Nathaniel Teen Angel

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Authors: Patricia Puddle

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

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Teen Angel

(Ominous S
eries: Book One)

A novel by

Patricia Puddle

Copyright © 2014
Patricia Puddle.

First Edition

Cover Design by Patti Roberts - Paradox Book Design

Patricia Puddle on


All rights reserved, including the rights to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


This book is aimed at older teens (New Adults) and adults. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

(The Prequel to this story, Fallen Angel, is
also available.)


This book is dedicated to my sweetheart, the teenage boy I married, my best friend and husband, whose endless support and encouragement has helped me to learn what I never learned at school. Thank you for doing all the cooking so I could write this book, honey.



Chapter One


“Nathaniel, what
on Earth
have you got yourself into? And
at the state of you. Your clothes are filthy.”

Holding his bloody fists out, Nathaniel sp
un around, then he blinked at the brightness of the haze. “Is that you, Michael?”

“Yes, Nathaniel, it’s me. I heard you were in trouble and thought you might need some help.”

As his eyes adjusted to the brilliance of the archangel’s aura, Nathaniel snorted. “
You think I’m in
? More likely I’m doomed and will end up in Hell with Lucifer. I don’t think that would be classed as trouble.” He shook his battered hands. “See, I’m even more evil than Devlin.”

“Come now, Nathaniel, you know you’re not evil. You just need guidance.”

Leaning against a gum tree, Nathaniel tucked his hands under his arms to try and stem the flow of blood. “Oh, you think guidance will get me out of the shit, do you? Well, I can assure you it won’t. I’ve no idea how it happened, but I’m up to my ears in it and there’s no way out.”

Michael raised a brow. “Don’t tell me you’re losing your faith
, Nathaniel. That’s not like you.”

Looking into the archangel’s brilliant silver eyes, Nathaniel blinked twice. “I’m not losing faith, Michael. I’m afraid I’ve already lost it. I’m doomed and so is my ward. And it’s all my fault.”

“Oh, come on, Nathaniel, you still have some faith. You prayed to the Lord and he sent me down to help you.”

Nathaniel squinted at him. “He did? Well you’re too late.” He pointed at the house. “I’m in love with Eloise and I’ll do anything to be with her.”

Michael frowned. “Does that mean you’ll sell your soul to Lucifer?”

Nathaniel sneered in disgust. “No, of course not. I’d never do that. How could you think such a thing?”

“Because you just said you’d do anything.”

“Well, I would, but not that.”

Michael smiled. “I’m pleased to hear it, now let’s see what we can do to rectify your problem.”

“You don’t get it, do you? There is no way of rectifying my love for Eloise.”

“There’s an answer for everything, Nathaniel. Now tell me what happened.”

Nathaniel held his belly and laughed, then winced at the pain in his knuckles. “Holy crap!”

“My dear boy, have you been drinking?”

“Yeah, sure I have. Gallons of mind-altering sea water.”

Michael sighed. “At least you still have your sense of humour. Now tell me what happened so I can help you.”

“I’ll tell you, but you can’t help me. No one can.”

“Try me.”

“Okay, you asked for it. Earlier today, I accidently possessed a young man’s body and ended up with Eloise in my arms. She leaned over to kiss
, but I thought she was kissing
. You see, I didn’t realise I was inside the guy’s body. I just presumed she could see me like she did once before. I’ve never held a physical woman in my arms before. I was shocked and tried to pull away, but when she crushed her mouth to mine, I totally lost it. She felt so darn good, I kissed her back and ...”

Michael held his hand up. “Okay, I get the scene. So you’re saying you accidently possessed a human and ended up in the arms or your female ward. Is that correct?”

Nathaniel stared at the archangel and frowned. “Yes, but I didn’t just say to myself, ‘Hey, I think I’ll possess this guy’s body so I can kiss Eloise.’ Oh, no. It didn’t happen like that. Eloise had invited this muscly young man into her bedroom to help her with a computer document. I didn’t recognise him at first, but when she called him Tom, I moved towards him to see if he was that same Tom from her childhood. The next thing I knew, Eloise was kissing me and I was kissing her. I didn’t know her boyfriend had passed through me, or that I had possessed him.”

“That’s a strange thing to happen, Nathaniel, though I’ve heard of it occurring before.” Michael stroked his chin. “But it’s what an angel does about it that’s important.”

“So, was it you who burned my wings off, or God?”

“It doesn’t matter
burned your wings off, Nathaniel. It’s why.”

“Ah, so you knew what happened, so why all the questions?”

“Yes, I knew what happened, but I didn’t know the reason. All I knew was that you were in an extremely passionate embrace with your ward while possessing a young man, but because you came to your senses and pulled away from the girl before going all the way, God is willing to give you another chance—a chance to get your wings back—and not just to help you, but to help Eloise. As you know, Lucifer is after her soul and will do anything to get it.”

“Yes, but he ...”

Michael waved a finger at him. “Please don’t interrupt me. Just hear me out first. Now, as I was saying, God is willing to give you your wings back as long as you let me erase your memory of what happened today, starting when you possessed Tom’s body and up until now. If you agree, you’ll go back to your duties just how you did before, and though you won’t remember what happened today, you will remember that Lucifer is after Eloise’s soul and that he will do anything to get it. Do you understand what is being asked of you, Nathaniel?”

Trying to take it all in, Nathaniel scowled. “You’re telling me that after you erase my memory of today, I’ll feel exactly the same way about Eloise that I felt before I entered Tom’s body?”

“That’s correct.”

