Romeo's Secrets

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Authors: Ella Price

BOOK: Romeo's Secrets
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book is a work of fiction, and does not represent real events. Characters,
names, places, and incidents are works of the authors imagination and do not depict
any real event, or person living or dead.

Copyright © 2013 by Ella Price

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be
reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.

First Edition: June 2013


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sat outside the club Inferno and tried to talk myself into going inside. I was
supposed to write several articles about the club owner. It would be like a
mini-series, one article appearing every week for the next four weeks. My boss
seemed to think a biography of a sex club owner would be a big hit and somehow
he thought I would be the best one for the job.

was twenty one and had just recently started my career after college. I didn’t
really need a job. I had an inheritance my father left me. It was a crazy
amount of money but I hadn’t touched it. I never knew my father so I never
really felt right using his money. Besides I wanted to make it on my own.

am a writer for an up and coming magazine, and this is my first big story if I
could force myself to go inside. I didn’t belong in a place like this. I was
pretty but a plain kind of pretty. Like the girl next door pretty, not sex club
girl pretty. I had long curled golden blond hair and blue eyes. I was only 5’9”
tall and I was slim but I had a really nice figure. I exercised every day to
keep that figure. I was wearing a blue button up and black slacks and black

reached over and grabbed my black jacket determined to push forward and start
this interview. I would be here several times over the next couple weeks so I
might as well get over it. I took one last look in the mirror then I got out of
my car and crossed the street. It was 7:50 at night and the night was just
beginning. My appointment was at eight because he claimed it was right before
business got heavy.

walked into the club and of course it was just a small reception area hiding
the people entering from the interior of the club. It was done in black and
deep red. There was a red velvet couch across from the black marble reception desk.
A woman stood at the reception desk dressed in nothing but a black teddy and
high heel boots. She left very little to the imagination. The only saving grace
was the fact that she was not too bad to look at.

I help you?” I could sense the annoyance in her voice. She obviously knew I
didn’t belong to this scene. I was obviously overdressed for her taste.

smiled politely pushing forward. I had made it this far I refused to be
discouraged. “I am Juliet Adams; I have an appointment with Mr. Carson.”

looked me over for a second then nodded. “Oh of course, right this way.” She
walked through the doorway into the main part of the club.

braced myself for what was around the corner. I wasn’t sure how well this was
going to go. As a rule I was a shy person and anything to do with sex I tried
to avoid. Relief washed over me as I looked the room over it just appeared to
be a bar full of scantily clad women and men. I got several curious looks. It
appeared that I was the only one with clothes other than panties on in the
entire establishment. The woman led me to a door and knocked. The door was
beautifully carved. It was real wood and it appeared to be images of demons
along with beautiful women and men.

in,” a male voice said softly, from the other side tearing me away from my
examination of the carvings.

woman walked in ahead of me and introduced me. “Mr. Carson; the lady from the
magazine is here”

followed her into the office. It was dimly lit and had a beautiful cherry desk.
The decorations were paintings of nude people and people in sexual positions. I
looked toward the velvet couches when I didn’t see anyone near the desk. There
was a beautiful man lounging on a red velvet couch. He looked like he was in
his late twenties or early thirties. I could tell he was tall, right around six
feet. He had beautiful latte skin and long, black, wavy hair. He was tone and
shirtless. His features were delicate but masculine at the same time. He was
wearing silk pajama pants and no shoes. He looked like something out of a book.
Like the vampire a teenage girl would imagine when she was reading her favorite
series. He didn’t make a move to sit up when I came in but he did smile. “Thank
you Lea.”

girl nodded and left closing the door behind her.

had brilliant green eyes, they almost appeared to be fake. He smiled and tilted
his head as he spoke, “I was expecting an older woman by the way Mr. Carter
raved about your writing.”

shifted nervously but attempted to sound confident when I spoke. I didn’t want
to seem like a young bimbo. “I assure you Mr. Carson I am a very competent

smiled and it reminded me of the Cheshire cat. It was if he was thinking
something but he wasn’t going to say it. “Please sit.” He indicated a chair across
from him and I looked at it for a second before moving.

gathered my courage and walked over and took a seat. “Do you mind if I use a
tape recorder?” I didn’t have to use one but I wanted to make sure I remembered
everything he said. This was an important interview. I needed it to be perfect.

smiled, he was very relaxed and at ease with himself and I was pretty sure he
knew I wasn’t. “Of course not, I was informed however that you would not
mention the club specifically and that you would change my name in the

nodded as I set the recorder up, “That is correct.” I noticed he had long
slender fingers that were perfectly manicured. I was beginning to think he was
gay. If he was gay I would be far more comfortable in his presence.

scowled slightly, “I am not gay, if that is what you are thinking.”

smiled, “I take it you get that a lot?” I started the recorder trying not to
fumble and look like an idiot.

was very elegant and calm as he spoke, “Yes, by outsiders. For some reason if a
man takes care of himself he is automatically gay or weak.”

outsiders you mean people not members of the club?” I was guilty of thinking he
was gay. He just seemed way more at ease and relaxed with himself than any
other straight man I had ever met.

took a moment to respond as if he were thinking about something else, “Yes.” He
watched me for a minute and I would have given anything to know what he was

dove right into the questions hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush creeping across
my cheeks. “Do you try to maintain a specific clientele or is the club open to
anyone to join?”

tilted his head and smiled, “If you have the money you can join.”

took notes as well so I could reference certain things without having to listen
to the whole recording again. “How much is it to be a member?”

