Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) (32 page)

Read Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #romance, #beach, #football, #sports, #new jersey, #Humor, #fiction, #new adult, #contemporary, #coming of age

BOOK: Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1)
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“Juliette, you’re so good with her.  Do you have nieces or nephews at
home?”  Callie asks.

“No, I’m an only child.  My best friend comes from a large family and
there are always lots of kids and babies around for me to enjoy.”  I look down
at this brown haired, blue-eyed darling and I wonder if this could be my
future.  Evan’s hand finds an open spot on my leg, and he gives it a little
squeeze, almost like he’s confirming my thoughts.

It’s nice to watch Evan with his family.  Dean asks Evan what the early
predictions are for the Sentinels this year.  They start talking about stats
and players, but it’s all lost on me. 

The conversation flows easily here.  His parents are warm and caring. 
They are very involved in their children’s everyday lives.  It’s heart-warming
to watch.  Dean and Evan seem to have a strong relationship, too.  I enjoy watching
them tease one another as family would.

Throughout the meal, he tries to include me whenever possible and refills
my glass when he notices it’s low.  He wraps his arm around my chair, and
everything feels right. 

Regan is sitting so quietly on my lap; I almost forget she is there.  I
look down at her, and she’s stopped coloring. Her thumb has found its way into
her mouth, and she’s falling asleep.

Evan turns to ask me a question, and I hold up a finger to my mouth,
“shhh ...” I warn him. 

When Callie notices, she gets up and walks over to me to take the
sleeping beauty.  Regan must really be deeply asleep, because she cuddles
deeper into my lap and puts her arms around my neck.  As quietly and gracefully
as I can, I get up from the table with Regan in my arms and follow Callie down
the hall into Regan’s room.

I lay Regan down on her little toddler bed and Callie changes her into
pajamas.  “She’s tired; it’s been a long day.  Thanks for your help.”

“Really, it was my pleasure.  She is absolutely adorable.  I hope we can
see you all again soon.  Thank you so much for having me.”  Together, we step
into the hallway, closing the door enough to leave it open just a crack. 

“I’m really glad my brother has found someone, Juliette.  He’s been alone
for a long time.”  Alone?  Not from everything I’ve seen.

“Callie, I’ve seen all the evidence to the contrary.  He’s had the
company of some amazing women.” 

“You can be in a crowded room and still be alone, you know.  Trust me.  You’re
the first to truly capture his heart.”

“I just hope he doesn’t get bored with me too quickly.”

She pulls me in for a sisterly hug.  “Impossible.  He loves you.  Can’t
you see it?  It’s written all over his face every time he looks at you.”

Did she just say that? 
He loves me. 

“I believe I have you to thank for all the gifts of lovely flowers Evan
has been giving me.”  A mischievous grin appears on Callie’s face.

“Maybe.  My brother tells me a lot, you know.  He didn’t want to scare
you away.  Spending so many years in the flower business, I’ve learned a thing
or two about the art of gift giving.  It’s good to know that my brother
actually takes my advice.  I was beginning to think he was a lost cause.”

“Lost cause?”

“We all thought Evan was going to become a perpetual bachelor.  He never
brought any girls home.  Not that I would have wanted him to.  He never spent
much time with anyone worthy of the effort.  But now, we’re just so happy
you’re giving him a chance.  He’s got a big heart, and it’s time he let someone

Our conversation is cut short when Evan joins us in the hallway to tell
us that coffee and dessert are now ready to be served.  “So, what are you two
girls up to?” 

We look at each other with a sheepish grin and together we reply, “Nothing.”

The three of us head back to the dining room to join everyone for
dessert.  My pastries are set on the table beside a beautiful cheesecake.  In
the center of the table sits a new centerpiece, a glass bowl filled with deep
fuchsia peonies.

“Juliette, I have to tell you I just loved hearing about how the two of
you met,” Callie declares.  “How your dog attacked him on the beach.  It’s so ...

“Is it true you really had no idea who he was?” Dean questions.  “I just
don’t see how that’s possible.”  Callie swats him.  “I’m not saying I don’t
believe you, it’s just that he’s so ‘out there’.  I thought every woman on the
planet knew our golden boy, here.”

“I had no idea.  I really felt like a fool today when my seventy-five
year old grandmother figured it out in about five minutes.”  We all have a good
chuckle about that one.

“So, Juliette, what do you do for a living?” Dean asks.  “It’s obvious
you’re not a news reporter.”  Callie smacks him again.  “What?  It’s just a

“Well, right now, I’m bartending on the boardwalk in Point Pleasant.  But
my real passion is baking.  I’m hoping to open my own bakery someday.”

“Juliette got her degree in Colorado at Johnson & Wales University.” 
He turns to me, “Didn’t you do a semester abroad in France, too, sweetie?” 
Evan places his hand on my knee, allowing his fingers to travel up my thigh
just enough to make me blush.

It turns out that Callie and Dean honeymooned in Paris and we spend a
good deal of time discussing the French culture and cuisine. 

“I’d really love to return some day,” I tell Evan’s sister.  “When I was
there, I really didn’t get to do many of the touristy things.”