Nathaniel bit his lip. “But I’ll still remember that Lucifer will try and bargain with Devlin to get to Eloise?”

“Yes, and you’ll also be aware that Lucifer will keep trying to bargain with you as well, Nathaniel.”

“So when do you want your answer?”

Michael frowned. “Right now, of course. And if you refuse, you’ll be left with no angel powers to help Eloise. All you’ll have are the powers of a human.”

Taking a deep breath, Nathaniel closed his eyes. If he agreed, it would mean these strange magical feelings he had for Eloise would be gone forever, but then so would the heartache, the hunger, the burning and the bleeding—but what if it was possible for Eloise to feel the same magic feelings for him that he felt for  her? What then? Could he take Michael’s offer without knowing the answer? He shivered. Just the thought of spending a lifetime with Eloise was giving him tingles right through to his soul. He knew his chances were slim, but he couldn’t give up without trying.

“Nathaniel, I haven’t got all day. What’s your answer?”

Glancing at the blood on his hands and clothes, Nathaniel shrugged. Then he looked at Michael. “I know I’m a sorry mess with a weak soul, but I’m afraid I’ll have to stay here on Earth as a human. I don’t want to lose the feelings I have for Eloise.”

Michael’s eyes shone brighter and his lips pressed into a hard line. “Do you realise what you’re saying? You won’t get another chance if you turn this offer down.”

“I don’t care. I’m staying. I have to find out if Eloise can feel anything for me—I have to know if things could work for us.”

“Nathaniel, there won’t be any you. You won’t be able to fight Lucifer without your angel powers. He will take you and Eloise to Hell with him.”

“No, he won’t. I won’t let him. Anyway, I’ve made my mind up. I’m staying.”

Michael whistled for his stallion. “All right, Nathaniel. I’ll give you twelve hours to think about it. After that, there will be no turning back and you’ll never be asked again. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do, and thank you for trying, Michael. You’ve been a great friend.”

After leaping onto his golden horse, Michael shook a finger at him. “Okay, Nathaniel, you have twelve hours to decide. And if you choose to have your wings back, you’d better be here at 7:00 am sharp.”

“Well, if I’m not, you’ll know I’m staying as a human.”

“Okay, but if you do, you’ll be on your own. You’ll no longer be able to contact me or any other angel for help. Just think about it, Nathaniel.”

“I will, but I don’t think I’ll change my mind.”

With a sigh, Michael yanked the reigns and the beautiful stallion unfurled its huge white wings and flew into the cloudy night sky.

Before Nathaniel had a chance to plan on what to do next, a floodlight lit up the garden and the back door flew open. As he ran towards the shed to hide, Eloise walked down the steps with a washing basket under her arm. Seeing him, she gasped and stopped in her tracks.

Nathaniel froze on the spot, his heart skipping wildly as he gazed into her beautiful green eyes. Her flawless face was framed with waves of silky brown curls that fell around her shoulders. He reached out to touch her. “Please don’t be afraid. I’m lost and I’m just passing through.”

Her eyes wide, she looked him up and down. “W ... what happened to you? Have you been in a car accident or something?”

Embarrassed, he gazed down at his filthy clothes and bleeding hands, but he had no idea what to say to her. “Um ... I don’t know.”

Tom came charging towards them, his jaw jutting out. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing here? This is private property, mate.”

Nathaniel stared at him. Though Tom was only nineteen, he was built like a man, an athletic one at that, but he wasn’t about to get into a fight with him. He was just a boy.

Eloise dumped her basket on the ground and grabbed Tom’s wrist. “Look, he’s obviously been injured and he seems to have lost his memory. Maybe we should take him to the hospital.”

Tom squinted at him. “I don’t believe him. He’s filthy and unkempt. Just look at his fists. It looks like he’s been street brawling to me. Just call the cops on him, Elle.”

Nathaniel turned to Eloise. “Please, don’t call the police. Just let me go on my way.”

She smiled. “I have no intention of calling the cops, but I think we should get an ambulance. You’re in a bad way and your hands are bleeding.” She glanced at Tom. “Help him indoors until we get help.”

Tom’s jaw dropped. “What? Are you crazy?”

Giving Tom a black look, she linked her arm with Nathaniel’s. “Come inside and clean up while I make you a cup of tea.”

When Nathaniel followed her up the steps, her hand brushed his, sending a shock of electricity right through his arm. Shuddering with pleasure, he glanced at her out the corner of his eye.

“You should see the back of him,” yelled Tom, coming up behind them. “I don’t think you should take him inside. His clothes are covered in blood. You could get a disease. Plus your mother will have a fit when she gets home.”

Nathaniel stopped walking. “He’s right. I shouldn’t go into your house in my condition. Please, just let me go on my way.”

She pulled him through the back door. “No way. You can clean yourself up while you wait for a doctor. Tom, can you run a bath for him?”

Tom squinted at him. “You may have fooled Elle, cause she’s so kind, but you aint fooled me.” He pushed his face close to Nathaniel’s. “And if you lay one finger on her, I’ll beat you to a pulp. Get it, buddy?”

Eloise shoved his arm. “Tom, what is wrong with you? Have you no compassion?”

Nathaniel couldn’t help but smirk. At least the boy was looking out for her, though now he was his rival.

Tom glared at him, then mumbling under his breath, he stomped off to the bathroom.

Nathaniel looked back at Eloise and his heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t believe he was actually standing alone with her and she could see him as a man. Although it was the most exhilarating experience he’d ever had, he felt suddenly self-conscious.

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