ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (112 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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His grip tightened mercilessly as he helped her pump his cock. Needing to let the emotions and feelings from their love making filter out somewhere, his lips again claimed hers. The motion of their thrusts soon got more erratic. Neither one of them would be able to hold out for much longer.

Casandra’s body began to get hot and cold all at once. Her mind was only focused on the feeling she was getting from his cock piercing her over, and over again. She felt emptied of all worry and concern, and now she felt like she was reaching out for some unattainable bliss that was trapped in the darkest corners of her mind. She’d never felt someone take her like this, and she was ready to feel the pleasure she never knew existed rack her body as if she were caught in a tempest.

“B-Bryce! I’m about to…to…!” she stammered out, her voice escalating in pitch. Not long afterward, a cry of pure ecstasy fell from her lips as her body quivered and the tiny hairs on her skin began to bristle as she was flooded with unimaginable sensations. Her vision was completely whited out, and her mind was purely a catalyst for the intensity. She could swear she was crying out his name, but it seemed like it was in the background of her mind.

With a suddenness, it all ended and she could hear him moaning out in pleasure as his thrusts slowed and her channel was pumped full of seed. It nearly made her topple right through another insane climax, and she was both aggravated and thankful that it didn’t.

After it was done, she laid slumped over his shoulder, clinging to him for dear life.

His laid a heavy hand on her back, weakly pulling her closer to him as he soothed her. “Casandra…” he moaned out.

She didn’t answer for a moment as she attempted to reel from it all. What was she thinking when she was with Keith? She wondered if that was a bad thought considering that she still loved the daughter that they had produced together. Despite her thoughts, she managed to hear his words and try to speak. “Yes?” she asked in a barely audible whisper.

“You’re mine now.”


Nearly a year had passed, and Casandra was now sitting in a large living room overlooking a vast wooded area in Canada. From the large windows in her home, she could see for miles around, and the beautiful misted air made this morning quite enjoyable. Checking her email on the phone, she’d noticed Rayleen had sent her a message. She hadn’t spoken to her sister over the phone for quite some time, but Rayleen was the only one who knew her whereabouts. She knew the most important details of her new situation too, sans the fact that Bryce was actually a bear. The message told her to check the news.

The TV was playing in the background already, so she grabbed the remote and flipped over to the news channel Rayleen had specified. On it was a news special all about her.

“This marks the anniversary of a particularly gruesome event in a small Alaskan town where a pregnant woman mysteriously vanished from her home after a bear attack. Officials say they were called to the home to check around after the respondent complained of strange noises around her house. Upon arrival, they didn’t see anything, but out of nowhere, a large grizzly bear attacked and mauled many of the officers. Shots were fired, and the home was ruined as a result, but after many search attempts, Casandra Norris was never located. Authorities have closed the search until further evidence can be gathered, but as of now there is no telling when it will resume.” A newswoman spoke.

Casandra saw it and smiled a little.

“They’re not going to say anything even if they did find out you were alive, or people would start asking questions.” Bryce said as he walked into the living room. He was carrying a small baby girl who sat up happily in his arms with a warm bottle in her hands.

“Of course they won’t. I’d talk if they did, and they know it.” She affirmed.

Bryce chuckled a little. “That you would. It’s a good thing this is satellite television. I would hate it if someone here recognized you. That would just pull up all kinds of dirt.” He said with a laugh. “Not to mention they’d have to try and figure out how to convince a jury that a man turned into a bear and then charged them.” 

Casandra giggled. “That would be hard to accomplish.” She said in response as she accepted Anne Marie and cuddled her daughter.

Bryce walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder before kissing her cheek. “No matter what, now you have what you deserve.” He said and then turned his gaze to Anne Marie, “And she does too.” He said smiling down at her.

In response, the baby reached up to pull on a lock of his hair. He let her tug at it a few times before he stood upright and kissed Casandra’s lips. “Maybe when she’s a bit older, you’ll want to carry another…” he said suggestively as his hand graced her stomach.

Casandra blushed at the thought. “Maybe I would.” She answered back with a small smile.

Bryce walked off into the kitchen, and Casandra basked in the glow of her new life. For the first time she felt like she had finally found something worth living for. It was odd to think about it, but she hadn’t really been too satisfied with Keith at all. Maybe she was seeing things through clouded lenses since the end to their time together had been so awful, but even the good times seemed dim in comparison to the times she’d shared with Bryce. He rarely ever turned into a bear again. She had seen it twice more since they’d been together. Only for hunts did he change, and that was only if it was large game. Otherwise, he was just a big guy with a golden heart.

