ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (114 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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As a nurse Tessa knew hours could pass between arriving at hospital and getting any news. That knowledge did nothing to make the time pass. Sometime after she'd got to the hospital, her mother had arrived and hugged her tightly, rubbing her back and soothing her. She'd also brought a bag of fresh clothes which Tessa was grateful for as she was covered in dried blood and wore an ill-fitting, oversized Hurley shirt.

“What happened, honey?” Her mother asked. Tessa told her mother the story, her eyes snapping up every time the door opened. A nurse approached them as Tessa finished her tale,

“Excuse me, did you come in with Calvin Hughes?” Both women stood up.

“Yes, I'm Tessa, what's wrong?” The nurse smiled.

“Oh nothing, I just need you to talk to someone, follow me, please.” Tessa left her mother behind and followed the woman to the nurse's station where a phone was handed to her.

“Hello?” She asked nervously.

“This is Captain John
. I was Calvin Hughes commanding officer at the time he served with us.”

“Okay...” Tessa said uncertainly.

“The medical staff there has asked me for permission to operate as I am his currently nominated next of kin.” His voice had a commanding tone and the way he spoke was all business, “Needless to say I gave it immediately, however, once he recovers sufficiently it would be worth his while transferring this right to someone else. Possibly yourself?”

“Me? Why me?”

“Because you're there with him and I assumed you were together.”

“No. No we were neighbors as kids but then he...left.”

“Oh... I see, we’ll sort it out then” Dimitrioles' tone got a little more friendly, “Were you aware of his...achievements?” He asked.

“What achievements?” Tessa asked in confusion. The captain went on to fill her in regarding Cal's past.

Tessa shuffled back to where her mother waited, her mind rolling over the facts which had been revealed to her.

“Is everything alright?” Her mother asked with a worried expression. Tessa looked up into her eyes, nodding slowly.


She had been expecting him to be riddled with tubes, breathing apparatus and oxygen. When she arrived at Cal's bedside, however, he was remarkably unencumbered by equipment. He was breathing on his own and even looked at peace. His abdomen was covered with large bandages – needless to say – and his impressive chest rose and fell steadily as she watched.  Irene Williams also watched as her daughter took Calvin Hughes' hand as tenderly as a baby's, massaging his fingers with her own.

“Cal?” Tessa asked gently. His eyes fluttered but stayed closed, “Cal, wake up.” His chest heaved as he drew a deep breath in and eventually managed to open his eyes, taking a second or two to focus on Tessa.

“I was dreaming about you,” He whispered hoarsely, sending warmth up through Tessa's whole body, “Water?” He asked, Tessa held up a beaker and guided a straw into his mouth, watching his mouth work and recalling their hot kiss in Hurley's.

“The police have arrested Dale and his cronies; they want to take a statement from you when you feel up to it.” Cal offered her a puzzled look.

“Why they got Dale and his friends?”

“Because they shot you.”

“I got shot?” He asked, surprised, “Bastard!” His eyes flicked to Tessa's mother, “Sorry, ma'am.” He apologized. Irene gave him a smile,

“Don't you worry about that, Cal, I expect I'd be cursing if I got shot too.”

“Cool. wasn't Dale and his friends.” Cal told them.

“What? Then who was it?” Cal shrugged in the bed.

“No idea. He was a junkie looking kid, looks like he had been out shopping in someone’s house with a buggy full of stuff.” He grinned when Tessa just looked at him, “Dale did want to have a reckoning with me,” He said, “But I saw them three off in the alley at the back of that bar, when I noticed the guy with the buggy full of recently stolen presents.” He frowned as if remembering was hard, “Then I could hear this someone whimpering.”

“The puppy!” Tessa said, “I came looking for you and heard this puppy.” She added when he looked confused, “It led me to you in the dark.” Cal nodded.

“Well you better get the cops. They got the wrong guys for this. It appears I interrupted a thief going over his loot.” Tessa looked towards her mother who nodded and left. Tessa started to speak but Cal interrupted her.

“Funny how life works, ain't it? I been to a whole bundle of different countries, seen active combat in any number of places and I had to come back to this little town to get shot.” He grunted a laugh.

“Cal,” Tessa began, “They've had to cut out a section of your colon.” His eyebrows shot up, “You'll be fine,” She added when she saw his face.

“Does that mean I can leave?” He asked.

“No,” Tessa laughed, “But you’re going to need some serious R and R time and TLC to get well! I ought to get shot more often.” His voice had got stronger since he had sipped the water and he reached for it again. Tessa grabbed it before he got there and offered him the straw.

“I can manage,” He said.

“I know,” She told him, “But I like helping you.”

“You do?” He asked, sipping his water, “I got a house needs clearing up, if you feeling up to it.” Tessa smiled.

“Oh, I just remembered, I have this thing that I have to do for the next few weeks. So, yeah, no sorry.” Cal chuckled making Tessa smile. “I spoke to Captain Dimitrioles.” She told him. Cal's eyes snapped towards her.

“Why?” He demanded.

“He was, is, down as your next of kin. They needed to get authorization for surgery and he asked if it might be better if someone else local took the role instead.” Cal searched her eyes for something, relaxing when he didn’t find whatever it was. Tessa wanted to continue this conversation but at the same time as she was about to speak, a police officer in a black uniform entered the small room.

“Calvin Hughes?” His deep voice rumbled off the walls, Cal just nodded. “I'm Officer Owen Navarro, Drillington P.D. can I speak to you?”

“Come on in,” Cal said, “have a seat”.

