Read Saving My Submission BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #Submission, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #Dominance

Saving My Submission BN (9 page)

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“Such a lovely sight you are down on your knees before
me, Mellie, and your mouth is exactly as sinful as I suspected.”

His guttural praise echoed in my ears, and sent me
soaring with the need to please. Reaching up, I cupped his balls and gently
massaged them as I feasted on his cock.

Joshua let out a growl. Gripping a fist into my
coiffured bun, he set a quick and rapid pace. Lunging in and out of my mouth,
he tilted my head back, driving in deeper as I stared up into his erotic eyes.
Lust and need chiseled his handsome face, and his lips pressed together in a
tight line. He looked rugged, determined, and pleased...
heart-melting reflection of a Dom in control—not only of himself but of me, as

“Fucking beautiful,” he murmured.

Cinching another hand in my hair, he solidified his
control—not only of himself, but of me as well—and began driving his cock to
the back of my throat.

Stuffed full of his massive shaft, I swallowed,
compressing my throat around the bulbous tip. Pulling back slightly, Joshua let
out a feral roar as hot streams of come spurted over my tongue and exploded
down my throat. Swallowing frantically, I greedily captured every drop.

After several long moments, he eased from my mouth.
Lifting me off the floor, he sat me on the edge of the bed. Wrapping his broad
hands around my calves, Joshua pressed me backward until my shoulders settled
onto the mattress before kneeling alongside the bed. I couldn’t help but smile
at the devilish glint in his eyes. I knew what he was preparing to do and my
body fell lax in anticipation of his skillful mouth devouring my pussy.

Lifting the hem of my dress, Joshua paused to slide a
hungry gaze over my flesh. The approval and adoration reflecting in his eyes
made me tingle. I wasn’t accustomed to lovers bestowing such reverence. All the
other men I’d been with were more focused on the deed. Not so with Joshua.
Something about him was different from all the others, even my former Master. I
didn’t know if it was the dizzying lust Joshua conjured, or his subtle command
that unnerved me most. Pushing the questions from my mind, the only fear I
wanted keeping me poised on the bed—flat on my back with my legs spread
wide—was the fear of missing a single second of what he had in store for me.

“The scent of your cunt is mouthwatering, Mellie,” he

Hooking his fingers around the thin lace at my hips,
he stared into my eyes as he eased the skimpy thong down my legs. Arching my
hips to hurry his progress, Joshua chuckled and shook his head.

“It’s not funny, Joshua. Stop torturing me and lick my

“Who said anything about licking your pussy, little
one? Although I must admit, it smells quite delicious. And such a pretty shade
of pink with it so wet and glistening. It’s hard to resist driving my tongue
deep inside you to suck out all that hot, spicy nectar, little one.”

Lord, the man was going to make me come just by
talking. Not only was his voice deep and erotic, his words painted lewd,
panoramic pictures in my head. I could almost feel my cream spilling over his
chin as he ate me to oblivion.

“Why are you torturing me like this?” I implored as I
lifted my head from the mattress.

“This isn’t torture.” He smirked with a crooked grin.
“But I could do that if you’d like me to. Tie you to my bed and make you suffer
all night long. Is that what you need, little one?”

“No,” I cried on a breathy whisper.

“Then tell me what you need, Mellie,” he murmured as
he brushed his lips along the inside of my thighs.

“Your mouth on my cunt,” I hissed.

“Cunt, is it?
, such a vulgar word from a classy woman.”

“I’m not a lady in bed, Joshua. If you can’t handle

“Good. I want a lady on my arm, but a nasty, dirty
girl when I take her to my bed. No inhibitions allowed.”

“Then lick my cunt, and fuck me hard. I’ll be as
filthy as you want… just as long as I get to come.”

“Oh, you’ll come all right, gorgeous. You’ll come on
my tongue until I decide it’s time for you to come all over my cock.”

“Then stop talking and lick me,” I ordered.

