Romance: Duplicity (Duplicity New Adult Romance Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Romance: Duplicity (Duplicity New Adult Romance Book 1)
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The splendour of the apartment, unnoticed last night in my haste to get laid, hits me in the morning sunlight. The high end décor and furnishings remind me of a swanky property supplement. Nick has landed on his feet here, for sure. It's plush, but impersonal. Quite a contrast to my messy little home shared with Tara. I decide I could take impersonal Mayfair any day.

In the kitchen, I sit on a high stool around a glossy island. Nick hands me a mug of steaming coffee.

"Thanks," I accept gratefully. "The pancakes smell good." And he dishes them up, stacked high with maple syrup and a side of bacon. "I'm impressed by your culinary skills, Mr. Van Hoogen," I concede, when we have eaten. "That was delicious."

"It's the least I can do, Miss Martin. After you worked up such an appetite." Nick winks. His hand is on my bare thigh, moving up towards my crotch. "Commando?" he inquires. Before I can reply, his hands are under the shirt, and I'm undone once more.

I could get used to this.

It's around noon by the time we finally drag our bodies apart long enough to get dressed properly.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Nick asks, as I don last night's boots ready for the walk of shame.

"Um, no plans. I might go for a run. You?"

"Well, you know what I'd love to do?" Nick rubs his unshaven chin. "Be a tourist for the day. See all of the city's sights. Will you show me?"

I laugh, relieved that he wants to spend the day with me. "Really?"

He nods like an excited child.

"You know what Nick, I've been in London all this time and I haven't really done much tourist stuff either . I'd love to."

We pull our coats on and just as we are leaving the apartment, Nick's mobile phone starts ringing. He pulls it from his pocket and stares at the screen.

"Sorry, Holly. I just have to take this quickly, OK?" His face pales as he turns and walks back inside. The door shuts in my face.


"Oh I'm sorry Holly, I didn't realise the door closed behind me."

I'm not so sure.

He emerges looking sheepish. "So, where are you taking me?" he smiles as he clutches my hand and we leave the building. I want to ask him about the call, but it seems stupid so I dismiss it. He was only gone for a few minutes, and he doesn't mention it. I don't bring it up in case he thinks I'm a psycho.

I've been thinking about where it would be nice to go together. "How about the Tate Modern and the London Eye? We can walk from here. Then we could take a river boat to Greenwich." As I speak, I look up at Nick by my side. He still looks pale. Sensing my gaze, he squeezes my hand.

"Do you mind if I molest you in public?" He bends down and plants a soft kiss on my hair, while his hand finds my breast under my coat. "Because you're doing very strange things to me Holly. I'm very grateful to have met you."

There's something vulnerable about Nick today, and I just want to hug him. We walk in comfortable silence until the tour guide in me starts pointing out various landmarks. Walking along the Thames Embankment, London today isn't just the place where we work and live. It's a staycation. We are lovers in a picture postcard, exploring the sights and each other.

"I know you didn't like me, that first day at work," he tells me, as we cross the river on the Millenium Bridge. "Come on, you hated me didn't you?"

I hesitate before replying. "Well, you certainly made an impression on me. The lift thing took my breath away." My voice trails away. "Then, well, at the meeting, I … "

"Go on," and Nick stops walking, waiting for me to continue. I consider whether to tell him the truth. I'm sure he already knows. Everyone does. I need to get over myself and just say it.

"You couldn't believe your luck when you found out we would be working together?" Nick prompts, raising an eyebrow.

I take a deep breath. "I was going to present my ideas for the Henderson pitch at the meeting that day. I wanted Eve's job and I thought that my presentation would swing it. I felt really stupid when they wheeled you in." I meet Nick's eyes and feel him encouraging me continue. "I've worked so hard, Nick. I just want the chance to prove myself." My chin is trembling and I'm desperately trying not to cry. All the frustrations of the last few weeks are in danger of coming tumbling out. And this is the last person I want to reveal them to. I look away momentarily as I gather myself, gazing over the murky river.

