School Pranks (7 page)

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Authors: Lousia Evelyn Carter

BOOK: School Pranks
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     To withdraw that one assignment was dangerous to the school system causing problems which affect the nation.  That assignment helped build moral values.  This fact is documented in the firing of Miss Forest.  It (firing) was expensive in every way imaginable!  In a place where education is emphasized (stressed) a prank such as this firing was carried out.  Is it any wonder apathy is rooted?  Much of the apathy got its start from such pranks.  More funds are needed to house a prisoner than to educate a student.  Education is a weapon; the greatest weapon.  Withdrawing that one assignment interfered with moral maturity, a reason for sending many persons to prison.


     Educators such as Miss Forest’s evaluators play an important role in whether students miss the mark thus depriving themselves and nation of the fruit of their skill(s).






















Mrs. Lewis: Evaluator



     Mrs. Nellie Lewis resides in Palmville, Grande.  At the time of her duty as evaluator, she held an executive position for grades pre-k through eight.


     Mrs. Lewis states that information about Miss Forest was zero prior to evaluation assignment.  At their first meeting, Mrs. Lewis entered Miss Forest’s classroom after class dismissal.  She introduced herself and stated the purpose of her presence.  Then proceeded with an odd, personal attack, with a combination of anger and ridicule.  She disclosed some facts about Miss Forest and wanted confirmation.  “I heard you wear high heeled shoes every day.  I heard you have an outfit for every day.  Miss Forest, what are you going to do with all that money?”  Miss Forest is thinking her questions don’t pertain to Miss Lewis’ assignment.  Mrs. Lewis is saying she can handle her salary but Miss Forest can’t handle hers.  And she thinks that, and wants Miss Forest to think that, too!  An educator? Well!  And she did not try to conceal her character.  So, her information about Miss Forest was more than zero!  Calmly, Miss Forest looked at Mrs. Lewis, and saw a bonafide bigoted, educated person boldly expressing her bigotry.  Didn’t others see that, too?  Thought Miss Forest.  It was evident the person(s) who chose Mrs. Lewis as evaluator of Miss Forest were bigots also.  How sad!  Miss Forest never had a chance!


     From transcript of the deposition of Mrs. Nellie Lewis, July 17, 2002, recollections of education meetings held in and out of Palmville, attended by Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Murphy, and others in which negative statements about Miss Forest by Mrs. Lewis were quoted.  At the meeting held in Birdtown, Grande, Mrs. Lewis was questioned whether she commented in the presence of educators that Miss Forest was an example of not being a good teacher.  Mrs. Lewis’ answer was

“Not that I recall, I don’t even recall the incident.” 

While attending a similar meeting in Solid Rock, Fla., and Mrs. Lewis, when questioned relative to similar remarks criticizing Miss Forest’s professionalism answered,

“I don’t remember discussing anybody.”

These belittling, degrading statements were not denied by Mrs. Lewis.  Is this a true loss of memory or a clumsy way she dealt with facts? 


     December 17, 2001 was one of the busiest days of the semester – examination time.  On that day the evaluators, Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Reece scheduled an after-school conference with Miss Forest.  Why did they schedule the conference at a time when teachers would be involved with exam duties – correcting papers, averaging grades, recording information – that had a deadline required of Mr. Murphy?  Selfishness and thoughtlessness would not permit consideration in Miss Forest’s behalf.  The planning involved a detailed effort to interfere at the most inopportune time, thus, making the work of Miss Forest as uncomfortable as possible.  Additional time allotted Miss Forest to complete exam duties could have been avoided if concern for her interest was considered.


