Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) (67 page)

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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At once she had her answer. Lowell brought himself up on his knees between her parted thighs, and she took a deep breath, looking between his own legs at what throbbed so hugely there with a rivulet of man-honey dripping from its opening. She braced herself for what he would surely do next--and he then took her totally by surprise. Olivia inhaled in a mix of surprise and arousal at Lowell climbing back up her body, straddling her chest, taking his erect piece in one hand and her head in the other--and bringing her face to his erection and slipping it into her mouth. Understanding now what it was he wanted before their ultimate union, Olivia reached around his thighs to grasp his hard and clenching buttocks, and let Lowell thrust his even harder length between her lips and over her tongue. He grunted, bracing himself with his hands on the headboard, and began to thrust himself in and out of Olivia's mouth. He threw back his head and let out long grunts and moans of masculine delight as he made oral love to her, sliding his piece along her tongue again and again and reveling in the grasping and clutching of her hands at his buttocks. Straddled atop her, he rocked back and forth, in and out, instinctively knowing exactly how hard and fast and deep to go. Olivia feasted on Lowell's sex, thrilling to the taste and hardness of him, but still yearning for what she most wanted him to do.

At some point Lowell pulled his tool from Olivia's mouth and climbed back down between her legs. There was no delaying it any longer. They both needed the ultimate union too much. Olivia brought her thighs up around him to take him in. Lowell did not waste a second. He lay himself down on top of her, embraced her mouth with his, and moved his wet tool to where his own mouth had been. With a smooth and perfect stroke, he penetrated Olivia for the first time, and they felt as though their bodies had suddenly turned molten and fused into a single mass. Olivia wrapped him up in her arms as well as her legs and pressed upward against him, taking his thrust and receiving every fantastic inch of what he had to give her. Holding her mouth in the kiss and muffling their mutual outcries of ecstasy, Lowell reminded her again of the steady and constant strobing of the pulsar with the way he pumped and pounded his member inside her wet, tight passage, penetrating her from labia to womb with every brisk and urgent stroke. He humped her hard and fast, and she clung to him as if he were a meteor blazing through the sky and if she let go she would go spinning off into space. Olivia clutched at the perfectly formed muscles of his back, feeling as if a new universe were being born inside her with every thrust of his hardness inside her wetness. He at last broke the kiss but kept his mouth hovering over hers, and with every beat of his tool inside Olivia's channel, Lowell uttered a joyous sound of, "Oh...uhh...
, Olivia...Olivia, you feel so wonderful...I never want to take it out of you...I want to put it in you forever..."

Olivia strained up against him, meeting his down thrust with an up thrust of her own, needing his manhood pumping inside her more than she had ever needed anything in her life. She shut her eyes and her entire world was filled with the press of his body on top of her, his breath against her face, the mad and relentless thrusting of his tool in her depths, and the sound of his voice. "I want to keep it in you...It's so good, Olivia...I want to do it to you forever..." The beating of Lowell's hardness in and out of her at last became more than either of them could bear. They felt something welling up inside of them that surpassed anything that either of them had yet felt. Lowell let out a moan that must have been the way a supernova would sound if there were sound in space. Suddenly, his entire inner being and hers became an explosion of light, even as a wet explosion erupted from Lowell at the entry to Olivia's womb. She felt herself fusing completely to him, like two hydrogen atoms colliding in a star and pouring out energy. She could swear she could feel the wetness of his climax bursting and flooding inside her, and she cried out as well with the feeling of fusion igniting in every cell of her body.

Lowell fell atop Olivia, panting, his body heaving with the aftermath of their shared release. He held himself inside her, still half-erect, true to his word in not wanting to take it out. It felt too wonderful ever to take it out. She kept herself wrapped around him as if to keep him that way until the end of time. It was the first simultaneous orgasm that she had ever experienced, and he had given it to her as no other man ever could. For no other man was ever like this one atop her in bed, a being of both energy and matter, who had poured his energy into her along with his seed, taking her to climax with him, and would do so again and again.

