Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) (69 page)

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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He pulled away. As he caressed her lips with his fingers he whispered, “You have no idea the affect you have on me.”

Glory’s phone went off and the sound broke her out of her haze.
You can’t have sex with someone you just met tonight!
Her inner reason won over her enflamed body. She pulled away.

“Thank you for the wonderful evening, but I think it’s time I put myself to bed.” Glory finished her keys out of her purse.

“Are you sure you don’t need help with that?” Trey teased as he leaned against her door.

“I think I got it covered,” she shot back.

“Goodnight, Glory.” he winked as he turned to walk away to his car. “I’ll be seeing you very soon.” he called out as he reached his car and drove away.

Glory fumbled with her keys but managed to open her door. She stripped out of her dress as she walked to her bedroom and proceeded to fling herself on her bed. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Chapter Four


Glory had to drag herself out of bed the next day. A hangover headache was pounding in her head. The memories of her sensual night with Trey came flooding back.
Why did I drink so much?!
Glory wanted to blame the alcohol for her unladylike behaviour last night. But she knew that she probably would have done the same thing sober. Trey had an incredible effect on her. What must he think of her? Her cheeks burned bright red as she remembered how desperate she felt for Trey’s touch.

Glory jumped into the shower and felt better after she was clean. She checked her phone.
Shania had texted her last night to ask about her date. She hadn’t replied and now she had 3 missed calls and several worried texts from Shania. She hit the call button beside Shania’s contact info.

“You’re alive!” Shania answered the phone, half joking.

“Sorry! I passed out as soon as I got home.”

“You didn't get drunk did you?” Shania knew her a little too well.

“Maybe. A little. I was nervous!”

“Spill! Spill! How was it? Isn't he the handsomest?” Shania chirped.

“It was something else. He was unlike any man I have ever met.” Normally she would have shared everything with Shania. But she wanted to keep what happened between her and Trey private.

“That’s it? Are you going to see him again?”

“I don’t know.” Glory answered truthfully.

“Well, I was expecting a little more gossip.” Shania was disappointed, normally they didn't have any secrets.

“When I have gossip you will be the first to know, you know that. I have to get going I need to be at the shop today.” Glory felt bad but she wanted to get off the phone. She wanted to keep her night to herself. As if speaking it out loud would take away the magic.





Glory was short staffed at the shop. She was so busy she didn't have time to think about Trey or her hangover all day. It wasn't until almost closing when she had time to catch her breath.

She heard the bell over the door ring and looked up to greet her customer. The last one of the day. She was shocked when Marion Vanderwood walked through the door. She was just as beautiful in the daylight. Her impossibly shiny black hair hung perfectly straight down her back as it had last night. Her makeup was flawless. She was dressed all in black with tight leather pants and stiletto heels. She didn't look the least bit hungover. Glory reached up to try to smooth her hair. Which she had pulled back in a sad ponytail. Her hair seemed to look as sick as she felt.

“Hello, Glory, isn't it?” Marion purred.

“Yes, hello Marion. What can I get for you?”

Marion pursed her lips and frowned as she looked at the menu. She probably had never eaten carb in her life. “Just a green tea, to go.”

Glory busied herself making the tea.
What the hell was she doing here?

“I love meeting Trey’s new friends. They are always so
Marion drawled.Glory got the feeling she didn't mean it as a complement.

“Have you known Trey for a long time?” Glory handed her the tea and rang up the order but Marion didn't seem to be ready to leave.

“Since we were children, darling. Our families are very close. They practically had us engaged since birth. You see, Trey and I are both
in the same way. It’s up to us to carry on the panther line of our families. I mean both of us have had our dalliances,” she looked down her nose at Glory. “But we always end up back together. We are mated. It’s something you humans can never understand.”

“What did you come here for Marion?” Glory felt her heart drop to her stomach. It was as if a hope she didn't dare acknowledge had been crushed. She hated Marion right now.

“Just to give you a heads up, darling. Don't get your hopes up, that’s all.
Trey is mine.”
A growl escaped her perfectly painted lips.

