ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (111 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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     “I want you inside of me,” she growled passionately against his lips, spreading her fleshy thighs before him to emphasize her command. “

She smiled as an impassioned Jaxson clutched her to him, holding her closer than close as he whispered against her lips, “Yes Doctor.”

     With these words he surged his long stiff member to the core of her soaking wet readiness; fully and finally uniting them as one as their kiss deepened further still.

     Their hips claimed an immediate rhythm as they once again engaged in an intimate tango; their bodies writhing and slithering together as their enjoined tongues mirrored their motion.

     Running her trembling fingers through the softness of his thick wavy hair, Bethany pressed her soft voluptuous body against her lover’s hard and chiseled one; moaning outright as he continued to probe and penetrate her.

     Sinking deeper into the confines of Bethany’s whisper soft bed, the couple lost themselves in a binding embrace as Jaxson surged forth to her very being; their sweat-lined bodies molding together as he smothered her with passionate kisses. He entered her over and over, tossing from one side of the bed to the other, his hand under her back to pull him hardness deeper into her womanhood with an intensity that took them both into a different dimension, pure, timeless bliss. Bethany gasped repeatedly, as he penetrated her, lunging in and out, sending shivers uncontrollably throughout her.

     Finally and with a long last stroke he sent them both careening across the bounds of a powerful mutual climax; one that ignited both their bodies in the realm of passion’s fire as they moaned their pleasure.

     Silence overtook them moments later as they collapsed into one another’s arms; sharing an entwined body as if one.

     Moments later the exhausted couple reclined together in the shared heaven of their own private resting place; whispering their good nights as they fell asleep in one another’s arms.

     As Jaxson drifted off to sleep, he found his psyche suddenly bathed in the realm of an ethereal dreamscape; an azure seascape in which his body floated free and unencumbered.

     For just a moment he savored the beauty of his aquiline surroundings; the sweet pink and fuscia guppies, the golden starfish, the swaying water lilies every hue of the rainbow.

Yet after just a moment of blissful respite a sense of dread overcame him; setting his nerves on end as he saw before him a most unwelcome sight.

     Once again he saw the ghoulish shadowy body, still and limp in the water. And as before he dove to the aid of a victim who was anything but.

     His dreamscape shifted in suspended animation as he scooped the dummy up in his arms; this time daring to look downward to spot the bomb that hovered dangerous just beneath him.

     Then he saw the flash of red, followed by a time of darkness; an interval shattered by the sudden presence of a nurturing hand placed right across his heart.

     Coming awake with a heated gasp, Jaxson turned into Bethany’s embrace as she held him closer than close.

     “What did you see this time Jaxson?” his lover whispered, voice soft and nurturing.

     “I saw everything,” Jaxson answered immediately, adding as he raised his eyes to pin Bethany with a meaningful glance, “I saw the dummy, I saw the bomb, I saw the explosion. I saw Tommy positioned in between me and the bomb, and there was nothing I could have done differently.” He paused here, adding as he squared his broad shoulders and lifted his firm chin to prideful effect, “He will be fine, somehow, I just know, he will be fine.”


Chapter Eight

SEAL the Deal



     These words echoed in Jaxson’s mind a week later, as he made his way into the all familiar office of his therapist, Dr. Bethany Pierce.

     In the wake of their night of unbelievable passion, Bethany had made some surprise arrangements. 

     ….which is why it really surprised him now, as he spotted two glasses of sparkling champagne poised at the edge of his therapist’s desk.

     “I have wonderful news for you,” Bethany, dressed today in a beige pant suit that flattered her generous curves, rose from the seat behind her desk to join her hands with his. “After completing a thorough evaluation of your case, your commanding officers and I have determined that that your memory is now fully intact, and that you seem much happier and more productive than you have since the time of the blast.” She paused here, adding as she leaned forward to sear his lips with a warm sweet kiss, “You my darling are hereby discharged from my care. And although I am no longer officially your therapist, I am no longer ‘technically’ off limits.”

     Letting forth with a joyful whoop, a beaming Jaxson swept his lady up in his arms as he twirled her around in a joyous circle; seizing her lips in a passionate kiss as he headed for her couch.

     “What do you think you’re doing?” Bethany giggled against his lips.

     Shrugging his broad shoulders, Jaxson tossed her body into the softness of her lush leather couch; fixing her with a wicked smile as he locked the door, unbuttoned his shirt and yanked it over his bulging shoulders.

     “Well since we no longer need this couch for purposes of therapy,” he explained, flexing his chiseled pecks and washboard abs for her wide-eyed pleasure. “We might as well put to the thing to better use.”