Joshua threw his head back and laughed. “Mellie,
Mellie. I don’t want a bossy girl. I want an open minded and immodest one. You
told me to take the lead, and I fully intend to. But you don’t get to take back
the reins. You’ve handed them over to me. And now they’re mine! That’s exactly
how you like it, no matter how you try and deny it. That makes you mine, little
one. Mine to do all the things I ache to do to your sweet little body.”

Just when I thought I couldn’t get any hotter,
Joshua’s words cranked up the heat, enveloping me in a new and blistering

“Lay back for me, Mellie. Close your eyes and let me
have a taste of that sweet submissive you’re hiding inside.”

“But I’m not a

… Joshua.”

Before I could finish my sentence, he fastened his
mouth over my pussy and sucked. Licking and stabbing with his tongue, he
devoured me with a mind-blowing skill I’d never experienced. My release swelled
in a flash of white-hot lightning, sizzling through my veins and frying the
synapses in my brain. His lips, tongue, and teeth seared me from the inside out
and when he concentrated his talents on my clit, I bucked and whimpered, wanting
to both quench the fire and prolong the bliss. Sucking the throbbing nub
between his lips, he slid two long fingers deep inside me. Writhing and
panting, I arched my hips from the bed when his wiggling digits found my hidden
bundle of nerves. Burnishing his fingers against my sweet spot, he scraped his
teeth over my distended clit, driving me to the brink of ecstasy. Teetering
precariously on the edge, I ground my pussy against his face and fingers.

,” I

“What a good girl, asking so nicely,” he murmured
against my cunt. “Give it to me, Mellie. I want it all, and I want it now.”

Demand and euphoria coalesced into an arc of static
fire, vibrating from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Joshua squeezed
another finger inside my clutching cunt as he lapped at my clit. I threw back
my head and screamed as the crushing orgasm splintered through me like an atom
bomb. Powerful contractions seized his fingers within my tunnel as I exploded
in a stormy fire of ecstasy.

Joshua rode the torrent with me, gliding his fingers
through my quivering tissue while circling my hyper-sensitized nub with his
tongue. Even as rapture receded, he didn’t stop stroking my core or lapping my
nectar. A consummate lover, like no other, Joshua took his time as he eased me
down with subtle caresses and tender praises.

My body still hummed in a blissful languid heat when
Joshua rose to his feet and extended his hand. Helping me from the bed, he
wrapped me in his arms, keeping me steady and safe. Leaning in, he kissed me,
stroking his lips over mine as if he’d known them forever. Sweeping his
hands—the capable hands of a master sculptor—over my shoulders, he sent the red
designer dress I wore to puddle at my feet. Languid and thorough, he made me
feel as if I were a masterpiece he sought to mold. In one fluid movement, he
unfastened my bra and tossed it to the floor while the intoxicating scent of
his flesh made my head swim. Raking his tongue down the column of my neck, I
trembled in anticipation of what erotic magic he had in store for me.



As the taxi pulled to a stop in front of the house
Savannah shared with her Masters, I shook the vivid memories from my mind.
Lights illuminated several windows and I knew that I was the last to arrive
back home. Steeped in Joshua’s masculine scent, I paid the driver, clutched the
submissive statue to my chest, and hurried toward the house. Reaching for the
door, I let out a cry of surprise when it opened wide. Sanna blinked at my tousled
exterior and grinned.

“Oh my. Looks like somebody had a fun night,” she

“Hush,” I admonished with an uneasy hiss.

Dylan sauntered up behind Sanna. He took one look at
me and grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Good thing you took the condoms after all,
huh Mel?”

Their ridiculous gloating made me feel as if I had the
words “
Freshly Fucked
” tattooed across my

“So who was the lucky guy?” Sanna pressed, still
giggling. “And what is that in your arms?”

“None of your business,” I snapped then looked down at
the delicate work of art. “It’s a gift.”

