Romeo's Secrets (2 page)

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Authors: Ella Price

BOOK: Romeo's Secrets
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drove home and I couldn’t get him out of my head. Everything about him had me
intrigued. He was beautiful, graceful, sexy, and any woman would be crazy not
to drop their panties for him. At that moment I kind of wished I could, but I
knew I probably never would.

went into my little apartment and my cat Mikey greeted me. I poured him some
food, microwaved myself dinner, and settled down for the night.


woke up the next morning and did my normal routine. Run, shower, and off to
work. I worked downtown in a swanky office building. Impressions magazine was
the name of the up and coming magazine I worked for. I walked into the office
and Dan Carter was standing at my office door waiting.

was a jolly older man. Probably in his mid-fifties. He was an excellent boss
and he let everyone do their own thing as long as it made him look good. “So
the interview?” There was a lot riding on this interview. He was trying to
compete with other magazines and he was sure this would up the sales.

smiled at his enthusiasm. “It went very well. I have enough for the first
article. I think I will start by introducing him and the place.”

this will be a hit my girl if you do it right. I would like it on my desk this
afternoon.” He strolled off heading for his own office whistling.

went into my office and began my story. By the time I was finished and
satisfied with the product it was almost five.

outside of the building looked simple enough. ‘Desire’ was sprawled across the
front and it indicated nothing of what the place held. As I walked in, the
simple reception area gave nothing away. A nice black desk with a beautiful
vase of roses on the corner was the only furniture in the room. Nothing looked
amiss. As I looked past the desk I noticed the first signs of the mystery this
club held. A woman dressed in nothing but a black teddy. Amazingly she did not
look out of place either. It was as if she belonged as much as the vase of
roses on the desk. All simply adding to the mystery of what lay beyond the
reception area.

held my breath as I walked across the threshold. It was as if I was expecting
the worst but hoping for the best. To my relief the place looked like a simple
bar with scantily clad patrons. I followed the young woman to the owner’s
office knowing full well I had only had a taste of what this club had to offer
its patrons.

I stepped into the dimly lit room I was expecting an arrogant man, possibly
narcissistic and that maybe this was the only reason for this clubs existence.
As I looked around the room decorated with paintings of scantily clad people in
indecent situations, my eyes landed on a man. He was a beautiful man, not at
all what I expected. He lounged on the red velvet couch reminding me of the
Cheshire cat. I then thought perhaps I was Alice. After all this was a new and
exciting place for me, in essence a wonderland.

his offer I took my seat across from him. The conversation flowed easily. Basic
questions that any interviewer would ask. He seemed able to ask everything that
I was to tense to discuss. He knew everything I left unsaid. I felt as if it
was he who was discovering me, not I discovering him. He truly believed in the
power of sex and companionship which was his inspiration for the club.

was so at ease with his sexuality and sensuality it would make any person
jealous. I was instructed to come up with a name for him for anonymity. I
thought about it for hours racking my brain for a name that would fit the man
that lay before me that night so confident in himself, so sexually appealing
not just physically but emotionally, so godlike, the embodiment of sexual
power, or simply put Eros.

look forward to my next encounter with Eros. Although his profession seems
inappropriate and sinful; I believe this man truly has something to offer the


sat there and read it again deciding it was perfect. Dan knocked on my door and
I looked up. “Presses start in an hour lady what do you have for me?”

handed him the article crossing my fingers behind my back hoping he would like
it. He scanned it and his expression gave little away. “This is excellent, I
mean this is truly great. Good work I am getting this out tonight no editing
required.” I breathed a sigh of relief as he hurried off.

would have to write one once a week and I thought I was off to a good start. I
was a little worried that Mr. Carson would think I liked him. I did like him
just not like that. At least I was trying to convince myself I didn’t. I kind
of wondered what his first name was. I never even asked or looked into it. I
packed my stuff and headed for the elevator. As I was leaving Dan gave me
another thumbs up.

went home and Mikey was waiting for me. I was relieved to be home. I did my
usual routine of microwave dinner, and finding something on TV.


phone rang which was unusual. No one ever called me this late. I didn’t
recognize the number either. I figured it was the wrong number but I answered
anyway. “Hello, this is Juliet.”

forget how beautiful a voice is until you here it again.” I felt myself blush
when I realized who it was. There was no one else that had a voice as sultry as

was caught off guard and not sure what to say. When I spoke my voice came out
as a whisper. “Mr. Carson?”

laughed and it was a beautiful sound even over the phone. I bit my lip and
shifted nervously as tingling sensations rang through me. I hated that just his
voice made me crazy. “You can call me Eros if you like.”

felt myself go scarlet, “You read it?” It wasn’t supposed to be in the magazine
until tomorrow.

could hear the amusement in his voice as he spoke. It was like he knew how
uncomfortable he was making me. “I did, Carter agreed to let me preview the
articles before they were printed. I have to say well done Ms. Adams not at all
what I expected.” I would have to thank Dan for the warning in the morning.

a reporter I should have had more to say but I couldn’t find any words. “So you
liked it?”

loved it. You were a bit friendlier toward me then you were in our interview. I
am glad I left such an impression on you.”

felt my cheeks burn at his compliment. I wished I wasn’t so awkward with men.
“I am sure you leave an impression on everyone you meet.”

laughed. “I wanted to say that you left an impression on me as well. I had some
extra time this evening if you would like to come by.”

bit my lip nervously. I wanted to come up with an excuse not to go but nothing
came to mind. “Um, I guess I could do that. Oh what is your first name?” I
figured I would ask since I should have already known.

laughed. “You can call me Romeo, and I will be waiting for you.”

