Sahib (75 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

BOOK: Sahib
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characters drawn from life 158–9, 235

Kirkee, battle (1817) 55

Kirkpatrick, Major James, children of 103

Kitchener, General Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl 183, 186–7, 188, 189, 259, 450, 455, 483

Kittur 277

Koh-i-Noor diamond 201–2

Kookas 289

Koregaum, battle (1818) 297–8

Korgah xxviii

La Forte
(French frigate) 109

La Martinière establishments, for orphans 440

La Sibylle

Lady Moira’s Orphanage, Calcutta 489

Lahore 61, 139

railway station 27

Lake, Major 321

Lake, Major Edward 206

Lake, General Gerard Lake, 1st Viscount 55, 183–4, 276, 297, 314, 321, 335–6, 387, 388

Lakshmi Bai, Rani of Jhansi 78–9

bazaars 480–1

Lal Singh 63, 66

Lambrecht, Lieutenant 106

Lang, Lieutenant Arthur Moffat 77, 148, 207, 242, 295, 296, 351, 410–11, 462

Langlands, Lieutenant 312

languages, local, study of 175–6, 272

Laswari, battle (1803) 55, 184, 297, 314, 321

Latin jokes of British India 60, 78

Latter, Captain Thomas 215

Lauder, Captain R. R. 400

Lawrence, Lieutenant General Sir George 200, 201, 203, 461

Lawrence, Major General Sir Henry xxx, 64, 66, 193, 198, 200, 201, 202, 208, 209, 295, 301, 461

defence of Lucknow and action at Chinhut (1857) 75, 201, 329–31, 390, 391

Lawrence, Lady Honoria 494

Lawrence, Sir John Lawrence, 1st Baron [Viceroy, 1863–68] 75, 200–1, 209, 210, 211, 330, 461

Lawrence, Major General Stringer 182, 257

Lawrence, Sir Walter xxiii, xxvi, 290, 492–3, 500

Le Mesurier, Major 134–5, 166, 172, 173–4, 270, 351, 375

leadership, courageous 316, 319–21

leave regulations 488

Leigh, William 305

Lendrum, Captain J. V. 361

Lennox, Lieutenant 242

Leonard, Quartermaster Sergeant Godfrey 238

Lhasa, Tibet 87

lieutenant colonels 219, 220, 224, 253, 254, 272

lieutenants 219, 266

Lindsay, Colonel 404

lock hospitals 480

Longworth, Captain 12

looting 274, 278–84, 317

Lord, Dr 320

‘Low Europeans’ 146–7

Low, Major General Sir John 70, 71, 191–2, 240–1, 250, 488

Low, Malcolm 213–14

Luard, Lieutenant John 97

Lucan, Lieutenant James 310

Lucknow 81, 274

climate 32, 34

in the Mutiny (1857)

siege 75, 150, 172, 201, 301, 326, 338, 390–6, 466–7, 475

relief 75, 78, 335, 347, 362

looting 279–90, 281, 284, 317

Ludhiana 142

Lumsden, Colonel Harry 203–4, 210–12

Lyall, Alfred 81

Lyons, Captain John 237

Lytton, Lady Edith 181

Lytton, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of [Viceroy, 1876–80] 82, 86, 181

Macan, Lieutenant Thomas 474

McBean, Lieutenant William, VC 361–2

McCabe, Captain Bernard 14–15, 249–50, 394

McCaskill, Major General 321

McFall, Captain Crawford 127, 165

McGovern, Private John, VC 235

MacGregor, Major General Sir Charles 112, 113, 193, 230–1, 241, 247–8, 251, 319, 323, 326–7, 335, 352, 361, 362, 497, 498

in Second Afghan War 228, 270, 315. 372, 399. 432

MacGregor, Edward 248

MacGregor, Frances Mary (née Durand) 497–8

McGuire, Sergeant J., VC 235

Mackenzie, Captain Alfred R. D. 206–7, 296, 349, 422

Mackenzie, Colin 493

Mackenzie, Helen 142, 493

Mackeson, Frederick 202, 203

Macleod, Lieutenant 378

McMath, Captain 174

MacMurdo, Lieutenant 309, 319

Macnaghten, Sir William 56, 58, 200

MacNamara, Corporal 235

McPherson, Captain Hamish McGregor 438

Madras 45, 46, 115–18

society in 151

Madras Army 254

Madras Club 157

Maharajpore, battle (1843) 61, 257–8, 333, 342

Mahdipore, battle (1817) 55

Mahoney, Sergeant Patrick, VC 235, 345

(East Indiaman) 92

Maitland, Lieutenant General Sir Peregrine 458

Maiwand, battle (1880) 86, 315, 344, 354–6, 359

majors 253, 272

Malakand campaign (1896–97) 86–7

malaria 257, 475

Malcolm, Sir John 191

system 40–1


Mansell, Elizabeth 105–6

Mansfield, Major General 293

Maratha artillery 333

Maratha service

Arab mercenaries in 312

British in 41, 304, 305, 307–9, 310, 440

Maratha Wars

First (1777–82) 55

Second (1803–05) 55, 308

Battles: [Wellesley] (1) Ahmednagar (2) Assaye (3) Argaum; [Lake] (1) Aligarh (2) Delhi (3) Laswari (4) Bhurtpore

