ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (24 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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Luke But his head against her hip and started to purr. The drumbeat rumbled in his chest and rolled through his body. He was so relieved Azalea didn’t run screaming from him.

Azalea stood back and knelt down. She just wanted to observe Luke, but the big animal strolled up and rubbed his cheek against hers before backing off and shifting back to human.

“If you want to run away and change your name I would totally understand.” Luke’s mouth may have said he was okay with that, but his eyes showed the truth. He never wanted her to go.

“No. I don’t want to run. This is amazing! No wonder you were so excited when you found out I was training to be a vet.” She ran her hand up his now very manly forearm. She paused, furrowing her brow. “What does this mean for our baby?”

Luke had to ponder that question for a moment. “Well, I’m not sure. I’m a shifter and you’re not. It could go either way. We won’t know for sure until he or she hits puberty.”

Azalea nodded still zoned out. She was carrying a shifter’s baby, so what did that mean for the pregnancy? “Do you know anything about shifter pregnancies? I mean your mom has to have some insight, right?” With a million and one questions zipping through her mind, Azalea needed to go to a source that could help her. The library would be mostly useless. She could look up the pregnancy and gestation of big cats and that’s about it. The internet may have something, but she’d have to sift through a lot of bad and joke information to find anything.

“Obviously.” Luke started walking towards the exit. He sensed it was time to leave. “I would have to call her though. She moved to Florida a couple of years ago.”

Azalea fell in behind Luke as he led the way out to the parking lot. “How much do you remember about growing up as a shifter? Did you have brothers or sisters? Think back to when your mom was pregnant with them.”

Luke chuckled. He didn’t have any experience with babies of any kind. “I have two brothers, but they’re much older. Scott is ten years older than me and Josh is twelve. I was the oops baby.”

That would be no help to her. His brothers were so much older as to practically make Luke an only child. Researching her condition would prove to be difficult. “Do you think you could take me with you to Chico? I’d like to meet some of the women of your group. Maybe they could help me.”

That was the only avenue she could think to get the clearest and most immediate answers. And maybe find a doctor who had experience in this sort of thing. Her OB/GYN would have a difficult time understanding the sudden turn her life had taken and would probably have her committed if Azalea explained.

“Of course. When did you want to leave?” Luke laced his fingers with Azalea’s. A surge of happiness and pride coursed through him. It took a while, but finding his mate was worth the effort. And getting her with child so quickly! A smile tugged at his lips. They could have a whole bunch of kids – or are they cubs? – if they were that fertile.

“I’d need to tell Tiffany what was going on. How about tomorrow morning?” Tiffany would have a heart attack if she found out just how much Azalea’s life jumped the rails.

“Sure. We can do that.” The pair walked along in silence for a few minutes just enjoying each other’s company.

The sun was sitting lower in the sky. The afternoon had a touch of déjà vu to it being in the canyon with Luke, surrounded by the pink sky. Azalea huddled a bit closer to Luke, a chill settled in the air around them.

Suddenly, Luke tensed and stopped walking. He held his hand up as Azalea opened her mouth to speak. He was focused on finding what disturbed him.

“Well look what the cat dragged in.” called a familiar voice from behind. Azalea spun around as Luke glanced over his shoulder. He had found the cause of alarm. JP sauntered out through the trees flanked by two men who were close to Luke’s size.

The one on the left was a thin, Aryan looking man, who couldn’t have been more than twenty, but had the hard look of a man who had been through hell.

The man on the right was the shorter of the two, but not by much. He wore his dark hair in a buzz cut and wore clothing more suited to the golf course than a biker gang.

JP stood with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug look on his face. “It’s so nice to see you two love birds out in this neck of the woods. I suppose congratulations are in order. I happened to overhear the good news, daddy.” JP sneered in their direction.

Immediately, Azalea’s hands went to her belly and Luke pushed her behind him. A prickle of fear skittered up her spine. Back in the apartment, the run in with JP seemed like no more than a pissing contest. Being out in the open and JP having backup intensified the situation well beyond what Azalea thought it might be.

“You fuck off, Levesque. Take your stooges and go before I make all three of you wish you were dead.” A vein had risen to the surface of the reddening skin in Luke’s neck. His jaw muscles tensed as he tamped down the urge to kill a man.

“Oooo! Big talk, Robertson, but last I checked you were a stand by and do nothing kind of guy.” JP commented. He snickered at his next thought. “But seeing as you’ve knocked up the chubby girl I suppose you can actually do something after all.”

