ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (69 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 7

The couple spent the day walking around the village. First at the market where Thomas bought her flowers, then a lunch at the small café that was mostly full by the early afternoon every day. Learning to live in the moment, Lila hung on his every word. She took in all that he said, relished in every touch and every kiss. He never stopped kissing her and touching her. Thomas never took his eyes off of her, leaving her feeling exhilarated and desired.

There were other beautiful women in the village, and yet he had chosen her. With his boyish good looks and the mere fact that as a soldier, he was considered the kind of eligible bachelor that women clamored for. Lila wanted him to be with her. She wanted to forget about the fact that he would be leaving her soon. It was more than she could bear to think that this man would disappear into thin air and be a little more than a memory in another day or so.

"A penny for your thoughts," he said as they sat at the café and sipped coffee.

"No. I can't," she replied feeling her cheeks heat.

"Really, you can tell me anything, Lila."

"I was just thinking how much I want the two of us to be together. And I'm just wondering how it is that you pretend that you don't see all of your admirers trying to steal of glimpse of you. Wanting you to look their way."

Thomas shook his head. "You still don't get it do you? I want you. And when a man wants a woman as much as I want you, it does not matter who else is looking his way. His job is to make sure that his woman has no doubt in her mind that he wants her."

She sipped her coffee, letting the words sink in to her soul.

"I get it."

"Do you really, Lila? Do you understand that I want to be with you more than I've ever wanted to be with anyone that I've met in my life?"

"I do."

"Good. Then none of the other things matter."

His hand wrapped around hers, she suddenly felt comforted. So when the waitress came over and offered him a free scone because of being a serviceman, Lila did not feel threatened. And when she smiled in his face, not caring that Lila was seated there with him, Lila was not bothered.

              "Shall we?"

Thomas reached his hand out for her and they strolled away from the café. Walking and talking about nothing in specific, they happened upon the cinema and decided to catch a movie. A recent Spencer Tracy flick and then another with Doris Day. It was so relaxing that Lila finally had the chance to stop thinking about the fact that Thomas would have to ship out soon.

              When the credits rolled on the last film, they had finished the last of their popcorn and Lila knew that it was time to head home.

"Are you sure that we won't spend the night together? I have the evening off because the club is closed."

"I wish I could, my love. But I must be back at the camp in the next hour. I really must get you home safely."

Her heart dropped. He had to leave and they had come to the point in the night that she had been dreading. She wanted to pout and huff and puff like a small child, but she knew that there would be no point in doing so. It would not change anything. He would still have to report to his company and he would still have to leave her side.

"So I guess this is the point in the night when I have to start to accept the fact that the sand in the hourglass is running out."

"Life happens to us all. We knew that this point was coming. Problem is how we will deal with it."

He held her close as they walked, ready to go back to her room. Lila's heart wanted to beg him to stay or run off somewhere with her where he did not have to serve in the war. But his courage and honesty was something that Lila admired about Thomas and she knew that he was the kind of man that had to see his accomplishments through.

She wanted to walk as slowly as possible and do whatever she could to prolong their time together. But it was inevitable that they would part. By the time they reached the boarding house where she lived, her heart had already dropped out of her body. She was not sure how she would say goodbye.

Thomas stood there, gently stroking her hair back while she lay her head on his chest. "This is not truly goodbye. I hope that you know that, my dear Lila."

They kissed, trying to find one last connection before he had to let go. Lila was not sure what she would do when he was no longer in hers. She had grown accustomed to the feeling of his touch over the past day or so and she was not sure how she would get used to not feeling him beside her.

He stood outside of her door and she wanted to ask him inside, just to prolong the moment, but she knew that there would be no reason to do so. He was a man of integrity and he had orders that he would follow to a tee.

"Open the door, Lila. I want to make sure that you go inside."

"Are you sure-,"she began to ask but he put a quieting finger to her lips.

"My love, we knew that this time would come and now that it is here, let's not stay focused on what we are losing. Let's focus on the fact that we were able to find love with one another."

"I don't want to say goodbye, Thomas."

              "And we won't. Let's just say until tomorrow."

"But there is no tomorrow."

"My love," he said, staring her directly in her big brown eyes. "Where there is love, there is always a tomorrow."

Chapter 8

Tearing herself away from Thomas was the hardest thing she'd ever done. She was not sure that she would ever be able to do something like that again. If that was love, she was not sure that she wanted to feel that way. The longing, the sense of loss. Thomas had wanted the two of them to remember what they had gained, not the fact that he had to leave her. That was a fact that the two of them had been painfully aware of when they met and first connected.