Third (1816–19) 55

Marathas 36, 40, 41, 54, 118, 303–4, 311

Mardan 211

Markham, Brigadier 384, 385, 386

Marsden, Lieutenant 290

Martin, Major General Claude 440

Masulipatam 470

Mathias, Lieutenant Colonel, 358

Maude, Captain Francis 336, 353

Maxwell, Colonel Patrick 499–500

M’Dowell, George 232

Meadows, Major General John 405–6

Meadows-Taylor, Lieutenant Philip 105, 152, 175, 442

meals in barracks, soldiers’ entitlement 144

Meani, battle (1843) 60, 319

medals 322, 324, 325–7

medical techniques 403–4

Meerut 139, 140

climate 31

Mutiny commences at (1857) 74

Mehtab Singh, General 206

Mein, Dr Pulteney 278

European women, in India

Menezes, Lieutenant General S. L. 259

messes 144–5, 158

Metcalfe, Sir Charles 42, 442

Metcalfe, Private Henry 99, 127, 326, 330, 338, 456

Methodism, in British Army 459

Metje, Lieutenant Torrens 313

Meuron, Brigadier General Charles Daniel, Comte de 216–17

Meuron, Lieutenant Colonel Henry David de 217

Mian Mir 158

Middleton, Lieutenant William 474

Mièville, Quartermaster Sergeant H. 217

military corridors 35

Military Department 188

militia 223

Minto, Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of [Viceroy, 1905–10] 1188–9

Mir Emaum Ali, Havildar 322, 426–7

Mir Jafar, Nawab of Bengal 48, 49

Mir Kasim, Nawab of Bengal 49

Mirza Abutakt 100

missionaries, Christian 72–3, 458–9


Moira, Earl of
Hastings, 1st Marquess of

Mole, Private Edwin 176–7

Molesworth, Guilford 26

Monin, Major General A. 246

monkeys, as pets 174–5

Monro, Colonel W. 447

Monson, Colonel William 55, 292, 310

monsoons 28, 29, 33

Moore, Lieutenant 313–14

Moplahs [Mappilas] 288

Morley-Minto reforms (1906–10) 87

Mornington, 2nd Earl of
Wellesley, Richard

mortality rates 468–9

mortars 381

Mountain, Colonel Armine S. H. 116, 313, 363, 460

mountain batteries 255

Movable Column (Punjab) 75, 77, 207, 209, 212, 241–2

Moxon, Ensign Philip 344

Mudki, battle (1845) xxix–xxx, 5, 6, 9, 63, 321, 334, 336, 340, 344, 366–7, 402, 499

