Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) (36 page)

Read Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #romance, #beach, #football, #sports, #new jersey, #Humor, #fiction, #new adult, #contemporary, #coming of age

BOOK: Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1)
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“Sweetheart, you have that completely backwards.  I
that one
day you’re going to look at me and think the same exact thing about me.  But
until that day comes, I want to spend every minute I can with you.”

I look into his eyes, and I see it there, love.  Love for me and me
alone.  I stamp his lips with mine and seal our declaration.  Rather than
battle it or deny it, I accept it.  A calmness sweeps over me and I know that
he wants me, needs me, and cherishes me.  Knowing that someone is willing to
walk through fire for you is the most empowering feeling in the world. 
Uncertainty made me weak and vulnerable.  This feeling of confidence makes me
strong and secure. I feel like now I can move forward with Evan by my side.

“Let’s go to bed.  I’m exhausted.”  Evan sweeps me up into his arms and
carries me to his bed.  I curl up in his arms and he holds me until we fall

uch earlier than either of us would like, we are woken by Evan’s ringing
phone.  Adam’s on his way over.  There’s no time for a shower, so I pull my
hair up, brush my teeth, and get dressed while Evan makes coffee.

I’m terrified about what Adam might have to say.  One of my greatest
fears is that last night’s bar fight will end his professional career.  He
moved to New Jersey so he could stay away from trouble.  I’ve brought more of
it directly to him.

I find Evan standing in the kitchen.  His hair is a mess and he needs to
shave.  I know how tired he is because I’m exhausted, too.  Despite that, when
he sees me, his face lights up.  I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his
waist.  “Good morning, my love,” he speaks softly in my ear.

Stepping onto my tiptoes, I whisper back, “Good morning, baby.  I love
you, too.”  It’s amazing how my emotions can swing wildly from terrified to
pure delight instantly. 

There’s a knock at the door, followed by Adam joining us in the kitchen
looking like shit.  I think he’s wearing the same clothes from last night.  He
walks right over and helps himself to a cup of coffee.

“Jeez, Adam, you look like crap!” Evan tells him.  “Didn’t you go home
last night?”

He answers with one word, “Briefly.”

“Let me have it, where are we on this?” Evan asks.

“You are one lucky son of a bitch.  The Suit’s name is Christopher
O’Rourke.  He works for a pharmaceutical company as a salesman.  This isn’t his
first brush with the law.  Last year, his live-in girlfriend called the cops on
him.  No charges were filed, but apparently, he scared the shit out of her.” 
Holy cow, Adam’s been busy.  While I was here, feeling sorry for myself, Adam
was busy taking care of business.

“So, what’s our angle?  How do we get out in front of this?”  Evan wants
to know.

“As your rep, I will release a formal ‘no comment’ statement for the time
being.  Meanwhile, we start leaking information and photographs to the press. 
They are going to try and portray last night’s events as a drunken bar brawl. 
We have to make them see it as what it actually was – preventing a sexual
assault and battery against your girlfriend.  In order to do that, we have to establish
Juliette as your serious girlfriend and you have to present yourselves in
public as a couple.  Are you ready for this?  Both of you?”  Adam seems to have
thought this through completely from every angle.

I have a question.  “Why the ‘no comment’, Adam?”

“Right now, I think it’s best if the press put the pieces together
themselves, with a little help from us, of course.  If we make public
statements and try to paint this guy as a jerk, there’s the potential for it to
backfire on us.  The Suit’s the one who had to go to the hospital last night, Jette. 
You never want to bad mouth the victim, and for now, the Suit’s the victim.”

“Now for pictures.  Do you guys have any pictures together other than
that over the shoulder beach shot?” Adam asks.

“I have pictures from our dinner on the yacht.  And my mother took
pictures of us at her house on Easter.  I could send them to you if it will
help,” I offer.

Adam seems pleased.  “Great.  Next, we have to get you two out there and
seen together right away.”

Evan asks the next question.  “What kind of public appearance are we
talking about?”

“Well, we have a few options.  The Tribeca Film Festival doesn’t start
for another week, so that’s out.  You could visit the Met or maybe a Broadway
show.  The Book of Mormon is pretty hot right now.  I was actually hoping I
could get you two to go to the Garden.  The Knicks are there tonight and the
Rangers are playing tomorrow.” 

“Juliette, what do you want to do?”  Evan gives me the responsibility of
making a decision.  Weighing all options carefully, I know immediately what we
should do.

“I think we should go to the Knicks game tonight.  They televise the
entire game and if Adam can get us floor seats, we’re almost guaranteed to be
seen together.  I’ve seen them airing clips of celebrities at the Garden on all
the entertainment news shows.  Sitting in a dark theater watching a play
doesn’t really make sense.”  Even though I would love to see the Book of
Mormon, that outing will have to wait.  This is business, serious business.

Evan gives me a big kiss, “That’s my girl.”  He looks at Adam for
confirmation.  “Can you get us floor seats?”

“Absolutely.  Easy.  Done.  The game’s not until seven thirty.  I want
you out there earlier.  Can you two do a little shopping and dinner in the city

“I’m not sure.”  Evan turns to me and asks, “Juliette, can you take off

“Baby, you don’t even have to ask.  I’m in.  I love you and I’m willing
to do whatever it takes to turn this around.”

“Great!  Now I get to buy you a new red dress and there’s nothing you can
say about it.”

As we discuss the details of our plans, Adam informs us that Olivia Wilde
and Jason Sudeikis are likely to be at tonight’s game. Holy crap. 

Adam suggests I call Auggie to see if he can meet the alarm company at
our house.  He’s going to be tied up leaking pictures and information to the
press and helping make our reservations.

