ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (22 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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“Well, you two have fun. I’m just gonna go back in my room now.”

“Is Luke still here?” Tiffany’s eyes twinkled in excitement.

“Yeah. He’s sleeping.”

“I’m proud of you, girl.” Tiffany flashed a brilliant smile at Azalea before turning her attention back to JP.

Azalea closed her bedroom door behind her as Luke came out of the bathroom, “There you are. I was wondering where you went,” he wrapped his arms around her, pressing their bodies together.

“I woke up to use the bathroom and heard voices so I went to see what was going on. Tiffany’s out there entertaining some guy named JP.

Luke stiffened, “JP? A little smaller than me, scruffy brown facial hair?”

“Yeah that’s him. Why?”

Anger flared in Luke’s eyes. He picked his pants off the floor and jammed his legs into them, “He’s a dangerous guy, Azalea. He runs with a gang of sh… he’s just not a good dude.”

Luke threw open the bedroom door and growled at the man on the couch, “You need to leave.”

“Well hello to you too,” JP put his beer bottle down, “Fancy seeing you out among the civilized, Luke. I see it took a piece of tail to draw you out of your cave.”

Tiffany’s eyes went wide with shock, “Hey wait a minute. Don’t talk about my friend that way!”

“I’m sorry, I mean no offense to your friend,” JP amended, “I mean only to offend this piece of shit here.”

“Look, I don’t know what beef you two have, but you need to not have it under my roof,” Tiffany stood, “You should probably take off, JP.”

“No problem,” he turned his attention to Luke and Azalea before leaving, “I’ll be seeing you soon, and hopefully your girlfriend sooner,” JP announced before leaving.

Luke had gone red in the face and kept clenching and unclenching his fists. Every muscle in his body was tensed for a fight. He breathed deeply, willing his temper to cool. He couldn’t afford to lose it in the tiny apartment.

“Care to explain or should I just make something up in my head,” Azalea crossed over the couch and sat next to Tiffany, “I’ll wait.”

“I’m part of this group in Chico. You could say we’re a biker gang, but really that’s not it. We sort of help out the cops and hire ourselves out as protection to abuse and stalking victims. We do what we can to maintain a noble cause in the community, I guess.”

“And what’s the deal with JP?” Tiffany asked.

“He’s the head of a different group just on the outskirts town. They bully business owners and extort money from innocent people, they run their own sort of mafia type business.”

“So he’s like, the biker Al Capone?”

“That may be the easiest way to describe it,” Luke slid down the wall to sit on the floor, “He killed my second last year during a standoff up in the mountains. I haven’t pursued anything because it was a fair fight, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hate him.”

“That’s awful,” Azalea empathized. She couldn’t imagine what losing a friend would be like, “You had to have gone to the police, right?”

“Uh… no. My kind can’t go to the police when there is trouble. We handle it ourselves and try to keep as many people out of it as possible,” his face fell, “and now he knows we’ve been involved with each other,” realization struck him. The woman he’d been searching for his entire adult life was now in front of him and he had to let her go. He promised himself he wouldn’t, but things just spun out of control, “I can’t see you anymore; I need to be going.” Luke shuffled to his feet and went back into Azalea’s room to gather his things.

“You just gonna let him leave like that?” Tiffany asked, speaking in hushed tones.

“I don’t know what to do! This whole thing is so weird,” Azalea’s heart sank. She didn’t want to not see him.

“Get in there and talk to him, then,” Tiffany nudged her off the couch.

Azalea nodded and got up.

“Hey, don’t go.” She begged as she closed the door.

“It’s really not a good idea to be around me. I’m no good for you, especially now that JP has seen us together.”

“Shouldn’t I get to decide that? What kind of Twilight nonsense are you trying to pull?”

“This isn’t bad teen fiction, Azalea. Don’t you understand? JP is a killer and he’s had it out for me for years. All he’s needed is a weakness to exploit and I can’t give him one or my crew is toast,” Luke moved to stand and front of her. He cupped her chin, tipping her face up and gently kissed her, “It’s been fun. Take care, Azalea.”