, let me look,” Sanna
demanded, prying the statue from my grip. “Holy cow. This is beautiful. Look at
it, Master. Isn’t she most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen?”

A look of awe lit her face as she studied the kneeling
woman, rotating her slowly and taking in all the intricate details. No doubt my
reaction had been much the same at the gallery; no wonder Joshua saw through my
façade so easily. “Joshua Lars made this, didn’t he?”

“Yes.” I nodded, anxious to snatch the statue back and
race upstairs. I didn’t want to answer questions about the art, my appearance,
or anything related to Joshua.

“Oh my god, how much did this thing cost you?”

“Nothing. He gave it to me.”

“He’s the guy you had sex with, isn’t he?” Savannah
pressed with a knowing grin.

“Sanna. I already told you, I don’t want to talk about
it. Give me that,” I ordered as I snatched the woman from her hands. “I’m going
to bed.”

, it must have been
disappointing. You’re grouchy.” She pouted.

I closed my eyes and issued a heavy sigh.
Disappointing? No. Mind blowing? Yes, and then some.

“Come on, Mel. You and I always… compare…
…” Sanna flashed a guilty look Dylan’s way as his brows
arched up high and his blue eyes grew wide.

“Compare notes? Do you now, kitten?”

“No,” she whimpered with a nervous chuckle. “We don’t
compare… we just talk about… oh hell.”

“Language, precious,” Nick warned as he stepped into
the foyer. Cocking his head, he glanced at the figurine in my hands. “What do
you have there?”

“It’s one of Joshua Lars’ sculptures, Master. Isn’t it
beautiful? He gave it to Mellie, but I still can’t get her to tell me what she

Nick peeked up at me, smirking as he took in my
disheveled state. “I’d say a very memorable night.”

“That’s what I think, too,” Sanna replied in a

“This is quite stunning,” Nick nodded as he, too
stared at the kneeling woman. “The man is obviously talented.”

You have no idea.

“So you’re really not going to spill the beans… even
to me, your only sister?” Sanna asked, her bottom lip sticking out in a
dramatic pout.

“Stop pestering her, kitten,” Dylan chided. “If she
wants you to know, she’ll tell you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I felt guilty keeping the details of my night from
Sanna, but I needed to sort the barrage of emotions pinging through me. Sort
them, dissect them, and then put them away. Something had happened inside his
magnificent loft… something that had the potential to haunt me the rest of my

“I’m sorry, Sanna. I’ll tell you all about it
tomorrow. Right now, I just want to take a shower and climb into bed.”

She studied me in microscopic appraisal, then frowned.
“Are you okay?”

“Yes, of course. I’m just wiped out,” I replied before
planting a reassuring kiss on her cheek. “Let me get some sleep and I promise
we’ll talk in the morning.”

“Okay, but if you need me, I’m always here for you,

“I know, and I love you for it.”

Feeling as if I didn’t deserve her unconditional love,
it didn’t stop me from gathering it around me. Raw and confused, her devotion
soothed the craggy edges of my jagged nerves.

Sanna still wore a skeptical expression as I said my
goodnights then climbed the stairs. I couldn’t fault her for being concerned.
Even before she found Dylan and Nick, I’d always confided in my sister. But my
encounter with Joshua left me feeling defensive, as if talking about what we’d
shared might somehow sully its sanctity. That alone had me perplexed. I hadn’t
expected a one-night stand would leave me feeling so damn fragile. I should have
been choking on guilt and shame, and finding ways to forgive myself instead of
hoarding and savoring the memories. Sanna would want answers for my unusual
demeanor, but then so did I. Hopefully by morning I would have it sorted out.

“Why are you obsessing over him?” I groused as I
stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower. “You had a fabulous fuck.
Get over it.”

As the hot water washed Joshua’s scent from my skin, a
pang of regret slid through me. The thought of erasing him from my skin dismayed
me, and the emptiness that accompanied it was alarming. I’d never pined for a
man before, at least not to this degree. The bizarre sensation made me prickly
and on edge.

