Read Saving My Submission BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #Submission, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #Dominance

Saving My Submission BN (8 page)

BOOK: Saving My Submission BN
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“What?” I asked as a rush of anxiety rippled through

“She looks just like you,” Joshua affirmed.

“No, she doesn’t”

“Yes, she does,” both men chuckled in unison.

“It’s fate and can only mean one thing,” Joshua
marveled as he plucked the statue from its stand.


“She’s yours,” he insisted, thrusting the delicate
woman into my hands.

The unexpected weight of the piece surprised me. I
clutched it tight, praying it wouldn’t slip through my fingers and splinter
over the glossy hardwood floor. “I can’t possibly accept… It’s too much,

“I don’t believe it,” Ian gasped. “I just witnessed
history in the making. Mellie, you’re the first woman I’ve ever heard say ‘no’
to the great and powerful Joshua Lars.”

Ian let out a loud laugh.

“Bite me, bro,” Joshua drawled in a low, sarcastic
whisper. “Don’t believe him, Mellie. Ian’s a habitual liar.”

“I think you’re both just trying to rattle my chain.”
I grinned.

“Oh, so you like chains do you, princess?” Ian winked.

“No,” I lied with a roll of my eyes. “Are you two
brothers or something?”

“No, we met...
,” Ian
stuttered. “Through some mutual friends a few years back.”

“He’s my brother from another mother,” Joshua smirked
then quickly sobered. “Hey, we’re going to sneak out of this soirée and grab a
drink or something. I’ll see you this weekend.”

“You need a co-pilot to help pour the drinks?” Ian
asked cryptically. I couldn’t miss his hopeful expression.

“Not tonight, bro. I’m flying solo,” Joshua replied
with a shake of his head.

I felt my brows furrow.
Was I reading the gist of their conversation right? Was Ian asking to be a
third in our pre-arranged
? My heart skipped
a beat and a rush of cream slid from within.
crap! They share women?
The thought made my aching clit throb even more.

“Fuck, my luck sucks,” Ian groused with a grin as he
slapped Joshua on the back. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t enjoy. It was a
pleasure meeting you, Mellie. Oh, and if Joshua disappoints, give me a call.”

“Prick,” Joshua mumbled under his breath before
wrapping his fingers around my elbow and gently pulling me to his side.

“I doubt you’ll be hearing from me, but it was nice
meeting you, Ian,” I giggled as Joshua led me away.

“You’ll have to excuse him. He doesn’t have much of a
filter,” Joshua spoke quietly, leaning in toward my ear.

“It’s okay. I don’t shock very easily,” I reassured

Joshua ushered me toward the door leading to the rose
garden, but before we could make our escape, our plans were thwarted by a group
of adoring fans that converged around us. His smile was jovial, his voice calm
and collected, but his fingers gripped my elbow tighter as a palpable tension
rose inside him. I wondered if being thrown back into the limelight made him
uncomfortable, or if he was simply as anxious to get naked and start fucking as
I was.

Christian chose that moment to make a toast. I almost
laughed when Joshua issued a barely perceptible growl from the back of his
throat. It was comforting to know I wasn’t the only one anxious to get leave—or
suffering raging hormone syndrome.

Like a quintessential gentleman, Joshua thanked
Christian and his fans for their steadfast support and announced that his
hiatus was over. After Joshua promised to have additional exhibitions in the
near future, the guests seemed placated enough for us to finally slip out the
back door.

As soon as we stepped outside, Joshua spun me against
his chest and crashed his lips down against mine in a hot and desperate kiss.
Gripping my purse in one hand and the stunning work he’d given me in the other,
I whimpered at my inability to slide my hands inside his tux jacket and feel
the ridges and planes of his body. When he pressed his heated shaft against my
sweltering pussy, I quickly gauged the size of his massive erection. The man
might very well kill me, but oh hell yes, what a way to go.

His tongue swept inside my mouth and passion erupted
like a volcano. Squirming, Joshua trailed his tongue in a deviant path from my
mouth, along my jaw, and down the column of my neck.

“I’m two seconds away from laying you on the ground
and driving into your soft body, Mellie. We need to get out of here.”

“Where are we going?” I asked on a breathless whisper.

