ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (23 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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Tiffany slammed on the brakes in the middle of the street. “Are you kidding me?” She shouted. “You don’t know where he’s been! And you could have got yourself pregnant!”

Azalea stared at her hands. “I considered it, but I couldn’t check yet.” She murmured. Pink bloomed in her cheeks. Up until then she had tried to put it out of her mind.

“Well, it’s been, what? Three weeks now? We’re going to Walgreens.” Tiffany slammed the car in reverse and spun the car around. Enough time had gone by that Azalea could find out.

Within minutes Tiffany pulled into the parking lot and switched off the car. “Go on now.”

Azalea’s eyes grew wide. “I, I, but…” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’ve never done this before. Please come with me.”

With a sigh, Tiffany snatched her keys and got out of the car. “Let’s get this over with.” Tiffany loved her friend and would support her no matter what happened, but she was surprised at her carelessness and stupidity. She always thought of Azalea as being more sensible than that.

The two women stood in front of the pregnancy tests. Boxes of pink, blue, and white stared back at them. The choices were overwhelming. “I don’t know which to get.” Azalea blanked out in front of the shelves. Her breath started coming more fast and shallow and she had to wipe her palms on her jeans.

“Just grab one of the pink ones and let’s go. I’m starting to get twitchy standing here.” Tiffany pointed at the First Response boxes.

Azalea snatched one off the shelf and grabbed a bottle of water. She wanted to get out and home before they ran into anyone they knew. The town was small and rumors spread like wildfire.

She quickly paid and the two women sped to the car and took off. Azalea read the direction slip and chugged her water on the way back to their apartment. This would be the longest three minutes of her life. 

Azalea sprinted up the stairs and locked herself in her bathroom. She set the timer on her phone and followed the directions to the letter.

Tiffany sat in the hallway opposite the bathroom door tapping her hands against her knees. She was almost as anxious as Azalea was. Granted, she wasn’t the one who may be carrying a giant’s baby, but this was her bestie and Tiffany was worried.

A muffled alarm went off in the bathroom. Tiffany rose to her feet as Azalea came out. “Well?”

Azalea looked at Tiffany with a strange mix of relief and fear. “Oops. I’m pregnant.” She announced sarcastically. She stood in the doorway holding the test as her side. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes. She had no idea how to feel. She was thrilled, scared, and totally confused all at the same time.

“What are you going to do?” Tiffany stood stock-still. She wanted to hug her friend, but she wasn’t sure if that was the right move.

“Nothing. I’m going to be a mommy.” Azalea answered with a shrug. There was no doubt in her mind how she wanted to handle this.

“Are you sure?” Tiffany wasn’t so sure this was the best choice for Azalea. Tiffany knew there was still so much Azalea had wanted to accomplish before becoming a mom.

“Yeah. I’ll figure it out. Luke and I made a baby. It’s not the baby’s fault. I planned on having kids eventually, this one just wanted to come ahead of schedule.” There was no way she could give up or abort this child. She became attached as soon as the results popped up on the damn pee stick.

“You are way calmer than I would be if I were in your shoes.” Tiffany was confused. Azalea should be either dancing around the room or in hysterics. This coolness was almost supernatural.

“Get back to me when the shock wears off.” Azalea replied. “I’m going to bed. I still want to take that hike tomorrow and I still have a lot to think about.”

You’re still going to gallivant around a giant crack in the ground in your condition? If you insist then, crazy.” Tiffany threw her arms around her friend. “Congratulations, mama.” She whispered in her ear. She gave Azalea a kiss on the cheek before heading back to her own room.




The sun was shining a little brighter the next day. The birds sang a little sweeter, and the colors of the canyon stood up a little brighter. Something about taking control of her life had made Azalea stand up straighter and completely changed her outlook.

The scent of the woods made her almost light headed and giddy. Being in touch with nature fed her soul.