Azalea’s belly roiled and she felt her cheeks go hot as embarrassment and self-consciousness reared their ugly heads again. JP had called her chubby, which was just a cuter way to say she was fat. The disgust in his voice also made Azalea feel like a total slut.

Luke stood rod straight and refused to answer. He was not about to give the three assholes in front of him the satisfaction of knowing they got under his skin. He knew they would be dealt with in due time. He just wasn’t stupid enough to attempt it two men short.

“Awe, come on Robertson.” JP called as he paced closer. “You don’t mean to tell me you’ve gone soft now? What would your second say?” JP tapped his index finger against his chin in mock thought. “I know what he would say. He would call you a pussy and try to take you out himself. You get a little tail and suddenly you’re Mr. Sensitive?” JP bowed up at Luke. "I want to finish what we started all those months ago. What do you say?”

Without hesitation, Luke replied, “I’d simply repeat what I said before; go fuck yourself.” Luke reared back and through a lethal looking right hook. His fist connected with the bridge of JP’s nose, making an audible crunch and knocking him out. He stared down the two goons, daring them to make a move.

The two men moved close enough to grab one arm each of their leader and drag him away.

Luke watched them disappear back into the woods. His breathing came heavy and loud, he kept opening and closing his fist to shake the pain of connecting with bone away.

Tentatively, Azalea touched his shoulder, readying herself in case he still felt froggy. “Luke. They’re gone.” She told him softly, “let’s hurry back to the parking lot before they come back.” She gave his hand a tug, but he still wouldn’t budge. In a final effort to get him to move, she moved around to face him and, standing on tiptoe, pressed her lips to his to pull his attention away.

At first he didn’t respond. It wasn’t until Azalea clasped her hands behind his neck that he finally reciprocated. She was providing an outlet for his pent up energy and a distraction for his anger. Being so close, he could smell the testosterone rolling off of his body. It was intoxicating.

She slid one of her hands down his muscular torso to between his legs. She groped his very erect manhood, excited at the prospect of taking it on again. A low growl rumbled in Luke’s throat as she pet him through his jeans.

Luke groped for the button of Azalea’s jeans and slipped his hand inside. He cupped her and parted her lips to find the sensitive nub inside and began rub her. He was pleased to feel her growing wet in his hand.

Azalea pressed her breasts against him, the urgency growing inside her to have him again. She abandoned second base and was ready to steal home. She tore at the button and fly of his jeans and shoved the fabric down his hips to free him. She clasped her hands around him and stroked up and down, picking up speed with each pass.

Luke’s kiss grew rougher the hotter he became, until he couldn’t take anymore. He broke away to jerk Azalea’s jeans off and drag her to the ground on top of him. He grabbed her hip with one hand to position her over his lap and steadied his erection with the other, plunging himself into her.

Azalea gasped at the speed in which he took her. When she didn’t respond right away, Luke flipped her so he was on top and could take control. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he took her fast and rough. She moaned as his thighs slapped against her ass and the slick length of him passed over her g-spot.

In a moment of passion, Luke bit down on Azalea’s shoulder. Her cry as the pain and the orgasm hit her all at once pushed him into his own. Luke tossed his head back in a roar and shuddered as he came inside her. In one motion he pulled out and rolled off of her on to the ground.

Azalea was panting and shaking. Her orgasm rocked her and left her whole body tingling. What caught her off guard were the conflicting emotions. Luke took her so roughly; she wasn’t sure what to make of the experience. On one hand she had the biggest orgasm ever and Luke turned her on so much, but on the other she was a little put off, and maybe even scared, of his intensity.

She had to remind herself, she initiated it. She took on the beast when he was worked up and angry. She gingerly touched her swollen private parts. They were already tender and feeling raw, she worried how she would feel in the morning.

Without warning, the tears started to flow. Emotion bubbled up inside her and spilled out once it hit the surface.

“Fuck. Azalea, I am so sorry I hurt you.” Luke gathered her up in his arms and held her to his chest. He felt like a shit for what he did to her.

“No. I’m fine. Really. I mean, you scared me a little, but I think it’s mostly hormones.” She responded with a hiccup.

“It doesn’t matter. I was too rough with you. I’ll be more careful next time.” Luke berated himself for not having a better handle on his temper, but when she kissed him a switch was flipped. He had to have her, claim her. His deepest animal instinct told him to mark her. The primitive mammal brain thought this would keep her safe.

