ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (74 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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“Get her on her hands and knees,” Ken finally said.

He moved off her and Troy dragged her panties all the way down to get her completely naked. She was in the control of two dominant men and could do nothing as they manhandled her into position. Ken brushed the hair from her forehead when he got on his knees in front of her. He gripped his cock and spanked it on her lips and she could see it getting stained with the red of her lipstick.

She puckered up for him when he eventually pressed the tip on her mouth and sucked in a breath as he thrust his hips forward. Her lips slid over throbbing veins as he fucked his cock between them and his grip tightened on her hair. The touch of Troy’s erection slapped on her fleshy cheeks and he moved forward to trap his hard length against the crease of her ass. It held her in place as Ken’s onslaught on her mouth grew stronger and she gagged on his cock as he fucked it almost down her throat.

Troy eventually moved back a little and brought the tip of his erection to her swollen lips. She wriggled her ass as her excitement surged and she wanted him. The tease of his cock sliding along her soaked slit lasted only seconds before he plunged his cock inside her wet cunt. The rush of pleasure was intense and she winced as his hand slapped down on her spine. His thrusts were forceful from the start and she was trapped between two men going wild for her big beautiful curves.

Ken gripped tighter on her hair to make her look up at him while he drove his swollen shaft between her soft lips again and again and she knew she’d been right that he wouldn’t stop. Their eyes remained locked together and she sensed the very second it all got too much for him. He brought the tip of his cock to her red lips just as the first burst of cum erupted from him. Thick white streaked across her dark skin and she was held in place as more followed to dirty her mouth and face.

Not that she could have backed off, with Troy’s muscular body crashing against her stout, pudgy ass from behind as he took his pleasure from her. He was giving it as well and his hands now dug in her fleshy hips to hold her in placed as he pounded his cock in her. The flowering of heat in her very center came to a high as the last strings of Ken’s sticky cum showered her face.

Kalisa let out an agonized groan as the orgasm burst to life and ripped through her. Ken’s hard cock spanked on her wide open mouth and she squealed as Troy’s fingers sank deeper in her flesh as he pulled himself all the way inside her to let go with everything. His powerful stream of cum splashed in her quivering pussy and the sound of their groans filled the room as they climbed to a high. Their bodies remained locked together and her pussy tightened around cock to hold it deep inside as his seed continued to pump out.

They shuddered as the sex came to an end, but Troy didn’t move away until the power drained from his erection. Kalisa collapsed to the bed when he released his grip on her body, but then got up quickly.

“I need to shower,” she said.

She saw the way the men were looking at her, with Ken’s gaze on her face while Troy watched the trickle of cum on her thigh. They pointed her to the shower and she was quick to grab her clothes and walk to it. She stared in the mirror after showering.

“Slut,” she said, but a smile flashed across her face and she shivered as she remembered being the center of attention of two men.

Chapter 4

That night marked the start of her life with Troy. He kept his word and drove her to the apartment after the first sex they shared. The money was also in her account the day after she gave him details of what she needed.

It was as simple as that and she found herself living a cosseted life again although she wasn’t reliant on her parents now. Troy worked hard and she met him only occasionally over the next few weeks. It was a slight disappointment, but she was getting ready for college and enjoying life, so she wasn’t complaining. That was until she realized her period hadn’t come. It brought her memories of the sex and how Troy finished inside her. She kicked herself for being so careless and not getting the morning after pill. The pregnancy test confirmed what she feared and she was sure she’d messed things up before they even got started. The thought of an abortion scared her and she couldn’t even bring herself to consider it.

When the phone call came from Troy asking her to attend a charity event with him around a month after they first got together, she knew she would need to tell him the truth and it prayed on her mind as she got ready. The dress that was delivered to the apartment for her to wear was gorgeous, but short and she wondered what was in store for her that evening.

“The dress looks perfect on you,” Troy told her when he met her in the lobby of the Cambridge Hotel.

He kissed her on the cheek and she didn’t get the chance to say what she wanted as she was whisked in to the large reception hall where the event was being staged. She sat quietly through the meal and speeches and Troy eventually leaned across to her as the evening wore on.

“Is everything OK?” he asked.

“We really need to speak,” she said.

“Just wait until the speeches end then,” he told her and she nodded her head.

They walked out to the lobby area when they did and found a quiet corner.

“I…” Kalisa started then hesitated.

“Do you want out of our arrangement?” he asked.

“No,” she replied and paused before going on. “But I think you might?”

“Why?” he asked

“Well, when we met in the hotel the first time, I wasn’t expecting…, you know.”

“To be taken up to a suite,” he said.

“Yeah,” Kalisa replied. “I thought we would just discuss the arrangement and that would be it. I wasn’t expecting to have sex…, so I didn’t take any precautions.”

His eyes narrowed as he stared at her.

“Are you telling me what I think you are?”

“Yes,” she said in a resigned tone. “I’m pregnant.”

“But…, that’s fantastic,” he said.

“What?” she let out in a surprised voice.

“I mean it,” he said. “My wife couldn’t conceive when I was married and while I’ve thought about having kids over the last couple of years, I’ve never met anyone who wanted them. I promise to take care of you if you go through with this.”

“I thought you’d be mad and want to end things,” she said.

“Oh no,” he said and laughed quietly. “In fact we should just make sure it does happen.”

“Huh?” she let out.

He got to his feet and grabbed her hand to pull her up. A confused expression crossed her face as he led her to the quiet hallway with the restrooms. She suddenly realized what was on his mind and came to a stop.

“We can’t,” she said.

“Yes we can,” he said and tugged on her arm to get her to the door of the ladies bathroom. “Check if there’s anyone inside.”

