Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) (56 page)

BOOK: Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)
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     Wrapping her legs around his trim waist she opened herself to him, moaning and trembling in a fit of pleasure as he plied her lips with the sweetest kisses. Then and with a resounding growl he joined the two of them as one; surging his long hard shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy.

     Their hips found an immediate rhythm as he moved slow and
within her; their bodies engaging in a succulent tango as they continued to kiss and cuddle.

     Spreading her fleshy hips to invite him farther inward, Cara found that the momentary discomfort caused by his entry fled in the face of incredible pleasure; with Ian continuing
to stroke
her famished nub as his long stiff cock probed and penetrated her.

     Their hips and thighs interlocked between them as he broke their kiss to stare deep into her eyes; showering sweet baby kisses across her flushed cheeks as she caressed his sculpted cheeks.

     “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of this moment,” she sighed, hugging the toned body of her personal heartthrob as he bowed his head to her neck.

     “Not as long as I have,” Ian hissed, tossing his head forward
the waves of his blond hair touched and caressed her bare skinned shoulders.

     Kissing and nipping his way down the length of her tender nape, Ian gyrated his hips hard against hers as the motion of his fingers quickened and intensified against the surface of her
clit; setting her entire body afire as his cock surged forth to her very core.

     Then and with a
long last
thrust, he sent them hurdling across the bounds of an incredible shared orgasm; pleasure overcoming them as they collapsed contented in one another’s arms.

all things considered,” Cara gasped out, soon resting easy in her lover’s embrace, “You have learned your lessons very well—so well, in fact, that your tutor is now pulling double duty as your girlfriend.”

     Ian’s smile touched her heart as his hands continued to love her body.

     “Rock’n’roll!” he exclaimed, adding as he pulled her so close he was liable never to let her go, “I have to say it, Teach. You rock my world.” 











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Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Blue Sky Books, “Mr. Lance”

Mr. Lance – A BWWM Student Teacher Romance


Chapter 1


She Walks in Beauty.  Yes, tell me
you my darling, you light up the night with your radiance and give the muses their inspiration.  Lord Byron knew no one else to write about, no other maiden that could capture the heart of any man.  There is a love, so powerful that it can never
be contained
.  So awesome that it can never happen but once in a lifetime.  It knows no bounds, no limits.  It obeys no laws or restrictions.  Lord Byron knew such love all too well.  Come my darling.  Take my hand.  Let us walk in beauty

Liana hit her alarm clock.  She had been dreaming.  It was 6:15 and she still had a few more minutes to lay in bed before she had to get ready for school. 
Why couldn’t life be more like my dreams.
She thought about her upcoming week.  It would be the last week before Christmas break, the last one to endure before freedom.  Her phone began to buzz.  It was her boyfriend, Jamal, with his typical good morning text.  She liked him, he treated her really well and there was nothing wrong with him.  But, she never felt a fire inside for him. 
I can’t be too greedy,
she thought.  Why should she, her life was pretty good.  She was tall, athletic,
, and popular at school.  And now that she had turned eighteen, she was legal, which opened a world of possibilities
her.  At times she found herself fantasizing about older men, but quickly pushed those thoughts aside because it was taboo, and she didn’t want her mother to know.  Her father would have gone crazy
the idea, but he had passed away a few years back.  That made life harder for her, and especially for her mother, who now had to shoulder twice of the responsibility.  Liana’s life changed too, as she found that she was more responsible for meeting her mother’s emotional needs.

Liana grabbed her journal.  It was her habit to write down a few thoughts in the morning.  She Walks in Beauty.  She wrote it down.  It was her favorite poem by Lord Byron.  He was a romantic poet and during his time many of his works were banned.  They were considered immoral.  They were graphic, spoke of forbidden love and went against the mores of

Liana got up and jumped into the shower.  She ran her hands down her body and enjoyed the feeling of her soft, smooth, ebony skin.  Liana had always felt that she was beautiful, and there were few that tried to dissuade her
that opinion.  As beautiful as she was, however, she had never done too much with a guy before.  Sure she had her boyfriend Jamal, and had always been popular with
and dated in the past, but she never felt like any of those guys were worthy of being her first sexual experience.  Maybe she had too high of expectations. 

