Romance: Duplicity (Duplicity New Adult Romance Book 1)

BOOK: Romance: Duplicity (Duplicity New Adult Romance Book 1)
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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One


She has no idea she is being watched. Her routine is the same, Monday to Friday. Each morning, emerging from the Tube station shortly after 8.30am, blinking in the morning light, holding a coffee. She is never late. Never sick.

The kind of young woman you notice, perhaps stare at, maybe even turn around for. There's grace and elegance in the way she moves. An equine quality, like a fine Arabian, the breeze lifting her kohl-black mane to reveal milky skin and lapis eyes. Her strawberry lips demand to be kissed.

Always smartly dressed in corporate attire but with her own quirky little twist, like the pretty silk scarf today tied around her neck. The best view of her is from the park bench. She stops and talks to the Big Issue seller, gives him a coin but won't take the magazine. It's a short walk across the square to the entrance of the office. And then she's gone.

So pretty. So kind. So perfect.



I feel amazing as I leave my flat for work. Another warm day with hazy sunshine, possibly the last of this Indian Summer. I love London - the excitement, the buzz, the rush, the life - yes, the life!

Here I feel really alive and today is a day that I can make it happen. Today I'll get noticed. I'm feeling so positive about this. I have spent the entire weekend working on the presentation and I'm radiating confidence as I walk into the office foyer clutching my Starbucks. The lid on the coffee cup wobbles but no worries. Nothing can go wrong today.

The lift is filling and I make a dash, pushing my laptop bag against the now closing doors. I'm met with scowls for the most part but one guy smirks and steps back to let me in. More people crowd the small compartment and the lift is now packed.

I'm conscious of my coffee, hoping it won't spill on me or anyone else. It could start a lift war. Coffee carnage at Cathwell. Then suddenly I'm aware of ... it can't be. What is that sticking in my backside? No way. It's a hold-up. Has this guy got a hard-on?

As quickly as the thought enters my head, he pushes around me as the lift halts at the next floor. A flush creeps across my cheeks and I tilt my head so my hair covers my face. I didn't do anything. What just happened there?

Just before the lift doors close again I can see the guy striding towards the Senior VP suite. Tall, purposeful, obviously knows his way around. I have never seen him before but we have people coming and going all the time from our overseas offices. Should I feel insulted by his silent introduction? Well if I should, I don't. I clear my throat and smile.

When I reach my desk Louise is already there. As usual, she's looking for gossip. "You're looking very pleased with yourself Holly, good weekend? Come on, 'fess up!"

Not a chance, girlfriend. Louise sits at the desk beside me and spends most of her time talking about everyone else.

"It's a gorgeous day, Lou, and it keeps getting better," I smile. Nosey cow.

"On the happy pills again?" Lou turns back to her monitor. "I hope you're ready for the big presentation."

As ready as I'll ever be. This is my big chance.


At 10:00 AM sharp we shuffle in for the usual Monday morning team meeting. Today's the day, I've got it all planned. This is when I show the powers that be what I'm really worth.

I've been acting up for my manager Eve, who is on maternity leave, for the last seven months. I know that the people who matter are impressed with my work. My presentation needs to blow them away. There's a promotion up for grabs and my name's on it.

Inside the conference room, my earlier confidence evaporates. I close my eyes and take a calming breath. My mouth is dry and my hand shakes as I pour myself a glass of water from the heavy jug.

Come on, Holly, you can do this. Hold it together.

I have a sudden urge to bolt from the room. I exhale slowly several times until the feeling passes. I'm not going to let last minute nerves get the better of me.

My colleagues are pouring coffees and chattering about their weekend exploits. There's hearty laughter from the lads as Mike regales them with the sordid details of his latest hook-up. Sounds like he's been doing the girl from Accounts again. Dopey Dave is wolfing down the Danish pastries, as usual. The familiarity of the scene, the same every Monday morning, restores my calm for the moment.

The arrival of Bill, Senior VP and our department boss, is the signal for everyone to quieten down and take their positions.

"Good luck!" Lou mouths across at me.

Seated already, I'm distracted by Bill and his companion. I have to do a double take at the scene unfolding at the top of the table.

This cannot be happening. Please let this not be for real.

The others share my confusion and we eye each other questioningly.

"Good morning everyone, and what a great morning it is," Bill starts with his trademark cheesy grin. "I have an announcement to make and I'll get straight to it. As some of you know, Eve will not be returning. We are very grateful to Holly for the wonderful job she's been doing covering for Eve in the interim."

Cue another smarmy smile from Bill, and this time it's especially for yours truly. I don't like the way this is going.

Bill continues, "I'm delighted to introduce you all to Eve's successor who is joining us today on secondment from our New York office. Please welcome Nicholas Van Hoogen to the team. I'm sure you will all make him feel at home. Cathwell London are very lucky to have him on board."

There's silence in the room. Ever the showman, Bill shakes Van Hoogen's hand with vigour and slaps him on the back. Van Hoogen surveys the room.

We are blindsided by the announcement and that's the way Bill likes it. Across the table, Louise is trying to catch my attention, her eyes popping out of her head. I look away, purposely not meeting her gaze. She's not the only one staring my way. I can feel the pitying glances turned on me, not all sympathetic. But there's one pair of eyes boring into me harder than anyone else's, and they belong to Van Hoogen.