     The purpose of the meeting was thus stated:  Review Remedial Plan with evaluators.  After the review, Miss Forest was assured of their “help” in areas they felt she did not perform satisfactorily in teaching.  Their plan was contrary to facts. A serious error had been made.  Correcting something which never took place is not possible.  But they proceeded in carrying out their imaginary assignment.  Comments by Miss Forest were brushed aside by evaluators.  When Miss Forest reminded Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Reece of serious reading problems hindering student achievement, they expressed doubt that such a problem existed.  Doubt was stated by the evaluators in the December 19, 2001 letter which summarized the December 17
meeting.  That letter referred to several statements of Miss Forest concerning reading problems.  Their response was,

“If there is, indeed, a significant problem with reading…”

What?  They didn’t know that?  Then, why didn’t they know?  Mr. Murphy knew.  His Dromedary
a program designed to help eliminate these problems was in use.  Why did he choose to withhold this information?  Maybe these high-fluting educators are telling the truth – this time.  Maybe they were unaware of the reading-writing problems at the high school.  After all, they spent a great deal of time on their effort to find enough evidence to dismiss one of the area’s best teachers (Grade A, Certified, superior rated).  That’s odd; oddity represents the norm in this situation, though.  But, if they weren’t quite sure the reading problems existed, then, why didn’t they research and find out for themselves?  After becoming informed of its seriousness, proceed to organize a study program with other un-informed friends to assist Miss Forest and others, in solving this embarrassing problem.  This critical study program called “Remedial Plan,” creates a non-curable reading and writing problem.


     It is inconceivable that Mr. Murphy and the area officials were unaware of this extremely serious problem.  Then, what was the motive for declaring themselves so un-informed?  One rationale puts them all well aware of the seriousness of the reading problems at Dromedary High, plus others.   But, rather than admitting Miss Forest was right, they chose to take the risk of being labeled incompetent.  Recklessly they put their careers in a precarious state, without hesitation.  Willfully they “hatched” up and gleefully “carried” out their plan to dismiss Miss Forest from Dromedary High, a one-of-a-kind prank!


     At the December 17
meeting, evaluator’s improvement suggestions were vague; gave “beating-around-the-bush” type answers.  Miss Forest requested specifics in her teaching performance which did not meet their requirements.  List them – 1, 2, 3 etc. she said.  Their reply was, “it encompasses more than three areas.”  Twisting Miss Forest’s words.  They knew Miss Forest was asking for a listing of areas they considered her professionalism to be damaging to the area.  None were ever listed.  Their talking was generalized.  Mrs. Lewis referred to a thick book (about 1,000 pages) saying it was her “remediation plan.”  When Miss Forest suggested evaluators come to her classroom and demonstrate their method with her students, Mrs. Lewis sheepishly admitted her inadequacy in the area Miss forest taught. Mr. Reece just shrugged, Mr. Murphy laughed.


     Observation classrooms evaluators’ assigned Miss Forest indicated something amiss.  They were different from the ones she taught.  None of those observation classes included special education students.  They (students) represented the best.  (The best in elementary, junior high and high schools grades).  The high school class arranged for Miss Forest to observe was located outside the area.  The class contained 17 AP students.  Miss Forest’s class on campus was made-up of thirty-four (34) multi-leveled students – special education through college prep.  Why wasn’t Miss Forest’s observation class like the ones she taught?


     Everything required of her by evaluators to demonstrate good teaching skills was already in use.  One of the evaluators, Mr. Reece, enrolled one of his daughters in a history class taught by Miss Forest.  And there was no compliant.  So, what was the root of


     In money matters, Miss Lewis often demonstrated carelessness and extravagance when communicating with Miss Forest.  For example: two correspondences were mailed from Palmville dated December 21, 2001 with identical material; they were certified ($4.86) and regular ($1.86).  Each arrived one week apart; the Saturday before Christmas, and the Saturday before New Year.  Delivery of this material was well planned!  Precise! A casual interest in the committee’s skill in its on-the-job performance would have merited high commendation from the citizens of this nation if facts were not so obvious.  The committee over-acted toward Miss Forest in its role in teaching her “how to teach” and overplayed its hand excessively in money matters.  Nothing was left to doubt because the committee obliged Miss Forest by documenting its serious shortcomings.  It seemed anxious!


     The school had closed for a two week winter semester break.  The two week holiday was given to relieve strain and similar emotions which, if allowed to settle, can be detrimental to the education program.  It was a period of great expectation and excitement!