“Next door.
My studio.
I own the loft… it’s where I live,” he mumbled
against my skin.

“What are we waiting for?” I asked with a lustful

“My lips don’t want to be apart from your sweet flesh
that long.”

When he sunk his teeth into the lobe of my ear, I
purred. “Take me here, or take me there. Right now I don’t really care. But
dammit, stop torturing me. I need to feel you.”

A low chuckle vibrated in his chest. “Sassy little
minx, aren’t you?” Raising his head, he stared into my eyes. “I can fix that.
Come on.”

Tucking his arm around my waist, he pulled me to his
side before lifting my feet off the ground and racing past the padded bench.

“Here, you carry this,” I instructed, handing him the
sculpture. “My hands are shaking so bad, I’m afraid I’m going to drop her.”

“Why are your hands shaking, Mellie?” he asked with a
taunting grin as he grasped the figurine from my hands.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’ve got my blood
thundering in my ears and my knees so weak it’s a good thing my feet aren’t
touching the ground or I’d fall off these damn stilettos,” I laughed.

“Are you wet and throbbing for me?” The gruff, hungry
tone in his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

“Do you really need to ask?” I challenged.

Stopping abruptly, he narrowed his eyes and silently
studied me for several long seconds. I’d suspected he was a Dominant, but his
stern, disapproving expression thoroughly confirmed it. Every fiber in my being
implored me to remain strong, but I wilted under his compelling gaze and cast
my eyes toward the ground.

“I asked because I wanted to hear it from your own
lips, little one.”

If there’d been a shred of doubt still rolling around in my
head, his term of endearment annihilated it on the spot.

Joshua Lars.
Accomplished artist.
Fucking Dominant.
You’re toast, woman.

“When I ask you a question, I expect an honest answer,
not a flippant response. Don’t get me wrong, Mellie. Your spirit is enchanting,
but now isn’t the time or place for it. Do you understand?”

He chastises like a
damn Dominant, too. You need to fake a headache and get your ass back to
Savannah’s. Call it self-preservation, survival, or downright fear, but you’re
not ready for the games he wants to play with you.

Before I could answer he kissed me, with a
blood-pumping, panty-melting fury so strong, it obliterated the voice in my
head. Drowning beneath the warm, soft texture of his lips and the heated breath
between us, I brazenly reached up and smoothed my palm over his cheek.

Hesitantly, Joshua pulled away, his nostrils flared and
an impatient groan rolled off his tongue before he raced us toward a plain,
three-story warehouse.

“It’s not much on the outside, but inside isn’t too
bad,” he explained as he tugged a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked a
sturdy metal door.

Stepping through the portal, I scoffed inwardly at his
remark. Designed in a bold Avant
style, the
spacious open floor plan with its partially rounded walls and sharp geometric
accents blended in appealing contrast. His décor looked nothing like I’d imagined
it might be. He’d merged several of his own works with glass and metal
creations. From a design perspective it shouldn’t have worked, but it did…
beautifully. Brightly colored furnishings and decorative vases in red and
burgundy hues generated a soothing atmosphere. Joshua Lars was a high caliber
artist through and through.

“This is incredible,” I whispered, trying to absorb
the details of his lavish surroundings.

“I’ll take you on the grand tour later. Right now
there’s only one room that I want to see you in… my bedroom.”

With an invitation so honest and seductive, how could
I refuse? With a provocative smile I nodded. “Lead the way.”

“Oh, I fully intend to,” he chuckled.

His double entendre was clear. Setting the sculpture
down on a table, Joshua took my hand and led me up a wide staircase. Once we
reached the landing, he pulled me against his chest and pressed me up against a
door before dissolving me beneath his soft seductive kisses. Blazing with
impatience, I yearned for more… much, much more. The slow, methodic tempo of
his masterful mouth confined me to the fringes of madness. Joshua seemed in no
hurry to seize the bubbling lust within me.

When he sunk his teeth into my bottom lip and tugged,
I couldn’t keep my frustration in check a second longer. I cried out in a
suffering wail, impatiently palming the doorknob next to my hip. Twisting the
cool metal knob, I discovered it was locked.

“That leads to my studio.” He said with a smirk,
reveling in my eagerness. “We’re definitely not playing in there, little one.”