Muhammed Hayat Khan 207

Mukherjee, Rudrangshu 258

Mulcahey, Private James 425–6

Mulraj, governor of Multan 66, 67–8, 209, 383

Multan, siege and capture (1848–49) 66–7, 282, 334, 375, 381–2, 383–6, 389

Multan Tent Club 168

Mungal Pandy, sepoy 73–4

Munoora-ud-dowlah 448–9

Munro, Major Hector 49, 260

Munro, Captain Innes 117, 122, 133, 184

Munro, Surgeon William 404

Murphy, Colour Sergeant 471

Murray, Dr John 406, 407

Murree Hills 34

muskets 5–6, 348, 353, 354

Muter, Colonel Dunbar Douglas 34, 281, 500–1

Muter, Mrs 34, 280–1, 500–1

mutinies 72, 259, 272–4

by EIC officers 53–4

Vellore (1806) 273

White Mutiny (1859–61) xxvi, 80, 252–3

Mutiny (1857–59) xxxi, 43, 73–9, 301–2

consequences and legacy 80–1

mutineers, blown from guns 428–30

volunteer units 148

Mutiny Act (1754) 182

Mynin, Colonel 248

Mynin, Major 248

Mysore 40, 54

artillery 332–3

Mysore Wars

First (1767–69) 51

Third (1790–92) 53

nabobs 51–2

Nagpore, annexation of 70

Najafghur, action (1857) 212, 346–7

Nana Sahib (Nana Govind Dhondu Pant) 71, 75–6, 79

Napier, Major General Sir Charles 59–61, 68, 143, 176, 186, 197, 321, 371, 476

Nasir-ud-din Hyder, Nawab of Oudh 70–1

natives, brutality towards 147–8, 452–7

nautch-girls 436, 439

naval power, European 37

Nazir Khan 301–2

needlework, by soldiers 159

Neill, Brigadier James 76

Neill, Lieutenant Martin 119

Nepal War (1814–16) 55

Newnham, Corporal Thomas 491

Newsome, Sergeant Harry 367–8

Newton, Lieutenant 312–13

Nicholson, Alexander 204

Nicholson, Charles 207

Nicholson, Brigadier General John xxx, 165, 185, 200, 203–8, 361

in the Mutiny 75, 77, 204, 207, 346, 428

Noel, Lieutenant 14

Norman, Lieutenant Henry 322–3

North-West Frontier 72, 86, 287

forward policy 86–7

Russian threat to 26, 81, 85

Nott, Major General Sir William 58

O’Brien, Mr 305, 310

Ochterlony, General Sir David 442


passages to (and from) India 94–5, 102–3, 104–5, 106–7

arrival in India 113–14, 116–17, 118

O’Halloran, Lieutenant 477

Olivey, Second Lieutenant 344

Olpherts, General Sir William, VC 318, 335

opium 434–5

Order of the Bath 323

Order of British India 324–5

Order of the Star of India 82, 505

Oriental and Peninsular Steam Navigation Company 96

Orissa 49

Osborne, Captain the Hon. W. G. xxiv, 8–9, 31–2, 62

Osborne, Lieutenant Willoughby 198–9

Oudh 41, 49, 54, 70

annexation of (1856) 71

Outram, Major General Sir James 34, 75, 78, 165, 185–6, 390, 433–4

Outram Institutes 434


paddle-steamers 92, 95

195, 205, 210

Palmer, General Sir Arthur Power 450, 454, 455

Palmer, General William 442

Palmer, Captain William [son] 442

Panipat, major battles at 35 1399 38 1526 38–9 1556 39 1761 54

parrots, as pets 174

Parry, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick 481

Parwandara, action (1842) 320

Pates, Major Augustus 130

Pathans 194–5, 196

Pattoun, Lieutenant Colonel Richard 386

pay and expenditure 264–70, 272

Payne, Private George 164

Pearman, Sergeant John xxiv, 98–9, 114, 125–6, 149, 159, 164, 283, 318, 325, 341, 369, 406, 464, 502

at Sobraon (1846) 9, 10, 15

Pearson, Cornet Thomas 277

Peat, Captain 378

peg [drink] 418–19

Pennycuick, Alexander 229

Pennycuick, Brigadier John 229, 276, 322, 378, 379–80

Pennycuik, Colonel John, RE 29

pensions, officers’ widows’ 486

Periyar Dam 29

Perkes, Private Richard 17–18, 94, 236

Peshawar 26, 55, 61, 75, 140, 205, 209–10, 307

Peshawar Valley Field Force 82, 211

Pester, Lieutenant John 276, 290, 376–7, 420–1

Petit, Lieutenant Colonel 12, 13, 14, 18


Phayre, Sir Arthur 198

Picton, Major 478, 479

‘Piffers’ 197

pig-sticking 167–71

pig-sticking spears, in battle 353

Pindaris 42, 288

pistols 362, 363–4

Pitt, William, the Elder 51–2

planters 147–8

Plassey, battle (1757) 47–8, 275

Pohlmann, Colonel 41

Polighars 288

political officers 198, 213

Pollock, Lieutenant General Sir George 58, 324, 398

Pomfret, George 450

Pondicherry 49

Ponsonby, Captain 320–1

Poona, Peshwa of 54, 55

Poona Tent Club 167

Pope, Brigadier 369–70, 370–1

population xxi

Porter, Mary Anne 496

Porter, Gunner William 460, 496

Potter, Private H.J. 131

Potter, Samuel,
The Art of Beating the Drum
(1810) 4

preaching colonels 461

Presgrave, Ann 109

Price, Lieutenant William 165–6

priests, Roman Catholic, at Lucknow 464, 465–6

Primrose, Lieutenant General 35

princely states 83

Prinsep, Mrs Thoby 153

Prinsep, Val 82

prisoners, British, treatment of 292

prize agents 276

prize money 274–8

Probert, Mrs 486

proselytising 461

prostitution 436, 480–1, 482–3

Puller, Private George 479–80

Punjab 63, 66, 72

annexation of (1849) 69

climate 31–2

Punjab Frontier 194

Punjab, Governor of the 192

Punjab Irregular Frontier Force 192–3, 197, 212

Punjab Northern State Railway 26

Punjabis 296–7

Punniar, battle (1843) 1–2, 61

Purvis, Captain
(later Revd)
Richard John 99, 102, 134, 190, 248, 251, 269–70, 504

Purvis, Rear Admiral John 268

Purvis, Richard Fortescue 268, 269, 481–2

Pushtuns 193, 194–5

quartermasters 219

Queen’s India Cadets 253

railways, development of 25–7

Rajkumar College 83

Rajputs 36, 259

Ramnagar, battle (1848) 68, 360, 368–9

Ramsay, Henry 198

Ranjit Singh, Maharaja 55, 61–2, 201, 305–6


in Indian units 261, 262

in Royal Artillery 54on.go

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