No matter how hard I tried to compartmentalize the
aftereffects of my night with Joshua, I couldn’t stop tossing and turning.
Visuals of the incredible ways he’d unraveled me spooled through my brain, and
the more I tried to push them away, the brighter and bolder they became. I’d
washed away his scent, yet I could still smell his skin. Even brushing my teeth
couldn’t erase the taste of his slick come branded on my tongue. My lips still
tingled from his toe-curling kisses, and his deep, rich voice refused to stop
echoing in my ears. The man was like a ghost, fixated on haunting my psyche.

Glancing at the clock, I groaned. Four thirty in the
morning, and I was no closer to sleep than I’d been when I crawled into bed two
hours earlier. Tugging the extra pillow from behind my head, I wrapped my arms
around the firm foam cushion and closed my eyes. Giving in to my foolish
fantasies, I imagined clinging to Joshua’s rugged body, and finally drifted off
to sleep.

The soft snick of the door woke me and when I opened
my eyes, I saw Savannah approaching the bed. A weak smile tugged one side of
her mouth as she nibbled her bottom lip; a clear indication she was worried.
Tossing back the covers, I patted the mattress and turned on my side. Her mouth
stretched in a wide smile as she pounced into bed alongside me.

“You worry too much, baby,” I whispered. Combing my
fingers through her hair—an act of reassurance I used to do when we were
young—I placed a light kiss on her forehead.

Savannah had been just sixteen when our parents died.
When I finally arrived home from college, after getting the heart-breaking
news, she and I had climbed into our parents’ bed and held each other as we
cried. I felt the same need to ease her troubled mind as I did back then.

“You’ve never shut me out like that before, Mel. I
can’t help it.”

“I wasn’t trying to shut you out, baby. I just needed
some time to sort it out is all.”

“Was it Joshua?”


“So what happened? Was it something bad?”

“No. Totally the opposite,” I confessed.

She rose on her elbow and looked down at me as a sly
grin lit up her face. “He matters to you, doesn’t he?”

“Oh please,” I scoffed. “It was one night. One night
I’ll never forget.”

Dammit, I needed to shut my mouth. If I gave her the
tiniest crumb, she’d want the whole slice of bread.

“It happens like that, you know.”

“What happens?”

“Love,” she giggled.

I grabbed the pseudo-Joshua-pillow next to me, and
smacked her with it. “I’m not in love, Sanna,

“How do you know? You always run away before you get
the chance to find out.”

“Zing. Ouch. You nasty little brat,” I groused,
hitting her with the heavy foam a second time.

With a squeal she snatched it from my hands and hit me

“Uncle,” I laughed when she brought the pillow back
for another blow.

“You’re such a girl,” Sanna drawled with a grin.

“Thank you,” I laughed. “What time is it? Did I miss

“Uh, yeah. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon, sleeping
beauty. Oh, there’s plenty of food in the kitchen if you’re hungry. But that’s
not why I came up to roust your lazy ass out of bed. We need to get to
Maurizio’s at three to start setting up the decorations.”

“Decorations? That’s right. The bachelorette party is
tonight, isn’t it?”

“Yep. How much time do you need to get ready?”

“Not long if you’ll give me some privacy.” I grinned.

“I bet Scotty will be happy to see you,” she taunted
as she rolled out of bed.

“Out,” I growled and pointed to the door.

“You’re such a party pooper now that you’re in love.”

I gasped. “Shut the… I am
in love. Now get out of here before I hit
you with the pillow again.”

Sanna laughed as she left the room. I could still hear
her giggling as she made her way down the hall.

“Brat,” I grumbled as I climbed out of bed.

Reaching for my phone, a flutter of excitement rolled
in my belly. It was juvenile and sophomoric, but I couldn’t keep from hoping
that Joshua might have left me a text.