knew his name wasn’t Romeo. He was just saying that because of my name. I
decided not to try to get it out of him. I would play his game for now. “Ok, I
will see you in a little bit” I cursed myself for agreeing.

couldn’t hide the amusement in his voice. “I am looking forward to it.”


dressed in tan slacks and a white shirt. I left my hair down except for a small
amount I tied behind my head making me look girly. I then added makeup and set off.
The club was busier because it was after ten. I walked into the reception area.
Lea was there scantily clad like usual.

smiled obviously expecting me. “He’s in his office.”

nodded and walked into the club. They all made me nervous because they were
barely dressed. I knocked on his door. “Come in.” His voice sent shivers
through me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

opened the door and he was leaning against his desk looking at a magazine. He
smiled at me as I shut the door behind me. He was wearing torn jeans and
nothing else. I was trying not to look at his low waist line and the trail of
hair disappearing into his pants. “Ms. Adams you look as professional as ever.”
It sounded like he was making fun of me but I brushed it off.

blushed. “You look good to, I didn’t know you wore jeans.”

do on occasion.” He smiled wickedly. “I figured I could give you a tour of the
rest of the club.”

didn’t know if I wanted to see the rest of the club. His expression told me
everything. I knew it was going to get graphic and I wasn’t sure if I could
handle it. “Ok.” My mouth agreed before my brain could get back in order. I did
want to know more about him but I wasn’t sure if I could handle this much more.

grinned and offered his hand. “Come then explore wonderland with me.”

blushed at his reference to my article and took his hand. “The point of the
club is for people to engage in their sexual fantasies” He explained I followed
him. We walked into a hall and the first room we came to was set up like a
gynecologist’s office. There was a woman with her legs in the stirrups and a
man in a doctor’s coat having sex with her. People were watching like it was
normal. I wanted to look away but I didn’t want to seem like a prude. My cheeks
were on fire and I was glad it was dimly lit.

led me to another room. “We try to recreate places people want to have sex. Or
like some people want to have multiple partners at once.” In that room two men
were on one woman.

was slightly appalled but I tried to hide it. I didn’t want to seem judgmental
he was being open with me and I knew I had to respect him. “Are none of the
rooms private?”

smiled. “There are a few but they are hardly used. Voyeurism is popular here.”
He walked toward another room. There were several people having sex in the same
room. There was men on men, women on women, and men on women. The next room was
a kitchen and there was a man dressed as a delivery boy having sex with a woman
in a dress and apron. There were several other themed rooms, such as a
classroom, a club looking room, a dining room, a game room with a pool table.
There were rooms set up with dominants and submissives. Everything a person
could think of was happening. By the end of the tour I was a little
overwhelmed. I had never seen so much sex in my life.

was speechless and relieved to be walking back to the safety of the bar. “So
does your words in the interview still stand?” He watched me like he was sure I
was going to spawn another head and have a fit.

smiled and blushed. “I never write anything I don’t mean.” I never did,
normally my first impression was pretty accurate. He ran a sex club but he was
a good man that thought he was doing good.

that is good to know.” He waved to the bartender.

decided it was my chance to ask him some personal questions. It seemed like we
were at that point. “So how old are you?” I really wanted to know. He looked
young but he seemed experienced.

smiled. “How old do I look?” He was being playful.

smiled. “This is a set up I know it.”

me how old do I look?” He pressed me as I looked at him.

bit my lip nervously. I didn’t want to guess to old and offend him so I went
with what I thought initially. “I don’t know I was thinking late twenties.”

smiled. “I am thirty nine. I will be forty next week.”

scowled. I really didn’t believe him. There was no way he was that old. “You’re

was smiling as the bartender set drinks in front of us. “I would never lie to

couldn’t believe he was almost forty. That meant he was almost twenty years
older than me. He could have technically been my dad. I smiled. “I can’t
believe you are that old.”

old? How old are you?” He sounded a little offended but he was still being

smiled. “Twenty one.”

are younger than I thought.” He looked amused as he took a sip of his drink.

sighed. “I feel old, I made it through everything now I have nothing to look
forward to.” I tasted the drink that was set in front of me. It was sweet, I
kind of liked it.

watched me for a second. “You have to find things to look forward to. Before
those things were already set up for you. Now you have to set them up for

felt odd under his stare. He was handsome, sexy and everything a girl could
want. Other than the whole iffy lifestyle. “Good point, what about you what are
some of your goals?” I wondered if he wanted anything more than he had.

shrugged. “To expand the club maybe to other cities. I am working on a business
plan now.”

was starting to feel that tingling sensation I got when he looked at me and
spoke. I still wasn’t sure if I liked it. “I should probably go.” I glanced at
the clock it was a little after midnight.

looked amused. “Do you have a curfew?”

smiled. “No, but I do have work tomorrow. Not everyone owns a sex club they can
walk around half naked in without a care in the world.”

grinned, “I will walk you to your car.” He offered me his arm.

took it and he led me out into the warm summer air. “Well I suppose I will see
you tomorrow.”  I wasn’t sure what else to say to him.

suppose.” He sounded amused and he was dangerously close to me.

looked up at him shyly, I had this funny feeling he was going to kiss me and I
was a little excited. “Goodnight Juliet.” He started backing away with an
amused expression. He knew I wanted him to kiss me and he didn’t.

was a little startled and I responded slowly. “Goodnight.” I was trying to
recover from being rejected. I got in the car and he jogged back across to the
club and disappeared inside. I scowled knowing full well I shouldn’t be mad. I
wasn’t going to have sex with him at least I was determined not to.

went home and went to bed in a foul mood all because he didn’t give me a kiss.
This was why I avoided men. They did nothing but complicate my life and make me
lose sleep.


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