Save Me (Elk Creek) (9 page)

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Authors: Crystal Lee

BOOK: Save Me (Elk Creek)
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I buckled myself up while he walked around the truck to get in. I took a look at the inside of his truck and was surprised to see how clean it was—nothing like Ethan’s mess of a truck. It was old, and when he started it I jumped at the rumble from the engine. It was incredibly loud, and rough. It totally matched his ruggedness.

As he started down our long driveway, my cell phone beeped from inside my bag. I pulled out my phone, and saw a text from Aunt Mel.

Have a blast tonight! I expect details!

Her text made me smile. She and Uncle Jim became aware of my date when they came over on Wednesday night for our weekly “family dinner.” Grandpa had spilled the beans while everyone was eating, well except Ethan, who hadn’t even been home yet. To say they were excited for me would be a huge understatement. Aunt Mel gushed, and offered to buy me clothes and make-up, which I adamantly refused. Uncle Jim kept smiling at me until I threw a roll at his head. Then he just laughed.

As I put my phone back in my bag, I noticed the outgoing mail in there. 

“Hey, do you mind stopping at the mailbox? I need to drop off some mail for tomorrow,” I asked Carter.

“Sure, I’ll be your errand boy,” he replied with a smile.

I couldn’t help but grin back. I was half awe-struck, and half dumbfounded. I was—for the first time—going on a date, with a guy I didn’t know that well, and I was definitely more excited than afraid. Either I was stupid crazy, or I was progressing. I desperately hoped for the latter.

Carter pulled up to the mailbox, and as I started to unbuckle my seatbelt to get out, he stopped me.

“Let me take them.”

I was more than willing to let him do it, because seriously getting out and back in this monster was something I definitely could not pull off with even a modicum of grace.

“Thanks,” I said as I handed him the envelopes.

After he climbed back in the truck, he handed me a stack of mail, “These were in the box, today’s mail I think.”

“Huh, Grandpa or Ethan usually get the mail, they must have forgotten,”  I said as I glanced at the pile of envelopes and advertisements.

As I shifted through the pile, I saw a white envelope with only my name typed out on the front. I pulled it out of the pile and looked it over. There was no post mark, no stamp, and no return address, not even my address. I felt a prick of fear and uncertainty for sure as I tore at the envelope. Inside there was a single piece of paper folded in thirds, I pulled it out and what I read seized my lungs and stopped my heart.




Chapter 7-Carter


“Taryn?!” I didn’t know what the fuck just happened. I saw her open a letter, then I heard a gasp, and now nothing. It was as if every muscle in her body seized, she looked stiff as a board, and her mouth kept opening, like a fish gaping out of water.

“Taryn?” I said again. She gave no answer or acknowledgement that I spoke. I was really fucking freaked out, she was scaring the hell out of me. I flipped my cell out and dialed Ethan.

“Yeah?” he answered.

“Get the fuck down to the mailbox right the fuck now!” I yelled in the phone.

“What happened?” he asked, I could hear rustling through the phone, then, “Grandpa, it’s Tare,” I heard him say.

“I don’t know, she opened a letter, then she just went fucking catatonic, she isn’t responding. Fuck, I don’t think she’s even breathing, man,” I said frantically. I could hear Ethan saying something through the phone, but I threw the phone to the dash of the truck, grabbed Taryn from under her arms and dragged her to my lap. 

Her fists were clutched so tightly to the paper her fingers were white. Her body was incredibly stiff, her eyes were wide, and she continued opening her mouth. I realized then that she was gasping for air, and I panicked. 

“Taryn, baby answer me!” I yelled while I shook her, and still nothing. I was at a complete loss as what to do, instinctively I began to rock her. Her head was in the crook of my neck, her bottom across my lap. 

“You’re okay, baby. You just sit here with me, and we’ll wait for Ethan. Everything will be okay. Can you hear me, Taryn? I said everything is okay. Come back to me, sweetie, come back to me,” I crooned to her. I realized at that moment that even though I hardly knew her, I would do anything for her. Seeing her like this made me realize what hell she must go through on a daily basis. I felt useless and helpless at that moment—I wanted to rage, yell, cry, and beat the shit out of someone.

I saw headlights pulling in rapidly behind me, seconds later Ethan ripped my door open.

“Scoot over, don’t let go of her,” he said. I noticed he was rather calm given the circumstances, and I was oddly thankful that he didn’t take her away from me. I scooted over to the passenger side, where I began rocking and crooning, brushing her hair out of her sweet face.  He jumped in, put the truck in drive, and pulled a U-turn, whipping back into the driveway, leaving his truck behind.