“You’re a fool for wishing,” I mumbled as I tossed the
phone onto the bed and stalked toward the bathroom.


Sanna and I were the first to arrive at Maurizio’s.
When Scotty spied me, he puffed out his sculpted chest just a little and
swaggered out from behind the bar. My not-so-subtle sister waggled her eyebrows
at me, grinning like a fool. I wanted to smack her.

“Hey, Mellie. It’s good to see you again.” He smiled,
stepping close inside my personal space. “I guess sleep won out the other
night, huh?”

“It did. I’m sorry. I’ve been traveling too much
lately and I think it caught up with me,” I replied, pursing my lips in
sorrowful apology.

“Maybe after the party, you can join me up at the bar
so we can talk or have a drink.”

His hopeful expression made it impossible for me to
shoot down his offer. “I’ll see what I can do,” I hedged with a light smile.

One drink wouldn’t kill me. Besides, I needed
something to occupy my brain cells to keep them off a certain artist… who still
hadn’t called. What if Scotty wanted more than conversation? No thanks. The
thought of any man besides Joshua touching me sent an icy chill of revulsion
through my veins. The prickly, edgy sensation was back.

“Come on, Mel. Let’s start setting up. The party’s back
here,” Sanna called, motioning me toward a room off the back of the restaurant.

“Let me know if you need anything,” Smiling, Scotty
took my hand and lifted it to his lips, placing a sweet kiss on it. Then he
winked. “Anything at all.”

His kiss left an itchy burn on my hand, as if a
million ants were crawling under my skin.

“Will do.” I nodded, flashing a quick smile.

Steering toward the opening Savannah had disappeared
through, I frowned.

Why all of a sudden are
hunky, desirable men off the menu? Surely you’re not delusional enough to think
Joshua is ever going to call, are you?

Wanting to prove the voice in my head wrong, I tugged
my phone from my pocket and checked my messages. Nothing. Maybe Joshua wasn’t
ever going to call. That thought made my stomach turn in a sick sort of way.
Shoving my phone away, I stepped into the large lackluster room and groaned. It
needed a lot of work. Thankfully my inner interior designer rushed to the
surface, determined to turn the dull room into a dazzling bachelorette blowout,
and in the process pushed my foolish thoughts about Joshua aside. Inhaling a
deep breath, I started helping Sanna sort out the decorations.

Julianna and Trevor arrived, their arms draped with
shopping bags and their hands loaded with boxes. Sanna and I rushed to help
lighten their burden.

“There’s more in the car,” Trevor smiled. “I’ll be
right back.”

“Do you need some help?” I offered.

“Yes. There’s tons more.” He grinned.

As Trevor and I made our way back through the
restaurant, I felt Scotty’s eyes on me. Trying to focus on Trevor’s excited
ramblings, I couldn’t shake the awkward sensation Scotty’s attention evoked. It
was perplexing. Rarely did I shun the interest of a fine looking man. What was
wrong with me?

“How’d your art thingy go last night?” Trevor asked,
opening the back hatch of a big black Escalade.

“It went great. Thank you.” Steering the conversation
from more questions, I chuckled and tipped my head to the bags and boxes packed
inside the vehicle. “Are we decorating the whole damn city?”

“Just about,” he giggled. Lifting a box, he issued a
loud grunt. “Oh, my god. This is that damn elephant butt plug thing. Why on
earth did Savannah want to buy this this enormous, scary thing in the first

“I have no idea,” I chuckled. “But you’re right. It is
frightening and then some.”

“I’m just glad Daddy never got to see it. He
definitely doesn’t need any help thinking up ways to push my limits, that’s for

“I don’t think you have to worry, Trevor. That thing
wasn’t made for humans… at least I hope not.”

“I should say not! That damn thing would stretch your
sphincter to the point of no return. I mean, think about it. You’d have to wear
diapers the rest of your life because your shit would just fall out.”

BOOK: Saving My Submission BN
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