ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (112 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“Is there something I can do for you?” Cal asked, wondering why he wanted her to come in, okay, not
wondering. She had been holding her hands behind her back; Cal appreciated the sight, and now brought them forward revealing a huge Thermos and brown paper bag.

“Peace offering,” She told him, “Coffee and donuts?” Cal nodded.

“Well anyone bringing donuts is welcome in my house,” Cal felt a jolt of something strange at the thought this
his house now, “But I warn you, you might want to hold that little hand of yours.”

Now what made me say that? I must sound like a complete freak!

Tessa just smiled and followed him into the gloomy house. Cal decided to leave the door open to air out the stale atmosphere. He wandered around the place, opening windows and the back door to get a flow of air through it. He turned back to his guest who was looking around with an unreadable expression on her face. He watched as she took in the filthy, worn furniture, threadbare carpet covering the floors, thick coating of dust on every surface – including the spider webs which looked like gray feather-boas – and the fading wallpaper. She stood, unknowingly, in a patch of sunlight which caught in her hair, turning it to what looked like liquid gold. Cal couldn't tear his eyes off her.

She turned and caught his gaze which must have been either lusty or goofy because she blushed a deep shade of red and looked away. Cal felt lightness in his chest he hadn't felt since leaving base to come here.

“I will try and find something to drink that coffee out of,” He said moving into the kitchen again, “But most everything here's covered in filth.”

Why do I feel ashamed? It ain't my crap all over the place, this is Victor's mess and he's gone and left it for someone else to take care of. Again.

That stopped Cal. The thought that he had been his father's mess to be taken care of by someone else. He glanced about the place, really noticing the neglect the old man had treated the place with and realized it was the same. His father, his
, hadn't cared about him at all. Hadn't fought to keep him, hadn't tried to change. Cal shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts.

It don’t matter, I got a new family now. A band of brothers and every one of them's got my back.

“I've got cups with me if you can't find...” Tessa trailed off as she noticed his bunched muscles and his white knuckles from gripping the sink so hard “Are you okay?” She asked tentatively. With a deep breath and massive effort, Cal let go of the sink and relaxed a little. He turned with a fake smile,

“I'm good, thanks.” Pointing back into what had been the family room, he added, “You wanna' have a seat?” She turned and his eyes fell to her butt, firmly outlined in the denim jeans she wore.

Sweet Lord, you're fine, girl.

Cal followed Tessa into the small room, dusted off a stained, scratched plastic coffee table and turned the cushions on the antique sofa. She filled the cups which came with the Thermos and laid out milk, sugar and a few donuts. Cal sat, the sofa's springs complaining, and took the small cup from Tessa. Their fingers touched, just the tiniest brushing of skin on skin, which Cal thought nothing of, but Tessa's breath caught in her throat for a second and it looked as if she jumped.

Is she scared of me or got the hots for me? Man how I’d like to put my hands on my neighbor’s fine curves.

Cal sipped the burning coffee, liking the rich, dark blend and watched as she sat, folding her leg up beneath her as she did. He looked at her as she bit into one of the sugary treats and had to ask,

“How is it you ain't bothered by the smell?” Tessa looked over and started to chew faster in the way most people do when they're asked a question with a mouthful of food. Swallowing, she answered,

“Well, I've emptied more bedpans than I can remember, so that might be it,” She looked a little nervously at him, “But really, Cal, I can't smell anything.” Cal felt his eyebrows go up.

“Maybe it's just me, then,” He said, “There's a sour smell, like old sweat and stale beer.”

“It's a little musty, but it has been sitting empty for a while,” She told him, “Other than that, nothing.”

Weird. Can that smell just be in my imagination?

They sat in silence for a few moments, both wondering what to say, it was Tessa who broke it.

“Have you got any plans for this place?” Cal shrugged.

“Not really. Just gonna' throw out all the junk, strip it bare and see how much I can get for it and get the hell outa here.”

“Have you got somewhere to stay while you do all that?” Cal looked at her oddly,

“Right here at the old homestead,” He told her, patting the back of the sofa which made puffs of dust float into the air to be carried off by the breeze.

“You're not serious!” Tessa cried, “There's no water or power to the place, mom told me they shut it all off not long after your dad passed.” Cal chuckled,

“I slept in worse places than this. My crew was sent into a rainforest in monsoon season. The only way to get any sleep was to hang over a rope fixed between two trees with a plastic sheet over you to keep the rain off. Even then all you can hear is the hiss of the water falling all around you but there ain't no way to lie on the ground without getting washed away.”

“What were you doing in a rainforest?” Tessa asked with wide eyes.

Sexy eyes, man could get lost looking into them.

“I have been all over the place. Signed up to be a Navy SEAL as soon as I turned seventeen.”

“Holy crap! Really?” He laughed,

“Yes Ma'am.” Cal replied. Tessa thought for a moment.

“Well you can't stay here,” She told him, “At least not until there's power and water. Come stay with me and mom, at least you can get a shower there.”

“I doubt your momma would approve of you bringing strange men home to stay.” He joked.

“She'll be fine. And I won't take no for an answer.”

“I'll be fine here.” Cal insisted. Tessa reached across and touched his massive arm,

“Don't be silly, we've got plenty of room, phone and internet so you can arrange for the power and water companies to come out and reconnect the supply,” She smiled, “I might even throw in a home cooked meal or two.” Cal smirked.

“You gonna' bribe a man with food?”

“Whatever it takes.” Tessa shot back.

“You've hit on my only weakness there,” Cal said, pointing a finger at her, “You're sworn to secrecy though.” Tessa traced a massive X shape across her chest.


