Sadie Whyte: The Lust of my Life (8 page)

BOOK: Sadie Whyte: The Lust of my Life
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Chapter 15


May, 2014

  Sadie pushed her Jag to 105 miles per hour in the fast lane.  She’d spoken to Moe on several isolated occasions.  He’d still been the Moe she’d grown to know.  She’d mentioned nothing to him about her trip to the FBI interrogation room.  But, she had told him that she REALLY needed to see him.  He’d yet to make on appearance, further driving her mad.  She also hadn’t heard from Cricket in over two weeks.  It was time for her to pick up another shipment of ‘advanced porn’, and he was nowhere to be found.

Sadie pushed the Jag, her Virginia Slim burning in the ashtray.  She’d been summoned to the office by a very distraught Sandy.  Sandy wouldn’t let her know what the problem was, but there was definitely a problem.  And to add insult to injury, Madelyn was still MIA, missing in action for about a month now.  Reena was falling apart over her.  And Sadie’s ‘investigator’ hadn’t been able to locate her anywhere.

Sadie broke the Jag down a bit, preparing to take the next exit.  She began to feel that she’d possibly bitten off a little more than she could chew.  The attitudes of her escorts and their bickering was a constant pain in the backside.  Sometimes, the men she escorted got on her nerves severely.  But without a good fuck here and there, Sadie was absolutely no good.  She’d also promised her ‘girls’ that she’d go on dates as long as NuShu’s Escorts, Inc existed.  She consistently conveyed to them that they were all on an equal plane.  XXXTra Productions was bursting from the seams.  Sadie had so many women trying to go buck wild on screen that it amazed her.  She was shooting movies six days per week.  She had so many movies out that she’d had to have someone establish a filing system for them.  Her street team was also selling her movies like M&M’s to school kids on a trip to the amusement park.  Sadie’s personal time had grown slim to none.

When she reached her office, she parked her vehicle and strutted inside.  She was greeted by an iron faced Sandie sitting in one of her “S” shaped chairs with her legs crossed, exposing lots of thick chocolate thigh. Sadie assessed her mood and proceeded with caution.

“What’s up Sandie?” Sadie asked, setting her compact Fendi purse on her desk and taking a seat.

Sandie took a deep breath and glared at Sadie.  “I admired you Sadie.  I grew up wanting to be like you.  I watch you work and I want to be like that.   I see how you treat all of us at your company and I’ve always respected it.  You were somethin to me that I ain’t never come in contact with…”  Sandie said, still glaring at Sadie.

She began shaking her head from side to side.  Tears began to well in her eyes.  Sadie couldn’t figure out where all of this was coming from, nor where it was going.

“My sister got raped and killed, Sadie, when I was young.  My sister was my heart.   She was raising me and then that dude raped her and killed her, Sadie.  That’s got to be the most fucked up shit anybody could do to somebody else…” Sandie said, stopping to shake her head again.

She pulled some Kleenex from her Coach bag and wiped her eyes and nose, still shaking her head.  “People who do that type of shit need to get put in the electric chair and get shot in the head.  My sister’s dead because of that shit. I respected you Sadie.  I really did,” Sandie continued. 

Sadie stared back at Sandie, her close friend, her younger sister in friendship.  “I loved my sister like a mother.  She did her thing and she raised us when nobody else could be there.  And that dude killed her…  How could you, after you said you’ve been through so much, involve yourself in some low-down filthy shit like that, Sadie?”  Sandie asked.

Sadie scrunched her face up.  “What are you talking about, Sandie?”  Sadie asked, withholding the fire rising up in her chest.

“I’m talking about you sellin that bullshit.  Where women are getting raped and shit.  How could you sink so low?  How could you sell some stuff like that?  How could you involve yourself in some shit like that?  You’re makin all kinds of money Sadie.  It’s like every fuckin thing you touch turns to gold.  And you’re that fuckin greedy?  To get into sellin some fucked up…”  Sandie shook her head again, wiping her face and eyes.

“Sandie-” Sadie began.

“I quit Sadie.  I no longer have any respect for you.  And I hope some day you come to your senses.  I thought you were different.  I thought you were better than a lot of these heartless people who could do any fuckin thing for a dollar.  Yeah, I’ll sell my body.  Some people might see that as some fucked up shit.  But it’s certain shit I would NEVER do, no matter how much somebody offered to pay me,” Sandie said, shooting toward the door.

“Sandie!” Sadie called out.

Sandie stopped at the door.  “Don’t worry, I’m official Sadie.  My lips are sealed.  But I can’t work for nobody who ain’t got no heart.”

“Sandie, listen to me-”

“It ain’t shit you could tell me, Sadie.  And that trick, Wilber Strong… watch yourself.  I don’t know, but I think he’s the police.”

Sandie stormed out of Sadie’s office, still shaking her head, after giving Sadie a look of disgust.