      With these words his body covered hers on the surface of the luxurious couch, the couple’s lips again colliding in a heated kiss as they stripped each other bare, with frenzied hands.

     Lowering his bronzed head to her chest to lick her skin and suckle her nipples, Jaxson purred against her skin as her loving hands massaged his back and chest; throwing her head back to gasp her desire as their arms and legs entangled.

     Immediately hardening with stark arousal beneath the effects of his lady’s touch, Jaxson still took the time to cradle her close to him; kneading her spine as he fondled and kissed her breasts and thrust his hips against hers.

     Slithering restless against her lover, Bethany reached down to lay a hot playful slap on his chiseled tight butt; tossing forth with her long black mane to cover his head as he surged upward to sear her lips with an intense, passionate kiss.

     Their tongues and fingers entwined at once as his manhood soared between them; their thighs locking as he reached down an attentive hand to cup and
kneads her clit.

His magical fingers eliciting sparks of sensation that soared wild throughout her entire body, Bethany plied his lips with an adoring kiss as she wrapped her long legs around his trim waist; inviting him inward as she thrust herself against him.

     Moaning in ecstasy as his lover whipped her soft hair across the surface of his sensitive nipples, Jaxson surged inside her as two became one; his reverberating manhood diving deep within her as he held her closer than close.

     Soon it was difficult to tell where one ended and the other began; their bodies moving in magnificent tandem as the intense friction of their joined beings threatened to drive them insane.

     Even as Jaxson continued to probe and penetrate an enthralled Bethany, he rubbed and massaged her famished nub as she sighed her pleasure; their hearts pounding in divine accord as their quiet cries of passion filled the air above them.

Breaking their kiss, Bethany stared deep into Jaxson’s eyes as she whispered, “You distracted me so quickly my Navy SEAL, that I forgot to tell you my other piece of very good news.”
She paused here, adding with a broad smile, “I’ve been asked to serve as the base therapist at a certain Miami Naval station; the very same one that you report to next week, once you’ve been reinstated as a full-time Navy SEAL. I was wondering what you thought about that?”

     His eyes flying wide, Jaxson let loose with a joyful whoop as he drove deep within her; carrying them once again into the realm of an incredible shared orgasm.

     Showering his lady’s face with a rain of sweet baby kisses, he instructed, you’ll take that position, Doctor Bethany, and formally be mine. A directive she was only too happy to follow.

     “Ay ay, Sailor,” she accepted. 

The End




Copyright 2015 by Jasmine Jensen - All rights reserved.



















A Navy Seal Erotic Romance










By: Jasmine Jensen





A cool breeze tousled the few strands of hair which had come out of Tessa's elastic, tickling her neck as she stared into the neighbor's yard. The cherry tree, which had been there since she was a little girl, filtered the morning sun down on the front lawn – badly in need of a trim – and the rusting hulk of an ancient Chevrolet Impala – badly in need of a tow. Her next door neighbor's house looked the same as it had since she'd come back, with the exception of the man standing on the front porch.

At least six foot tall, the stranger looked as if he was having some kind of dilemma, his head was down and he looked to be in deep thought. Tessa looked over the hard lines and muscled plains of his body as he waited.
Yum. If he's peddling a new religion, I'd be his first convert of the day.

“Hey Mom?” She called through the newly opened door, “I'm just going next door for a sec.” Tessa's mother came out from the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel,

“What for, honey?”

“There's a guy waiting at the door.” Her mother peered out,

“More vultures trying to get their piece of poor old Victor. Well, if you're going over there, you might as well tell him Victor died three months back.”

“'Kay.” Tessa said, distractedly as she walked down the front path. Her mother kept the front yard neat and tidy, a row of little flowers graced each side of the pavement and weeds were strictly forbidden. Tessa smiled when she opened the brilliant white gate, set in the picket fence surrounding the garden, knowing it got at least two coats of fresh paint a year. Under no illusion her mother enjoyed the work, Tessa knew she spent as much time out here as she did to keep an eye on the comings and goings of all the neighbors and enjoy a good gossip if someone stopped to chat.

Approaching the old Hughes place, Tessa saw the man had a long, cylindrical, olive green bag with him and wore what looked like black cargo pants and a white tee which hugged his body so tightly she could see the muscles in his back flexing. She stopped at the gate, which dangled from one hinge like a sorry excuse, and called,

“Uh hello? Can I help you?” The stranger tipped his head to the side and turned to face her. Tessa's abdomen rolled at the sight of him. She could see a well-defined set of pecs and abs you could grate cheese on but it was his face which captivated her attention as he strode confidently down the path towards her. Strong cheekbones and jawline were perfectly in proportion to his thick neck. He had a strong nose and dark eyebrows with eyes as dark as any she had ever seen. As he approached, she could see they were dark-chocolate brown and had a sparkle which caught the sunlight as he passed under the cherry tree. He wore a self-confident smirk as he ran his eyes up and down her body, an action which made Tessa feel naked.