He cut through the bathroom to get out and avoid Tiffany. Azalea was left standing in a mess of confusion and more surprisingly, hurt feelings.

A knock came from the bedroom door, “Can I come in?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“So he left, then?”

“Yup. He fed me some bullshit about being bad for me and bailed.”

Tiffany put her arm around her friend, “I’m sorry, Azalea. Rejection sucks and that was a bitch move he pulled.”

“It’s not a big deal. He was supposed to be a fling anyway. Thankfully, we only had one day so no attachment,” it was a half-truth. She definitely did not care for him in a romantic way, to say that happened in twenty-four hours would be stupid, but she did like him and his rejection stung. She’d be nursing her bruised ego for a while.

“There you go! That drama wore me out, I’m off to bed. Sweet dreams, baby,” she kissed Azalea on the cheek and left her alone.

It was nearly three in the morning, but she needed a shower to unwind. She disrobed and started the hot water. Steam poured out of the showerhead and settled on every surface of the bathroom while she waited. Azalea waved her hand through the thick fog, watching it swirl and break through her fingertips before stepping into the tub.

The hot water felt amazing on the stress knot forming at the base of her neck. She lost herself in thought as the droplets beat down on the tension.

Luke definitely served his purpose. The whole point was to feel alive and attractive again, which she did and she was so grateful for that. As she lathered up her bath pouf with lavender scented body wash, she silently thanked him for giving her the most fun day she had had in a long time.

She swished the pouf down her chest, rinsing away all traces of his scent from her body. She swabbed between her legs to wipe away the semen that had dripped down her leg. Then it hit her like a baseball bat. She hadn’t heeded Tiffany’s condom advice.

She and Luke had had polished off a bottle of scotch between the two of them so neither had the sense to wrap it up, “Fuck!”


Part Two

Two. More. Weeks. Two more weeks and Azalea Armstrong could finally get out of her shitty job, hell hole town, and lousy life situation. She swat at one of the dirty old men who thought it was okay to pinch her ass; every time she walked past him. And in the narrow bar, it happened frequently.

Azalea whirled around. “Cut the shit, Monty!” She pushed her way through the crowd and slammed her tray down on the bar. The tell-tale prickle in her eyes drove her out the back door to cry in peace. She dropped down in the dirt and cried in her hands.

As if the stress wasn’t hard enough to deal with, the ghost of a mysterious stranger haunted Azalea’s thoughts. She only had one day with him, but that one day – and very active night – left an impression on the young co-ed.

The way he left bothered her. Yeah, he was supposed to be a fling to get over her scumbag ex, but she hadn’t expected to be the one being dumped. The rejection stung and she’d been a little off since it happened.

A female voice broke the stillness, “Girl. What are you doing out here?” Her best friend, Tiffany appeared around the corner of the building. She grew concerned when she saw Azalea’s face. “Oh no. What happened?” She hurried over and sat down next to her tear-stained friend.

“Just the usual. The perverts inside are getting under my skin.” Azalea sniffed and wiped the tears of her cheeks with her sleeve.

“Just quit. You don’t have to put up with those guys touching you at all.” Tiffany wrapped her slender arm around Azalea’s shoulders and hugged her close. “You only have two weeks before you go back to college, enjoy yourself.”

Azalea opened her mouth to argue, but Tiffany was right. She had been putting up with disgusting pigs grabbing her ass and making comments a lot longer than anyone should have to.

She leaned over and kissed Tiffany on the cheek. “Thank you.” She replied as she got up and turned towards the door. She was going to march herself up to her manager and end the nonsense once and for all.

“Go get ‘em, girl. I’ll be in the car.” Tiffany stood and headed towards the parking lot. She was proud of her friend for finally standing up for herself. There were way too many nights spent crying over a stupid job.