“You really should.  It’s such a beautiful city.  Don’t you think so,
Dean?”  Callie looks at the man beside her. 

He gives her a peck on the cheek and replies.  “The Louvre and Notre-Dame
were pretty amazing.”

“So, son, do you have any plans to travel before the season starts?” 
Evan’s father asks.

Evan looks at me and shakes his head.  “I don’t think so, Dad.  Juliette
just started her job a month ago.  I doubt she can get any time off right
now.”  I love that he’s considering me in his decisions now.  That is, most
definitely, a good sign.

Evan walks around the table filling everyone’s coffee cup.  He moves
around the room so gracefully.  I can’t wait to get him home and have my way
with him.  The light stubble has returned to his chin, and my fingers itch to
caress it.  I can almost feel its scratchy touch all over my body.

Callie begins to slice and serve her cheesecake while our plate of pastries
is being passed around the table.  “These pastries are delicious.  Did you make
them?” Evan’s father asks.

“No, Mr. McGuire.  We had a little excitement at my house last night and
unfortunately I wasn’t able to do any baking.”  I’m not sure how much more I
should say.

“Please, call me John.  I hope it wasn’t anything too serious.” 

Evan explains a little about my intruder and the call to the police. 
Thankfully, he leaves out the part about my stilettos and thong.  His family is
relieved to know that I’m not returning to the house until a proper security
system is installed.

“Sounds like you two had quite the fright last night,” Jill adds.  “Do
you have any idea at all who it might be?”

“I’m afraid it might be a customer at the bar.”  I look over to Evan, and
he’s visibly upset.

“Dad, I can’t protect her when she’s at work.  I don’t know what to do.” 
He’s running his fingers through his hair.  I’m starting to learn his
mannerisms.  He only does that when he’s upset.

“I’m sure the bar has a security team.  Have they been notified?”  We
both indicate they have.  “Then you, young lady, must make sure that you never
walk to your car alone, especially at night.  You need to take this very
seriously.  Can one of the bouncers walk you to and from your car?”

“Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem.  We all watch out for one another at
work.”  It’s sweet that his father is concerned about me.  Evan is lucky to
have such a supportive and compassionate family.

“Speaking of work, Evan, don’t you have an interview coming up with
Sports Illustrated later this week?”

“I do.  The interview’s in Manhattan.  I was hoping to bring Juliette and
make a day of it.”  He turns to me with hope gleaming in his eyes.  “Care to do
a little shopping in the city with me?”

“Okay.”  I can’t help but grin from ear to ear.  I absolutely
the city.  The thought of spending it with Evan is almost too much.  He leans
over and kisses me, right in front of his family.  I look up and everyone in
the room is watching us and beaming.  

The conversation continues for a little longer.  Evan tells his family
that since the home renovations are almost complete, he’d like to have them all
over for dinner soon.  I’d love to have an opportunity to cook for them in
Evan’s kitchen.

Callie hugs me tightly as we say our good-byes.  “We’re so glad he found
you,” she whispers in my ear so that no one, especially Evan, can hear her.

John pulls me in for a fatherly hug.  “You take care of yourself, my
dear.  Promise us all you’ll be careful.” 

“I will.”

Jill is hugging Evan and whispering in his ear.  “I won’t, Mom,” is all I
can hear.  It’s obvious she adores her son.  And he cherishes his mother.  You
can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats his mother, and by tonight’s
demonstration, Evan has proven how much he values family.

I get a farewell hug from Jill, too.  “It was so nice to meet you,
Juliette.  I do hope we can see you again very soon, dear.”

van holds my hand as we drive home.  I bring his hand to my lips, and
gently kiss each of his knuckles.  “Thank you.”

“For what, baby?”

“For a perfect day.  My mother loved you and I absolutely loved meeting
your family.”

“They loved you, too.  It was the last thing my mother said before we
left.”  A calm comes over me as I soak up that last piece of information.  It’s
very important that his family approves.  Without their support, we could never
move forward.

“Now, let’s get you home.  I’ve got some pent-up energy I’d like to
burn.  Maybe on a certain workout bench.  Unless, of course, you have other

I squeeze his thigh and reply, “How fast can this car go?”

Chapter Seventeen

Full Throttle

ime to get up, baby,” I whisper in Evan’s ear.  His naked body is
nestled with mine.  He grunts and pulls me closer.  “Come on, Evan.  We have to
get up now,” I repeat.  We didn’t get much sleep last night.  This is the only
downside of sleeping in the same bed together.

He rubs up against me, “I am up, see?” 

“Come on.  Time for our morning run.  You promised.”  Yesterday I vowed
not to interfere with Evan’s workouts, and I fully intend to keep that
promise.  I haven’t had a good run on the beach in days and I’m actually
looking forward to a morning jog with him.

After a little more cajoling, I get him out of bed and dressed.  I step
into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I take a moment to appreciate how our
lives are starting to weave together.  Sitting on the counter are pairs of
hairbrushes, toothbrushes, and deodorant, perfectly complimenting one another,
his and hers.

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