Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) (35 page)

Read Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #romance, #beach, #football, #sports, #new jersey, #Humor, #fiction, #new adult, #contemporary, #coming of age

BOOK: Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1)
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I turn to Marcus for more help, “I need to get out of here.  Now.”

“You’re right.  You need to cool off.  Go back to the walk-in and get us
a fresh keg of Bud.  One of the barbacks will wheel it out for you.”  That’s a
great idea.  I need to take a walk and cool off.  First though, I think I’ll
make a pit stop at the ladies room.

The bathroom is hidden inside the building between two of the bars. 
Every bar I’ve ever visited has the ladies’ room at the end of a narrow
hallway, probably to accommodate the long line that always congregates.  I’m
surprised when I discover there’s no line tonight.  As I walk deep in my own
thoughts down the hallway, I literally run into a customer as he exits the
men’s room.

Grabbing me by the waist before I fall, he asks, “Whoa!  Are you okay?” 
I look up at the stranger with his hands on me and I’m confronted by the Suit
that I rejected several times earlier tonight.

“Um, yeah.  I’m fine.  Sorry about that.”  I try to wiggle free, but he’s
deceptively strong and he’s got a firm grasp on me.

He takes a few steps forward, and as I step back, I’m stopped by the
wall.  “Jette, right?  Funny running into you here.  I was hoping to find you
again tonight.”  He’s got me pinned against the wall and he’s whispering in my
ear.  His breath smells like stale beer and liquor.  He’s definitely been
drinking a lot.

“Listen, please leave me alone.  You’re making me very uncomfortable.” 
As hard as I try, I can’t seem to get very far.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.  Just one little kiss and I’ll be on my way.”  He
moves his hands from my waist up towards my breasts.  This guy is obviously not
going to take no for an answer.

I find an opening and I take it.  I bring my knee up to his crotch with
every ounce of strength I have.  I hear the air leave his lungs as he struggles
for a breath.  Unfortunately, he’s still got a strong grip on me and he’s not
letting me go.  And now he’s pissed. 

I hear him grunt, “You fucking bitch.”  In what seems like slow motion, I
watch as he balls up one fist and leans back, ready to punch me.  Having
nowhere to turn, I close my eyes and brace for the impact.  My only hope is
that I can duck just enough so that he misses. 

Suddenly, I hear a loud
and the Suit no longer has a hold
of me.  Cautiously, I open my eyes, and I find him crumpled on the floor,

Standing above him is Evan, shaking with anger.  “Get up, you mother
fucker.  You want to hit somebody, let’s go.”  Evan kicks the Suit trying to
get him to stand up.

Before I can say or do anything, a crowd has formed and flashes are going
off.  Things just went from bad to worse.

Chapter Eighteen

Circle the

n an instant, Adam is here standing between Evan and the Suit.  He is in
a frenzy, trying to calm Evan and remove him from the situation.  “Evan, you
have to leave.  Now.  Before the police arrive.”

Evan pushes him off and pulls me into his arms.  Frantically, he looks me
over from head to toe, checking for injuries.  Confident that I’m not seriously
injured, he wraps his protective arms around me and holds me tight.

“Bullshit.  Get the police here NOW.  This prick had his hands all over
Juliette.  He was about to hit her.  She wants to press charges.” 

I open my mouth to protest, but think twice about it.  There are pictures
and witnesses.  I guess we don’t have a choice but to involve the police.

The next hour is a flurry of activity.  The bouncers escort Evan, Adam,
and me back to the manager’s office.  The Suit’s friends take him to the
emergency room for x-rays.  It looks like Evan may have broken his nose. 

My boss Jack comes back to check on me.  After he’s certain that I’m all
right, he asks me to explain what happened.  I give him the full story.  He
listens compassionately, and then tells me that I can go home after the police
take our statements. 

Before the police arrive, Derek comes back to check on us.  He’s got an
open bottle of Patron Silver and some glasses.  I guess the whole bar knows
what happened, including Derek and Marcus.  I’m grateful for Derek’s gesture. 
I could use something to calm my nerves.  When Evan sees Derek’s offering he
stands up, shakes his hand, and introduces him to Adam.  Together, we all do a
shot of tequila.  The burn I feel as it slides down my throat is a welcome

When the police arrive, they have a few questions for us, but seem
satisfied by our account of the events.  They take our contact information and
then step out to get statements from the witnesses.  As far as I know, no one
saw the Suit attacking me, so I can’t imagine how helpful those accounts can

Shortly before one in the morning, we arrive back at Evan’s house.  The entire
ride home was strangely quiet.  I guess we both have a lot on our minds.  I’m
feeling incredibly guilty about involving Evan in this mess.  He must be
wondering about whether or not spending time with me is worth all this
trouble.  I can’t blame him.  I feel like I want to cry.  I don’t think we will
ever be able to have a nice, normal day together.

“Evan, you go ahead to bed.  I’ll join you in a few.  I just want to sit
alone for a while.  Okay?”  My mind is on overdrive.  I don’t think I can lie
in bed and pretend nothing’s wrong. 

He walks over and gives me a sweet kiss.  “Sure, but don’t take too
long.”  He locks up the house and disappears into his room.

This entire night was a complete nightmare from the moment Evan arrived. 
Watching all those women hanging all over him was bad enough.  Now, thanks to
me, Evan may have serious legal and professional problems. 

I literally brought trouble to his door the night I was followed in my
car.  When my house was broken into, Evan felt obligated to spend a great deal
of money on a security system.  Tonight, Evan came to my rescue and placed
himself in harm’s way.  Fate brought us together.  It would seem that now fate
is conspiring against us.