     Everybody on Island Grande looked forward to those holidays with great anticipation.  This was a time citizens engaged in total rest and pleasurable activities.  Citizens of Grande did the most decorating at that time of year.  Popular activities the citizens engaged in, in addition to decorating were: exchanging of gifts and expressions of good will toward each other.  One could easily sense an aura of friendship among the citizens.  Peace permeated throughout the island.  But when Miss Forest received correspondences from her “helpers”, it was obvious those assignments were intended for interference with her mood of the holiday.  In other words, they wanted her mood sour instead of becoming happy.  This planned interruption of mood was in keeping with their Remedial program which they designed two years earlier.  Imagine the waste used in forming such a plan!  The action used was contrary to the wishes of the stress as the semester break was designed to do, that committee attempted to add to the stress of the teacher.  That act is unbelievable! But it is fact! Miss Forest has in her possession documentation!  This is the way that committee operated.  All acts designed to picture Miss Forest in an unfavorable manner were documented.  The committee considered documentation dependable.


     When the second copy of the “Remedial” work was received, Miss Forest saw that the problem of the committee was deeper than the way it judged her teaching skill.  It was clear that this committee which took upon itself to “correct” her classroom work was total.  The committee recklessly thought up all of that stress, and thereby ignored the proper observance of the holiday period – a time meant to give citizens relief from stress of various jobs, especially education.  From its action it is clear they (the committee) preferred the emotion “stress” in this situation, to be better than relaxation.  How is the truth of that statement determined?  By documentations mailed to Miss Forest 12-21-01. 

Other truths: one who works in manure will smell like manure (animal dung);
this principle is applicable to any subject.








     Many students were aware that Miss Forest was under observation by the education organ of Dromedary.  Some students were encouraged to participate in this act.  This fact was announced in civics one morning by a late arrival.  Elaborately entering the classroom he asked Miss Forest, “Do you want me to get an excuse from the office?  I can go to the office if you want me to.”  Then, turning to is classmates he said, “You see, when Miss Forest writes somebody up, Mr. Rasor (an Assistant Principal) said they just laugh.”  But in spite of a lack of official backing, order was maintained in Miss Forest’s classes, all of them.  She developed a method of keeping order that is not found in most texts.


     During one of the meetings with evaluators and Mr. Murphy a decision was made to assign Miss Forest to observe a history teacher forty-five miles outside of the area.  This assignment was part of the “Remediation Plan” for instructional improvement.  Miss Forest suggested the observation take place on campus at Dromedary High under the supervision of a co-worker in the Social Studies Department.  She reasoned money and time would be saved.  The home campus was more convenient and she was better acquainted with those students.  She was completely ignored; the three, Mr. Reece, Mrs. Lewis, and Mr. Murphy proceeded with their “remediation plan” for her improvement.  Mr. Reece appeared to be chairman of that arrangement.  She looked at the three (3) and could hardly believe what she saw.  Sheer hatred, undisguised!  She could see the evil and the calculated coldness stamped in their faces.  Their action was raw, unethical, and uncouth!  And taxpayers are paying for this savagery!


     On the morning of February 4, 2002, Mr. Murphy summoned Miss Forest to his office and told her a classroom observation had been arranged for her the following day at Ciber-Blue High School in the adjourning area of Buf.  She was scheduled to report on campus to the main (principal’s) office at eight thirty 8:30 am, February 5, 2002 and proceed to the classroom which had been assigned.  Class begins 9:00 am.


     On February 5, 2002, Miss Forest arrived at the outer office of Dromedary High School and waited to be taken to Ciber-Blue High School.  At mid-morning Mr. Murphy noticed Miss Forest was still at Dromedary High.  He came to where she was seated and expressed his puzzlement.  “Mr. Reece hasn’t said anything to you?  He asked.  “No,” she answered.  He said “Come with me to my office and let’s call him,” Their conversation was brief.  He handed the phone to Miss Forest.  The gist of their exchange was there had been a misunderstanding concerning transportation to Ciber-Blue High School therefore rescheduling would be done shortly.  At that time, both men were kind toward Miss Forest, regretting the mix-up.


     Then, a return to the tactless, scolding approach commonly used when addressing Miss Forest.  After meeting with Mr. Reece concerning rescheduling, a scalding letter (via Hand Delivered and Certified Mail 2-12-02) was received from Mr. Murphy.  According to that letter, Miss Forest was responsible for her own transportation to Ciber-Blue High School.