As soon as she closed the door, she swung it back open, only to find him walking off down the pathway towards his camp. The painful stabbing in her chest told her that she would have to accept the fact that she had to let him go, at least for the time being.

The night was almost impossible to get through. She kept vigil in the window hoping that Thomas would come back to her just one last time. But he didn't and she knew that she should not expect him to. It would be inappropriate for him to do so and usurp his responsibilities. By the time the moon hung high in the sky, Lila's eyes were tired of crying and she was not sure that she could spend another moment thinking of Thomas. Where was the part when she would think fondly on the time that they'd spent with one another? Right now, pain was taking over and it seemed like she would never get over the fact that she would not be able to see him and touch him everyday.

In her mind, she could not get over the fact that he had gone from the handsome and mysterious stranger to the man that had won her heart. 

A song was in her soul, nagging to get out and she had to release it. Taking a pencil and paper, at sunrise, she ran to the field of wildflowers and sat amongst nature while the words poured from her.

It would be the song that she had to sing tonight in order to set her soul free.

Chapter 9

Lila went on to become a singing sensation and soon had to take her songs and her band on the road. Her smash hit "The Kiss Goodbye" had been the talk of the club for a month and when a music producer came looking for her, she had to take the chance at a better life. It was the reason she'd come to live in France in the first place. Singing took her traveling all over and she felt rewarded by her efforts. Most importantly, she got a chance to sing the song that talked about her love for the one man that had stolen her heart.

She wished each and every night that he was safe while he fought the war and that he would return her heart to her all in one piece.

Then came the day that Europe celebrated Germany's surrender. Entire nations were ecstatic and breathed a collective sigh of relief. Lila's tour was in full force, but she wanted to do one thing. She knew in her heart that he would be back for her.

No matter how far she traveled, Lila kept her room in the small village where she once lived. That was her link to Thomas. He would know how to reach her, how to come back to her. She'd written him letters from all over the world, letting him know that she had been touring and that she was happy. His letters were consistent at first, but then she had not heard from him in months. And now with the war ending, she just knew that she would have to go back and wait for him to return.

              Sitting by the window waiting for him to walk down the road served her no purpose. Louis asked her to come back to the club and sing for a few nights while she was in town. Lila agreed, knowing that she would have to leave in a few days to go finish her tour. She had not received any mail from Thomas and still hoping for the best, she went to sing the song that had made Lila Moreaux a household name.

              Lila sang her heart out, trying her best to see through the smoke filled room, but to no avail. Her beau had not come for her. The war had ended over a month ago and no one had seen the presence of the handsome stranger that had won over her heart. When they'd said goodbye, he'd bid her goodbye until tomorrow and she was still waiting for the day to come. She no longer felt the pain in her heart. Singing The Kiss Goodbye night after nigh had somehow taken the sting away. Now she knew what it was like to have the good memories of the love their shared. It was all that she wanted to keep with her.

So she would not have to walk alone, one of the boys in the band gave her a ride back to her room. They were slated to leave town in another two days. Lila had all but given up hope of seeing Thomas again. Maybe he had moved on and married another and if that was so, she hoped that he was happy.

Once she made it up the stairs to her room, she spotted a single red rose and a note. Running as quickly as she could, she snatched the note from the door and flipped it open.

Her hands trembling so, she could barely read the note.

"It says that I heard your song on the radio. Is it about me? A soldier in the war all the way from Kentucky?"

She closed her eyes, knowing that the voice behind her was that of her beau.

"You came back to me. Thomas, you came back."

"Woman, I told you that it was not goodbye. It was until tomorrow. Well, now tomorrow has come. Is that alright with you?"

He picked her up in his arms, immediately kissing the woman that he loved.

"I waited for you."

"I came back to you. So I guess we make a good pair."

His smile, the dimple, those boyish good looks. The way he kissed her and left her no doubt that he only had eyes for her.

"I think we do," she replied.

"I'm back and I promise you Lila Moreaux, I will never ever let you go. If that's okay with you."

Her love had come back, just like he said that he would. And this time when he promised not to let her go, he could make good on it.

"I would not have it any other way, my love."

"Good. Now woman open that door and sing that song for me."

Lila unlocked the door singing the song that she'd written for Thomas.