Despite her innocence, Liana maintained her body, making sure every inch of it
was shaven
at all times.  Her chest was small, and perky, and as she continued to run her hands down her
she imagined a guy doing the same.  It excited her. 
I’m running behind.

Liana jumped out of the shower
and started to get dressed.  She planned to wear jeans and a shirt that day, nothing out of the ordinary for her. 
I’ve got a boyfriend
thought, justifying her plain garb.  She made one final check in the
and thought she looked great.  Her bubble butt and long legs were hard to ignore no matter what she put on.  She ran downstairs and made cereal.  She only had a few minutes to spare before she had to burst out the door. 

“Is that you honey?”  It was Liana’s mom.

“Yes, it’s me, I’m just getting some cereal before I have to run out the door,” said Liana.

“Oh, okay, I just wanted to ask if you had tickets for the Christmas Dance this weekend.”

“Yes, I have had them for a while now.  I am going with Jamal.”

that is
to hear.  Have a fun day at school.”

“I’m off to learn, mom,” she yelled.  He mother was getting ready for work herself.  Liana jumped into her car and started the drive.  She turned on the radio, and Christmas music began to play. 
I love this time of year.

The drive to school was
that is if she left early enough.  Liana thought
her favorite stories. 
Romeo and Juliet.
  She loved the idea of true love. 
But why couldn’t it be real?  Why did it only happen in the pages of a book?

She pulled up, parked in the senior lot, one of the best perks of being the elder statesmen
the school.  Liana had one more semester of high school after this one.  It was going by fast.  She thought back and wondered if she had enough good memories to satisfy the old lady version of herself. 
What a weird way to look at it,
she thought.  But maybe it wasn’t. 
Maybe we should be trying to live
.  She hopped out of her car and started walking to school.  As she looked around at her
fellow classmates,
she noticed how everyone
was divided
into cliques and groups.  There was social stratification. 
This was
the way of high school, she knew.  And really, is is the way of the world.  You are never free to do what you want, for the judgment of others makes sure of that.  Liana entered her school and walked down the hall that led to her class.  Her first period was English Literature, by far her favorite subject.   As she made her way down the
, she noticed someone
standing outside the door greeting the students. 
It must be a sub,
she thought. 

“Good morning,” said the new teacher.

Liana just nodded.  When she sat down, she realized that she felt different.  Not just different, but good, really good. The substitute was
very good
she had noticed that.  He was probably in his late thirties to early forties and looked to be right in his prime of physical condition. She had seen attractive men before, but for some
her body was physically reacting to this guy.

The bell rang, and sub closed the door.  “Hi class, my name is Lance Hunter, I will be your new teacher as Mrs. Croneswipe is pregnant with twins and will be teaching another class when…”

Liana couldn’t hear the rest of what he said. 
This guy is going to be our new teacher.  I get to see this guy every day.  Did he say his name was Lance
  What a sexy name. 
He passed out an assignment for them to do, but Liana could no more do schoolwork then she could lasso the moon.  All she could think about was her new teacher. 
Why did he make my body react like this?  Was this guy a god?
romantic hero come alive? 
There seemed to some
kind of
irresistible magnetic pull on her.  It would not let go or relent.  It was constant.
And she loved it.  She must
it was in her nature to find out.  Liana thought back to her favorite romance stories, to Lord Byron, and thought about the passion and electricity they must have felt. 
Maybe this is what that
is like

“The assignment I have passed out, is a series of questions concerning Romeo and Juliet.  We will be going
the play for the next few days.  As you know, it was written by William Shakespeare during the Elizabethan era.  Now what has captured the hearts of readers for the past four hundred years, is the depth of love in the play.”