The primitive mammal brain didn’t take into account that Luke was six and a half feet tall and well-hung.

“Luke?” Azalea lifted her head to see his face. “We should be going now. It’s getting dark.” Azalea struggled to her feet. The pants around her ankles were proving to be a hindrance. Luke climbed to his knees and helped her up.

They both quickly readjusted themselves and set off back to the parking lot.

“I see you found him then.” Tiffany stood in the middle of the living room glaring at Luke and Azalea. “I know you both are grown ass adults, but I want so badly to give you a piece of my mind, Luke.” Tiffany wagged her index finger at him.

When she hadn’t heard from Azalea all day, she had begun to worry. All she could imagine was a pregnant woman wandering around the woods lost forever. Finding out she had met up with Luke had been a relief, but also dredged up everything she had wanted to say to him since finding out Azalea was pregnant the night before.

“Believe me, Tiffany, there is nothing you could say to me that I haven’t already said to myself or worse. There needs to be warning labels put on the backs of alcohol bottles, Warning: May cause pregnancy.”

Tiffany whooped at Luke’s little joke, “Fine then. You guys have fun. Although, I am more than a little curious as to how you two will work this mess out.”

Azalea rolled her eyes. ‘Oh, honey, you and me both.” Azalea gazed lovingly at Luke, “Somehow I think we both will be alright in the end.” Luke met her eyes and smiled.

Tiffany had witnessed the tender moment and screwed up her face. “You two are giving me a cavity.” She turned on her heel and disappeared into her room, leaving Azalea giggling in her wake.

“Come on and help me pack.” Azalea grabbed Luke’s hand and led him into her bedroom. She was as giddy as a teenager. To think this striking and powerful man chose her. She had been the woman he zeroed in on in the bar the night they met. Despite JP’s comments, she felt like the most alluring woman in the world.

“How long do you think we’ll be gone?” Azalea asked as she pulled her overnight bag from her closet.

“We can stay however long you need to. When do you have to get back to work?” Luke took a seat on the edge of the quilt-covered mattress.

“Uh… about that. I kind of quit last night.” She wasn’t ashamed per se, but she can imagine how an unemployed pregnant woman might look to him.

“Oh. Why?” Luke asked, tilting his head.

“Because the sexual harassment was becoming a little too normal in that place.”

Luke stiffened. Azalea was a very attractive woman, even a blind man could see that, but no one should just be able to touch her. “What happened to you?” he growled through his teeth.

“It was a nightly barrage of pats on the ass and comments about my tits. When I brought the problem to my manager’s attention he basically blew me off.” She shrugged and turned back to rummage through her disorganized closet.

Luke saw red. Not because he felt possessive or protective over her, but because the liberties some men would take with women made him sick. He never understood the reason why some men thought they could behave the way they did and simply get away with it.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself he responded, “I’m so sorry that happened to you. This may be a stupid question, but is there anything I can do?

Azalea’s shoulders shook with suppressed giggles. Folding a t-shirt, she turned and shook her head at him. “No. It’s over and done with. I saved almost all of the money I made this summer so I’ll be okay for the next two weeks.”

“Two weeks?” Luke asked. “What about after that?” Would she be all right? If she only had enough money for that long, what would she do after?

“After that I’m going to be in Arizona at school. Believe me, moving day cannot come fast enough.” She tossed a few pairs of shorts on the bed. Chico was only twenty minutes from Paradise so there was no need to over pack.

Luke nodded. The motion was automatic. His thoughts were a million miles away.

Azalea stood in front of him and waved her hand in front of his face, “Hello? Anybody home?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.” Absentmindedly he rubbed her leg. The motion helped him collect his thoughts. “I didn’t realize the fall semester came up so soon. How are we going to handle this?” Of course, he was referring not just to the pregnancy, but their blooming relationship as well.

“I’m not sure yet.” She answered. “I may just have to be gone for the fall. I don’t know if I’d be able to participate in the spring since the baby would be due in April some time. I’d have to work that out with the college when I get there.” Azalea combed her fingers through Luke’s long brown hair.

Tenderness for him filled her heart. The relationship was super new, but she already felt safe and secure with him. It may be because he can shift into a massive and dangerous predator, or it may be the newness of their union causing it, but she felt like she would be protected as long as he was close.

“Are you still going to like me when I’m swollen and waddling?” she couldn’t help it. That thought was a common one pregnant women have and it crept right up on her. She was already a little chubby, she couldn’t imagine how big she would be in another eight or nine months.
Oh, lord. I’ll be huge!