Adam’s last words to Evan are encouraging, “Mac, if we handle this the
right way, they’re going to want to throw you a parade when we’re done.”

God, I hope he’s right.

Auggie’s on his way to pick me up.  Adam is busy leaking our plans to the
press, and he’s certain the paparazzi will be following us today.  I know
Evan’s taking me shopping in a few hours, but I have to look good enough to be
photographed now.

When Auggie pulls up in his Jeep, I notice he’s not alone.  Maddy is
waiting patiently in the back of the truck with her tiny tail madly wagging. 
The other unexpected escort is Brandon sitting in the passenger seat.  The moment
he sees me, he jumps out of the car and offers me the front seat. 

Brandon is a few inches shorter than Auggie and dressed impeccably.  He’s
a little more reserved than I would have expected, though.  Perhaps reserved
isn’t the right word.  Proper might be better.  He stands with correct posture
and greets me with courteous manners.  As we make the short drive to my house, I
quickly learn why Auggie enjoys spending so much time with Brandon.  He asks me
lots of questions, gives me his undivided attention, and makes me feel like my
answers are the most important and intriguing things he’s ever heard. 

With Brandon and Auggie’s guidance, we select a pair of skinny jeans and
tall leather boots that reach to my knees.  He pairs it with a simple black
halter tank and a white open-knit sweater.  Nothing too trendy.  No bold or
daring colors.  Simple, classic cuts and colors.

Emmy arrives to help me with my hair and make-up.  Before long, I’m ready
for my debut.  I hope that Evan is proud to be seen with me among his celebrity
counter parts.

The installers arrive just as Evan shows up, looking stunningly
handsome.  He’s wearing a pair of black designer jeans, an untucked white
button-down shirt, and a light weight gray V-neck sweater.  Instead of the
usual sneakers, he’s got a pair of soft black leather shoes. The intoxicating
smell of his cologne makes me want to cancel our plans and stay in for the
night.  Then I notice that in his hand are a dozen red roses.  I don’t have to
look up anything to know what they mean.  He loves me!

’m a bundle of nerves as Evan drives us to Manhattan.  It’s a little
over an hour drive to the city, maybe less if Evan keeps driving like we’re
being chased by assassins. 

Evan gives me a few tips for getting our picture taken by the paparazzi. 
“Never, ever look directly at the photographer unless you’re posing for a
picture.  Those ‘deer in headlights’ photos are really embarrassing.” 

Posing for a picture?  I hadn’t thought of that.  “Evan, are we going to
stop and let them take our picture?”

“Not while we’re shopping or eating.  Make sure you walk slowly enough to
let them get their shots, but we won’t be stopping.”  I’m relieved to hear

Before long, we cross through the Lincoln Tunnel and make our way into
the city.  Evan expertly navigates the congestion on the roads in the city.  He
heads directly to a valet parking garage close to Madison Square Garden. 

After generously tipping the valet, we start walking towards Fifth
Avenue.  I’ve been to the city countless times.  There’s so much to do in
Manhattan, I love to find any excuse to visit.  From a very young age, I’ve
always enjoyed going to the city to visit a museum, eat at a trendy restaurant,
or shop in specialty stores.  I’ve seen over dozen Broadway plays over the
years.  But until now, I’ve never been clothes shopping in Manhattan.  I never
found the need to pay excessively high prices for similar clothes that I can
find in my local mall for a reasonable price.  But I have to remind myself that
this is not for me, but for Evan, and as such, I will do my best to stay
positive and open-minded.

I know enough about the city to know that the shopping district on Fifth
Avenue is over twenty blocks away, so I’m not surprised when Evan hails a cab. 
We hop in, and Evan instructs the driver to take us to the corner of 5
and 54

When I step out of the cab, I’m in a shopper’s paradise.  Surrounding me
are Fendi, Tommy Hilfigger, the Gap and Diesel, among other large stores and
small boutiques.  The smell of hot roasted almonds and cashews invade my
senses.  The sidewalks are crowded with shoppers, sight seers, and native New
Yorkers scurrying on their way to and from work.

Evan takes my hand in his and leads me towards the Diesel store.  I’ve
seen him wearing Diesel jeans, and I know they are one of his favorites.  Out
of the corner of my eye, I believe I see a man across the street with a large
camera pointed at us.  I squeeze Evan’s hand and tilt my head towards the
camera.  Evan brings my hand to his lips and places a loving kiss on my hand. 
It’s an affectionate gesture that I hope was caught on film.

Since Evan knows exactly what he wants, we head to the men’s department
first.  He is an efficient shopper, and selects a pair of medium washed blue
jeans with pockets that hang a little low.  I try to hide my shock when I see
the sticker price of $298. 

Once we get to the women’s department, I try to find the cheapest pair of
jeans they have, but there are none under $150.  Evan looks at me, shaking
his head.  “Baby, if I take you to a store and tell you to buy a pair of jeans,
don’t worry about the price.  Trust me, it’s just one pair of pants.”

Evan convinces me to try on a pair of slim fit bootleg jeans and I can’t
deny, I love them!  He takes one look at the way they hug my butt and our
brief discussion is over.  He’s buying them for me and I’m going to let him.

With our first purchases in hand, we start walking back down Fifth
Avenue.  Evan wraps his arm across my waist and I slip my hand into the back
pocket of his jeans.  It’s a short walk to our next stop, Saks Fifth Avenue. 
Evan has his heart on buying me a new red dress.  I’m not completely
comfortable with the idea of him spending more money on me, but I don’t have
the heart to turn him down. 

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