ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (26 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 3

Downstairs, in the kitchen, Veronica was looking for food for Maddox. He was always hungry, and he’d literally ask anyone to get his meal for him. She held the lantern as far as her arm could extend, and then swayed it slowly, scrutinising the entire place for a starving cat.

“Oh, there… look, Maddox, there’s a piece of fish on the table. Go, and have that one. I’m sure Dion wouldn’t mind.” True Dion wouldn’t mind because it wasn’t his. It was Jessica’s left over from last night which she was intending to eat this morning.

While Maddox made his way up to the table, she turned her gaze around the kitchen and noticed that it was darker down here than a usual kitchen she’d seen before. She felt like she was in a dungeon, deprived of natural light. In a spur of a moment, an empty can fell down to the floor without anyone touching it. Fearful, she turned the lantern back to Maddox direction, and sure enough, it wasn’t him who dropped the can, but who was it? She was certain she left Dion sleeping, but she was heedless, he never slept.

A train of fingers gripped her waist, pressing her flat stomach sumptuously as if teasing her to respond in a lecherous way. She held her breath as she smelt that familiar scent of a magnolia flower. Her mother used to make perfumes out of magnolia flowers and used it on her. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she remembered her parents, but when a group of arms wrapped themselves around her, she was convinced her mother was not ghosting. And then, a strong well-built body pushed itself against her. Her eyes widened as she felt a man’s shaft pressing against her bottom, and a cold mouth travelled to her neck. Petrified – she stood there like a statue, letting a stranger feast on her.

“Veronica…” a sound whispered to her ears.

Reluctant, she exhaled after recognising his voice. “Dion… Is it you?”

“Indeed, it’s me. I hope you don’t mind me embracing you. Since I first laid my eyes on you, I’ve always wanted to feel your body, your warmth, your… love.” His voice sounded needy, but firm.

“Is that the reason you purchased me?”

“I didn’t purchase you. I saved you. You are an unaffordable diamond, Veronica… You’re priceless.”

She blushed, a little sceptical of his statement. She placed her other hand over his while still holding the lantern. “Please, don’t make me hopeful. I don’t want to fall in love with you. We can’t be together, Dion… You’re a royal blood, and I-I am just a peasant, born to be a slave. So please, for the sake of my sanity, stop now.”

He felt the sting of her sincerity. Listening to her heartbeat, he knew she loved him too. He took his grip off her waist and placed his hands over her shoulders as he turned her to him. Facing him now, she held up the lantern to shed light to his glorious beauty. Her eyes glistened as she saw his noble appearance. His lips were tender and succulent. She looked at him straight in the eyes as to convey her hidden interest on him.

“Veronica… I want you to be mine. Are you willing to be so?” He caressed her smooth cheek, fascinated with her dark colour. Her skin felt no different with his other white concubines.

“I’ve always been yours… You bought me for a great price, and please, do as you please. My trust is upon you,” she carried her hand up to meet his and then caressed it as well to show her union.

After a couple of seconds, Dion could no longer keep it all in. He quickly jumped into her and pulled her in against him. Still holding the lantern, she let him devour her lips, taste her saliva, and feel her longing be filled with such forbidden love under society’s decree. They exchanged kisses, eating each others’ lips, and accentuating how they needed one another.

Veronica traversed her hand over his head, pulling his hair modestly as to show her eagerness to feel him inside her. She tilted her head as to allow Dion to work on her neck. From licking her ears down to her neck, he sucked them clean, tasting every flavour she had on her skin. It was good that she took a bath yesterday.

“Meowww…” Maddox warned, but the two kept on sharing their lust.

In the brink of taking her corset off, a stern and abhorred voice spoiled the moment. “Ehem…” Jessica coughed pretentiously. She wasn’t jealous as she already accepted the truth that she was passed the age of making love with any man.

“Jessica…” Dion turned with his eyes wide open. He didn’t sense her coming.