Tessa had waited outside as he secured the old house and grabbed his bag, wondering what had made her invite him up to her mother's house. It was true he needed somewhere to stay but if he was a SEAL, he could surely take care of himself.

Perhaps it's my inner nurse taking over. And perhaps you just want that huge pile of manliness as close to you as possible.

The darker part of her psyche was probably right, Tessa thought, it usually was.

Cal joined her and they walked the short distance to her house,

“Mom!” She called, “I brought Cal home.” Her mother appeared from the kitchen, as usual dressed in her apron and baking something. Her eyes went wide when she saw Calvin,

“Gosh, you grew big down south!” She exclaimed, not understanding why her daughter and Calvin were laughing until she thought about what she'd said. Tessa's mother turned a bright pink and she pressed a hand to her mouth, “I didn't mean...oh you know what I meant. Come on through and have a seat. I was just baking some of Tessa's favorite cookies.” She paused and looked at him again, “You can leave your bag in the hallway there...why have you got a bag anyway?” She wondered. Tessa explained as they went through to the kitchen and sat.

“Well of course you're welcome to stay,” Her mother said when she knew the full story, “I'll go and make up the guest room right now.”

“Cal and I can take care of that, mom,” Tessa told her mother.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Williams.” Cal added.

“Call me Irene.” Her mother called after them, a knowing little smile on her face.


“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” Tessa said into her cellphone, “Meet you there about eight? Okay, bye.” She shut the phone, really looking forward to catching up with her best friend from high-school. Connie had been a rock when Tessa's father passed away and they had kept in touch ever since then. She heard the water stop running in the bathroom and decided to ask Cal if he wanted to join them tonight. She opened her door at the same time as he came out of the bathroom with just a little towel wrapped round his waist. Tessa's mouth went dry.

Her eyes followed the drops of water as they made their way down his body, curving over his sculpted chest and across his washboard abs before being absorbed by one of her mother's soft towels.

Lucky drops of water, to be able to flow over that body.

Tessa licked her lips and of course that was when Cal looked over at her. His cheeky grin at her obvious leering made her blush and she could feel the heat spread up her neck as he approached her. He tilted his head to one side,

“Are you spying on me?” He wondered in a deep voice. Tessa smiled in spite of herself,

“No, but could you blame me? she teased. “I'm meeting my best friend from nursing school tonight wonder if you wanted to come along?”

“I'll have to check my diary, see if I'm busy and get back to you.” Cal replied. It took a few seconds for her to register it but he was leaning closer and closer to her, bringing his face down level with hers. Tessa held one finger against his chest,

“My mom's just downstairs.” She told him.

“Another time then?” He asked with an arrogant look on his face.

“Hey!” She tried to be casual but his impudence and arrogance just made her smile.

Careful Tessa.

Her thought dissipated like dust in the wind as she watched perfectly formed rugged body walk off down the hall. Something deep inside her twisted pleasantly.


Hurley's was thrumming with a pleasant Friday night crowd. Beer flowed as easily as the conversation and the selection of music, while not to everyone's taste, was at least subdued. Cal opened the door for Tessa who thanked him and entered, scanning the crowd for her friend, Gemma. Spotting the mass of black curls which had to be her friend, Tessa trotted excitedly through the growing crowd, weaving round men in plaid shirts and women in low cut tops. Cal followed but the crowd seemed to part round him, like river water around a rock, parting to let him pass and closing up behind.

Tessa and Gemma squealed like children, hugging and laughing, looking at each other and generally reacquainting themselves after being apart for so long. Gemma turned to see Cal and her eyes widened in surprise,

“And where did you find this fine specimen, Reebs?” She asked with a flirtatious tilt of her head. Cal smiled and held his hand out while Tessa explained the situation,

“Evening, ma'am,” He greeted politely, “I'm Cal Hughes.” He took Gemma's hand and kissed her knuckles gently making her blush. She grinned at Tessa,

“Well good evening to you Cal. I'm Gemma Richards but feel free to call me Gem.” Her face changed, “In fact, feel free to call me whatever you want, whenever you want.” Tessa smiled at her friend's obvious flirtations but deep inside she felt a sharp stab of jealousy. She and Gemma had never competed for boys at school but Gemma had always been more popular with the opposite sex, with her long black hair, curvy body and sometimes excessively outgoing personality.

If she thinks she can get her hands on Cal, she can think again!

Now where did that come from? Ok, I know exactly where it came from and where she’s not going. Mine! She laughed inwardly at her awakened desire. 

Cal was asking her something.

“I said what can I get you to drink?” He had bent down to speak into her ear and she shivered when his warm breath kissed her neck. Asking for a beer, she sat opposite Gemma in a booth which gave them a little privacy while Cal went to the bar. Tessa watched as several women gave him appraising looks as he passed them, some nudging their friends and following him with their eyes. Cal didn’t give any sign he even noticed.

“If you're not going to make use of him, can I?” Gemma wondered, following her friend's gaze. Tessa shook her head and laughed,

“Same old Gem, still as flirty and popular as always.”


“Ooh! So you
like him,” Gemma teased, “Okay, okay, I'll back off.” She held her hands out.

“It's not that...I mean yes I...” Tessa stumbled over the words, looked at her best friend and laughed at her expression, “I love you and all, but hands off!”

“So what ya’ gonna' do about it?” Tessa shrugged. “Well you've gotta’ have a
,” Gemma said. Cal returned with three bottles,

“Liquid gold for the ladies,” He said, putting ice cold Budweiser’s in front of both of them. He sat next to Tessa, opposite Gemma and took a deep drink from his own bottle. The two women watched, Tessa with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

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