The paleness of her face was alarming, and honestly, I didn’t think I had ever been that afraid in my entire life. 

“What can I do?” I asked as Ethan sped down the driveway. Right then I wished the driveway wasn’t so fucking long.

“Just hold her, talk to her, make sure she knows she isn’t alone,” he replied with a little more urgency in his voice. I did what he told me to do, which was what I had been doing anyway. 

He pulled the truck to an abrupt stop. “Take her into the family room, I will meet you in there,” he commanded harshly. “Just keep holding and talking to her. Can you handle that? If not, tell me now.”

“I can handle it, Ethan. I won’t let her go,” I growled back, not quite understanding my need for her. It was irrational, but I felt like she was mine; mine to take care of, mine to protect. I felt so overwhelmed, but I pushed all my emotions aside. I could evaluate these crazy ass feelings later.

I hoisted Taryn higher in my arms, got the door open, and slid off the seat, making my way to the door. Mr. Dalton was waiting with the door opened and a frantic look on his face. I quickly walked past him, through the entry, and into the living room, where I sat on the couch with her still in my arms.

I continued to rock her, but her body was still stiff, and her eyes vacant. She seemed to be getting more air, but she was still gasping. Her face was pale, and covered in sweat. I pushed her soaked hair back, and kissed her forehead. It was cold and clammy against my lips. “You’re all right, baby. I got you, you’re okay now. Nothing is going to hurt you, sweetheart, come back to us,” I continued to say over and over, not knowing if she could hear me, but compelled to make her know she was safe.

Ethan came in. He had his phone on one ear, and was holding washcloth and a syringe.  Okay, I’m not going to lie—the syringe scared me. I felt myself clutching her tighter to me, as if I was going to protect her from the evil thing.

“Yeah, Carter has her right now… I’m getting ready to give it to her… it’s bad this time… I think you should… I will… see you soon.” He hung up, and placed the phone on the coffee table. 

“What are you going to do? Should we call an ambulance?” I asked, and noted my voice was a little shaky.

“No,” both Ethan and Mr. Dalton said at the same time, then Ethan said more quietly, “Carter, I need you to keep your shit together, okay? She needs you to be calm. She’s okay.” I gave him a nod before he turned Taryn’s face away from my chest and began wiping her with the cloth. She was okay? In no way did this seem to be okay.

“Hey, baby girl, I need you to talk to me,” Ethan said quietly. “I need to hear you, Tare. I know you can hear me. Sweetie?” He finished wiping her face, then set the cloth across her forehead. She still said nothing. He proceeded to take the cap from the syringe, and I panicked.

“What is that?” I asked, a little frantic. God, get it together Belmont! I truly felt like I was going to lose it. Ethan eyed me speculatively, and I knew in that moment that if I didn’t pull it together, he would take her from me. For some reason, he was trusting me with her. It bolstered me. I took in a deep breath and nodded toward the syringe.

“This is Ativan,” he said. “I’m going to inject it in her leg. This will help her.” He said this as if he were talking to five-year-old. Hell, with how I was acting, I couldn’t blame him. He lifted her dress high enough that I could see her panties, unwrapped an alcohol swab and cleansed an area on her thigh. With no hesitation he stuck the needle into her soft, pale skin and pushed the plunger down. 

Mr. Dalton hadn’t said a word, but walked over with a blanket and wrapped her and me both in it. He then moved down the couch and started to remove her shoes and socks.

“She likes to be touched softly, it will help you relax, too.” Mr. Dalton said as he continued with her shoes and socks. I looked back down at her, and saw she wasn’t looking as pale, but she still wasn’t back yet. I began to rub her wrists with my thumb under the blanket, noting she still clutched the letter in her hands. 

All week I had been anxious about our date, and I wanted to make it perfect. I had talked to Ethan several times over the week, and listened to him tell me more about Taryn. I will admit I was nervous talking to him about her—it was almost as if he was a parent passing her off to me, the babysitter. However, right now I was thankful for all the information he had given me. I only wished I was doing something useful with it.

I heard the front door open, followed by Taryn’s Uncle Jim walking into the living room.  He glanced at everyone before walking over to me. He knelt down in front of me, and set his bag down at my feet.

“When did it start?” he asked no one in particular.