“Well, I doubt that, ma'am.” He told her with a slight southern twang,

“If you're looking for Victor Hughes, I'm afraid he passed away some time back.” Tessa said gently, focusing on those
. Close up she could see there were yellow flecks in the dark brown, minute highlights in the darkness.

“I'm well aware he's dead, ma'am. I'm on leave to sort through the old man's trash and sell the homestead before I get back to base.”

“Wait,” Tessa said, thinking, “Are...are you Calvin?” His smile widened,

“I sure am, ma'am. Although I go by Cal now,” He replied, “Now how do you know me? I certainly think I'd remember a fine piece such as yourself.” Tessa's temper flared a little, being referred to as a 'fine piece' didn’t sit well with her. She put her hands on her hips and glared back at his smirk,

“I'm Tessa. Tessa Williams, from next door?” She pointed up the street to emphasize it. Cal's eyes widened.

“Little Tessa? Tessa the lessa? Tessa the underachieva?” Long and best forgotten, memories flooded her mind as he called her the names
had given her as a child, making her temper grow even more.

“Yeah, well you were always inventive with nicknames.” Cal held his hands out,

“Well, sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. You know how kids can get and I was in a bad place at the time. I'm a different man now.” He turned to look at the house, “You, ah, you wanna' come on up here and catch up?” Something about him made Tessa swallow her anger and she nodded, following him up towards the house with its peeling paint and cracked windows, staring at his butt. She tore her eyes from his backside, blushing as he turned offering her a seat. He grinned again brushing leaves and dust from the bench before dropping smoothly into a cross-legged position on the floor. Tessa moved past and sat gingerly on the decaying bench. She could smell the musty odor of the house coming through a small hole in the window frame.

“So, Tessa Williams,” Cal stated, fixing her with those brown eyes, “It must have been at least ten years, what
you been up to?” He tilted his head to one side. Tessa was at a loss for a second, caught like a rabbit in lamplight under his scrutiny. She cleared her throat and tried to think of something to say,

“Well, I, uh, just finished nursing school,” Cal nodded attentively while glancing at her breasts, “And I thought I'd come back to visit Mom before I start my new job at the Oregon State Hospital in Portland.” Cal laughed, making Tessa frown.

What's so funny about that?

“So you did take to nursing after all, huh?” Tessa was confused,

“Yeah, I just said so, didn’t I? What do you mean?” He looked up at her, with those dark brown eyes, through black lashes as long and thick as a giraffe and Tessa's belly clenched like it had earlier.

Why do I find him so attractive?

“You really don't remember?” He asked cryptically, “You always used to try and bandage the cuts and bruises the old man gave me.” Tessa thought for a second. She
remember and then she recalled something else too,

“Yeah I remember. I remember you shoving me and pulling my hair too and shouting at me to leave you the hell alone.” Tessa smiled a little to show it didn’t matter now. Cal's face darkened and he stood up with the same ease as he had dropped down,

“Yeah, well I don’t recall it being funny back then,” He snapped, “He used to get drunk and beat on me then you wanted to make it all better.” Tessa felt shock pulse coldly through her body.
What? Where did all this come from?

“Cal, I...” She began but he cut her off.

“Hey, look I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. It's just...coming back here stirred up a lot of memories, you know? And I, ah, I just don’t know how to deal with them.” Cal unclenched the fists he'd unknowingly made and leaned against the front wall with his arms crossed.

“He beat you?” Tessa asked gently. Cal raised his eyebrows at her,

“Sunup till sundown, that's why I was always outside, over Colliers meadow or whatever. Till the CPS took me away anyhow.”

“The CPS? But everyone said you moved away to a boarding school.” Cal grunted a bitter laugh and glanced up and down the street Tessa had grown up on.

“Typical of a small town like this. Cover it all up; make sure no one talks about it. I bet it still goes on today.” Saddened and shocked again, Tessa could only offer her sympathy,

“I'm sorry.” He smiled and it was as if a light had flicked on inside him.

“No biggie, you was just a kid. No it's the older generation who let things go.” Tessa grasped his train of thought instantly.

“My Mom wouldn't have stood by and ignored child abuse,” She declared hotly, “If she knew she'd have done something about it!”

