RULES OF LOVE (A Navy SEALs Romance) (60 page)

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She pulled away. “How could you tell?”

“You’re not good at hiding a lie. I could tell once that session was over that you knew something. But you were too honorable to tell me. It’s been over for a long time. Meeting you didn’t influence that. Her cheating made it final, though. It’s too late to lie anymore. We need no secrets,” I said, pulling her to me.



His breath was all over my body. Everywhere. I was paralyzed with desire. As soon as I saw those intense green eyes, I knew what and who he wanted. I knew who he wanted me to be. He was so close to my ear. His hot breath tickled me and sent shivers down my spine. I’d never wanted another human being so much in my entire life. It was purely physical—animal, even.

“Yes… it’s too late,” I agreed. Suddenly, I was exactly that, an animal. A sensual and hungry animal with intense physical needs. He would be my lion, and I would be his prey.

“Do you want this?” He breathed into my ear.

“Yes. Yes…” I sighed into his shoulder, smelling his cologne. Wanting this gorgeous older man to take me, to ravage me, in any way he wanted. I didn’t care. Tears ran down my face because I was sinning, and God, I loved every minute of it.

“I want you to beg for it,” he said in his deep, sexy voice. I looked up into his handsome face and began begging repeatedly. He smiled, his brilliant white and perfect smile, and pressed his mouth to mine in an almost endearing way.

Boundary Point, Step 4: This boundary is characterized by the harm that comes to the patient when aforementioned ethical boundaries have been violated. By this point, the counselor should be prepared to surrender his or her professional license and judgment in a court of law may be necessary. The patient, having experienced further harm, usually needs further counseling, but will have extreme difficulties in trusting a new, supposedly neutral party.

I’d written the last part without taking it very seriously, but that part of my brain was off now. I was at the point of no return, so I might as well enjoy the ride. He took his jacket off and wiped the hotel desk clean with his hand.

“Don’t worry. I won’t cost you your job,” he whispered to me. “But you’re going to have to be quiet, Doc.”

“Uh huh,” I replied, not recognizing my voice. Moisture was dripping down my legs like a mini waterfall. He undid his belt and his pants, shaking them off hastily. I unbuttoned his shirt, savoring his rough skin, finely aged like wine. I ran my tongue all over it, trying to take in every inch of him.

“I’ve wanted to do this forever,” he growled.

He pulled my legs apart and looked hungrily at my panties. It was the most arousing look a man had ever given any part of my body, including my face. My eyes widened as he got on his knees so his head was level with my crotch.

“I’m going to warn you. Once I touch you with my tongue, you’ll never want to have oral sex with another man. I’m just that good. Are you sure you want me to proceed?” he joked.

I looked into his green eyes and nodded, willing him with my hand. He pulled my panties to the side and began kissing the inside of my legs, breathing all over my clit. Every hot puff of air was tantalizing. He ran his finger gently around my labia, pressing slightly into the delicate folds. He removed his hand to taste some of my juices, his eyes never leaving mine. He used his big hands to pull my hips closer to him. By this point, I was squirming, nearly begging him to touch me with his mouth.

His tongue smoothed across my folds. He inhaled sharply, keeping my panties to the side with his big fingers. “You smell so good, baby,” he said.

I was so thankful I’d used my lavender soap today. The thought was immediately erased as his tongue touched my clit. The sharp wave of pleasure that ran over me almost knocked me straight off the desk. His mouth was like a massaging tool—it squirmed and slithered up and down my pussy, dancing around my clit. He put his mouth gently against me and began licking and sucking in a perfect rhythm.

I moaned. He looked up, putting his wet hand to his lips, which were now dripping with my lubricant.

“Shhh, Doc. You don’t want to get in trouble, now do you?” he whispered.

“I know how to help with the noise,” I said. I pulled him up gently, crawling backwards onto the desk. I pulled on the elastic of his boxers.