Kalisa heard the hoarse tone of his voice and could tell how much he wanted her. It made it impossible to resist and she stepped inside an empty room. She went to look inside the cubicles to make sure, but there was no one in them.

“It’s empty,” she said when she returned to the door.

She gasped as Troy pushed her inside then followed. His kiss found her lips and the force of it took her breath to make her chest heave when it ended. His eyes dropped to her breasts.

“They’ll get even more luscious,” he said. “And so will you during the pregnancy.”

“Pervert,” she teased him and saw the smile spread across his face.

“You’re going to get bigger and more gorgeous.”

He stepped forward and she backed away from him until she came up against a wall. A kiss ravished her lips and she could make out the hardness of Troy’s erection pressing against her. The surge of longing for him was strong and she was breathing heavily when the kiss ended.

“Get inside,” he said and motioned to the last cubicle.

“We can’t do this,” she said again, but there was no resisting a dominant, lustful man when he made her step inside.

The door slammed shut and the click of the bolt being slid in place trapped them inside. His hands on her shoulders forced her to sit down.

“Nice dress,” he said as he reached out.

Kalisa glanced at the buttons down her front and wondered if he’d been planning the encounter all along. The buttons made it easy to get her dress open to reveal her body and they were quickly being ripped open. She could see the way his erection was straining against his pants and reached out to press her palm on it.

The silky cups of her bra were dragged down to make her large, bulbous tits spill free and she closed her eyes as they were groped. The slight pain of her nipples being tweaked mixed with the pleasure of the touch and she dragged the zipper of Troy’s pants down to get her hand inside. His fingers sank in her soft flesh as she dragged his cock out. He let go of her tits as his stiff shaft was spanked on them and she liked the way he tensed up as his own enjoyment swelled. She unbuttoned his pants to push them down then dragged his underwear out of the way.

“Step forward,” she encouraged him.

She was now as eager as he was for the sex they were about to share. Pushing her breasts together created a deep cleavage and she made a show of letting spit drip on her dark, inky skin then using her fingertips to stroke it in.

“Nice and wet for you,” she said when she looked up and saw the lust in his gaze.

She grabbed his erection to spank it on her lubricated skin then settled it in her cleavage as she squashed her tits together. Troy groaned then bit his bottom lip to cut off the sound as his swollen shaft was enveloped in soft, warm flesh. Kalisa stroked her breasts up and down his erect length and he slapped a hand against the wall as his legs began to tremble.

The thrill of public sex wasn’t lost on her and there was an urgency in them both to take everything they could from it before they were disturbed. Troy began to jab his hips forward and her ample curves were shaken by the force of his thrusts. She ducked her head down to lick on the slick head when it appeared out of the top of her cleavage and enjoyed his taste.

Troy was pressing both hands against the walls of the cubicle as his knees threatened to buckle and he eventually moved back before the excitement overwhelmed him.

“Let me see,” he ordered her as he dropped to his knees.

Kalisa shuddered as she spread her legs and eased her panties to the side to expose herself to him. She groaned as he leaned in to kiss her wet, swollen lips and used her fingers to open her pussy up. Her body tensed as he swept his tongue over slick, pink skin before plunging it in her drenched hole. The touch lashing around inside her brought out her desire and she grabbed his head to hold on as he ravaged her wet pussy. His tongue came out to find her clit and the licking on her hot bud started to drive her crazy. She wanted him so badly it made her push his head away.

“Fuck me now,” she gasped.

She was dragged to her feet and spun around, so she was facing away from Troy. He made her lean forward to present herself to him and shuddered as his hands groped her rounded cheeks through her panties. The silken material was then dragged down her thighs to expose her and fingers groped and mauled at her. She closed her eyes as hard cock was spanked on her ass before it was thrust between her thighs. The way it stroked on her sensitive, swollen skin made her bite her lip to hold in the groan and she waited for the moment she wanted.

Troy reached around to grab her tits and she winced at how tightly he held them as he thrust forward to bury his full length inside her. He ground his muscular midriff against her and the way his cock stirred around inside her slick hole sent ripples of hot pleasure coursing through her veins. His grip on her tits grew stronger as he began to throw himself forward.

Kalisa’s body was rocked by the powerful thrusts and the swell of pure bliss took control of her body until she couldn’t stop shaking. The sound of their naked skin coming together echoed around the small cubicle and the pace of the fucking increased until it was impossible to resist the burning heat between her thighs. She balanced herself on one hand, so she could bring the other to her clit and a single touch was all it needed to ignite her orgasm.

Her body tensed for an instant before she was overwhelmed. She clamped her mouth shut in an attempt to hold in her squeal as she climbed the heights of her passion. Troy’s rampant thrusts fucked his swollen shaft in her quivering pussy and she was lost to the ecstasy when he finally let go. His head rocked back as strong convulsions ripped through him and each one sent a hot stream of cum splashing deep inside her.

She could feel the jerks of his cock and squeezed her pussy around it to help milk every last drop of his cum. Troy groaned when his climax came to an end, but he kept his cock buried in her pussy to take the last of his enjoyment before he eventually stepped back. He was quick to pull Kalisa’s panties up.

“Don’t lose it,” he said and laughed.

“Shut up,” she replied. “I’m already pregnant.”

She turned around and pulled her bra up over her breasts before buttoning her dress.

“It’s going to be such a beautiful baby,” Troy said with a grin.

“You really want it?” Kalisa asked.

Troy nodded his head.

“Yes,” he replied. “So I’ll make sure you have everything you need.”

Kalisa couldn’t stop the question that came out.

“Including you?”

“Yes, including me,” he replied and leaned forward to give her a kiss.




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The Desired



Lexi Summers

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
2.9Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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