     When Mr. Murphy spoke with Miss Forest in his office on February 4, 2002 concerning the observation assignment, he made no reference of travel, distance, or school address.  The verification letter received that afternoon from Mr. Murphy at Dromedary High School was identical.  Travel was never mentioned.  Even the “ranting and raving” letter of February 12, 2002 did not include pertinent information needed in traveling.  Transportation was a major part of planning.  If either team member had expected Miss Forest to be responsible for her own transportation, they gladly would have supplied that information and demanded their information be used, even if hers was a proven ‘short cut’.  Little regard was shown towards economizing.  Why was Ciber-Blue High School’s address and directions omitted from the correspondence concerning observation?  They forgot!  They made a slip-up!  One of the many.  Assigning Miss Forest (Grade “A” Certificate, Superior rated classroom performance) to a “remedial plan” for teaching, hatched up by these educators is the “slip-up of the age.”  Documented by themselves.


     The 2001-02 remediation plan given Miss Forest was
to Mr. Murphy, Mr. Reece, and Mrs. Lewis.  Evidence abounds! Referring to visits to another high school, the plan states “Arrangements will be made for your visit(s) in January 2002.  Visits should be completed that month”.  Well, it was then mid-February; why were
so late in doing
work? Mr. Murphy blames Miss Forest for
negligence.  He, Mr. Murphy, calls Miss Forest’s reporting at his office on the morning of February 5, 2002 for transportation to Ciber-Blue High School
to him.  It is
, indeed, without a doubt – incomprehensive. Mr. Murphy’s use of incomprehensive is perfect in this situation.  Incomprehensive is one of few terms that can adequately describe their (administrators) action while “advising” Miss Forest.  Unless, like the use of the word – concern it too is opposite in meaning while in communication with her.  Implying Miss Forest was responsible for her own transportation to the school which they (administrators) planned class observation – and not tell all their expectations is contrary to the laws of  reason and common sense.  Miss Forest often wondered whether that team of evaluators was aware of that blunder.  All of them are still contracted by the Board of Education of Grande`.  Incomprehensive!


     Mr. Murphy and Mr. Reece rescheduled the observation for Monday, February 18, 2002.  Miss Forest was ordered to report to the main office at Ciber-Blue High School at 8:30 AM.  Transportation would be provided by Mr. Murphy if she was unable to make provision.  But a forty-eight (48) hour advance must be given him.  He was informed of her inability to make provision within the required time span.


     Later in the week, Mr. Murphy informed Miss Forest of another “
” in the observation date.  Instead of February 18, 2002, it was rescheduled for the following day, February 19, 2002.  No explanation was given for the
.  Mr. Murphy and Miss Forest had a friendly chat.  What is causing a shift from curtness to courteousness?  After checking Ciber-Blue’s calendar for February 18, 2002, Miss Forest learned that Staff Development Day was scheduled.  So, that was it!  Another error had been made and Mr. Murphy had
to admit it.  It is evident the assignment (teacher observation) was made before checking with officials of Ciber-Blue High.  This is another example of poor planning and poor communication.  The ranting letter of February 12, 2002 could have been avoided if they (Mr. Murphy, Mr. Reece, and Mrs. Lewis) had been concerned with Miss Forest’s schedule.  Her classes at Dromedary were scheduled for weekly testing each Monday.  This, they were aware of lesson plans were required to be submitted to Mr. Murphy one week in advance.  Miss Forest was thrown off-schedule the entire week due to carelessness on the administration level.  But they didn’t care.  Poor academic performance of students at Dromedary High School can be traced to administrators.  Like their teacher, these students never had a chance from such poor management.


     On February 19, 2002, upon arrival at Dromedary High School Miss Forest was informed that Mr. Murphy had assigned Mr. Rasor (an assistant Principal) the duty to transport her to Ciber-Blue High School.  Mr. Rasor’s busy schedule caused their late departure.  Some of Miss Forest’s co-workers noted the improbability of reaching Ciber-Blue High School on schedule – and they were right.  Mr. Rasor and Miss Forest departed from Dromedary High School a few minutes after class began.  At departure time, Miss Forest’s class was unsupervised, further proof of Mr. Murphy’s mis-planning and negligence.


