamed of themselves.  How could that fact be discussed?  Easily.  The word retire would be used in reference to her job status.  But Miss Forest would quickly and quietly correct errant person.  Because she did not retire, they fired her -one of their best.














A Microscopic View


























The Invitation

House of Time



              Before the representatives could exit the network of royal highways Sir Goodson, the good fairy being, began contemplating on Miss Forest’s wellbeing.  Without dispute, she had withstood much too much! The last three years of her career she was put through- a ringer by administrators who seemed to thrive on misusing authority entrusted them.  From this type conduct the representatives brought to light the kind of person this teacher actually is.  A person who is able to keep “cool” under adverse conditions is one of the best! That has been proven from every standpoint considered.  Miss Forest, mused Sir. Goodson merited his best.  Summoning two of his most eminent writers to his presence, Sir Goodson expressed his wishes concerning forming an invitation for the purpose of inviting Miss Forest to visit him at The House of Time.  The invitation had to be original.  Nothing second-handed was accepted because she was one of the best.  He was aware of the standard invitation patterns associated with The House of Time.  But with this invitation, something different was desired.  A discussion of an invitation pattern ensued between the three.  Feeling the deep emotions of Sir Goodson, the good fairy being, the artists assured him nothing but their best would be considered in this work.  That fact was understood because the relationship between Sir Goodson and his associates was connected with love--pure, unadulterated, and simple.


              The invitation designed by these artists was as Sir Goodson requested, plus additional fixings, causing obvious elegance.  Sir Goodson was overjoyed with it.  For that beautiful finished product he lavished a bonus on each.


              Normally, mail of this kind was delivered through the postal system.  But with the value of this piece of mail as is, it had to be hand-delivered from Sir Goodson to Miss Forest and by the two artists who designed it.










Miss Forest Visits Sir Goodson

The Greeting



              From the moment she received the invitation and read its message Miss Forest was spellbound.  All of her life she held grand images of The House of Time in her mind.  Now it is about to become a reality.  She was humble; she was thankful for the honors.  The artists reminded her they would return to take her to the House of Time on the fourteenth (14
) day from the present day.  Marking her calendars for her, Miss Forest promised to be ready for the journey on the specified date.  A formal reply was not necessary since she had direct contact with Sir Goodson.  The artists departed.  Miss Forest returned into her bedroom and celebrated with giving thanks, praises and prayers to the Grand Fairybeing.


              After settling down somewhat, she notified friends and they were almost as excited as she.  They congratulated her warmly.  Some inquired into the means she used to get invited into the House of Time.  When told there was not a process, some became skeptical, thinking she was “holding something back”.  But they were still happy for Miss Forest though.  The general consensus of co-workers and friends was she deserved that honor.


              The evening before day fourteen Miss Forest retired for the evening three hours earlier, and arose the next morning at her regular hour 5:00 AM.  Her morning routine was usual.  The first hour of the day was dedicated to devotion, meditation, scripture study, and prayer.  The next hour she exercised, showered, and breakfasted.  The invitation, noted Miss Forest, permitted two friends to accompany her on this trip.  She was happy to share her good fortune.  But with whom?  There were so many!  Pondering over this delicate situation, the names of two persons became prominent in her mind, dominating her thinking.  So, these were the ones because they were the most grateful hearted.  And sure enough, when Miss Forest offered them that royal gift, both were thankful.  Now all three of them seemed joined in one spirit; all were elated!


     On that “big day”, her friends who were to accompany her met at Miss Forest’s home fifteen minutes before departure time.  Neighbors and friends gathered nearby to offer best wishes and to get a glance of royalty.


              The hour for the journey finally arrived.  At 8:00 AM the official vehicle of Sir Goodson pulls into the driveway.  The artists exited the vehicle and walked to the front entrance of her home. Before they could ring the doorbell, Miss Forest opened the door widely, with warm gestures of welcome.  There were introductions and exchanging of greetings and other pleasantries.  At the completion of formalities Miss Forest and her guests were royally escorted by the artists from the home to the vehicle.  The onlookers waved and shouted expressions of love to them as the vehicle slowly exited the neighborhood.