“I want to suck your cock while you lick my pussy,” I said feverishly, my face red with desire.

He positioned himself between my legs. His cock was already rock hard.

“Before we go any further, I want to undress you, baby,” he demanded. He pulled off my skirt and my panties. “Such a pretty body.” He ran his hand over my stomach before ripping off my blouse—actually ripping it off—with his hands. “Toned, flat stomach. Perfect, small boobs.” He breathed, kissing my legs.

You’re not so bad yourse—” I didn’t even finish before he pushed his cock into my mouth and began licking my pussy again. I was right—this did help with the noise. You could barely hear my moans as he tormented my swollen clit with his sexy mouth. He groaned into my pussy as I began to deep-throat him.

Just when I thought I was about to come, he lifted his mouth and began kissing my legs again. I sighed in exasperation, pulling him out of my mouth, a thin trail of pre-cum trailing out.

“I was about to come,” I gasped.

“I know, just trust me, baby,” he said.

He went at it like a fucking expert. When he put his mouth on me, the intensity was amplified tenfold. I arched my back off the desk, but he kept pushing my hips down, completely exposing me to his mouth.



She sucked cock like a champ, that was for sure. I was jealous, imagining the number of cocks she must have sucked to get this good. She sucked better than women I’d paid to do it, and regrettably, far better than Sophia had. Her mouth was like a suction cup of fucking pleasure. She ran her tongue over my head perfectly and gobbled me down whole. She ran her pretty little tongue around the edge of my balls as she deep-throated me.

I began thrusting lightly, enjoying the buildup. I slipped my tongue off her clit and poised it over her wet hole, pushing gently and circling around her tender spots. She took me deeper in her mouth, breathing heavily. Her body began to squirm again. I knew she was close to coming.

I gently brushed the tip of her anus with my finger as I began furiously rubbing her clit with my hand. She nearly shrieked. I pushed my cock deeper into her mouth as she began to come. I pressed my finger onto her clit, intensifying the orgasm, my other finger pressed firmly against her little asshole. I was hitting all the right nerves.

She was sweating, and her pretty body left sweat marks on the desk. I pushed her hips down again and began sucking on her sensitive clit, willing her to trust me. A minute went by, and she was squirming in orgasm again.

“I warned you,” I said, lifting my mouth from her pussy. “Once you go Bill, you can’t ever get head again.”

She began stroking me as she was sucking. This wasn’t how I was going to come. I was going to have her and come all over her fucking body.



He was right. I couldn’t go back. From this point on, my career was over. I had heard of people who did stuff like this—men who married and blew their entire lives on just one little moment of pleasure. I finally understood how coveted and valued that moment could be. It could be worth so much that giving everything else away would be worth it.

As I came all over his mouth, I knew this pleasure was worth every code I’d broken, not only with the counseling association, but with myself. I looked into the mirror across from the desk, not believing I was actually watching Billy and me sixty-nining right in front of my eyes. But we were. This was real.

I lost track of my thoughts as the second orgasm hit me. I intended to suck him off as a reward, but he wasn’t having it. He turned me around sharply so I was lying flat on my stomach. His big, hard cock was just inches away from my hot opening. I didn’t ask if he had condoms, and I honestly didn’t care if he did, or where I was, or what time it was. All I wanted was to feel every inch of him inside of me.

“Look at the mirror,” he said. “I want to watch your eyes while I fuck you.”

This sent shivers up and down my spine. I nodded and did as I was told, losing myself in his crystal green eyes. He grabbed my ponytail roughly, pulling the band out, and let my hair fall all over my face.

“You’re such a pretty cocksucker. Let’s see how good your pussy feels.”

He entered me fast and hard. The whole length of him, big and strong, filled me all at once. I exhaled roughly, tears streaming out of my eyes.
Oh my God
—it felt so fucking good. I wanted more…more…more.


“Shhh,” he said. “Just take it like a good girl, sweetie. Daddy is going to make you come so fucking hard.”

