Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) (58 page)

BOOK: Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)
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Liana felt like she floated through the halls, her body saturated with sensations of joy and love and peace.  He was into her.  She knew it.  There was no mistaking it.  But to what end would her new crush lead her?  Such a relationship would be taboo, and Lance would certainly not risk his job for it.  Liana wanted so desperately for
but did not see how it would be possible.
But no matter.  I will do what I can.  I will cultivate the feeling, turning into lust, and then to craving and then
obsession.  Desire always finds a way.

Liana’s goal was to ramp up the sexual tension between them each day,
farther and
until one of them snapped.  The next day at school she wore a low cut blouse.  The next day after that, she unbuttoned her top during class so that when she went
to his desk
he would see her stomach and bra.  The next day was Friday, and she had something special planned for him.  Something that she had always dreamed of doing, what she imagined every high school girl dreamed of doing.


Chapter 4


Oh Lance, take me, do what you want with me.  I am forever yours.  I want you, all of you.  I want you inside me and
me and to be one with you. 
Lance, promise that you will never leave me. 
This time,
it was not a dream, it was her fantasy as she lay in bed before getting ready.  She wrote in her journal.  Liana wrote of Star Crossed lovers, a theme she had always loved.  Now, though, she imagined Lance.  He was that forbidden lover.  The thought of such a love seemed so delicious to her that she could taste it.  But, she sighed, it could never
happen.  Deep down Liana knew that all she could do was
with Lance.  It would be fun, of course, even the highlight of her senior year.  Perhaps it would be the best story she would retain from high school.  Maybe this was all she would ever have in the form of a
.  More like Star Crossed lust, she thought. 
Oh well, star-crossed lust isn’t so bad.
  She finished up writing in her journal.  She wanted so desperately for it to be possible that she could be with Lance, but when
thought of what
was going to do that day in class, she smiled. 
Maybe flirting is more thrilling

She got to his class the same time as usual,
but, this time,
greeted him with a seductive
as if to say, “are you ready for this big boy.”  Lance seemed to gulp with anticipation.  When the class started, Lance went to the front as usual and began writing down their assignment.  Liana waited patiently, eager to show Lance what she had to offer.  Then Lance turned to face the
and began reading off some papers in his hands.  He looked up, and he froze in mid sentence and dropped the papers.

“This next book
easy...just work in silence,” he trailed off.  He was looking at Liana’s spread legs, and she was not wearing any panties, revealing her shaved womanhood.  Lance felt his heart skip a beat.  He had had students hit on him before, but nothing like this.  Liana seemed to
be really obsessed
with him, and him with her.  He picked up his
but bending down only made his view better.  He felt hot.  There was something about Liana that called to him.  She possessed something that seemed to melt away his will power, turning it into passion and desire. 
This is
what he
longed for

This is
what he
lived for

This is
This is


Chapter 5


The week had finally past, and it was now time for the Christmas party. Liana lay
her bed, waiting until it was time to go to the leave.  She still had a few hours to kill.  She thought about calling or texting
but then decided against it.  He would meet her there
.  He seemed like a decent guy, but that was all.  Jamal was into sports and rap and all that, just like anybody else.  Liana was into poetry and romance.  She loved Don Quixote, who would do anything to save his love, Dulcinea.  Liana could read Lord Byron for hours, as well as Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 
This was
a part of her that nobody else got.  Maybe it was because of the culture that she grew
up in
.  Whatever it was, Liana couldn’t take normal life anymore.  She knew that she wanted forbidden fruits, the ones the poets talked about, the ones that people remembered and
stories about

To dance with my lover, to feel his passion, and know he is mine and I am his.  That is what I want, what I shall have.


Chapter 6


Lance sat
the edge of his bed.  He had been single for a few years, since the passing of his wife.  Being good looking, he had always had many opportunities
women, but being a romantic, none of them satisfied.  Lance had taught English literature for almost twenty
and knew all of the great lines of poetry by heart.  The stories of Romeo and Juliet, Pyramus and Thisbe, or Tristan and Isolde, were part of his heritage.  Intellectually he lived in those stories and had loved them from a young age.  But what had he done with that knowledge?  Lance had loved before, even passionately, but it was within the bounds of societal norm. 
Why must I be restricted, when there is so much in this life to experience?  I must be true to
I tell my students that every day. 
He thought of Liana, and how she looked at him. 
She is different, forbidden, lovely.  I do not desire to possess her, but to see her blossom and flourish.  I must act on my passion before it is too late. 

He had been debating on whether or not to try and see Liana outside of the class setting, but now Lance knew what he had to do. 
People may say I am wrong, but I know deep down
right I am.