He loves me

There's no doubt

He needs me

Can't go without

Tells me when he leaves

That it's not for long

His love's so good

No way it's wrong

Tells me he will never leave

My loves the reason why

He can kiss me til tomorrow

But never kiss me goodbye




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Business As Unusual



Lexi Summers

Business As Unusual

Chapter 1

              Growing up, Lara Parks didn’t have it easy. Her British father left her and her African mother for another woman when she was only a child. Still, her mother Bella had worked day and night to see to it that Lara was given the basics that any young girl of her age would want. Lara had her own goals and she was sure that some day she would achieve them. She looked much more like her mother with milk chocolate skin and curves in the right places that any man would stop to take a second look.

Lara had been very honest in her phone interview with her prospective employer that she worked as a temporary secretary and had been attending night school to enhance her knowledge in the administrative field in hopes of becoming a fully-fledged administrative or executive assistant. This was her dream and she was adamant that she reach it.

Fortunately she had her best friend Diana to thank for having brought the newspaper ad about the interview at D’Frank Financiers. She had prepared herself very carefully for the interview, having read everything she could lay her hands on about D’Frank Financiers – the way they did business, their clientele, their performance on the stock exchange and how their shares traded. But most of all she had read all about the CEO and owner James D’Frank. He was seen frequently in the tabloids with a different brunette or blonde wrapped around his arm. In the business magazines he was different – always looking ruthless and determined as if he wanted to conquer the world of finance, which secretly Lara thought was his intention.

By time the interview approached, Lara was ready. She wore a gorgeous second hand pale blue linen designer suit and had her thick black hair blow-dried and straightened. She did her own make up and was very happy with how she presented herself prior to this monumental moment. It was just the image she was going for: professional, well groomed, and a little bit sassy. When her mother entered her room to take a look at her daughter, a tear rolled down her cheek. “You look so beautiful my dear,” Bella said proudly. As she helped Lara get prepared for the interview, all she could do was smile. 

Her interviewer Veronica Damon was dressed in a stern black trouser suit with black high-heeled shoes. Her red hair was cut in a neat oval shape that matched her face and eyes.

“Mr. D’Frank would prefer someone who has even a slight knowledge of Japanese,” said Veronica.

“Oh, I was not aware. That was not in the advertisement nor was it mentioned to me when we spoke on the phone yesterday,” Lara replied.

“Mr. D’Frank has his reservations about putting everything we require in the advertisement. It gives us the ability to analyze applicants when they arrive for the interview and determine if they are a good cultural fit for D’Frank Financiers,” said Veronica somewhat condescendingly.

“Which means I don’t fit the bill?” said Lara.

“Well I did not say that, said Veronica shrugging her shoulders.

Lara stood up, tears threatening to fall, but she held her head high and thanked Veronica for her time. As she walked out of the office, her eyes a blur, she did not see the person in front of her. She bumped into a hard masculine chest, whose owner broke Lara’s fall by taking hold of her hands and pinning them to his body.

“I am so sorry, how clumsy of me. I was not looking where I was going,” she exclaimed brushing the tears off her face.

“Why are you crying?” asked her rescuer.

“Oh it’s just that James D’Frank thinks that he could waste my time by bringing me to his office for an interview only to be patronized by who I’m guessing is one of his bedmates…I am sorry, I should not have blurted that out, especially to a complete stranger. Please excuse me…” said Lara as she walked around the tall man’s well built body. The man stepped aside so Lara could make her exit. He turned back and smiled as he walked into the office that Veronica had interviewed Lara in.

“Who was that who just left?” asked James D’Frank pointing to the door.

“That was one of the women I interviewed,” Veronica replied firmly.

“So what was wrong with her?” asked James. Veronica shook her head. “She does not know a word of Japanese and I thought that was a big negative in her favor.”

James looked at Veronica and smiled. “Why is it that you still have not found me an executive assistant?” asked James in a joking manner.

Veronica looked directly into the eyes of the man who she had been bedded several times. “I don’t know, I guess the right candidate has just not come along yet.”

Can I have the woman’s application and credentials please?” James asked amusingly.

Veronica thrust a file at James. “Here you go,” she said with some attitude.

James walked into his room and threw the file on to his table. After pouring himself a glass of scotch, he sat down, heaved his legs on to the table, and reached across for the file.  “Lara Parks, not bad at all,” he murmured as he read the rest of her application and supporting documents. Picking up his mobile, he dialed Lara’s number. Lara was back home and fuming that her time had been wasted.

“Hello Miss Parks,” came a deep voice.

“Hello,” Lara replied somewhat confused.