Nick takes a step forward and gently tilts my chin to face him once more. His eyes are soft and serious. "I know you've worked very hard, Holly. You're right to aim high. There's big things ahead for you at Cathwell's. All in good time, yes?" His tender kiss warms my heart and stems the tears.

"But now what, Nick? I'm worried about what people will say about me in work. You know, shagging the boss and all that. I don't want any favouritism or to be seen to be sleeping my way up."

He shrugs, kissing my nose. "You worry too much about what other people think. But no-one needs to know if that's what you want. It can be our little secret."

It's not that easy.

As the next few hours slip by, and the light fades, things have never felt so right. In a wine bar in Greenwich, we watch the sun set and I reluctantly state the obvious.

"I'd better be going soon, Nick. It's been such a lovely day, thank you."

Nick looks crestfallen. "Please Holly, not yet. I don't want you to go. Remember what you did to me last night? I'm not sure if I can wait till we do that again." Nick's protest is loud enough for others to hear, and several people look around. His reminder hits me right where it was intended, in the crotch. I cross my legs and smile.

"Mmm, which thing exactly?" I pretend to think. My innocent reply belies the fact that I'm blushing right down to my toes. As Nick leans over and whispers in my ear, I have to steady myself before standing up. Just the mention of what he wants to do later is turning me to jelly.

No sleep for you tonight, you shameless hussy.

Outside, the wind strengthens and there's a chill in the air. The first few drops of rain start to fall. Nick hails a taxi. "Where to mate?" asks the driver. Nick gives him the address in Mayfair. Nick's holding the door, waiting for me to get in the cab, but I hesitate.
Too much, too soon?

"Holly, please don't go home. Come back with me. If you want, we can just watch a movie. Chill out on the sofa together. What do you say?"

Compared to going home to my messy flat and Tara, Nick's offer is very enticing. I have a change of clothes in work, just in case of … well, you know, just in case.

Go on. You know you want to. What's the worst that can happen?

By the time we arrive at Nick's building the rain is torrential. We run laughing into the foyer. I'm soaked through. Inside the apartment, Nick presents me with a thick, plush towel. He leads me into his dressing-room. "Help yourself to something warm and comfortable. I'll fix us a drink." I look around at the rails of shirts and suits. I lift a grey cashmere sweater from one of the shelves, and socks from an open drawer. Shivering, I remove my wet clothes. After I've changed, I find Nick in the kitchen opening a bottle of wine.

"Just look at you, you sexy little fox! Come here." Nick pulls me towards him, leaning down to nuzzle my neck. I could get used to this. Nick hands me a glass of wine. "What would you like for dinner? How about Thai?" asks Nick as he produces some menus from a drawer.

"Thai sounds perfect, thanks." I'm distracted. A phone is ringing, and this time it's mine. Nick turns away as I rummage in my bag. I know who it is before the screen confirms it. Holy crap.

"Mum! oh hi..." I glance at Nick out of the corner of my eye. He's smiling, and discreetly turns away as he reads the takeaway menu. I walk towards the lounge to try and get out of earshot. "Mum, sorry, I can't really talk, ok?"

"Why are you whispering, dear? Is everything all right?"

I jump and try not to laugh as Nick creeps up behind me and squeezes my ass. "Yes, everything's great, honestly Mum. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise. I love you, bye."

"Sorry about that," I mumble, turning off my phone to ensure no further interruptions.

"Dinner won't be long. Do you want to choose a movie?" Nick presses a button and the giant screen on the wall comes to life.

Popcorn, wine, take-away, and a hunky man to snuggle up to and keep me warm.



The next day we take a taxi to work. Nick says he'll get out a street away but I insist on getting out first. I can't risk anyone seeing me getting out of a taxi, as everyone knows I take the Tube. At the weekly team meeting, I try not to stare at Nick, in case anyone notices. But I sense his eyes on me, and I can hardly concentrate on anything being said, as thoughts of our all too recent intimacies float through my mind.