              The one hour trip to the House of Time was comfortable, peaceful, and smooth.  The three guests were lavished in the best of everything!


              Arrival on the grounds of The House of Time was a little more than two hours before lunch.  Oh, the opulence!  No wonder it is classified as one of the best in fairyland.  Its grandeur is non-describable! Yes, the heart of each guest began to palpitate somewhat mildly.  But they were in control though.


              Sir Goodson had scheduled his special musicians, The Maestros to perform for this occasion from the time guests arrived until they reached their first stop, Visitation Suite.  Awaiting their arrival, he would be seated in the Place of Distinction.  A brief ceremony had been planned.  The musicians headed the procession followed by the escorted guests.  They were greeted with royal pomp.  This was the first time commoners had been honored on this level.  They were awestricken!  Each guest often looked at the other in order to get support to endure the excitement of such splendor.


              When Miss Forest entered the suite Sir Goodson got up from the throne chair and bowed to her in royal reverence.  This act was a
!  It caught Miss Forest off guard.  Since she headed the procession of Commoners she was unable to look to them for emotional support. What a pleasant predicament to be in!  Commoners were taught and practiced proper conduct on various occasions, but she had not been taught proper response (how to receive it).  She was caught off guard, completely.  She had to come up with something quickly or else her friends might be hurt.  Then suddenly a thought rushed into her mind.  Getting control of herself and the occasion she regained and displayed her regal confidence for she recognized Sir Goodson did not wish her to be uncomfortable.  So, in a ceremonious act of love for education Miss Forest elegantly presented Sir Goodson a picture of her last classroom.  It was earnestly accepted.  The other guests (2) presented Sir Goodson similar gifts - reminders of their community and schools.  His reaction to their gestures of good will was without flaw.


              After the ceremony, guests were escorted to their seats.  Oh the plushness!  Detailed description is impossible.  Sir Goodson recalled the history of items he thought was of interest to his guests.  Midway through his historical review persons who served with foods interrupted him with the serving of tea.  During tea time Sir Goodson continued with his review.  There were questions, comments, and the like.  Communication barriers were lowered, making guests more relaxed.


              After tea, Miss Forest was ushered into The Hall of Conference Chambers.  There, Sir Goodson stated the reason for the invitation.  The other two guests remained in The Visitation Suite and studied its contents.


              Miss Forest’s performance in the classroom was highly praised.  Sir Goodson noted the last three years of her career were outstanding.  The working condition forced upon her required a teacher to posses’ exemplary courage and strength of mind. (Cool). “Any teacher performing on or above your level, Miss Forest and under prankish conditions orchestrated by administrators has my highest admiration.  I, Sir Goodson, of this Noble Fairyland Grande`, felt it my duty to tell you, Miss Forest, fairy to fairy you are a great teacher.


              He presented her a certificate honoring her excellent classroom performance throughout her career.  The certificate was painstakingly designed.  It was edged in gold with the message “You are a great teacher.”  Miss Forest’s name was covered in pearl.  Other identifications such as title of certificate, name of school system were decorated with an assortment of stones.  How marvelous! Miss Forest could hardly control her emotions.  She was being recognized by the most respected being in fairyland.  But thinking of teachers who had been mistreated as she made this prestigious honor somewhat bittersweet.  Did they respond as she?


              Suddenly she was swallowed up by a feeling of meekness.  She longed for those teachers who were cheated of this honor to have been recognized, also.  It was difficult for her to speak.  Then after a short while, with a spirit of gratitude she was able to say, “Thank you, Sir Goodson, for this gift of love.  Your expressed appreciation of my performance in the classroom will always be cherished.  I will share this precious gift with citizens of Dromedary.  Without doubt this honor will help improve the educational standard throughout Grande`, thus making that fairyland of citizens abundantly prosperous.  Knowing these words were from her heart and pure, Sir Goodson nobly accepted her thanks.  He was pleased she had chosen teaching her career. 

“What a citizen!” he thought.  She was a model for students and she was loved by them (see student expressions).


