ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (72 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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The Wanted



Lexi Summers

The Wanted

Chapter 1

Kalisa slammed the front door of the house shut and determinedly stopped the tears that threatened to spill from the corner of her eyes. She didn’t look back as she walked away, but was only half way down the wide gravel driveway when the doubts began to surface. She was now twenty years old and she had grown used to the sheltered and cosseted lifestyle her parents provided. The thought of living without their help wasn’t something she’d ever considered, but it seemed she might now need to. Previous disagreements with her strict parents typically ended in her caving in and doing what they wanted, but she knew it needed to be different this time. It was her life and her choice, so for once she wasn’t about to be railroaded into something she didn’t want to do.

That thought made her keep going as she stepped through the gates at the bottom of the driveway. There was still the slightest of hopes that a shout might call her back, but it didn’t happen and she walked away from the house. There was only one place she knew to go so she went to the stop at the end of the street to catch a ride.

The bus was almost empty of passengers when it arrived and Kalisa just dropped down on the first seat she came to. She stared out of the window as the journey progressed, but didn’t really take in any of the passing sights as she thought about what she was doing. In truth, she knew it would be difficult, if not impossible, to go through with her plans. That didn’t stop her walking out on her parents in a fit of anger, however, and she was in no mind to return.

As the bus approached the stop she wanted, she got up to walk to the door and rang the bell. She stepped down to the sidewalk when the vehicle came to a complete halt then walked the rest of the way to her friend’s apartment.

“Argued with your parents, did you?” Destiny said with a rueful smile when she opened the door.

“Can’t I just visit a friend?” Kalisa replied.

“Carrying a case?” Destiny pointed out as she glanced down at the bag her friend was holding.

“Oh yeah,” Kalisa said and gave an embarrassed smile. “OK…, I argued with my parents.”

Destiny shook her head as she moved out of the way to let Kalisa step inside. The door was closed and they walked along to a small lounge.

“So…, what happened this time?” Destiny asked.

Kalisa dropped her bag on the floor and moved to throw herself down on the sofa.

“They told me which university I was going to.”

“And you didn’t agree with their choice, I take it?” Destiny replied.

“Things have been rumbling on for weeks, but came to a head this evening. My mom is set on me following in her footsteps and going to the university she attended to study accountancy. She sees it as a stable career that will serve me well.”

“Oh shit,” Destiny said and put a hand to her mouth to stop the laugh coming out. “Accountancy sounds so dull.”

“Tell me about it,” Kalisa said and made a show of shuddering. “In fact, I can’t think of anything worse. They know my preference is for English literature and creative writing, but they don’t see that as a sensible subject that will get me a good job. I ignored their opinion and put in for the course I wanted to do at a local college and got the news today that my application was accepted.”

“And your parents didn’t take the news very well,” Destiny said.

“They went ballistic,” Kalisa said and grimaced. “We had a massive argument and they said if I was old enough to apply for the course without telling them then I was mature enough to see it through on my own…, without their help.”

“They threatened to cut you off,” Destiny let out in an incredulous voice.

“I think that was basically the gist of it, so I walked out,” Kalisa replied and threw herself back on the sofa. “It’s a disaster,” she went on in a pained voice as she put her hands over her face.

“Sounds like you burned your bridges,” Destiny said.

“Oh no” Kalisa let out in a panicked voice. “I’ve really made a mess of things.” She stood up and started to pace restlessly.

“Calm down,” Destiny urged. “Things aren’t that bad.”

“Are you crazy?” Kalisa responded. “I just walked out on my parents and I have the total sum of around one hundred dollars in my bank account. Things couldn’t be any worse. What am I going to do?”

“Get a job,” Destiny replied. “Plenty of people work their way through college.”

“I really wanted to commit myself to studying full time, so I could give it my best shot,” Kalisa went on. “I never really considered having to work.”

“With a hundred dollars in the bank, you’ll have to do something to make some money,” Destiny pointed out. “The alternative is going cap in hand to your parents.”

Kalisa let out a squeal of distress at the last comment and shook her head.

“I can’t do that now,” she replied then let out a humorless laugh when the idea came to her. “What I need is a rich boyfriend.”

“Would you do that?” Destiny asked.

“I was joking,” Kalisa pointed out.

“Yeah, I guessed that,” Destiny went on. “But would you be prepared to hook up with a guy for money.”

Kalisa’s brow creased as she frowned and her eyes narrowed as she stared at her friend.

“Why?” she asked hesitantly.

Destiny was silent for a few seconds, as if she was considering going on although she eventually shook her head.

“No, just forget it,” she said.

The glimmer of hope flickered in Kalisa’s mind.

“Don’t tease me by saying something then leave me hanging,” she blurted out. “Just tell me.”