“Of course. What did I tell you about hiding yourself from me?” he pushed her hands back down to her sides.

Azalea hadn’t realized she was trying to hide herself. “You told me not to.” She fretted. Old habits die-hard.

“Right. I promise you will still be as beautiful then to me as you are now. There’s just something about a pregnant woman, especially one that’s mine.” He assured her with a wink.

Azalea threw her arms around his neck. His words were reassuring since she could feel a mood swing coming on. The emotion was so overwhelming she began to cry. “Ugh. I am so sorry. I don’t even know why I‘m crying. Stupid body.” She declared with a giggle.

Luke squeezed her back. “You have nothing to worry about with me. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

The tears came harder and she started blubbering into his shoulder. “Crap. I can’t stop crying!”

Luke chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. When you’re done we’ll get back to packing your bag. Just don’t wipe your snot on my t-shirt. I really like this one.” He smiled as she shook with laughter on his lap. Another emotion stirred inside him too, but it was an inappropriate moment to act on it.

After a moment Azalea slid off of Luke’s lap and hid herself in the bathroom to clean herself up. It didn’t matter what he said about not being embarrassed or hiding around him. She didn’t care for him to see her with a swollen face and snot bubbles.

Splashing cold water on her face did wonders for her composure. It served as an icy dose of reality to ground her from her weird hormonal upheaval. She had heard the early stages of pregnancy were rough, but the stories had nothing on the actual experience.

With one last glimpse in the mirror she pulled herself together. There was a very attractive and virile man sitting on her bed that very minute and she wasn’t about to let that go to waste. She patted her skin dry with a towel and gave her hair a fluff.

When she reentered her room Luke was up and staring out the window. “Penny for your thoughts?” Azalea asked as she came around the bed and sat down.

“Nah. I was just enjoying the evening.” Luke turned around to face her. “I love this time of the night. The air is cooling the sky clears up and you can practically count the stars. It’s just beautiful,” but not nearly as beautiful as the woman in front of him.

The sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him could shame the night sky. Azalea had leaned back with her hands behind her in a pose Luke found incredibly alluring.

In one motion he spread her legs and knelt between them. There was a little guilt still remaining for being so rough with her earlier; he wanted to make it up to her.

He ran his hands up her inner thighs to massage her hips. Luke watched as Azalea closed her eyes, a slow smile spreading across her lips. That was all the encouragement he needed.

His hands crept to the crotch of her jeans where he pressed his thumb against the most sensitive part of her. He quickly became aware of how aroused she became. The scent of her became stronger with each pass of his thumb over her. Luke was suddenly seized by the urge to taste her. She smelled so amazing, how could he resist.

He unfastened her jeans and urged her to lift her hips so he could slide her pants off. He rubbed over her now bare clitoris with his thumb, smearing her wetness over her until she was sighing at his touch.

Luke parted her and flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub, causing Azalea’s breath to hitch. He teased her a few more times until she was begging. “Luke, you’re killing me!”

Azalea leaned back on her elbows for support so she could watch Luke in action. The sight of him staring up at her from between her legs was so hot. With fervor, he licked and kissed her, pausing occasionally to suck on her. When he slipped his fingers into her hips rose off the bed. “That feels so good.” She gasped as he pressed and caressed her g-spot.

But it was his mouth that really did it. Azalea fisted her hands in her quilt as he fed on her, driving her crazy. The pressure built quickly in time with the increasing thrust of his fingers. “Fuck, Luke.” She threw her head back and cried out, “Oh, god!” as her orgasm slammed into her. He laced her fingers in his hair, pushing his head closer to push up over the crest of a second one. Finally she collapsed in a heap on her bed.

Luke rose to his feet and crept over her prone body. Azalea reared up to kiss him. She could taste herself on his mouth, something she found to be more erotic than she would have thought it would be. Her body already started responding to his again.

Azalea reached between them to unbutton Luke’s pants and slide them down his hips. As his erection bobbed freely, she wrapped her hand around his girth and started stroking.

Luke groaned into her mouth as he positioned himself between her legs. “I don’t want to hurt you again.” He paused with the tip pressing against her opening.

Azalea made a noise of frustration. “I’ll be fine, just start slow.” She read the apprehension on Luke’s face. With a huff he gripped his ass, bridged her hips, and pulled him into her. “Just fuck me already.” She demanded with a smile.

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