They lay together that way, Lowell not wanting to dismount her and Olivia not wanting to let him, until Lowell lifted his face back to hers and kissed her gently, tenderly again. "You are a giver of knowledge," he whispered. "It is good that out of all those who live here, you are the one to find me. You will teach me how to love, in body and in being. You will teach me how to live on Earth. And I will show you the universe as I know it. We will learn much together."

"Yes, we will," Olivia whispered back, brushing his lips with her tongue. Amazingly, his erection had not fully subsided and was still inside her. She wondered how many times in a day or a night Lowell could do it. She was sure, to her delight, that she was about to find out.





In Love With A Beast


A Paranormal Shifter Romance






By: Jada Turner









Chapter One


Glory pushed her curly blond hair out of her eyes. Someday she would learn to tame her mane. Her hair had a mind of its own. Today it wanted to be in her face. It was like it expressed her moods for her. And right now Glory wanted to disappear. She pulled her tight skirt down from riding up her ample ass. She was sure this skirt had shrunk. It was conspiring with her hair to make her miserable.

She had arrived at the restaurant early. She was always early. Glory was always conscientious of other people. The restaurant was new and she had wanted to try it, it had been getting rave reviews. She scanned the restaurant for any signs of her date. Nothing yet.
She sighed in relief. She had no idea why she had let her friend Shania talk her into using an app to date.
Because you haven’t had sex in 5 months,
a voice in her head interrupted.
Right. Desperate times, desperate measures.

Glory followed the hostess to her table. She ordered a glass of red wine right away. She needed to calm her nerves. Glory was shy by nature and meeting a stranger, with the pressure of a date on top, was her idea of a nightmare. Her wine arrived and she sipped it and looked at her watch.
He was now officially late. Glory checked the dating app for messages. Nothing.
That’s okay. Anything can happen, traffic, work emergency. Just finish your wine and then you can start worrying.

Glory could feel herself wanting to shrink a million sizes. She tried to look like she was busy on her phone, by checking Facebook. What she found there was a bunch of pictures of Todd, her ex, and his new girlfriend from a trip they took to Hawaii. She missed Todd. He was her boyfriend of six years,
excuse me ex-boyfriend.
Todd had dumped 5 months ago for his yoga instructor. She couldn't help sneaking a look at his profile. Glory tried to blink back tears as she looked at their happy faces.

She took a huge gulp of her wine. She checked the time again.
Oh great, now he is 20 minutes late. How long do I have to sit here before I am officially stood up?

Glory open the horrible app. She swore under her breath.
I hate you app.
No messages. She shot off a quick

message to her date. She looked at his picture again. He was very handsome and had a kind face. That was why she had swiped right in the first place.

Her phone buzzed and Glory nearly dropped it. It was a message from her date.

Was he joking?
Anger rose up from her belly. He was standing her up! That was the rudest thing that had ever happened to her. He couldn't tell her that before she came all the way to the restaurant and sat there like a loser for a half an hour?!

Glory tried to wipe away the tears that she hadn’t managed to hold back. She didn't want to cry in public on top of being stood up.

“No one is allowed to look that sad in my restaurant.” said a deep voice. Glory looked up to see a very tall and very broad shouldered man holding out a glass of wine to her. “It’s on the house.” he said.

“Thanks.” Glory said and took the wine with a shy smile. She never turned down a free glass of wine. She may be sad but she wasn’t crazy. “I guess I’ve been stood up, it’s not my day.” she tried to laugh nonchalantly but it came out a sigh. She could feel her cheeks getting red. It was hard to keep her composure with this intriguing man staring down at her. He was the handsomest man she had ever seen, with his dark black hair and grey eyes. He had thick eyelashes that she would kill for. He was clad in a dark suit that was tailored perfectly to his muscular body. As Glory’s eyes travelled up his body to his face she saw a twinkle in his perfect grey eyes.
Oh God, he saw me blatantly checking him out.

This is my restaurant. I never leave a beautiful woman by herself on my watch.” he winked at her.
Omigod is he flirting with me?