“I’m not sure you would go for it,” Destiny replied.

“Go for what?” Kalisa pleaded.

Her friend let out a sigh then was silent again, but she finally started speaking.

“Do you remember when I lost my job a couple of years ago?” she asked.

“How could I forget,” Kalisa replied. “It took you about five months to find a new one.”

“Yeah, well after a couple of months with no salary I was already struggling to pay the rent and in danger of being kicked out of this apartment,” Destiny went on.

“You managed to pay it though,” Kalisa said. “You’re still here.”

“I never told you how I coped though, did I?”

The tone of Destiny’s voice made Kalisa look closely. Her friend sounded slightly embarrassed.

“What did you do?”

“I joined a sugar daddy dating website,” Destiny confessed.

“You’re kidding me,” Kalisa let out.

“No,” Destiny replied. “An ex-work colleague told me about it, so I decided to check it out.”

“And…?” Kalisa encouraged.

“And it’s a site where younger women can put their details up for the chance to hook up with an older man.”

“It sounds seedy,” Kalisa commented.

“Yeah, I thought that at first,” Destiny went on. “But from my experience, it’s just wealthier guys looking for a simple way to find companionship in their busy lives.”

“You met someone?” Kalisa said in an astonished voice.

“I met a few,” Destiny admitted. “But only really went out with one. He was a nice guy and helped me with my rent until I got another job. We used to go out for dinner.”

“What?” Kalisa let out in a disbelieving voice. “That was it.”

“Of course not,” Destiny said with a smirk. “He had a kink about little ebony girls and I fitted the bill perfectly for him.”

“You slept with him?” Kalisa asked in a hushed voice.

“Oh yeah,” Destiny went on and let out an unabashed laugh. “He was something else in bed. We meet up occasionally even now.”

“Does he still give you money?” Kalisa asked.

“I don’t need it,” Destiny said. “We hook up because we stayed friends…, with benefits. He buys me gifts sometimes just to be nice I guess, but nothing more than that. If you’re looking for a way to fund your way through college without the help of your parents, it’s something you should consider.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Kalisa let out, but her mind was already ticking over.

Her strict upbringing and controlling parents meant that her experience with boys was limited. She was no blushing virgin, but the fantasies she usually masturbated to were about being a teasing, naughty girl and they didn’t exactly match up to her real life fumbled experiences with boys her own age.

When she made the comment about finding a rich boyfriend, she really had been joking and Destiny’s story was a revelation. The fears about doing it filled her mind, but there was also a certain allure to it that she couldn’t deny.

“I might have ebony skin like you,” she eventually let out. “But I’m not a little girl.”

“So?” Destiny replied. “Not every guy likes petite girls. Haven’t you ever heard of the fetish for big beautiful women? Guys into that would die to meet you.”

“Get out of here,” Kalisa scoffed.

“Seriously,” Destiny countered. “You have a really pretty face and I would love to have the impressive curves you boast.”

“I’m too chubby,” Kalisa almost wailed.

“But look at the boobs and butt it gives you,” Destiny said and giggled. “Guys must dream about getting their hands and more on them when they see you.”

“You really think so?” Kalisa asked.

“Sure I do,” Destiny answered. “Just come and have a look at the website. I still have my login details and it’s not like you have to do anything if you don’t want to.”

She got to her feet and walked to where her computer was set up on a desk in the corner of the room. Kalisa stood to follow and her eyes opened wide as she watched the pages being opened.

“Some of those girls are practically showing everything in the lingerie they are wearing.”

“I know,” Destiny said and laughed. “But I guess it gets them invitations to meet. Girls can submit their details and are provided with secure login information to the site if they are accepted. You can’t see the men that are members, but they are able to check the details of the girls and get in touch with any that interest them. When you login, you can view the messages sent to you and can also respond to them if you want.”

“It sounds easy,” Kalisa said.

“It’s simple to send your details,” Destiny said. “I did it in twenty minutes and was accepted about two hours after.”

“I’m not sure,” Kalisa said hesitantly.

“Well, you can always get a job or…, go to your parents for help,” Destiny remarked pointedly.

The words spurred Kalisa to action.

“What do I do?” she asked.

Destiny brought a form up on the screen then got to her feet.

“Take a seat and fill out your details.”

Kalisa sat down and started by typing her name at the top of the form. The questions were fairly straight forward and she worked through them easily. There was a sense of anticipation to what she was doing and it wasn’t all about the chances of meeting someone that might help her get through college. Her vivid fantasies about someone worshiping her body always got her turned on and the idea that she might meet someone that shared them was a thrilling prospect. She filled in the information for the last question before turning.