smiled playfully, “Are you interested in joining?”

smiled and blushed at his suggestion, “I’m afraid not. This is just basic
information for the magazine.”

thousand dollars a month is the membership fee.” He hesitated for a moment as
he watched me, “You do not agree with the club.” It was more of a statement
then a question.

way he would just say what I was thinking was unnerving. I was wondering if my
face gave it away. “My personal opinions do not have a place in the interview.
That is a lot of money so the average Joe would not be able to be a member?” I
pushed ahead hoping to deter him from turning the interview into a personal

smiled, “It keeps out the riff raff. But your feelings will reflect in the
story being that you are the writer.”

continued to attempt to evade his questions. I didn’t really know what I
thought I just knew I wasn’t very comfortable. “Not as much as you think. Now
how long have you been in business?”

looked amused, “You are good at deflecting and staying on track, are you
religious is that why you do not agree?”

looked at him and responded shifting nervously as I did, “Mr. Carson the
interview is about you not me.”

smiled in a way that suggested he was not going to stop bugging me. I was
beginning to think I was amusing him. “Ms. Adams perhaps if you were willing to
share something about yourself perhaps I will be more comfortable sharing
myself with you.” I could tell he meant more than sharing his story.

sighed giving in, “I am not religious.”

raised his eyebrows, “So then why is it you disagree with this club?”

shrugged and focused on my pad in front of me. “I never said I disagreed with
it. As long as it involves consenting adults and no laws are being broken then
it is a personal decision to be a part of something like this.” I hoped the
explanation would be enough to get him off the trail. “Now how long have you
been in business?”

could tell he wasn’t happy with the answers he was receiving by the way his
eyebrows knit together on his forehead. It was the first sign of annoyance I
had seen him display. “Ten years, tell me why it would not be your personal

sighed. He was starting to annoy me as much as I was annoying him. “Why is it
your personal decision to run a club like this?”

grinned, “I like seeing people enjoy themselves. I truly believe companionship
and sex heal and unite people.”

didn’t really have a response for that. He was talking about a world I knew nothing
about. “That is a very interesting point of view. Is protection mandatory to
prevent disease?”

watched me then gave an exasperated sigh. “No, that is a personal choice for
each person to decide, however I do require members to be tested every three
months. Doesn’t sex make you feel good, Ms. Adams?”

blushed and looked down at my pad trying to focus. “That is to personal Mr.
Carson.” It was way too personal. I hadn’t had sex yet and I wasn’t about to
tell him that.

smiled like he knew he hit a nerve. “If you answer me I will answer any
question no matter how personal.”

was tempting. I had a million questions for him but I didn’t want him to know
personal things about me. I watched him deciding if what I had to gain was
worth what I would be losing. “Fine you win as I am sure you always do. I do
not know if it makes me feel good because I have not had sex yet.” I wanted to
pat myself on the back for keeping a straight face and not blushing like crazy.

looked momentarily stunned, “Why not?” he asked looking genuinely interested.

didn’t want to go into detail with him. He was way too good looking to be
talking to about my sex life or lack of a sex life for that matter. “Mr. Carson
I answered your question.” I wanted to get on with the interview. The room was
starting to get warm and I knew I had to be cherry red with embarrassment.

sat up and I could tell he wasn’t going to let it go. “Please I have to know
why. I have never met a woman that looks like you that hasn’t had sex.”

looked at my fingernails debating on how much I should tell this guy. I wasn’t
really worried about privacy but I didn’t like being judged. “I just haven’t
found anyone that I thought was good enough.” I looked at him trying to judge
his reaction. He would probably think I was a complete prude.

smiled, “That isn’t stuck up at all.”

blushed as I tried to avoid sounding annoyed. “I don’t think so it is my body
and I have the right to give it to the man I want to.”

he said now sitting up and watching me. “Will you tell me why?”

scowled at him, “This interview has been more about me then you Mr. Carson.”

raised his hands in surrender, “You are right, your question now please.”

many sexual partners have you had?” I was curious simply because he was so good
looking and he was the owner of a sex club.

smiled like he didn’t mind telling me at all. I wished I had his confidence.
“To be honest I don’t know, probably in the hundreds. I was an escort and a
stripper before opening the club.”

was a little shocked but I hid it well. I just continued taking notes and
avoided meeting his eyes. “Were any of them more than just sex?”

expression darkened, “Yes one.” He didn’t elaborate.

smiled, “I imagine the woman that gets you would be quite exotic.”

was, we should wrap this up for the evening. I have clients to attend to.” His
mood had completely changed. He obviously liked the woman whoever she was.

course, when would you like me back?” I gathered my things kind of relieved to
be getting out of the place. The whole thing made me nervous, he really made me

stood and my eyes went to his perfectly toned and chiseled chest. He smiled as
if he knew the effect he had on me. “Friday night will be fine.”

blushed and smiled nervously. “Well thank you and I will see you Friday night.”

nodded and walked to the door. He held it for me. He caught my hand as I was
passing him. I looked at him a little startled. My heart was racing. He watched
me and gently laid a kiss on the back of my hand. “I will not hurt you, only
make you feel good.”

felt a rush of excitement at his touch and my cheeks were even redder. “Forgive
me if I don’t believe that.” I took my hand from him and walked out. I felt
like I was going to suffocate until I hit the night air. It was early summer
and the smell was a relief. I crossed the road to my car. Business was picking
up downtown as more and more people came out to enjoy their Wednesday night.

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