Ethan looked at his watch. “About twenty minutes ago,” he answered.

Jim looked to me, “Okay, I’m going to take her vitals, just to make sure she’s okay.”

All I could do was nod at him. He pulled out a stethoscope and listened to her heart and lungs, then pulled out a blood pressure cuff. I pulled the blanket back and helped maneuver her arm so he could wrap the cuff on her. It wasn’t the easiest thing since she wouldn’t let go of the letter, but he managed to get it on.

He started to pump the air into the cuff, and when it was squeezing her arm, she let out a slight moan. It startled me, enough that I jerked. I couldn’t help but squeeze her to me, hindering Jim’s progress with the cuff.

“Taryn, can you hear me, baby?” I said, not caring that three men were staring at me. Ethan and Jim wore frowns and creased brows, where Mr. Dalton had a grin. They could all fuck off for all I cared.

I felt the tension leave her body, all at once she was as limp as a noodle. She blinked a few times, scrunched up her cute face and focused her gaze on me.

“Carter?” she croaked out. It was seriously the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.  Immense relief flooded through me, and just as she had done, my body relaxed. I hadn’t even realized how strung tight I was.

I smiled at her. “Yeah, sweetie, how do you feel?”

She let out a dry cough. “I’m thirsty.”

I saw Mr. Dalton head to the kitchen, and knowing he was going to get her a drink, I said, “Okay, we’ll get you a drink.” I looked over to Ethan, who had moved beside me.

“Tare?” he said.

She blinked again and looked up. “Ethan, what happened?”

“Well, I’m not sure, I was hoping you could tell me,” he replied, just as Mr. Dalton appeared with a glass of water. I sat her up more, still holding her in my lap, as Mr. Dalton handed her the glass.

She moved her hand to grab the water, but the crinkle of the paper caught her attention, she looked down at her hands and froze again. I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me.

“NO, baby, you look at me. We aren’t going to do this again. You stay with me… take a deep breath.”

Wide eyed, she blinked a few times, and took one shallow breath, then another. I gave her chin a little shake, “Focus on me Taryn, take a big breath and let it out.” I was pleased when her breaths got a little deeper.

“Good girl, again… big breath in and let it go,” I told her, and as she took more air in I could see her begin to focus back to the present and gain control. I glanced at Ethan, who had started rubbing her scalp, and Jim who just watched, but had lost the frown.

Without telling her, I took the letter from her hands and handed it to Mr. Dalton, who had sat back down next to her feet.

“We h-have t-to leave!” Taryn suddenly sobbed. I looked to Ethan, not understanding why she would say that, only to see him wearing the same perplexed look I’m sure I was. After seeing Ethan look to Mr. Dalton, I too turned to look at him.  He was staring at the letter with a look of shock and fear lining his face. 

“He c-came!” Taryn continued to wail. God, I was going to lose my fucking mind. No one was saying anything, just staring at that damn letter. What the fuck was going on?

I looked to Jim. “Take that off of her,” I nodded toward the cuff, knowing my voice was harsh, and I probably pissed him off. Right then I really didn’t give a shit. He hurriedly took off the cuff and went to stand next to Ethan, who was standing over Mr. Dalton’s shoulder with his face as ashen as Taryn’s was.

I turned my attention back to Taryn, who was still sobbing onto my chest, and pulled her in tighter. “Hey, you’re okay, Taryn, you’re safe.” It was the only thing I could think of to say in this clusterfuck of a situation.

“He’s going to get me this time,” she choked out as she grasped me around my neck.  Okay, that got the hair on the back of my neck to stand straight up. Who was going to get her? This time? What was she talking about?

Disgusted that I wasn’t getting any help from the three shitheads, I did my best to calm her. I started rocking her again, and as I brushed the hair back out of her face, she looked up at me. The fear and despair I saw in her soulful eyes made my heart break.

“I’m tired, Carter, so tired,” she said as her eyelids started to droop.

“Rest, sweetheart, I got you,” I responded quietly. I ran my fingertips down her jaw, and traced her soft lips. The thought of kissing those soft lips was extremely tempting, but this was not the time or place to have our first kiss. A few minutes later, she had fallen asleep.


After laying Taryn down in her bed, I took stock of her room. The walls were painted a light yellow and were adorned with several paintings and posters, most with motivational quotes scrolled on them. On the wall above her bed, stenciled above the headboard was the phrase,
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. –Thomas A. Edison
. The script was large, taking up almost the entire wall. 

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