All the signs are there and it’s best if I acknowledge them now.  This relationship
has run its course and it’s been a rocky road from the beginning.  It shouldn’t
be this hard to start a new relationship.  It’s supposed to be easy and
natural.  If we’re having these difficulties now, what’s going to happen later
on Evan starts travelling with the team?

I find a glass and a bottle of Smirnoff Green Apple.  I’m hoping I can
drink myself into a deep sleep and collapse here on the couch.  I really don’t
want to face Evan tonight.  If I could go home, I would.  Tomorrow, I’ll
explain everything and end it.

I turn on the television, keeping the volume down as low as I can. 
Flipping through the channels, I find the movie
Marley and Me.
  It suits
my mood, depressed and heartbroken.

It’s during the burial scene that Evan comes looking for me.  He finds me
still on the couch, weeping, with a glass of vodka in my hand.  “Juliette?” 
Evan is looking at me in stunned confusion.

“Evan, go back to bed.  Please don’t make this any harder than it has to
be.”  I blow my nose and wipe my eyes.

“What are you talking about?” he asks, standing there staring at me.  I
wish he would just go.

“Don’t play dumb, Evan.  We both know that this isn’t working.  It’s too
hard.  I’m going to ruin your career.  You don’t need this in your life.  Just
leave me here, please.”  More tears start streaming down my face.

How do I tell him that the pain I feel when I watch him suffer because of
me is nearly unbearable?  I want to tell him how much my heart aches for him
when we’re not together.  I want him to know how happy he makes me when he
holds me in his arms.  But where would that get me?  We’d just be right back
here again, facing the same problems and making the same decisions.

“What the hell are you saying?” he asks, bewildered.

“I’m telling you that tomorrow morning I’m going home and you won’t have
to deal with me anymore.  I’ll find a way to pay you back for the alarm

“Juliette, no.  Don’t say that.  You don’t mean it.  You’re upset right
now.  Things will look better in the morning.  You’ll see.”  He’s looking at me
with those beautiful blue eyes, but the sparkle is gone. 

“No, Evan, I do mean it.  What’s the point?  You’ll be travelling and
going places without me.  If we break it off now, you’ll be free to date anyone
you choose.  Someone who can make you happy.”  I try to explain.

“But I choose you, Juliette, I choose YOU!”  A lone tear appears in the
corner of his eye.

“You say that now, but we both know how this is going to end.  Sooner or
later, you’re going to get tired of taking care of me and trying to protect
me.  And I’m going to get tired of watching women fawning all over you.  How
long do you truly believe we can keep this up?”  I close my eyes, trying to
stem the tide of tears rushing down my face.  “And now, tonight, you get yourself
in serious trouble because I seem to attract all the unstable nutcases within a
hundred mile radius.  What’s going to happen when this gets leaked to the
press, Evan?  Have you thought about that?  You could lose your job, all because
of me!”  Evan brushes away my tears with his hand.  The touch of his skin on
mine is almost too much to bear.

“Nothing is going to happen.  Adam will make sure of it.  And even if it
does, I don’t care.  I would do it all over again if it means you’re safe and
protected.  Nothing else matters.”

“You don’t mean that.  If you lose your job because of me, neither one of
us will ever be able to get past that.  For once, Evan, let’s just be honest
with each other.  We can end it now without any hard feelings.  We tried.  We
failed.  No worries.  No regrets.”

“Honest?  Juliette, if you want me to be honest, then here goes.  I love
you!  With every fiber of my being, I love you!” 

“No you don’t.  You can’t possibly.” 

“Juliette, you’re the first thing I think about in the morning and the
last thing I think about before I go to sleep.”  Evan pauses to compose
himself.  He’s visibly upset, running his fingers through his hair, clearly
exasperated.  He sits beside me on the couch and continues.  “Every time I
think about my future, I picture you there with me.  I know that being with me
is difficult.  I wish things were normal.  I wish things were simple.  But
they’re not.  I know how I feel and I know what I want.  I want a life with
you.  But if you don’t feel the same way, if you don’t want to build a life
with me, then you need to tell me now.” 

“Evan, I do love you.  I love you so much it hurts.  But it feels like no
matter how hard I try, I just keep bringing you pain and aggravation.  That’s
why I feel like I have to let you go.  We’re just going to continue to hurt
each other.  It’s just too hard.  If we were meant to be together, it would be
simple, easy, and effortless.” 

He looks at me with those big blue eyes and confesses.  “Here’s where I
think you’re wrong.  I don’t think love should be easy, I think it’s meant to
be tough.  We’re supposed to work through our challenges together, learn from
them, and become closer.  Love that’s easy to find is also easy to lose.  I
don’t want easy; I want fierce, deep, and profound.”

His words hit me hard.

“Come here.”  Pulling me closer to him, he whispers in my ear, “I’ve
wanted to say these words for a very long time.  I.  Love.  You.”  Each word is
accented with a kiss on my neck.  “Please stop running from me.  Each time you
do, I feel like a part of me is being destroyed.”

He’s right.  Every time it gets hard, I have been running away rather
than standing strong and fighting.  No more.  I’m done running.  I want a life
with him, and if he’s willing to fight, then I am, too.

“Evan, I love you, too.  I’m so sorry.”  I crawl onto his lap and wrap my
arms around him.  “I guess I let my worst fears get the best of me.  I’m so
afraid that you’re going to look at me one day and question whether or not I’m
worth it.”

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