Sadie sat there.  She raised her hands to her head and rested her forehead in them for a moment.  She remembered her mother’s murder.  It was a haunting memory.  A memory that had tormented Sadie all her life.  She’d attempted to ignore it, to suppress it, but it had never left her alone.

She’d often blotted out lots of things she felt she should’ve been feeling on numerous occasions.  She was a con, a whore, and a crook.  Caring, feeling, considering other’s feelings and so on, had to be blotted out in order to be successful.  But Sadie, at that moment, sitting there with Sandie’s words, her facial expressions, her hurt, resonating through her mind, began to question this particular choice.  And as she pondered Sandie’s words, she realized that she was correct.  She’d known it from the first time she’d heard about it.  She’d known it when she’d glanced at one of the movies in that warehouse off of Bladensburg Rd.

“Dammit Sandie,” Sadie said to herself.

Sadie knew, at this time, she was in too deep to just jump out now.  But Sandie would be very difficult to replace.  Sadie questioned her principles.  She questioned her life. She questioned her purpose.  She questioned everything about many of her decisions made within the past few years.  And she began to shake her head also.  She placed her pinky finger into her mouth, one hand still resting on her forehead, and began to cry softly to herself.

Her phone rang.  She pulled herself together and answered it. “NuShu’s Escorts.  This is Sadie.  How can I help you…  What!...  On one of our scheduled dates?... Alright… Thank you.”  Click.

On top of Sandie’s bombshell, Sadie had just learned that Lacy had been incarcerated while on a NuShu date.

Sadie had lost two of her most valuable ‘girls’.  She also realized that Lacy had never been tested by law enforcement.  And though she was official, only time would tell if she’d ‘talk’ or not. 

A lone tear streamed down Sadie’s face.  Sadie was growing tired of all the games.

“It’s all an act baby…”

Chapter 16

Lust of My Life

May, 2014

“No.  Because you told me to be me, Moe.  I’m being myself,” Sadie said, her hands all over Moe Garrett, her smile huge.  “I’m acting the way I feel and I feel like letting you know how much I’ve missed you.”

“Sadie, you’re scaring me.  You’ve never behaved like this before,” Moe said in a sing-song tone, allowing Sadie to interlock her fingers with his.  The two of them strolled up the corridor of the Marriott hotel.

“I’ve missed you, Moe.  I’ve thought about a lot of the things you said to me,” she said.  “And you’re so right.”

Her hair was natural.  She wore no makeup.  And she wore an off brand outfit which was not form fitting at all.  She wore no heels. Moe looked at her with enchanted eyes, almost disbelieving.

“You mean to tell me that listening to my nonsense inspired you to try this?  You’re still beautiful,” he said, entering their suite.

Sadie stared at him, into his eyes.  She attempted to look through him.  Through to something more than what shown on the outside.

“Thank you.  And it’s not nonsense.  It does feel strange to just be me.  I don’t even know if I’ve ever just really relaxed and let my hair down, Moe.  But just feeling strange by being me, being normal, lets me know that something is wrong.  And I want to fix that.  You’ve helped me to realize this.  You taught me to laugh, to let go,” Sadie said, refusing to let Moe’s hand go.

Moe sat beside Sadie on the sofa in the front room of the suite.  Their knees touched.  He looked into her eyes while listening attentively.

“I’m sick of the games Moe.  I remember you telling me that you used to play a game for a living, but you refuse to play games with your life.  I’ve played games with my life, my entire life.  But I’m tired of it.  I don’t want to play games anymore Moe.  I honestly don’t,” she said, speaking quickly, her face coming closer to his.

“Then, what exactly do you want out of life Sadie?” Moe asked, holding her gaze, while his thumb moved along the back of her hand.

“I want you, Maurice.  I want you,” she said, her lips coming in contact with his.

Sadie brought her hands to his face and forced her tongue into his mouth.  Moe resisted, but only for a second or two.  And as if like magic, he began returning her passion.  Sadie, kissing, heart thumping, her hot spot on fire, began snatching at the buttons on his Polo shirt.  Moe didn’t resist, for the first time.

Moe snatched her trim, toned body closer to him, allowing her to pull his shirt off.  Sadie grew more intrigued when his shirt hit the floor.  For beneath it was a torso ripped up like a monthly child support bill, cut up like a chef salad, and rippled like a weathered stone.

Both of them panting, relieved each other of their clothing in an ungraceful dance of unbridled passion, hard breaths and grunts.  Moe tossed Sadie onto the sofa, her shapely, caramel body beckoning him.  Her legs lay open, a tiny tuft of neat dark brown hair above her hot pink peach.  Her flat stomach rose and fell with each of her horny breaths. 

Moe straddled her, his ten inch member flinching at Sadie as if to intimidate her.  Pulling a condom from his discarded pants pocket, he fumbled with it for a second, slid it on and pushed himself into Sadie.  She’d waited for this moment for more than a year.

