Deadly Passion, an Epiphany

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Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Series, #Ghosts

BOOK: Deadly Passion, an Epiphany
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Megan had met the man of her dreams, only to have everything blown to smithereens in a single second.



On her first day at work, Megan met Mark Engler. Having lost trust in the male species, she resisted falling for him, but how could any woman help falling for the gorgeous, out-of-this-world hunk?

Mark Engler, a playboy, had no intentions of settling down, until he met the new receptionist. On the night of her nineteenth birthday, he took her to a nightclub and planned to propose to her at midnight. How could everything go wrong in the blink of an eye?


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Deadly Passions: An Epiphany

Copyright © 2013 Gabriella Bradley

ISBN: 978-1-77111-736-4

Cover art by Angela Waters


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Deadly Passion

An Epiphany






Gabriella Bradley



Chapter One



Waking up…


A soft murmur of voices penetrated a thick fog in her head. Several of them belonged to males. Every now and then a female voice spoke softly. Megan struggled to open her eyes. It felt as if two bags of sand weighed down each of her eyelids. “Mark?” Her voice sounded hollow and far away in her own ears. She felt lightheaded, drunk, and everything spun. It was as if her body was in a blender. Nauseated now, she moved, tried to get up, still trying to open her eyes. Her whole body hurt like hell, severe pain shooting through her chest. Bile crept to her throat.

“Megan, it’s best if you keep still. How do you feel, dear?” the female voice said.

“Sick and sore. I think I’m going to puke.” Her voice still sounded far away and faint. “I can’t open my eyes.”

“Your eyes are bandaged. We’ll give you something for the nausea.”

“Where am I? Where’s Mark?”

“You and your boyfriend were in an accident, my dear. You’re in the hospital and very lucky to be alive.”


“He’s hurt, but he’ll mend.”


“Yes. Don’t worry your brain trying to remember now. You need to rest. There, I’ve injected an anti nausea drug into your IV. That should take care of your upset stomach. I’ve also given you a sedative. It’ll take effect in a few minutes.”

“My eyes…why—“

“The fire, Megan. Not to worry. They’re covered by bandages. The eye specialist is sure your eyes will be fine.”

“Fire? I don’t remember. What accident?” Trying to think was painful. Her head throbbed and it felt as if someone was shooting arrows into her brain. “Please, tell me, I…need…” A strange spinning feeling overwhelmed her and she felt herself sinking into oblivion.


First day at work…


“I gather you’re the new receptionist.”

Startled, Megan looked up at the owner of the voice, a deep baritone, sexy as hell. So sexy, it sent shivers down her spine. And the face matched the voice. He was tall, dressed in tight leather pants with a body-hugging white shirt.
I’ve died and gone to Heaven
. Black wavy hair curling below his ears framed movie-star looks. Ebony eyes raked her face. His beautifully formed lips were made for kissing. He had a strong face, a dimpled chin, and from she could see, a muscular frame. “Yes, I am. Can I help you?”

“Mark Engler. Head of sales.” what

“Oh.” It came out lamely. “It’s my first day,” she added, feeling stupid that he’d rendered her almost speechless and fumbling around on her desk like an awkward teenager. She’d barely dated since that awful time in her life, the few she’d gone out with were just useless young men that only seemed interested in one thing…and now a complete stranger she met for the first time managed to set her blood on fire.

“I’d best get to my meeting. I’ll be seeing you around,” he said, flashing her a smile.

Megan watched him walk away, her heart beating a staccato rhythm. That morning, she’d met a few of the people that worked for Narrahim Enterprises, a large publisher of several magazines. They were all older than she, some looking ready to retire. Mark was more than a pleasant surprise. Too pleasant, she thought.
Stupid twit. He’s probably married, or engaged. Too old for me, anyway. He looks at least thirty. I can’t be developing a schoolgirl crush first day on the job
. Not that she wanted to date anyone. The male species haunted her sleep, causing her nightmares. All men, except her father and her brother, scared her. No way did she want to become involved with anyone, especially since it often led to more intimate behavior, from what she’d experienced on the very few dates she’d had and heard from her girlfriend. If only men wanted to be just friends, but there seemed to be no such thing.

She’d just recently graduated and had decided to spread her wings. She left home for New York, even though her parents had argued with her, had tried to convince her to stay. Her goal was to work her way around the world while she decided what to do with her future. She’d thought about nursing, teaching, becoming a doctor—a career where she could make a difference. But she was so undecided. There was plenty of time for university so she’d made up her mind to work for a few years, save, travel to different cities, countries, and dive into a career later. Gazing after him as he walked away, she absentmindedly picked up the stack of folders and placed them in front of her on her desk.

After Mark disappeared into the elevator, she concentrated on the files while trying desperately to put him out of her mind, but his dark gaze haunted her, disturbed her.

“Hi. My name is Cassie Morley. I’m so glad they hired someone younger this time.”

Megan snapped out of her thoughts, placed the pile of documents she’d been sorting beside her and looked up at the speaker. A young woman, who looked to be around her own age, plopped her handbag on the desk, followed by her behind. Swinging a leg over the other, she grinned. Devil-may-care green eyes scrutinized her. Cassie was pretty, impish, with a mop of red, very curly hair just touching her shoulders and a sprinkling of freckles dotting her nose and cheekbones.

“I’m Megan Leigh. Nice to meet you.”

“I work in the art department. How about meeting me for lunch? There’s a great little bistro nearby. It’s cozy and they serve a mean burger.”