Glory tried what she hoped was a sensual smile and took another large sip of her wine. This guy was so hot she could barely think. Her face must be an incredibly bright shade of pink by now.

“It’s very nice of you, but it’s not your fault. You can’t give free drinks to everyone that’s had a hard day!” she managed to say out loud.

“Oh, I only give free drinks to the incredibly attractive curvy blondes.” he said and winked at her again as he walked away.

What just happened?
He couldn't have been flirting with her? He must have felt sorry for her. She was crying in the middle of his restaurant. Glory suddenly felt ashamed, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop the flood of tears. She threw down money for her wine and practically ran out the door.

She drove to Shania’s house. As she pulled into the driveway she saw Shania’s lights were on. Thank God. Glory ran up the steps to Shania’s door and pulled it open. They had been best friends since high school, they were way past formalities. Beautiful, charming Shania had taken shy fat unpopular Glory under her wing in high school. Glory was forever grateful to Shania. She made her life exciting and fun. Which was why she had let Shania talk her into the blind date in the first place.

Glory collapsed into a heap on Shania’s couch. Shania came out of the kitchen.

“Oh no! That bad? Let me guess, he had bad breath?”

Glory shook her head and sniffled.

“He was from a far away planet where they have their genitals on their faces?”

Glory threw a pillow at Shania, but she couldn't help laughing. Shania always managed to make her feel better.

“He didn't even show up! I messaged him to ask if he was running late and he told me he wasn't coming.”

“Whoa! He didn't even have the decency to tell you beforehand?!What a dick. Modern dating is a war zone.” Shania had been with her boyfriend Matt since College. And they were still madly in love.

“I am never going on another date again! I miss Todd.” Glory wailed as she buried her head in a pillow.

“Now, now. Let’s not get crazy.” Shania cooed.

“I am going to die alone.” came Glory’s muffled cry from the pillow.

“Oh For Pete’s Sake. It was one date! That guy is a piece of shit and so is Todd.”

Glory hiccuped. “I know. I know. Can’t I be miserable for one second? I just got dumped!’

“No.” said Shania, “now I have a crazy idea. Hear me out.”

“Oh God, what next?” Glory knew that look in Shania’s eyes. Trouble always followed that look.

“Well, Matt has a new client. He is so beautiful! And single! And looking for a date to a charity event this weekend! It’s perfect!” Shania eyes shone with wicked thoughts, Glory could tell.

Matt was a lawyer. A very successful lawyer. His specialty was supernatural clients. You know, just your typical shifters and vampires.

“No way Shania! I can’t handle anything paranormal! I can barely date normal guys.”

“That’s exactly it! You are too special for just any old regular human. You need someone extraordinary!”

Glory rolled her eyes. “What is he?” She sighed.

Shania could barely contain her excitement. “A shifter!”

“A shifter! What if I get torn to shreds?” Glory cried.

“Don’t be silly. He is a professional man. A restauranteur.” Shania scolded her. “The event is this Friday. It’s black tie. You get to dress up!” Shania knew her weakness. She did have the perfect dress hanging in her closet with the tags still on, begging her to be worn. Glory owned a popular coffee shop, which she loved, but it didn't give her many opportunities to dress up.

“Okay! Fine. But if this is a disaster then I am never dating again.” Glory crossed her arm defiantly.

“Of course, if this date is a disaster, I will take you shopping for 50 cats myself.” Shania smirked.

“I like cats.” Glory smirked back.

Chapter Two

Glory arrived at work the next day at the crack of dawn. She felt better and wanted to erase the memories of yesterday. Her coffee shop was called
The Glory Hole
. She was pretty proud of it. The funny name got her many customers when she first opened, customers that have stuck around for the 3 years she has been open.

Glory pushed up the sleeves of her favorite pink t-shirt. It hugged her curves in all the right places. She piled her golden curls in a bun on the top her head. Her hair seemed excited today. She could barely contain it and a few tendrils escaped to frame her face.

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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