              “During the times pranks were being carried out by those administrators, you were never left alone”, said Sir Goodson.  “The Grand Fairybeing was with you all of the time, protecting and defending you.  He gave you the upper hand over them while in the most prankish situations,” said Sir Goodson.  Miss Forest could witness to those truths because she was constantly aware of His majestic presence.  His presence vibrated a sense of peace and joy.  These were the same emotions Miss Forest displayed toward her pranksters.  They (administrators) could not understand her state of calm.  With most people under those circumstances the opposite reaction would have been normal.


              Sir Goodson considers education the foundation of a nation.  He was pleased with the way her classes were conducted.  From their discussion(s) he easily discerned Miss Forest was both caring and creative.  Those qualities were very helpful in school systems.


              Miss Forest was deeply concerned that administrators in such responsible positions had gotten away with the unthinkable. 

Knowing her thoughts, he answered “No, Miss Forest. That can never happen.”  “You see, he continued, they documented those pranks.  Without those documentations through, it would have been possible to get away with anything.”  Every one of them exposed themselves”.  Miss Forest expressed admiration for the administrators, holding them in high esteem but that they let her down.  Sir Goodson reassured her that it was themselves whom they had let down the most. Then why do such self-destructive act to themselves?  She wondered in dismay.  “To explain in detail reasons for such non-professional conduct, of these reputable educators requires volumes” said Sir Goodson.  Would an inkling into the background suffice on this visit? “Miss Forest graciously accepted.” “Well, consider this image.”  Sir Goodson then proceeded with the following rationale.


              “We were created with five senses, hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste.  Do you consider either sense not important?”  Miss Forest was asked.  After thinking a short while over that question considered all senses important.  Improper development of either sense classifies that being mal developed or handicapped.  Likewise this principle applies to education, philosophically.  All senses are connected to life.  Senses have great bearings in the workplace also.  Sir Goodson proceeded with that comparison, using the five senses as related to education.  In your situation Miss Forest, the assigned administrators senses were seriously damaged with envy, or jealous(y) or prejudice; or perhaps a combination of all these.  Having such severe condition disqualified them all for the role of Teacher Evaluators.  Little is needed to conclude that the organ(s) used in performing (carrying out) this duty was seriously impaired, perhaps irreparable at the time of their performance as your evaluator.


              “Senses are unique and distinct” explained Sir Goodson.  The Grand Fairybeing planned our existence that way.  Not only is he wise and loving, and the like, he also made our existence possible without all senses functioning properly. You see, Grand fairybeing loves the ones who are nice and kind and the ugly acting ones, too.  Unless necessity sets in, we would prefer all senses stay healthy and in tack.  There are times though, when changes occur.  If something is not functioning properly, a mix-up is apt to happen, as we have in your situation, Miss Forest.” Your “helpers” were opposite their assignment.  Instead of helping you, those administrators spent most of their time requiring of you assignments that caused inconvenience while in preparation and annoyance while in classroom presentation.  A mal-function of one sense is quite noticeable, but when all five senses have been damaged and/or mal-functions, the results are obvious, and can be easily detected.”


              After ordering another serving of tea for the two of them, Sir Goodson continued making the senses and education association.  He concluded that each of the five senses and education interrelate.  Teacher evaluation is amiss if/when evaluators ignore this truth.  “First class teaching was expected of you Miss Forest, but evaluators did not apply this fact in carrying out their evaluation duty”.


              The first step in making that association was deciding on a definition for each sense as it relates to education.  His rationale follows:


  1. Hearing: listening is involved in this sense.  Without listening attentively proper communication was not exchanged between you and them.  Often they gave you’re the “silent treatment”.  Did they hear?  The other ones who heard your lessons were gratified! (see student evaluations)


  1. Sight: vision; to form a mental picture. 

With impairment of this sense, administrators failed to comprehend a wide range of positive acts conducted in your classroom.  Could this “silent treatment” of you have interfered with their vision, making proper association with the course being presently studied and its future use improbable, thus coming to an

Erroneous decision?


  1. Smell: to perceive scent; a distinctive odor;

In your situation, Miss Forest, something was awry!  These administrators were unable to
danger.  Therefore they could not “smell a rat”.  Functioning without this sense puts one in harm’s way, causing results which were costly, wide range, and unethical.  All errors could have been avoided if they had the ability to perceive the serious consequences of their action.

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