“Sounds great.”

“Good. I’ll meet you here in the lobby at noon. See ya.” Cassie slid off the desk, grabbed her purse and before heading for the art department straightened her much too tight mini skirt. The wide smile she sent Megan while taking off caused her to smile in return. She was glad to have met someone her own age, or close to it. Leaving home, settling into her little apartment, a new job, it was all a tad overwhelming, intimidating, and she felt lost and lonely in the big city. Her parents had a dairy farm and the nearby town was just big enough to have its own high school. After graduating, all her friends had gone different directions, and her best friend, Vera, decided to stay and work on her parents’ farm. Megan missed her desperately. Sure, the phone was her best friend now, but talking on the phone wasn’t the same as hanging out together.

Time flew as she sorted the files on her computer and made sense of the mess left behind by previous receptionists.


“Megan, it’s time for your lunch break.” Cassie sidled up to the desk.

“So it is.” Megan glanced at her watch and quickly took her purse out of the drawer. “Can you wait a minute while I go to the washroom?”

“Can you hold it ‘til we get there? It’s not far. We can order and then you can go pee while we wait for our food.”


They hurried out through the glass doors and to the bistro. Before sitting down, Megan looked at the menu. “Can you order a turkey clubhouse for me, Cassie? I won’t be long.”

Before returning to their table, she quickly pulled a brush through her unruly blonde hair. It had a natural wave, but it never stayed put. After braiding it in a side braid, she hurried back into the bistro. Her lunch was already waiting for her.

“I didn’t know what you wanted to drink so I ordered coffee,” Cassie said.

“Great. I didn’t have time to have my coffee this morning or even pick one up on the way. Didn’t want to be late first day at work. There was a power outage in my building so my alarm didn’t go off.”

“Bummer. So, tell me about yourself, Megan. Where are you from? I detect a slight drawl. Do you have a boyfriend?”

“I’m from Tennessee and no, I don’t have a boyfriend right now. Have you always lived in New York?”

Cassie laughed. “Heavens, no. I’m originally from Canada, British Columbia. I want to see the world and started by getting this job. I’ve been stuck here for four years now.”


“Each time I try to quit, they give me a raise. Kind of hard to give up the kind of money I’m making. How long have you lived here?”

“About a month.”

“What do you think of New York?”

“It’s intimidating. Too busy. Maybe I’m too much of a country bumpkin to appreciate such a big city. It also doesn’t help that I don’t know a soul.”

“You don’t know anyone here? That’s it. On the weekend I’m going to give you the grand tour and introduce you to my friends. You won’t be lonely for long, girl.”

Megan was surprised to find out that Cassie was twenty-five. She looked much younger. They talked for a while until that damn sexy voice sounded behind her.

“Do you ladies mind if I join you? Hi Cassie.”

“Hey, Mark. Sure. Pull up a chair.”

Cassie’s raised eyebrow didn’t escape Megan. Cassie seemed surprised at the intrusion.

“So, pretty lady, are you going to introduce yourself? Or do I call you pretty lady when I take you out?”

Cassie giggled. Megan felt flustered. Take her out? “Megan Leigh,” she said softly, feeling her cheeks burn. Why did this man have such a strange effect on her?

“And she blushes. Cassie, where did this girl come from? Where in New York do you find a woman who still blushes when a man compliments her? How about it? Would you like to go to dinner with me on Saturday night?” he asked, his eyes never leaving her face.

Cassie kicked her under the table and winked encouragingly.

Everything in her screamed to tell him no. Instead, she stammered and stuttered. “I d-don’t know. I mean, I’ve barely met you and—“

“Isn’t she priceless? I see you girls have already eaten, and—“

“Yes, and we need to get back to work,” Cassie interrupted and promptly stood. “I’ll take care of the bill this round. Your turn tomorrow,” she told Megan.

Though the food was to die for, Megan wasn’t at all sure she wanted to make a daily habit of frequenting the bistro. Their prices were quite steep and her savings had dwindled fast. “I think I’ll bring a lunch tomorrow, Cassie, although I’ll owe you one after I get my first paycheck.”

“Nonsense. I’ll buy lunch tomorrow,” Mark told them, his grin disarming.

On the way back to their office building, Cassie bubbled with enthusiasm. “I can’t believe you’ve accomplished what I’ve dreamed of for three years. You’ve won over Mark. Isn’t he every girl’s dream? I’ve practically thrown myself at him, but never got anywhere. He treats me like I’m one of the boys.”

“I guess he’s single. I met him this morning, before you arrived. I was wondering then if he was taken.”

“Hon, you’re in New York. Just because a man comes on to you, doesn’t mean he’s unattached. But just so you know, yes, he’s unattached. I see we’re going to have to teach you a lot,” Cassie said.

“Well, I didn’t agree to go out with him and he doesn’t know where I live. He’s a bit fast for me.”

“Doesn’t mean a thing. He’s management, so can easily look up your personal details. If he’s serious about taking you out Saturday night, he’ll show up at your door. Wait and see.”

Megan felt uncomfortable at that thought. What if he did show up at her door?


The rest of that first week, Megan made a lunch every day, much to Cassie’s annoyance. However, Cassie seemed to like spending time with Megan. She would whip out to buy her lunch and then join Megan in the staff room. Every morning, Mark made a point of greeting her, but no conversation and never another mention about going out, so Megan agreed to meet up with Cassie on the weekend and go out with her and her friends. Would she even have gone out with him if he’d persisted? She decided she wouldn’t have.

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