Veronica stooped down, ashamed to be caught committing adultery. She wiped her lips to show her repentance, but Jessica wasn’t persuaded. Maddox, on the other hand, sat next to Veronica to show his support.

“Please, respect my sanctuary. This is the only undefiled place in this mansion, so please, for goodness sake, spare this area.” She looked at Veronica with an intense look in her eyes, but Dion knew Jessica was not going to hurt her. She was too gentle to do so…

“Pardon us! We’re departing now,” he said with such meekness in his voice, something Jessica had never heard before. By the looks in his face, she knew Veronica captivated his heart.

Dion brought his gaze at Veronica who was still stooping down. “Veronica, let’s depart from this place…” But she did not quite hear him because in her head, she just broke her oath to her parents.

“Don’t worry about her. I’ll take care of her for you.” Jessica cut in.

He was hesitant to leave her behind for the fear that Jessica would tell everything about him. He’d been waiting for her all this time, and now that she was finally here, he’d let no one take her away from him. Meet his death before they could even lay their hands on her.

“With all sincerity, I trust that you’ll take care of her, Jessica. And…” he paused, wondering if he should warn her or not, “please, mind my privacy.” She knew what exactly what he meant. But would she do it, though?

She nodded, agreeing with him. As immediate as his departure, Jessica brought her gaze back at Veronica. “Veronica…”

Veronica looked up to meet the old woman’s gaze. “Yes? I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to have an affair with your son…” she quickly explained. She did not even know who Jessica was.

“He’s not my son. He’s… well, I guess he’s just my friend now. Don’t worry, I don’t judge. I know you love him, don’t you?” She smiled, exposing her perfectly aligned white teeth.

“Ha? Ummm… I guess I’ve fallen in love with him the moment he purchased me. I can’t explain it, but he’s so kind and I-I…” she was lost for words, but Jessica understood her nervousness. It became clear to her why Dion protected her so much. Veronica had that unique attitude that was so likeable. Her humble character made her irresistible to adore, even Jessica had fallen in love with her submissive nature.

“It’s alright, you don’t need to explain yourself. All I want for you is to be safe and happy. I know he loves you, and I know you do too, right?”

“Indeed. I do…”

Jessica moved forward. Veronica trembled as she saw the old lady swung her arms in the mid-air.
She’s going to slap me
, she thought. But when Jessica wrapped her arms around her, only then, Veronica fathomed Jessica’s heartfelt concern for her. She was moved, and in awe of the beldam’s generosity.

“Don’t worry, he’ll take care of you for the rest of your life. Be strong and persistent. Move according to your will,” Jessica whispered to her ears, as she imparted a wholehearted hug to comfort Veronica’s troubled spirit.

Veronica was astounded. Nothing she could do now, but to return that sacred embrace to the old woman. “Thanks!” Then she closed her eyes and wept in thankfulness. Her life was changed.

Dion, for the first time, shed tears for Jessica’s munificence. How he’d wished to have been kinder to her, but it was too late now. He was just around the corner, listening to the ladies’ conversation.

Chapter 4

Almost naked, Veronica spread her legs to allow Dion to take off her panty. Shirtless, he slid her underwear out, gliding it on her endless legs. He threw it away to the tiled shiny floor. She cleaned it the other day as she couldn’t stand the dirt. He held her legs wide open, stretching them as far as they could to see the full view of her pussy.

Veronica rolled her eyes at the back of her head as she felt sharp teeth biting on her clitoris. Dion sipped on her vagina, playing with her vulva’s tongue as he looked up and saw her biting her lips, enjoying her first time experience with the man she had always dreamed of. She led her hands over his head as she began pulling his hair when he started munching on her pussy in an extreme speed that made her feel pissing.

“You like that, Veronica?” he asked, making sure she was having the ride of her life, an experience she’d never forget.