“So you're sure you weren't shot by Dale Valters or either of his associates.” Cal smiled,

“Yes sir,” He said respectfully, “Like I said, Dale had one of his buddies go and open the fire door next to the bathrooms and they waited for me to use the head. When we took things outside, they realized I could take care of myself and after I rolled 'em about in the alley for a few minutes, they turned tail and ran away.” Officer Navarro scribbled a few final details in his notebook and looked satisfied.

“Thank you for your cooperation and information, Mr. Hughes. If we have any further questions we know where to find you.” Cal gave the cop a cheeky salute and he left. Cal yawned and Tessa knew she should let him sleep.

“I'm going to go,” She told him, “See you tomorrow?”

“Not quite sure where I'm gonna' be.” He joked. Tessa stood and Cal's eyes went wide, “What the hell?” She looked down to see her clothing, soaked with his blood.

“It's yours,” She told him, “You were bleeding quite badly when I found you.”

“You found me?” Cal asked in confusion, “So you saved my life.” He added with a sly smile.

“The paramedics must...”

“No,” He cut her off, “I remember hearing them talking in the ambulance, they said something like, 'He'd be a goner if she hadn't got there and stopped the bleeding.' They must have been talking about you.” Pride flooded Tessa as she stood looking into his eyes.

“I'm a nurse, it's what we do.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead, “Besides which, I hear you've saved a few lives yourself.” Cal turned his head away and let her hand drop,

“Night, Tessa.” He said coldly.

“Bye.” She whispered, a cold fist clamped around her heart.


“I just don't understand.” Tessa said to her mother as they sat in the kitchen, eating toast and drinking coffee. Tessa had scrubbed the filth and blood from her body, thrown her clothes away and had a pitifully short night’s sleep after returning from the hospital. This was in part due to the small, cold, invasive nose which belonged to the Labrador.

“Some people get embarrassed when you bring up their good deeds, honey.” Her mother explained, “They like to hide their light under a bushel as the saying goes.”

“Yeah, but it was as if he was angry with me for mentioning it and we were getting on so well at the bar and hospital, until then.” Her mother smiled,

“I'm sure you were. I've seen the way you look at him.” She raised her eyebrows at Tessa, “The exact same way I used to look at your dad when he was younger.” Tessa gave her mother a look, “Just saying.” Her mother added.

“He asked me to help him with his house.” Tessa murmured abstractly.


“He asked me to help clean his house out.” Tessa repeated.

“Oh. Are you going to?” Tessa wondered over this for a while before standing,

“I'm just going to make a few calls.”


She entered Cal's room to find him perched on the side of his bed, trying to get up. His skin had a sheen of sweat over it and was an unhealthy light gray color.

“What the
are you doing?” She demanded, dashing over and trying to give him some kind of support at the same time as pushing him back onto the bed.

“Going to the bathroom.” He growled through clenched teeth.

“You got shot and had major surgery less then twenty-four hours ago!”

“Don't mean I gotta’ go in a pan.” He grunted. Tessa managed to get him back on the bed with ease, where he panted and grabbed the mattress in both fists. She looked over to where one of the nurses had left a steel bedpan and patted him on his burning shoulder.

“What about if I arrange a mobile commode?”

Eventually, after he had been convinced to get back in bed, Tessa approached again.

“Feel any better?”

“Never better T.” Tessa gave him a stare.

“Cal. Do you feel any

God, how
I want this man. I could just lock the door and do all the work... he could just lie there. Damn, no locks on these doors.

“Yeah, I'll be out of here tomorrow.” He told her.

Right. One of
patients, then.

“You're going home?” He nodded, “And the IV antibiotics?” Tessa asked, pointing to the needle which pierced his vein. “You need those to fight the infection you
get from having your colon split open by a bullet.”

“Lecturing me, doc?” Tessa smiled and shook her head.

“Reasoning with you. Anyone been to see you?” His eyebrows went up.

“Like who? No one here knows me, save you and your mama.” She couldn't argue with that.

“Is there anything you need? Do anything for you?”

“Foot massage might be nice.” He grinned. “Shoulder rub too?”

“Magazines or books was more my thought.”

“Guns and Ammo?”

“I don't think they carry that in the hospital shop, sorry.”

“Ah well, can't win 'em all.” They fell silent for a few seconds.

“Can I talk to you without you getting all upset?” Tessa asked. Cal scowled.

“Depends on what you want to talk about.” He grumbled. Tessa took a deep breath and let it out.

“What happened?” Cal knew exactly what she meant and his face turned angry.

“We were in Africa,” He hissed through clenched teeth, “Gathering Intel, it was supposed to have been. We got close enough to start spying on his operations. Two days in, we ended up getting attacked. Five guys got hit in the first minute easy. I got four of them out and the last got fragged. Happy now?” He asked spitefully.

“God Cal, you
a hero just like Captain Dimitrioles said.”

“Yeah, some hero, leaving a man,
behind to die.” Cal said idly punching the bed.

“You saved
” She reminded him gently and felt her throat tighten when she saw tears starting to well in his eyes. She grabbed his hand, “You saved

“It doesn't matter, I still let one of them die.”

“You can't blame yourself, babe,” She told him, “You did everything you could humanly do to save them.” They fell silent again while Cal shed a tear.

“You called me 'babe'” He said with a smile. Tessa blushed.

“Yeah? Bothered?” He shook his head and patted the bed next to him. Tessa hesitated for a second before lying down and putting her arm across his chest. They were asleep within two minutes.


Cal made excellent progress, mainly due to his fitness, and came home the following week. When her mother pulled up outside his father's home, Tessa felt sick, wondering if she had done the right thing in the week he had been hospitalized. She watched him as the car pulled into his driveway, waiting to see if he would be happy or angry.

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