“I believe you came for an interview to D’Frank Financiers this morning. Mr. D’Frank has reviewed your application and would like to interview you himself. Would tomorrow at nine be alright with you?” asked James.

Lara hesitated. “Thank you but I was told that I am unqualified for the job, so to make the best use of everyone’s time, it’s probably best that I pass,” Lara responded having no idea that it was James on the line. 

“Oh no but Mr. D’Frank insists that he sees you,” said the man.

Lara paused. She had nothing to lose at this point and the man made it seem quite promising. “Okay, tell him I will be there tomorrow at nine. Thank you for the call,” Lara said enthusiastically as she hung up. She was both confused and excited. Something told her that this was going to be worth her time.


Chapter 2

              James D’Frank was a very determined personality and always seemed what he wanted. He was ruthless when it came to business and was never short of women. He had his pick of them all, but he never been with a black woman.

              He looked at his watch and then at the door. Veronica was tending to her sick mother that morning and would not be in until late afternoon. Sarah, the office temp was covering in Veronica’s place.

Lara walked into the office and locked eyes with Sarah as they exchanged smiles. She was relieved to see that Veronica was not around. “Good morning, I’m here to see Mr. D’ Frank,” said Lara.

“Oh yes, Mr. D’ Frank is expecting you Miss Parks. Please proceed right into his office.”

              Lara entered the room and looked around in awe at the expensive materials and beautiful fabrics, which dripped from every curtain. It was clear that Mr. D’Frank was a very wealthy man. Although, she was already well aware of this as her research had confirmed that he owned one of the most lucrative finance companies in New York.

              “Miss Parks, if you are finished admiring my office, we can proceed with the interview,” came a deep voice that made Lara jump. She turned around and came face to face with the man she had met in the reception area the previous day. “…” she stammered. “Yes, I’m James D’Frank. Pleasure to meet you, again,” he said smiling. He stood roughly six foot two with seductive charcoal black eyes and a perfect masculine figure. He looked like a Calvin Klein model. His jet-black hair was slicked back with a generous portion of gel.

              Lara was kicking herself inside for not realizing who he was the day prior when she bumped into him.

“Please, take a seat Miss Parks,” said James pointing to a set of plush sofas across his room. Everything about him and his environment screamed wealth. Lara walked toward the sofa, her feet sinking deep into the plush carpets. “How I wish I could remove my shoes and feel the softness of these carpets,” thought Lara to herself as she settled down on a sofa and cross her legs.

James watched Lara cross her legs and was overcome by a feeling of sexual tension. His groin tightened as he wished he could run his tongue along her shapely, smooth legs. 

Lara looked at James and wondered what he was thinking, while completely mesmerized by his smile and those supple lips that made his smile so sexy. Lara contained herself and looked at James in a stern, professional manner.

“I’ve reviewed your application and resume, very impressive.” He continued. “Now you are aware that this is a full time position, Monday to Friday beginning at nice a.m. sharp. I’m looking for someone very tactful and committed to their work. We take a lot of pride in our team and compensate employee’s well for their hard work and loyalty,” said James looking directly into Lara’s eyes.

“I understand Mr. D’Frank,” replied Lara.


“Oh, and there no formal names like Mr. D’Frank. Just call me James, we’re very casual around here.”

Lara smiled and nodded affirmatively.

“Well that’s settled. Can you start today?” asked James.

Lara looked at him wide-eyed. “Today?” she asked.

“Yes today, unless of course you have a lunch date with your boyfriend, in that case, you can start tomorrow,” James responded, testing the waters a bit.

“I don’t have a boyfriend Mr….D’…..James,” said Lara smiling. “I would be happy to start today.

“Very good. Do you mind waiting until Veronica arrives? She should be here by eleven,” said James. 

“No problem, Lara replied happily.

Right at eleven on the dot, Veronica arrived to find Lara sitting in the waiting area. “Hi, what are you doing here? I thought we had our interview yesterday,” said Veronica with a sneer in her voice.

Before Lara could answer James walked into the main reception area. “Veronica, Lara’s going to start working with us today. Can you please orient her on her daily tasks and give her the list of files,” said James as he walked out of the office and headed for the elevators. Veronica looked at Lara and shrugged.

Veronica pulled out a few files and put them on the table before Lara. “Study these,” she commanded.  Lara took one file and opened it. “Why is Veronica so rude?” she thought to herself.

Veronica inspected Lara as she glanced through the files. Veronica was clearly jealous at the fact that such a beautiful girl was chosen as James new executive assistant.

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