“Your momma was always good to me, so I won't say a bad word against her,” He held a finger up, “But she
. Just like all of them round here back then knew.” Cal unfolded himself and reached into his pocket, dragging out a bunch of keys. “It sure was nice to catch up with you, Tessa,” Cal said dismissively, “Now I have to go and sort through his old crap.” Tessa launched herself up from the bench, making it creak, and brushed past him,

,” She spat, “I can see you're still the spiteful kid you were ten years ago and I can tell you now, my mother never knew a thing.” Tessa stormed off.


“Hey mom?” She called as she slammed the door, “Mom!”

“What?” Her mother poked her head round the kitchen door, wearing an annoyed expression, “Why are you hollering like that?”

“That guy next door?” Tessa asked, “It turns out he's Calvin Hughes.” Her mother turned round again, pouring them both a cup of coffee from the machine which dripped quietly in the corner,

Hughes,” She repeated, surprised, “Victor's son?”

“The very same,” Tessa told her, “Said he came back to clear the house out, I think he's going to sell it after he's done.” Her mother tutted and Tessa looked at her, “Can you remember why he moved away?”

“Oh, well,” Her mother began, “I seem to recall he moved to be with an aunt, one of his mother's sisters, when Victor wasn't able to look after him right.” Of all the things Tessa might have been, stupid was not one of them and she knew her mother wasn't telling her the whole truth,

“He told me his dad used to beat him when he was drunk and CPS came and took him away.” Tessa had been watching her mother's face as she said these words and saw her reaction when it came.

You did know!

“Did you know Victor beat Cal when he was a kid?” She asked in a neutral voice.

“No, Tessa!” Her mother cried in surprise, “I knew Victor tried to keep him in line and failed and I knew Victor liked to drink.”

“And you never connected the two?” Tessa demanded with an arched eyebrow. She watched as her mother wrung her hands, making a pitiful, pleading face.

“It was a different time back then. We stayed out of each other’s business in those days.” Her mother was almost whining now and Tessa tasted bile at the back of her throat.

No wonder he was such a horrible kid. He was being systematically abused!

She shook her head and stared at her mother, her nurturing, caring mother – who, Tessa believed, had been an influence in her choice of career – her mother who had known the kid next door was being beaten by his alcoholic father. And did nothing.

“I can't believe you,” Tessa whispered, “Did dad know?” Her mother paled and Tessa's stomach dropped, “Dad too?” Tears came to her eyes. Her dad, her
, he'd known and done nothing either.

“I was scared!” Her mother shouted, “Scared of what he might do to me if he found out.  You remember what Victor was like, he was a huge man. I was scared what he might do to me or your father if we said anything.” Tessa felt something then. An emotion she'd never associated with her mother before; contempt.

were scared?” She said hotly, “You? What about the little boy who had to live through it?” Tessa ran her hands through her hair and tried to cam herself down, “Look mom, I've seen this too many times while I was training. Babies with broken legs, bruises and burn marks. One kid came in at six weeks with fingerprint bruises around his face where his dad picked him up by the head and shook him.
Six weeks!
” Tessa swallowed the lump she felt growing in her throat, the images of that howling infant burned into her brain. “Sorry, mom,” Tessa sniffed, “It's just...”

“I know, honey,” Her mother said rising to hug her daughter, “And I feel bad every day for not doing anything about Cal.


That smell! The same filthy stench I remember. It's weird how your nose remembers a smell: blood, cordite, fear. Jesus! This place is just the same as I remember the day they dragged me out of here – old bastard never said a word, just watched me get put in the back of that car and drive off.

Although Cal couldn't see it, his face was twisted in an expression which was a mixture of rage, hate and fear. His fists were clenched, ready for the fight he wouldn't ever have. The man he wanted to fight had died three months ago.


Cal's expression softened without his knowing it.

“A nurse, huh?” Cal had vivid memories of the little girl she had been ten years ago. Hair in braids, dungarees and a flowered blouse her mother had made pulling tight over breasts which were just starting to grow. She'd been a gangly youth, tall and rangy with braces and Kmart sneakers.

She ain't that little girl no more. She sure did grow into that body of hers.

Cal walked through to the kitchen and out the greasy sliding glass door into the back yard. He couldn't see more than three feet through the vegetation.

Jesus, Victor, too drunk to even mow your lawn?

The knock at the door was unexpected but he realized almost as soon as it came who it probably was. The nurse. It was just a shadow the other side of the door until he opened it and there she was, looking nervous but as sexy and curvy as she had been this morning. Tessa had a nervous smile on her face.

Them braces did a good job then.

“Hi,” Cal offered a smile and questioning look.

“Hi,” She said quietly then seemed stuck.

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