     Arrival on the campus of Ciber-Blue High School was thirty-four (34) minutes late.  Therefore, a significant portion of the lesson – the beginning – was missed.  Since Mr. Murphy’s “concern” was to teach Miss Forest how to teach, and he used three years to teach her, why didn’t he arrange to have her arrive at Ciber-Blue High School on time?  The time he so blatantly sat.  Taxpayers are paying for this slack. And why was Mr. Rasor permitted to leave Dromedary High School so late?


     Mr. Rasor was allowed to finish something he was doing.  According to Mr. Murphy, nothing was as important as Miss Forest’s “remedial lesson” instruction.  They (the administrators were responsible” for Miss Forest’s “remedial plan”) all voiced that “concern” or she would not be given a contract for the next term.  Why did Mr. Murphy assign the observation class so early, requiring transportation during the busiest time of the day?  Everything about this assignment is abnormal and strange.  Their trademark in dealing with Miss Forest was
-professional.  First, the early class assignment put an unnecessary strain on the out-of-area teacher.  Next, Mr. Murphy had no respect for punctuality.  Lastly, he (Mr. Murphy) left no teacher in the classroom with Miss Forest’s students.  (Note: the fact that Miss Forest was an outstanding disciplinarian is proven with Mr. Murphy leaving her students unsupervised).  Indirectly, he trusted, had confidence in her classroom performance.  If her students were “out-of-control” Mr. Murphy would have had a teacher in the classroom of Miss Foster.  But he did not because it was not necessary!  None of the teachers in surrounding classrooms made any complaints against Miss Forest’s students.  Remarkable!


     The History class at Ciber-Blue High School was taught by Ms. Pearl James instead of Mrs. Short, who was out on sick leave.  Were Mr. Murphy and evaluators aware of this change?  If they were, then why wasn’t Miss Forest informed?  She expected Mrs. Short.  Had either of the evaluators observed Mrs. Short or Ms. James’ teaching?  Why didn’t Mr. Murphy or one of the evaluators accompany Miss Forest to Ciber-Blue High School to observe Mrs. Short to make sure her teaching met their standard?  (Note: They knew Miss Forest’s classroom work ranked above the ordinary.)  Miss Forest was required to write a summary of the observation. The purpose of the summary was never explained.


     Ms. James’ class was small, seventeen (17) advanced (AP), and well-disciplined students.  The lesson: chapters twenty-nine (29) and thirty (30), method:  Discussion.  The themes blended with current events.  Two mini films were viewed and discussed.  Ms. James taught students to be specific.  “Don’t assume listeners know what you are talking about;” she said.  Students were given an exercise sheet for homework.


     Ms. James is one of the best!  The class was relaxed, free-spirited and friendly.  But according to Mr. Murphy, Ms. Green, Mrs. Lewis, and Mr. Reece, Ms. James’ teaching would have rated unsatisfactory for lack of the following which they required of Miss Forest:


  1. No objective was written on chalkboard.
  2. Teacher did most of the talking.
  3. Only a few students talked.
  4. Students’ work not visible.


Comparison of Teachers



Ms. James advanced         17            Discussion:                     Larger

                      AP                               Two chapters            More industry

                                                           Films, current



Miss Forest     Multi             34       Terms, questions            Smaller

                    Special Ed.                 Discussions.

                   To CP                           One chapter, section       Poor

                                                         Daily (one chapter

                                                        Weekly) current events.

                                                         One story from up-front

                                                          (Student news magazine)


     Were the evaluators aware of the level and size of the assigned class?  Apparently not.  Then why didn’t they know?  Since the purpose of the assignment was to teach Miss Forest how to teach, her students should have been
.  Ms. Green expressed her concern about needs of special education students that were not met while under Miss Forest’s instruction; then why such a class was not assigned for her observation?  Was Dromedary High School the only school with such classes?  Evidently Ciber-Blue High did not have such classes.  But improvement never entered the mind of any of these administrators.  If that statement is disputed, then why wasn’t Miss Forest assigned a class to observe similar to students under her instruction? It appears that by not allowing Miss Forest to observe on campus (Dromedary High School) protected some of her co-workers from these unjust evaluators. Clearly seen in observing the work of this committee in its relationship to Miss Forest is a picture of un-organization – of the lowest.

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