Azalea yanked at her apron string and tossed the wadded fabric into the server’s alley. She found her boss, Steve was traying up a food order, and marched right up to him with all the swagger and rage she could muster. “Steve, I have to talk to you.”

Steve was a thirty-five year old stereotypical California guy. He had the blond hair, laid back “whatever” attitude, and spent all his free time out in the mountains. “What’s up, babe?”

Azalea winced. Steve insisted on calling all his female servers babe, a terrible habit.

“Listen. It’s been… something working for you, but I’m done.” She counted out what she owed from the cash tables. “I’m sick and tired of all these pigs thinking they comment on my looks and pinch my ass whenever they feel like.” She raised her voice to make sure the patrons could hear. “And you do nothing about them, no reprimand no nothing. I quit, Steve.” She slapped the cash down on the stainless steel table and stared her manager down.

Steve’s eyes grew wide. “I would be lying if I said I was not surprised. You’re my best server. I’d hate to see you go. Are you sure?”

Azalea scoffed. “Are you going to throw those assholes out?” she drummed her fingernails against the cold metal.

“Come on, Azalea. I can’t just throw them out because they get a little friendly! Besides they tip you well don’t they?”

Azalea’s jaw hit the floor. She had worked for Steve for three summers and she couldn’t believe he could be so cavalier about his employee getting groped. Without another word, Azalea turned on her heel and stomped out of the building.

As soon as she was outside, she slowed down. Emotion was building again and a flood of relief tears poured down her face. It was as if the boulder on her chest was lifted and she could breathe again.

Tiffany’s car came into view and she jogged over to it. She slid into the passenger seat with the biggest smile on her face.

“Please tell me you did it?” Tiffany stared at Azalea in anticipation.

“I did. And it feels amazing.”

Tiffany squealed and threw her arms around her friend. “I am so proud of you! I hope you gave those bumpkins a piece of your mind.” She started the car and put it in drive.

“Actually, I was so stunned by what Steve said I didn’t know what to say.” She told Tiffany her account of how Steve took the customers’ sides.

“That’s bullshit.” She patted Azalea on the knee as she drove. “So how are you going to enjoy the rest of your summer vacation?”

“That’s easy. However I want.” Azalea laughed. “I think tomorrow I’m going to go for a hike at Butte Creek tomorrow. Maybe pack a lunch and go swimming or something.” She had been itching to get back there since her day with Luke, but the bar had taken up most of her time. She hoped maybe if she went, he’d show up there too.

“Hiking? Why in the hell would you wanna do that?” Tiffany turned up her nose. The only outdoor activity she liked was lying out on a chaise.

“Because I like it. You want to come?” Azalea only asked to be polite. She knew Tiffany would never go for it. She was actually glad about that.

“Hell no. You are on your own my little hippie. You can get in touch with nature if you like. I’m gonna get myself in touch with the couch and a Property Brothers marathon.”

“Ha! Since when do you care about home improvement?” Azalea asked.

“I don’t, but have you seen those boys? Oooh, so delicious.” Tiffany answered. She grinned at Azalea. “Besides have you seen the picture of them in their kilts? God was having a good day when he made them.”

Azalea cackled and wondered if boy watching counted as a hobby.

Tiffany became serious. “You’ve been moody and a little off lately and I want to make sure you’re okay. There isn’t something bothering you is there?” She peered at Azalea in her periphery. “Did Luke do anything to you?”

Azalea did a double take. Did she hear her correctly? “No, why?”

“Because you’ve been funny since that night. I don’t know anything else beyond that drama in my living room. You aren’t pregnant or something?”

Azalea thought for a moment. “Everything we did was consensual if that’s what you mean.” Azalea froze. She suddenly remembered they didn’t use protection. He started counting backwards in her head.

“Except what?” Tiffany’s voice was firm and tinged with wariness.

“We had had a little – okay a lot to drink that night and I think we forgot to, how did you put it? Package his wiener.”

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