“I’m fini…” Her words ground to an abrupt halt when she saw the digital camera in her friend’s hand. “I’m not stripping to my underwear,” she squealed.

“I’m not expecting you to,” Destiny replied. “But undo a couple of buttons on your blouse. We want to show the guys what a luscious young lady you are.”

“Shut up,” Kalisa groaned, but went ahead and did as she was told.

“Hitch the hem of your skirt up too,” Destiny went on as she peered through the viewfinder. “We want your pretty legs on show.”

Kalisa couldn’t contain the slight trickle of excitement that grew stronger as she eased the hem of her skirt up.

“I don’t look too slutty do I?” she asked.

“You look the perfect combination of innocent and slutty that men like,” Destiny teased her. “Now show me that cute smile.”

Kalisa posed for the picture and got the camera to look at it.

“I’m showing a lot of skin,” she said.

“It’s smooth, ebony skin,” Destiny shot back. “Oh boy, the men that love big beautiful women are going to be clamoring for a date with you. Get out of my way.”

Kalisa got up and watched as Destiny sat and used a cable to connect the camera to the computer. The picture was saved and uploaded to the site in minutes.

“Are you sure about this?” Destiny asked.

Kalisa hesitated, but the thought of having to go to her parents helped make up her mind.

“Send it,” she said and watched as it was done.

Chapter 2

Destiny went to get a bottle of wine and they sat chatting while they drank. It passed a couple of hours quickly and it was almost ten in the evening when they decided to call it a day.

“Can we check if I’ve been accepted before we go to bed?” Kalisa asked and giggled.

“You’re keen.” Destiny teased her.

“Maybe I’ll get lucky,” she retorted.

“Yeah OK,” Destiny said and walked over to the computer to bring up the site. “You have been accepted,” she went on less than thirty seconds later.

“You’re kidding me,” Kalisa said and got up to move across to where her friend was sitting.

“No kidding,” Destiny replied. “Let me try your login details.” She signed in and let out a laugh before she spoke again. “You already have a message. It was more than a day before I got my first one. Someone must have it bad for you to get in touch so quickly.”

She opened the message and the pair of them read it. Destiny then glanced over her shoulder at her friend.

“You have to answer this.”

“It’s the first message,” Kalisa replied in a reluctant voice.

“Trust me,” Destiny went on. “I read through enough replies when I used the site to recognize a good one when I see it.”

She returned her attention to the screen and scrolled down. It was only then that they saw the photograph. The man they were staring at was likely in his forties and twice Kalisa’s age, but there was no doubt he was blessed with good genes. His dark hair was cropped short and even though his chin was shaved clean, there still appeared to be dark stubble that gave him a rugged appearance. This was accentuated by his muscular physique, which could be all too clearly made out in the tight, white sports vest he was wearing.

“I can’t imagine anyone not replying to this guy,” Destiny let out. “If he really wants to meet you…, can I go in your place? He’s something else.”

“Do you think that’s really him?” Kalisa asked.

“Oh yeah,” Destiny said. “I think the guys lose their membership if they give false details.”

“But he said he was a billionaire in his message,” Kalisa let out in a disbelieving tone.

“Then I guess that’s what he is,” Destiny said. “Mind you, I’ve never heard of a Troy Carter.”

“Do an internet search for him,” Kalisa said. She couldn’t take her eyes of the picture and a ripple of anticipation slipped down her spine.

Destiny brought up a search page and typed in his name.

“Plenty of results,” she said and clicked on the first one. “It says he made his fortune in money management. I guess he’s a stock picker.” She kept clicking through the links. “He married young and it lasted ten years before they split. It appears he likes to play the field now and is considered something of a ladies man. He has a reputation as a bit of a bad boy and no one has managed to tie him down apparently. Most of the details about his private life say he is still single.”

“Why would he try to find someone through a sugar daddy website?” Kalisa asked.

“Who knows,” Destiny answered. “Maybe there are no girls quite as gorgeous as you in his world. Most of the skinny bitches hooking up with wealthy men that I see in the celebrity pages look like they need a good meal. You might be exactly what Troy Carter wants and needs in his life.”

“You think?” Kalisa said.

“Only one way to find out,” Destiny said. “She hit the reply button and typed a message for Kalisa that said she’d be more than happy to meet whenever he wanted if he gave a time and place.”

It was sent straight away and she then wrote down the login details.

“All you can do now is wait,” Destiny said then closed down the computer before getting up.

“This is crazy,” Kalisa said. “I came here tonight just looking for a friendly voice and somewhere to stay.”

She squealed as her rounded, fleshy butt was spanked.

“You might be about to get a lot more than that hot girl,” Destiny said and giggled.