“Yes, I do… aaargh…” she moaned in desirous pleasure as the sensation increased. Not in a million years, she’d ever thought sex would feel as good as it was now. She gasped for air as Dion bit the lips of her front bottom, savouring the sizzling intimacy between them.

He lifted his body up. Veronica opened her eyes as she noticed he stopped feeding on her. She squinted her eyes to see what he was doing. Dion should’ve let the lanterns on so that she could see things properly.

“Dion…” she called out quietly.

“Sit up, and take my pants off,” he commanded with an authoritative tone.

“Pardon? Why…?” she wondered, trying to figure out what he had in mind.

“Just do it. You’d be glad you did…” he assured her.

Unaware of what to take place, she still trusted him. So she rose up and probed for him. In the darkness, she pulled his pants down while he was kneeling against the bed. Her heart sank down as soon as she touched his cock. It was hard as a rock, but soft and tender at the same time. She gulped in fear that his dick will enter her tight vagina.

“Dion, what would you like me to do with it?” she asked with naïve intention like a child seeing pencil for the first time.

“Suck it. It tastes good better than it looks, I promise…”

“Ummm… I’m not sure with that. Will I die?”

“No, of course not. Just try it, and you’ll enjoy it. Trust me,” he reassured her.

“Alright.” The moment she took his brief off, a massive snake went flapping proudly, boasting its humongous size and thick diameter. She was amazed by how big a phallus could grow like this. It was close to nine inches and ten-centimetre in diameter. It was by far the largest dick she’d ever seen. Oh well, she’d never seen a penis before, so Dion’s shaft was the biggest she’d ever see in her entire life.

“Dion…” she looked at his snake first before continuing, “this is huge…”

“I know… taste it. I’m sure you’d like it.”

She obeyed and brought her mouth to his anaconda. She licked the head first. And when she realised it actually tasted good, she decided to bury his cock into her mouth. As his dick was lubricated, Dion spread his legs, and bent backward – mouth opened, he gasped for air as he thrust backward and forward, fucking her mouth. Veronica was now subdued with lust and greed to be filled by him. Her pussy was now oozing with fluid, wetting the bed. She led her hands over his barrelled-chest, lavishing his masculine body. From broad shoulders to big biceps, she caressed them all, feeling every fibre of his muscles.

“Veronica…” he called out, but she was too busy to listen to his complaint.

Without a choice, Dion pushed her down back to the bed. She fell down, head first. In great eagerness to pound her, he prostrated himself over her, and then licked her bountiful breasts that bragged of her virginity. She clung her arms around his back, relishing his manhood. She tingled in shared pain and lewdness as she felt him biting her nipples. She did not mind. Why would she if it felt so good that she wanted more…

His chest was rubbing against her tits as he tried to slide his shaft into her tiny hole. “Spread your legs…” he commanded.

She spread her legs as wide as she could while her arms were still around his back. “Push it in…” she begged, longing to feel him inside her.

The doors of her mouth departed when she felt a pointy object entering her pussy. Slowly, she could feel him filling her up. He thrust forward as hard as he could, but her hole was certified virgin – touched for the very first time.

“Oh… that hurts,” she complained as she felt his dick fully inside her, but honestly, it was just half-way through. Half more to go.

“Just relax, and enjoy the ride,” Dion advised.

Reaching her head, he felt as if he reached her fallopian tube. One thing was certain, he surely stretched her pussy to an extent that perhaps tomorrow she won’t be able to walk. Veronica pinned his back with her nails as she felt him shoving in and out of her. It hurt, but she liked the pain. She loved the torture. She loved everything that he gave her. As for that moment, she felt human, and all that slavery she faced as a kid was forgotten. She was now embracing her new future with the man she’d adored and loved secretly.

Dion continued poking her until his seed came out… And for the first time, she felt an orgasm when her cum squirted out like a generous fountain in the forest. She brought her gaze outside the window and prayed that Ben was alright.



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The Shifters And The Slave



Scarlett Leblanc

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
10.53Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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