She came up to the edge of the sparkling falls within a couple of hours. She followed the trail as it wound around the riverbank and put her out in the grotto behind the falls. Azalea sat on the algae covered boulders to remove her sneakers and strip down. This time she had worn her swimsuit.

Staring through the curtain of rushing water in her black string bikini, she found herself daydreaming. There were several nights she put on her own little movie in her head about being back here at the falls with Luke. There in broad daylight she turned her imagination loose in the hopes that sending her hopes into the universe would pay off.

She said a silent prayer and leapt forward in to the icy river in front of her. As she hit the water, a shockwave from the cold shot through her body, rendering her dumb for just a moment. Azalea paddled back up and broke through the surface with a whoop. After the initial shock wore off, the chill felt amazing on her sweaty and sun beaten skin.

Paddling around, she let her mind wander again. The same what if scenarios about Luke rolled through her mind. He was becoming an obsession for her now. At times the images were so strong and so realistic, she thought she could hear his voice.

“Can I join you?” Asked a baritone through the trees.

Azalea spun around in surprise. She thought her mind had finally cracked. There he stood, all six and a half feet of muscle. “Luke?” She blinked several times to clear the sight away, but he was real.

Luke Robertson materialized out of the trees. His blue eyes glimmered with warmth and softness for the woman in front of him. He squat down at the edge of the water and watched her. She was more beautiful than he remembered.

“I’ll come out. Give me a second.” Azalea waded over to the bank and squeezed the water out of her hair. “I’m so glad to see you.” A mass of wings flapped in Azalea’s stomach. She couldn’t tell if the nausea was due to nerves or the hormones.

Luke reached out and took her hand. “I’m happy to see you too. Sit.” He gently tugged on her hand, pulling her on to her knees. His free hand cupped her cheek. “I am so sorry, Azalea. I wanted so badly to stay away to protect you from JP, but I can’t stop thinking about you.” Luke mustered up every ounce of sincerity he could before continuing. “I want to give us a chance. That is if you would have me.”

Azalea studied the intensity in his face. She saw the need in Luke’s eyes tugging at her most intimate places. “I’m pregnant.” She blurted out.
You stupid cow!
Azalea thought for sure she had just scared him off.

Luke’s thick eyebrows shot up. He opened and closed his mouth like he wanted to say something, but no words came out. Instead, a huge grin stretched across his face. He was so elated at the news he couldn’t contain himself. He pulled Azalea into him and crushed her lips to his. Luke tangled his long fingers in her soaking tresses to hold her to him.

Azalea had stiffened in surprise, but quickly softened against him. The kiss grew and changed, growing hotter and more passionate. Azalea tangled her tongue with his. Her instincts took over as she climbed on to his lap to straddle him. She had never been so hungry for another person in her life.

Azalea pressed her pelvis against Luke’s growing erection. She needed him inside her like she needed air.

Luke disengaged. “We need to stop.” He declared in a deep, husky voice. He didn’t want this to go any further until she knew what she was getting herself into.

Azalea sat back and pouted. Her body had been all worked up and clearly so had his. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Let’s get you dressed first. I’m not going to be able to focus on anything else until you cover up.” Luke knew if she stayed in what little clothing she was wearing, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself or say what he needed to. He found every curve of her body to be the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

Azalea stood up in silence and dove into the water. Swimming back to the grotto would be faster and be the equivalent of a cold shower. Maybe it was better they actually had a conversation instead of just getting physical. But the skill of his hands was hard to ignore. Even in the icy river the nerves between her legs pulsed at the memory of what he could do.

She swam up on the rocks with Luke close behind her. As she was climbing out an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back in.

Luke drew her back to him for another kiss. This time his hand slipped inside her bikini top to fondle her breast. His mouth opened and his tongue conquered hers while he played with her breast beneath the surface. He had given in to impulse and it took every shred of control he had to pull back again. Especially when she started moaning into his mouth.