“I am not your competition Marion. We had one blind date, that’s all.” Glory wanted her to leave, before the tears she felt welling up escaped.

“Of course, of course. Just so we are both clear.” Marion regained her composure and left the store without saying goodbye.

As soon as she was out the door, Glory locked it behind her and burst into tears. Was it true? Was she just a fun time to Trey? Did she want more? She certainly had acted like she was easy sex! She felt the familiar feeling of shame rise up. Why did it matter? She and Trey had had fun. Why couldn’t she leave it at that?

As if on cue, her phone buzzed. It was a text from Trey <
What’s up Sleeping Beauty? How are you feeling today?

Glory felt anger rise up. She would not be treated as if she was just easy sex. She would not be used in that way. She threw her phone back in purse without responding.

That night she curled up on the couch with tea and watched a romantic comedy on Netflix. When the couple fell in love, Glory burst into tears again.

Maybe I should get a cat.

Chapter Five


Glory spent Sunday at home. She moped around the house, half heartedly cleaning or watching TV. She couldn't stop thinking about Trey. She felt embarrassed at how far things had gone between them. He just wanted her for sex, he already had a partner. Glory reminded herself. Glory wasn't even sure what she wanted from Trey. But knowing she could never truly be with him was tearing her heart out.

The doorbell rang. Glory ran to the door. Her heart leapt when she found Trey standing on her doorstep. Looking as handsome as ever in a form fitting black turtleneck with grey pants. His eyes were twinkling at her. Her hands flew up to her hair which was barely contained in a messy bun on the top of her head. She felt embarrassed he was seeing her in yoga pants and her favourite t-shirt, which was worn so thin it was practically see-through.

“You didn't answer my text.” he said.

“So you came to my house? What am I? Your prey?” Glory faked outrage.

“Mmmmm. Would you like to be?” he whispered and then pounced, grabbing Glory to him as his lips descended on hers with force. Glory gasped and returned his kiss passionately. Her hands flew to his hair as she tried to get deeper and deeper into his mouth. Their hands explored each others bodies with the passion of their kiss. He pushed Glory against the doorframe as he pressed his body harder against hers. His hands had reached her breasts and began to pull up her shirt when Glory pulled away.

“I have to at least shut the door.” Glory looked around in embarrassment. No one seemed to be watching. Glory pulled Trey inside.

Once the door was shut, Trey was on her in an instant. He moved like a cat, fast and smooth. They tumbled to the floor together. Trey had pinned her to the floor with her arms at her sides. He leaned over her with that animal look in his eyes. Glory tried to wiggle out from underneath Trey’s large body.

“Trey, this is moving too fast. I can’t.” she rasped.

“Can’t or won’t?” He growled back and she could see the animal hunger in his eyes. This was dangerous. He had her pinned to the ground and she was powerless underneath him. A deep primal urge took over her body and she knew this was what she wanted. She struggled again and she could see the hunger in his eyes grow. His intense passion for her had called up the beast within and he would have her then and there, no matter what. She knew she had no choice.

Desire ripped through her body and she felt her nipples raise up under her shirt. Trey responded.

“Let’s get this shirt off you, it’s practically see-through anyway.” He ripped her t-shirt open in one motion. She struggled again and felt the fire burning in her cunt. His mouth went down to her nipples and he bit at their hard peaks. A deep groan of pleasure escaped her mouth. His mouth turned gentle and began to suck at her nipples as the rest of him kept her pinned tightly.

“I can do whatever I want to you.” he whispered.

She had never felt so vulnerable, trapped with her breasts exposed. She had also never felt desire like this before. It shot up from her cunt like electricity.

Trey’s suckling on her nipples intensified. Glory’s body responded and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. Trey moved down to the waistband of her pants. He ripped those off her in two seconds flat. He pushed her legs open and groaned.

“The scent of your arousal makes me crazy.” Trey made short work of her panties too. Glory didn't like men going down on her, she felt too exposed. It was too intimate an act.