“Stop stalling, Joshua. Take me to your bed. I’m
dying,” I begged.

“Surely you don’t think I’m finished warming you up
yet. Do you?”

“Warmed up?” I scoffed. “I’m ready to go up in flames

“Good. I’m glad I’m not the only one.” He replied with
a grin so lethal my knees wobbled.

Scooping me off my feet, Joshua carried me down the
hall. As we breeched an open doorway, he flipped on the lights. Sweeping a gaze
over the wide open loft, my sights fixed on a massive four poster bed, poised
atop a red and gold Persian rug in the center of the room. Tall windows covered
in ecru gauze lined the perimeter of the room and a set of open double doors
led to a spacious cream and gold tiled bathroom.

Dark cherry furnishings combined with the chocolate and
burgundy comforter, and matching accent pillows lent a bold, masculine
impression. The room screamed of power, command and Dominance.

Darting a glance toward the gleaming armoire, I caught
myself wondering if a plethora of BDSM toys was hidden behind the ornately
carved doors.

Stop it! You’re here
for good old fashioned vanilla sex. That’s it!

Joshua laid me down on the bed with a wolfish grin,
stood. “Now where were we?”

Peeking up at him beneath dark lashes, I watched as he
stripped off his jacket and tugged at his tie.

“I’ve pictured you here, in my bed like this, all damn
night,” he confessed in a hoarse whisper.

Swallowing tightly, I stared at his nimble fingers as
he worked the buttons on his shirt open before peeling away the fabric. His sinewy
muscles bunched and flexed as I gazed at his tall, lean body. Drinking in the
sight of his broad shoulders, defined
biceps, I danced a gaze down to his washboard abs. A trail of ash-colored hair
disappeared beneath the waistband of his trousers, stirring the demand inside
to see where it ended.

Sitting up, I reached for his belt and began to draw
the leather strap back through its buckle. Once freed, my trembling fingers
released the button of his trousers as Joshua yanked the belt from the loops
and set it on the bed.

“We might need this later,” he smirked. His smoky
green eyes studied my reaction like a hawk.

A ripple of delight slithered through my veins. The
thought of taking his spankings made the submissive within stir to life. When
he stroked one broad knuckle down my cheek, I closed my eyes and nuzzled my
face against his finger, savoring the warmth of his touch.

“Release my cock and taste me, little one. I can’t
hold back any longer. I plan on making this good for you, but I need to take
the edge off first.”

Yes. Yes.
God, I
couldn’t wait to see, feel, and taste that glorious cock straining beneath his

As I reached for the metal clasp, Joshua wrapped his
hand around my wrist.
“Careful, girl.
I go commando. I
have the feeling I’m already wearing an imprint of my zipper, but the only
teeth I want to feel on my cock are yours.”

I shook with a silent chuckle and nodded. Dipping my
hand past the waistband of his trousers, I shielded his throbbing erection with
my palm. Big was an understatement. Slowly easing the zipper down over my
knuckles, he watched and smiled as he toed off his shoes.

“So protective and gentle… nice,” Joshua praised.

His cock sprang free and I sucked in a quivering
breath as my heart skidded in a staccato of delight. Gazing at his long
thickness, a glistening pearl of pre-come swelled on the broad crest, calling
to all my carnal desires. As he kicked off his trousers, I stared at each
glorious inch of his shaft. Although I had a semi-muted gag reflex, I knew I’d never
be able to take all of him down my throat; he was too damn big.

Sliding from the bed, I settled onto my knees. I’d
assumed the same posture a thousand times before, in a strictly vanilla
context. This time, however, I couldn’t ignore the implications of my
submissive posture. But once I opened my mouth and Joshua pressed past my lips,
the taste of his salty essence quieted the disturbing undercurrents rippling
within me. An absolute rightness encompassed me all the way to my core.

Fueled by his groans and hisses, I poured my heart
into each bob of my head, yearning to bring him as much pleasure as possible.
Sucking and licking his distended veins, I nibbled and gently scraped my teeth
over his length before once again swallowing as much as I could manage. My
pussy wept and my clit throbbed; even my nipples ached. I worshiped his cock as
if it were the only one on the planet.

BOOK: Saving My Submission BN
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