Chapter 7


The masquerade Christmas dance started at seven.  Liana pulled up at about 7:15.  It was
being held
at a convention center, and the school had spent a few weeks outfitting it for the evening.  There would be music, drinks (
of course) and a ballroom floor.  Most high school dances consisted of a bunch of kids gyrating their hips and grinding on each other.  This one, as the principal had explained many times, sought to be different.  They wanted to inject some class into the school culture.  Liana and Jamal had bought tickets months ago, figuring it would be a fun way to spend an evening together.  But now, the only thing that Liana could think about was Lance.  It wouldn’t be too bad, she thought. 
could dance with Jamal, and pretend to have fun and maybe even smile at the right moments so that he didn’t suspect anything.  The music would be
as she loved Christmas music. 
Why not try to have fun.

Liana walked in, and noticed that it was very
almost everyone from the school had gone.  There were even teachers and administration dancing.  They were dancing with each other, or their spouses of course. 
But if they were here, that means that possibly

Jamal tapped her on the shoulder, “I made it.  Liana, you
look beautiful.”

“Thanks, you look good too, I like your mask, it
disguises your identity,” said Liana.

I still think it is pretty easy to tell who I am,” said Jamal.

“Yes, but from afar, you blend in, looking like just another
dancing the night away,” said Liana, trailing off at the end.

“That is interesting to know,” said Jamal.  “Now can I have this dance?”

and they began dancing.  The music was playing at a slow pace, and they tried to match it, but neither Liana or Jamal knew much about slow dancing.  Besides, the fact that Jamal seemed to blend in made her wonder.  She looked around the
Lance could be anywhere.  He could be watching her right then.  The thought made her tense up.

“Are you alright?” Asked Jamal.

“Yes...I guess I have just never done much slow dancing, but I’m getting the hang of it,” said Liana.

“Oh right,” said Jamal.

They continued, but Liana could only think about Lance.  She looked but saw nothing. 

“I think I need a break, I need to get something to drink,” said Liana.

“Oh...sure,” said Jamal.

walked quickly
walked over to where the drinks were
being served
.  She tried to lose Jamal in the crowd. 
If Lance is
he won’t want to find me with Jamal.
  She grabbed a drink and then moved into the crowd, trying to disappear. 

The next song began, this
even slower than the one before.  Many of the younger couples stopped dancing and went
to the sides
to socialize. 
They preferred faster songs.
  Liana stood in the middle, the only person
dancing.  She began to swing her hips and glide around and
so that she would not look awkward just standing there. 
felt like a part of the beating heart of the ballroom as the long flowing dresses
to flow and breathe in unison.  It was beautiful, and she lost
herself in
the moment; for a second even forgetting about Lance. 

Then a man came up behind her.

“May I have this dance?” He asked.

Liana curtsied slightly, a tacit yes.  He took the lead, knowing how to move, but more importantly how to make her move.  Liana felt
like she was a character from a poem come to
.  His hands felt strong and steady.  She looked at him. 
His face was almost entirely covered by his mask
.  It would be hard for anybody to recognize him.  But Liana did not need her eyes to tell her who it was.  She felt it.  His confidence and warmth could penetrate any disguise. 

“And who are you pretending to be?” asked Liana with a coy grin.

“Someone who notices you,” he said.

Everything seemed perfect.  He always knew what to say and how to carry himself.  He seemed to glide across the floor with her, making her feel weightless.  Their bodies seemed in sync. 

“Aren’t you worried about someone seeing you, seeing us, you could get fired,” said Liana.

aren’t you worried about your boyfriend seeing you.” said Lance.

“Yes…” but they continued to dance

“How do you feel right now, Liana?” Asked Lance.

“Scared, excited, happy,” said Liana.

“That is how you should always feel,” replied Lance.

Liana nodded in agreement.  She tried to let go of her fears.  But she felt like everyone was watching them.  There were only a few dozen couples dancing.  Liana felt sure that Jamal would see her with another man.  He would figure out that Lance is who she has been thinking about all

“Liana, live in this moment, for it can last forever if you let it,” said Lance.

, it can. 
This is
what I have wanted.
go of her anxiety, and for that
she was eternally happy.

No matter what happens, we will always have this dance, this final dance,”
said Lance.

Yes, one dance, that is all we need. 
Liana felt peace like a river wash over her.  Suddenly, snow began to fall from the ceiling.  It was
but set the mood nonetheless.  The music swelled, it was nearing the crescendo. 

“Don’t let this moment slip by,” said Lance.

Liana closed her eyes, focusing on herself, how she felt, and then on the environment around her.  She focused on the feeling of the floor on her feet, the heels she was wearing and the orchestra playing the background.  She could hear individual instruments and feel the sound entering her ears and filling her being.  Liana opened her eyes.  She saw blue.  Lance gazed right back at her.  He saw green.  They
danced in
that moment and
were lost
in a beautiful eternity.  Time slowed down for Liana.  She breathed
and savored the smell of Lance.  It made her feel safe.  The music began to grow
it was nearing the end.  Liana
to think again, instead of feel, and time sped up.  The music stopped.

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