“Trey. Trey, no. I’m not comfortable.” she whispered.

“Your pussy is so wet, there is no way I am not going to taste it.” He pushed legs open farther and dipped his head down between her legs. His tongue was hot and probing. He licked and sucked her clit slowly and gently at first. Then with more and more passion. He held her legs open wide and licked clear down to her asshole. Nothing was off limits.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore he slid a finger into her vagina. Then two. In and out to the rhythm of tongue. Her hips began to rock in response against him.

“You taste so sweet.” he groaned into her.

He sat up and took off his clothes. His erection was so huge, Glory felt the vulnerability rising up inside her again.

“Oh Trey,” she breathed. “I can’t.”

He grabbed her arms and pinned them over her head easily with one hand at her wrists. “You want this. You have no idea how badly you want this but I am going to show you.”

Glory tried to protest but her body took over. It wanted this. It responded it Trey’s every touch. She had never known desire like this. She couldn’t have possibly imagined it existed.

Trey placed the tip of his cock over her lips. He rubbed the tip there getting her juices all over it. He slid he cock into her and she had never felt anything like it. There was pain, but it was a glorious pain. They both groaned deep guttural groans in unison.

“Oh, Glory.” Trey growled from deep within. He moved his cock inside her. His eyes looked like the eyes of an animal and he pounded into Glory hard and fast. Glory’s body burst with pain and pleasure at the same time. Then the first orgasm hit, it hit hard and she screamed out. Then waves of orgasms racked her body. Glory lost all thought and felt only the waves and waves of delicious release. Trey lost all control when he felt her orgasm and pulled his dick out. He manoeuvred over her while he stroked his huge erection. He slid his hand faster over his cock until it exploded and his juice coated her breasts.

He collapsed on the floor beside her, both of them spent.

Chapter Six


Glory woke the next morning alone in her bed. Trey must have put her there while she was sleeping. Where was Trey? She noticed a note on her bedside table. She opened it and Trey had written,
Sleeping Beauty, I had to leave you for a work emergency early this morning. Talk later. T.

That was it?
Glory sighed.
Wait, early this morning? What time was it?
Glory looked at the clock. It was almost noon! She jumped in the shower and washed all the evidence of last night off her body. She had to wash her vagina gingerly as she was incredibly sore.

Glory arrived at the shop in a tizzy only to find everything running smoothly. She breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for her amazing staff. She threw herself into her work. Now that she could think clearly again she felt vulnerable. Trey had taken her and used her body and she had liked it. She felt a shudder go through her body as she remembered how Trey had pinned her to the floor. But now that something had been awakened inside her, she was addicted to it. How long before Trey grew tired of her and went back to Marion, his mate? Maybe he already had.

“Glory, you are on cloud nine this morning. What happened this weekend? Spill. Spill!” Paul’s voice interrupted her day dream.

Glory blushed. How could she explain how she felt to another person?

Paul read her face. “Whoa, that good?”

“I- It’s Man Candy. His name is Trey Donovan. We had a date. Well, maybe two. I can’t get him out of my head.” She confided.

“Looks like someone finally got fucked properly.” Paul replied.

“Paul!” Glory laughed and threw a rag at him. “But seriously, he is a shifter. He comes from a whole different world and I don't know the rules. I think he has a mate already.”

“Did he tell you he had a mate?” Paul gave her a surprised look.

did. She came into the store to tell me, the day after we met.”

“Sounds like she is marking her territory. It doesn’t mean he has chosen her.” Paul was sympathetic.

“I just don't know. Maybe it’s a false hope.”

They interrupted by the sound of her text alert going off. She grabbed her phone hoping it was Trey.

We are having a party at the restaurant Friday to celebrate a successful opening. I would love for you to come.>

“It’s him! He invited me to a party at the restaurant Friday!” Glory cried in excitement. “Maybe he does like me after all!”

As she and Paul giggled with excitement a second test came through.

I hope your dress will be as skintight as our first night together.

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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