“Go get dressed.” He ordered. Luke boosted her out of the water. He stayed behind a minute to calm down. Azalea had bent over to dig in her pack, giving Luke the full view of her ass. He forced himself to look away.

Azalea dressed quickly. Whatever Luke wanted to talk about had to have been important to put the brakes on the make-up sex. As she turned around, Luke had climbed out of the water. He was tying is long dark hair up off his back. She couldn’t help but stare at the way his shoulders flexed and his stomach tightened as his body shifted and stretched. The way Luke moved was so fluid and easy.

“Come sit.” Luke squat down on a rock and made himself comfortable. He reached his hand out to Azalea.

With a shrug Azalea accepted his assistance down to him. “Considering the circumstances.” Azalea laid her hand on her belly. “I think we have a ton to talk about.”

Luke placed his hand over hers. The little miracle growing inside her was his. Shock, nervousness, and something he couldn’t quite place, something primal unfurled inside him. Deep down he knew he would put his body and life on the line to protect his growing family.

“I need to tell you what you’ve got yourself into.” He turned his gaze on Azalea’s face. “I am part of a very different group of people. We have a special set of abilities that allow us to change our appearance.” Luke paused to study her face. When her expression didn’t change he continued. “I’m the head of a group of shifters in the Chico area. I am able to turn myself into a mountain lion.”

Azalea just blinked at him. The information hit her brain, but was just swirling around not being processed. “You what?”

“I can shift into a mountain lion.” Luke went on guard. He shifted his posture away from her and hugged his knees to his chest. He just stared at Azalea, hoping she wouldn’t freak out.

“A mountain lion. Like the cat with big sharp teeth that roams around the Sierra Nevada? Is this a joke?” Azalea crossed her arms over her ample chest.

“Uh, no. This is my life.”

“You are a lunatic. I need to be going now.” Azalea quickly stood and moved to collect her pack. She could hear her heartbeat quicken in her ears. This was not happening to her. And she was pregnant with his child! Azalea touched her belly.

“Wait. Don’t go.” Luke jumped in front of her, blocking the trail. “I can prove it. I need you to please stay. You aren’t safe. Especially now!” his gaze dropped to Azalea’s belly.

“You just told me you turn into a cat. That’s insane. Please let me by.” Azalea wrapped her arms around her torso.

Luke held up a finger and moved to strip his pants off. Within seconds he stood stark naked in front of Azalea, fully vulnerable and with nothing to hide.

Azalea shielded her eyes. “Luke, this is really inappropriate.”
What is with the men in this town? Can none of them control themselves?

“I promise I’m not going to do anything sexual. Just watch me.” As soon as he had eye contact with Azalea again he flipped the switch. Fur sprouted from his skin as his bones shifted and reset. His nails and teeth elongated to claws and fangs, within minutes a big cat had been where a man once stood.

Azalea froze, mouth gaping to the floor. Maybe she was the crazy one? She did just witness a man turn into a mountain lion. She wanted to say something, but all she could manage was a squeak in the back of her throat.

Luke padded up to Azalea and sat down. The scent of fear rolled off her in waves. He wanted to engage her, but thought it best he wait for her to make the first move. The battle of emotions behind Azalea’s eyes unsettled him, what if she decided to run? What if she never wanted to see him again?

Azalea blinked at the huge tan cat in front of her. Curiosity tangled with self-preservation. Her feet itched in her sneakers with the need to turn and run, while her hands ached to touch the figure in front of her to make sure it was real.

In the end, curiosity won out. With shaking hands she reached out to the magnificent beast. She yelped when her fingers indeed touched something solid.

Luke tensed, but didn’t move a muscle. He just kept repeating to himself, “Let her do it,” to keep himself from growing impatient.

Azalea took three deep breaths and tried again. This time she stroked her hand along his velvety pelt. Such a powerful creature spellbound her, the fact that this was really a gorgeous man made her even more so.

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