Kalisa couldn’t quite believe that was true, but her fantasies about meeting Troy Carter took hold as she lay in bed that night. Her real intention was to find a wealthy benefactor that would be prepared to help her through her college years, but after seeing the picture of the man that got in touch so quickly, it wasn’t just his money that was on her mind. In the end she knew there was no point in getting ahead of herself, as it might all come to nothing.

She found out that wasn’t the case almost straight away the following morning. Destiny had already left for work, so Kalisa was in the apartment on her own. It was still three weeks before the English literature course got underway and it left her at a loose end. She started the day by going to the small kitchen to make herself a black coffee, but Troy Carter was all she could think about the second she walked in the lounge and saw the computer.

Walking across to it, she sat down and powered it up. It was a few seconds before the screen came to life and she looked at the paper on the desk to check the details Destiny wrote down. Bringing up the website, she used her login details and froze the instant she saw there was a reply to the message sent the night before.

“Shit,” she let out as her nerves spiked and she wished Destiny was there.

Her friend wouldn’t return home until after five, so she used the mouse to click on the message and her mouth almost hung open after she read it. She was on her feet immediately to get her phone, so she could speak to her friend.

“Troy Carter wants to meet me tonight?” she let in a panicked voice when her call was answered.

“He messaged you already?” Destiny let out.

“Yes, I just opened it,” Kalisa replied.

“What did it say?”

“He wants to meet me at the Hamilton Hotel at eight tonight,” Kalisa answered.

“Wow, that place is pretty exclusive,” Destiny said.

“I know,” Kalisa let out. “What the hell will I wear? I don’t have anything.”

“Look, I can’t do anything just now,” Destiny said. “I have to work, but I’ll make sure I’m home by five. Just send him a message that you’ll be there then get your nice dresses out and I’ll help you pick something. Get showered before I arrive and I’ll do your makeup too.”

“Sure, I’ll be ready.”

The line went dead and Kalisa looked at her phone. She wasn’t sure how she would get through the rest of the day and she didn’t think she owned any nice dresses. There was no point in rushing to get her clothes out right away, so she tried to relax and drink her coffee. She then went to read the message again, but there was really no more to it than the invitation to the hotel. Her hands trembled as she typed a response then sent it.

She found herself dreaming about Troy Carter as the day wore on and she went to look at his picture in the early afternoon. The flicker of excitement was there again as she stared at it.

“What do you want from me?” she asked.

The thoughts that came in her head in answer to her own question made the warmth burn on her cheeks. Destiny met a man with a kink for little ebony girls and she wondered if Troy Carter fantasized about big beautiful ebony girls. She was amazed that she found herself hoping he did and already knew that she was interested in much more than just his help getting through college. It made her cheeks burn hotter and the idea that she was going to give him whatever he wanted flashed through her head before she cleared it away.

“He might just want a dinner date,” she let out under her breath, but suspected she was kidding herself.

Troy Carter appeared to be an alpha male that went after and got what he wanted and she suspected that she might very well be on the menu. If they made a deal, she was sure there would be more than just dinner involved. It brought her fantasies of what she might be getting herself into and the surprise was how much she wanted her dreams to come true.

“Slut,” she teased herself when she looked in the bathroom mirror later on as she got ready to have a shower.

The slippery touch of her soap-covered hands made her shiver, but she washed quickly then got out to dry herself. It was almost five, so she just kept the towel wrapped around her while she waited. Destiny was true to her word and came home at five o’clock.

“I bought you a present,” she said when she came in the bedroom.

Kalisa took the bag handed to her and looked inside. She let out a laugh as she brought out the pale yellow panties and bra.

“I can’t wear these,” she said. “They won’t cover anything.”

“That’s the idea,” Destiny replied. “Nothing will likely happen the first time you meet, but you might as well be prepared.”

“You’re telling me I should sleep with him,” Kalisa joked.

“I would,” Destiny said and giggled. “But I don’t think it’s little girls like me he’s into. Put on the underwear.”

The tingle of anticipation was strong when Kalisa did as she was told. Destiny then did her hair and makeup and they chose a short, dark red dress that clung to her figure.

“You look fantastic,” Destiny said.

Kalisa looked in the mirror and liked what she saw. She wasn’t one for wearing much makeup usually, but it really did bring out her pretty looks. Her dark hair hung over her shoulders and the dress really did show off her rounded curves. It was the sexiest she could ever remember feeling in a long time.

“I need some wine,” she said.

Destiny went to open a bottle and they each enjoyed a couple of glasses as they chatted.

“I’m really nervous about this,” Kalisa said when she eventually got up.

“It’s just a first meeting,” Destiny replied. “Just stay calm and see what he says. It might come to nothing. I met a few guys just once before I finally found the man that helped me.”

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