Some of the guys in the class rolled their eyes, but Liana sat at the edge of her desk, listening intently. 
This was
her favorite story, told by a man that looked like the perfect fulfillment of her deepest longings.  She was in heaven. 

Lance continued. “You see Romeo and Juliet were from two feuding families.  Romeo was from the Montague house and Juliet from Capulets.  They were forced to meet in
and do everything in secret.  They even consummated their love in secret.  Their love knew no bounds.  It was not concerned with the decorum of the day or the will of their parents or anything else.  Their love was one of passion for each other.  It was a total devotion that can only truly
be understood
by those that feel the same way.  Now few of us will ever feel that way in our lives.  Many would say that even if we do feel that way we should suppress it.  They might tell us that forbidden love
is forbidden
for a reason, but I saw that is nonsense.  I say that if anyone in this class is fortunate enough to feel like this, they should never let it go.”

Liana felt like she was going to swoon.  She felt equal parts
romantic desire and a burning
fire between her legs.  Romance and sex cannot be separated, she knew, and never felt guilty for associating the feelings.

“If you have any questions on the reading, raise your hand, and I will come
to your desk
to off my help,” said Lance.

I can make him
come talk
I have permission to be right beside him. 
Liana decided that she should try to work on the assignment for at least a few minutes instead of just asking for help right away.  She didn’t want to look too obvious.  Her heart was now racing.  She looked
and felt like everyone was watching
like everyone could notice that she
was infatuated
with the teacher.

These questions are hard, too
hard like I’m sure Lance
in certain places. 
She shook her
she couldn’t focus.  She looked back up at her teacher.  He was standing at the front of the class, observing, making sure everyone was on task.  She had to know what it was about this guy.  He wore dress shoes, not the shiny ones, but nice leather ones.  Her gaze went up, noticing his
, black dress pants that did his long muscular legs justice.  His belt matched his pants.  Then Liana looked at his shirt.  He was wearing some
kind of
flannel dress shirt.  Maybe that was part of what turned her on so much. 
He must be
confident in himself to wear that,
she thought,
he looks like a lumberjack. 
There was some
kind of
indefinable quality about him that Liana tried to measure.  His skin tone was tan, sort like a cowboy.  He looked over at her, and she put her head back down.  Liana sat in the front row, so Lance could see everything she did. 

Finally, when Lance sat down and focused on the computer Liana was able to get a good look at his face and
analyze it.  He had a strong
jaw line
, but there was also a softness. 
had blue eyes that were simultaneously piercing and predatory, and also relaxed,
, and calm.  He seemed to embody every
physical characteristic.  He looked sophisticated, yet rugged and masculine.  He looked
and in charge, but also like someone that would listen, and understand.  His face had a lot of
and seemed to have emotional depth.  Liana began to daydream and imagined him carrying her off into the sunset, or sitting with her by a crackling fire at Christmas or walking with her on a beach.  He got up again.  Liana pretended to work.

“Do you have any questions
the assignment,” asked Lance.

Liana’s heart skipped a beat.  There was now no denying the intense physical power that he had over her.  His softest words seemed to melt her.  It was as if he was the personification of every virtue that she had ever admired.  Time
to pass slowly, as the intensity of the moment
to stifle her.

She could not bring herself to speak or even utter a sound, but merely nodded her head and pointed to one of the problems. 

“Oh yes, this one here. 
This is
one of the more tricky
, so you will have to bare with me,” he said with a gentle but intelligent and masculine voice. 

I need to
with him.  I want to BE bare with him,
she thought. 
Why do I keep thinking like this? 
Then like a bolt of lighting it made sense to her.  This man, Lance Hunter, was sex personified to her.  Everyone had their
, the perfect form that no reality could match. 
This was
Liana’s.  But reality matched.  Liana listened as his smooth voice seemed to massage the words, sensualizing the numbers, and the fractions, and the variables.  It didn’t matter, he could read her the phone
and she would be driven wild. 

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