He pulled my hair. I wasn’t used to sex this rough. Hell, I wasn’t used to sex this primal
I never would have allowed it normally, but there was something natural about the way he was taking me. The names he was calling me—God, everything that was usually off-limits for me had suddenly become amazing.

I began rocking my hips into him. He moaned in pleasure. Someone outside must have heard us, but I didn’t care. Right now, I wanted to be his, with all of the crime and shame that being his meant.

“Do you like it, baby?” He groaned, pumping in and out of me. Every time he exited me, a huge wave of pleasure and pressure would build up inside of me. He was angling himself perfectly, hitting my G-spot every single time.

“Yes…” I whispered. “Fuck, yes!”

He pushed me back down so my ass was in the air. He pulled me closer to him, working his way in and out of me, his huge, muscular arms looking as beautiful as ever. The room started to spin, and I was beginning to lose myself in orgasm.

“I’m coming again,” I warned.

“Come for me, Katie. Come,” he hissed. Just hearing his words sent me over the edge. The pressure that had built up finally released, and my pussy quaked with an intense orgasm. As I came, he angled himself deeper.

“Oh, God. Oh, God.”

“Come for me again, baby,” he ordered.

I didn’t have a choice. Another orgasm rushed over me, even harder than before. I tried to keep my eyes open to look at him, but all I could see was a tidal wave of green—his eyes, the lights. I bowed my head and shook against him, my legs going weak.

He lost it, too. He turned me around so quickly I barely knew what was happening. He came all over me, his thick white cum shooting in waterfalls all over my face and body. I opened my mouth to catch some of it, wanting to taste him. Greedily, I licked his cum.



I’d lost so much to her, and all of it was good. I wanted to lose myself all over her. I wanted to orgasm and mark my territory in the most primal way possible. She came again, all over my cock, which increased the level of pleasure I felt. My own orgasm was close. I looked down at her and almost had to close my eyes because she was too hot to handle.

I lost it and shot my seed all over her, and she lapped up every bit of it she could reach. We lay afterwards, wrapped in each other on the bed, wet with each other’s fluids. She breathed next to me, calmly.

“I was trying to heal you, but I ended up loving you,” she said.

“You did help heal me. I was able to walk to this hotel. This was the one,” I said.

“The one you were walking to when were robbed?”

“Yeah. My whole issue was the shame of being vulnerable, but thanks to our sessions and meeting you, I learned it’s okay sometimes.” I breathed in the scent of her hair. I wanted to bask in it for eternity. “You did heal me.”

“So… what now?” she asked.

“I have big plans.”

“I’m not a business project.” She was teasing, I could tell.

“No, but you are mine,” I said.

“I never thought anyone could have me. But I guess you’ve won the deal. The deal of my heart.”

“Doc, you can be so corny,” I replied.

She hit me with a pillow, and I laughed. “So can you.”

I loved how we could argue like kids, and I loved how I could be vulnerable. For once in my life, I knew it was okay to let someone take care of me. I had a long way to go, but I was beginning to heal. I kissed her neck, and we fell asleep to the hum of traffic outside.


5 Years Later


I thought happy endings were crap and didn’t exist, but they do. My happy ending had been lasting for a blissful five years. I looked down at our child, now four years old. Jasper had my eyes and Billy’s hair. I held his hand. Zach held his other. We giggled as we swung him up and down, and he laughed in response. I’d never been so happy or grateful for anything.

“Where is Dad, anyway?” Zach asked.

“We’re meeting him for dinner after his meeting.”

Zach and I had gotten along nearly flawlessly since the first time we met years ago. He’d grown up into a fine young man and enjoyed college immensely. He had his own apartment now, not that I minded his collections. It was odd, but someone related to Billy could never really be normal. Zach had helped me build my antique book collection. It was now two rooms large and growing. Our shared love for antiques held us together.

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