Back at our desks after the meeting, Lou is quick to pipe up, "So, what the fuck is going on with you and Van Hoogen, then?"

I look at her blankly. "What are you talking about?"

"He's got the hots for you. You must be blind if you can't see it." Lou studies my reaction, as I shake my head and try to look busy. Nothing gets past this lot.
So much for our little secret.

The days fly by easily. Nick is hardly in the office at all, but he texts constantly. With each passing day that I don't see him, I crave his touch even more. Every time my phone vibrates, my heart skips a beat. I get a flutter of excitement in my tummy reading his messages, which tell me how much he's missing me and promise the things he's going to do to me when we're together again. The thrill of it all is heady and intoxicating. This doesn't go unnoticed as I've a new spring in my step. Lou notes the phone activity.

"Who is he then?" she asks.

"Oh, nobody you'd know," I mutter.

"Right. Not Van Hoogen by any chance?"

"Nope." As far as Lou's concerned, I'm sticking to my story.

I do tell Tara all the juicy details, otherwise I feel like I'm going to burst keeping it all to myself.

Tara's full of admiration for my latest exploits. "Jesus, Holly! It sounds like Pretty Woman!"

"Are you saying I'm a ho?" But I know she means it in the best possible way.

We have a good laugh about it as usual. She's great, Tara, really, always sees the positive in life. "I'm so excited for you, babe," she tells me over a glass or two of wine. "If this guy makes you so happy then just bloody go for it. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. A hot, horny man is just what you need."

I laugh, "You know what, Tara, you're right as usual." My phone buzzes, and Tara raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Holly, off you go and sext lover boy. I'll just finish the wine."

With Tara’s blessing, I retire to my room for private time with Nick on my phone, with my trusty pink rabbit not far behind.


There's just one small detail bugging me, and I can't settle till it's out of the way. I know I'm going to have to tell Adam. It wouldn't be right for him to hear from someone else. We meet for coffee downstairs at work.

"Adam, there's something I want to talk to you about."

The way Adam's looking at me, I think he knows what's coming, but he's not going to make it easy for me. He sits in stony silence.

"Um, I've been out with Nick and we're meeting up again."

"Ah. Our friend Van Hoogen?" Adam forces a wry smile.

"Adam, honestly, he's not that bad. I mean, actually he's lovely. I really like him, and he feels the same way. I want to give it a go with him. I just wanted you to know, that's all."

I'm not expecting Adam's approval, but it seems like an eternity before he speaks. "If that's what you want, Holly, I'm really happy for you," Adam finally replies. He doesn't look particularly happy, but I breathe a sigh of relief anyway.

"But if that fucker messes you around he's got me to answer to." With a melodramatic flourish, Adam runs a finger across his throat and I have to laugh. Adam rolls his eyes and the mood lifts. I'm relieved that the conversation has gone as well as could be expected.

As we finish up, he gives me a big hug, for longer than strictly necessary. I try to wiggle free without offending him. As I extricate myself from his clinch, Adam looks me in the eye. "Just be careful, Holly. Things aren't always what they seem."

On my way back to my desk I can't get that closing remark out of my head.


It feels like aeons since I've seen Nick but in reality it's only been a few days. Friday dawns at last, and I dress carefully, stashing a few things in an overnight bag, knowing Nick is back at the office today. Hopefully I won’t be going home to my place tonight.

I've barely set my bag down, taken my coat off and logged on when an internal message from Nick appears on my screen, asking me to come to his office. We keep our e-mails and internal communicator messages above board and business-like. In a place like Cathwell's you never know who's watching. Our texts are another story, and I blush at the thought.

Suddenly shy, I'm trembling in anticipation as I open the door of Nick's office. The last time I saw him was on Monday morning in the taxi.

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