Moe pressed his huge body into her small frame.  His lips and warm breath a constant companion of Sadie’s neck.  He stroked her hard but not fast.  And she felt him.  She really FELT him.  Not simply his hand tool inside of her love box, but his passion, his emotions, his desire for her, the lady, not the object.  She FELT him.

“Ahhhh. Oh Maurice,” she purred, biting his ears and raking her nails up his sculpted back.

He continued stroking Sadie, embracing her, his chest now pressed against her pert breasts and hard dark brown nipples.  She clung to him as if he was the gate keeper to her soul, a core part of her very being.  For this wasn’t simply ‘Sex in the City’.  He wasn’t just fuckin her like a female dog getting her back banged out by Fido.  He was stroking her, grinding, lips and tongue on neck, their bodies locked tight like a loaded steel safe.  Moe was making good love to Sadie, the Lady, Whyte.

“I love you,” she moaned, as her body trembled from her orgasm.

Hell, it had just slipped out, but Sadie didn’t mind.  Because she’d meant every word of it.

“I love you too Sadie,” Moe breathed into her ear, convulsing and shuttering before lying limp-bodied above her.

Moments later, Moe raised up and pulled out of Sadie.  His eyes grew wide.  Sadie stared back at him with equally as wide eyes… and smiled.                                                                 


“I’d acquired a gambling habit that skyrocketed out of control,” Moe said, his hands flying up into the air in demonstration.  “And soon, I found that I was over my head.  I owed lots of money.  So, it happened that some of my gambling buddies sell lots of drugs.  I only hooked up with them in order to pay this debt down without tapping into my investment funds.  And once I got my finances back in order, I just kept doing favors for them every now and then.  A trip here.  A trip there.  Really high pay.  But I’m not a dope dealer or mobster or anything,” Moe said, lying in the bed next to Sadie.

“Well, the FBI are watching you, Moe and I don’t want you to get hurt over something that you’re not really involved in,” Sadie said, kissing his chest.  “I don’t want you to get hurt, period.”

“You’re right.  It was stupid of me to start in the first place.  But, I guess we all have our skeletons in the closet,” he said, smiling.

“Yes we do,” she said, diverting her eyes.

“Sadie, tell me more about you; the parts of you that you believe to be flawed, the poor decisions you’ve made.  For me, that drug stint had to have been the worst.  To risk my life for money is just stupid.  Period,” Moe said.  “I hope it’s not too late for me.”

Sadie rubbed her hand over his chest, thinking.  “I’ve been risking my life for money for as long as I can remember, Moe.  I also hope it’s not too late for the both of us…”  Sadie paused.

Moe raised his head and attempted to make eye contact with Sadie.

“What do you mean, baby?” he asked.

It was the first time he’d ever called her ‘baby’, and she hadn’t missed it.  She pressed herself closer to him, avoiding his eyes, and spoke to his chest.

“I’m a con woman Moe.  I’m a whore.  I own NuShu’s Escorts, Inc.  I own XXXTra Productions.  I’ve conned a LOT of people out of a LOT of money.  I sell the worst kinds of porn.  And my name is Beatrice.  All my life I’ve enjoyed playing games with people.  That’s how I was taught to operate.  I’ve hurt a lot of people. And I’ve enjoyed it.  It’s been like a long game.  I keep on winning on the outside.  But you made me see that on the inside, I’m not alright.  I haven’t been winning.  And I’ve ignored that part of me.  This scheming, conning, whoring, profession of mine has truly been the lust of my life, Moe.  A certain part of me loves it.  But another part is ready to give it all up.  I’m tired.  I want to be real with people, with you, with myself,” she said.

Moe pushed himself into a sitting position and stared at Sadie with an uninterpretable expression on his face. 

“If it’s the love of your life, I think you should go with it.  I don’t want you to stop anything for me.  Do what makes you happy.  I don’t care what your name is, what you’ve done, or what you choose to do.  I love you for you.  For the woman lying beside me right now.  The woman I met tonight,” Moe said, gently grabbing ahold of her chin and kissing her lips.  “I love you, Sadie.”

“I love you too Maurice.  I’ll be YOUR Sadie,” she said, kissing him again.

The two of them conversed well into the night.  Moe repeatedly encouraged her to continue in her profession for the duration of her previously planned thirty-six month time period.

“But I’m tired of hurting…”

Moe silenced her with a kiss.  “Everything will be fine.  I’m not going anywhere.  You’ve put in too much work to just quit now,” he’d said.  “At least reap the benefits of your efforts.”

“…ain’t no good… man… one in a billion and the odds of you findin one is NONE.”

Sadie squeezed Moe, reveling in the warmth of his masculinity.  She was as happy as a starving fox holding the master key to all hen houses.  She’d beaten the odds.  Out of them all, she’d found her one.  Her one in a billion.  Holding him, a tear of joy fell from her eye.

“I love you,” she whispered.

And I finally got you
, she thought.

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