You didn't see that one coming, did you? Did he?

"So," Bill continues, "I'll leave you in Nick's very capable hands."

My tummy flips. I didn't expect to be in Nick's very capable hands quite so soon. Reaching for my water, I take a sip. I can feel the heat in my cheeks and rising up the back of my neck.

Steady, Holly, steady.

My mind's a blur of surprise, confusion and dismay. One thing's clear though. Cute, horny bastard from the lift just got my job.


Nicholas Van Hoogen sits at the top of the table. All eyes are now on him. I study him intently as he goes through the usual intro. How excited he is to be taking on this role, how much he's looking forward to working with our team, blah, blah, blah. He is assured, well spoken, and his delivery smooth and professional. He asks us all to introduce ourselves in turn.

I didn't get a proper look at him in the lift. He's very good-looking. Fair hair, grey-blue eyes, chiselled features. Not my usual type at all. His dark grey suit is understated but the cloth is expensive and it is exquisitely cut. He speaks with a slight Dutch accent, but there's an American twang there too. For some reason I'm drawn to his strong, tanned, hands, which are lightly drumming the table.

Big hands, big feet, you know what they say.

He catches me off guard, as if he's reading my mind. "OK then, let's start with you." He's staring straight at me. I hesitate. He raises an eyebrow.

"Me?" I hear my voice stammer.
Get a grip.

"Yes, you. Unless of course you're too shy to go first." He's teasing me with the same smirk he gave me in the lift.

"No, not at all, I'd be delighted." I rise to the challenge, and to my feet. I rub my clammy hands on my skirt.

He slowly looks me up and down, his smirk becoming a full smile. I note the neat, white teeth. My head whirrs into overdrive. What do I say? I hate these ice-breakers.

Keep it simple, stupid.

I muster my strongest voice, addressing Van Hoogen, "My name is Holly Martin. I joined Cathwell two years ago on the Graduate Fast Track. I love my job."

Van Hoogen looks at me blankly.
Is that the best you can do?

I quickly add, "I'll be Senior VP by the time I'm thirty."

His eyes stare at me intently, his smile curling the corners of his mouth. "Thank you for the elevator pitch, Holly. I'm sure I can count on your support while I'm finding my feet."

This prick thinks he can waltz in here with a twinkle in his eye, take my job, and count on my support. How dare he condescend to me like that in front of everyone.

Maybe you should watch your back Van Hoogen. Just wait, big dick. It's only a matter of time before I'm sitting in your chair.

He's already moved on and it's Trevor's turn and then the next, each one of us desperately attempting to sell ourselves to the new boss. Nicholas Van Hoogen is polite throughout, thanking each of us in turn.

I can't help noticing how his gaze constantly returns to me. What a brass neck! Does he know it was me in the lift earlier? I'm sure there was emphasis on 'elevator' when he replied just there, after my little speech. Is he playing games with me? I make myself lose the thought. I can rise above this.

"Always professional, always delivers." That's what Eve used to say about me. So far, it seems this strategy is getting me precisely nowhere.

Everyone has had their chance to speak and Nicholas quickly wraps it up. "OK, thank you all. I'll be meeting you individually to get to know you better but I'm certain we can all do some really great work together. Let's put this team on the map."

Just when everyone is thinking we've got a cool new boss, he sets a ton of project tasks to be completed for the next day.

How can a day that started so brilliantly turn out so bad? My promotion is doomed, my presentation totally forgotten about. I'm going to be working all evening to keep the new boss happy.

I won't be able to go to the standup gig tonight with my roommate Tara, which will really piss her off. Her friend has a slot at the comedy club and I promised I would be there for support. I've not been out with Tara in ages. Too busy with work. I hope she understands, she always does.

Worst of all - Nick the prick, aka lift hijacker / promotion thief / my new boss is actually really, really hot.

Whoa Holly, stop right there ...


Meeting over, we return to our desks. I can feel everyone's eyes on me again, in an attempt to gauge my reaction to the unexpected turn of events. I hate open plan offices. Soon, I'll have my own room. Just maybe not as soon as I'd thought.

Lou looks like she's going to burst. Before she can start on me, I flash her a look which says, “Zip it”, before turning away. I bury my face in my hands for a moment or two, in an attempt to regain composure. Most of the team know I've taken a knock-back, but Lou and some of the others think I'm too ambitious and won't be sorry.

I set about trying to work, hoping my disappointment isn't too obvious. What I really want to do is run out of here and scream.

I stare at the screen, not really seeing what's there. There's a storm raging in my head. All my efforts of the last months have amounted to nothing. When will another opportunity for promotion come up? Who the hell is this guy Van Hoogen anyway and who does he think he is?

I lift the phone and speed dial IT support. "Adam? It's Holly. Can you meet me in five at the usual place? Cool, bye."

After I set the phone down to Adam, it rings again immediately. I'm already getting up from the desk but something tells me to take the call. I lift the receiver in exasperation. "Holly Martin," I chirp, in my best fake, cheery voice.

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