He had taken Anne Marie in like she was his very own. The baby would likely never know or care that she had a different father. Maybe one day the question would arise, but Casandra would be ready for it. It was if he was made for the role that Keith never had been prepared for. She could pin her happiness and her comfortable life on Bryce, and she was sure Anne Marie would feel the same once she was older.

She stood up and walked towards the window with the baby as she looked out over the woodlands once more. “You know, I have to thank Keith.” She said loud enough for Bryce to hear.

“Why would you want to do something crazy like that?” he asked her.

“Because without him, I’d have never met you.” She said softly.

Bryce walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her neck, pulling her back into him. “I think I would have made it to you anyway. You were made for me.” He said.

Casandra felt like he might be right, but all that mattered now was that she was in his arms at this very moment, protected and loved.

The End




An Erotic Romance




Cassandra Cole



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Family pictures were a source of joy for most people, but for Nina Raymond they were a sad reminder of a past she’d just as soon forget.  She only had one picture that brought her any kind of happiness: a picture taken in a field of trees that were losing their leaves. 

Nina remembered that the picture was taken in late October and the air was just starting to get chilly in Maryland.  It had been dark and gloomy that day.  Maybe that as why it was still her favorite type of weather. 

The was sun peeking out from behind the clouds just enough to give them great lighting for the picture.  Her dad had been smart enough to bring the tripod and set the camera up on a timer so that they could all be in the photo. 

He’d run back and picked up an arm full of leaves and dumped them on Nina’s head right as the flash went off.  She was squealing with delight in the picture as the orange and red leaves rained down on her.  Michelle, her mother, was even smiling and looking vaguely amused.  It was one of the only times she’d ever seen her mother smile in the presence of her father. 

Michelle had always been a bitter woman, especially when it came to her now-ex-husband, Henry Raymond.  She never had anything nice to say to him or about him and Nina could only ever remember her criticizing him. 

Nina had clear memories of all the screaming and yelling.  Dishes would crash into the wall and clatter to the floor in little pieces as her mother accused her father of being lazy.  That was Michelle’s biggest complaint.  Henry didn’t work hard enough and he didn’t make enough money. 

Nina’s mother didn’t talk about her childhood much, but from what Nina could gather, Michelle had grown up dirt poor.  She was made fun of even though she was an incredibly beautiful woman.  She never had designer clothes and she didn’t get a new car on her sixteenth birthday.  Hell, her family was lucky to have food on the table every day.

The feeling of rejection and being an outcast had never left Michelle.  She always felt second best, and so she took it out on her husband.  Henry had a good, steady job as an accountant, but never made enough money for Michelle.  Nina didn’t think Bill Gates would have made enough money to satisfy her mother. 

Michelle wouldn’t ever be happy and Nina knew that.  She’d grown accustomed to living with the constant bitterness that Michelle radiated, but her father couldn’t handle it.  She honestly couldn’t blame him.  Nina didn’t get hassled the way her father did.  She didn’t see the side of her mother that Henry saw.

When the constant nagging and belittling became too much for Henry to handle, he left.  Michelle filed for a divorce on the grounds that Henry had left her for another woman  No one believed Henry would ever do such a thing, but he didn’t show up in court to dispute it.  He’d had enough of the vile woman he had once called his wife.  He disappeared overnight and Nina didn’t even get to say goodbye. 

What followed was years of Michelle bouncing from husband to husband and boyfriend to boyfriend.  She’d run their credit cards dry and leave them for the next man who was willing to pay the bills. 

Nina didn’t understand how they could be so blind and stupid, but she didn’t say anything.  It wouldn’t have mattered if she spoke up.  The last person her mother was concerned about was her daughter. 

Nina’s father resurfaced the day of her fourteenth birthday.  It had been almost five years since she’d seen Henry, but she begged him to take her away.  She was tired of her mother's games.  She knew her father could sympathize and after a very short court battle, she was sent to live with her father in New York.

Nina loved the city more than she ever thought she could.  She’d spent the last five years bouncing around from place to place and the promise of actually having a life somewhere was intriguing to her. 

There was always something to do in New York and she was never bored.  Since her mother moved her around so much Nina had become a quiet, introverted girl who preferred to spend time by herself and create things.  Art had always been her escape and moving to New York just opened up the world to her. 

Her “differences” were accepted in New York and no one looked twice when she dyed her blonde curls jet black.  She had her mother’s green eyes and full blonde hair.  She could change at least one of those things and she reveled in dying her hair.  She wouldn’t have changed her eye color even if she could.  Nina thought they made her look unique and the dark hue of her hair made them stand out against her pale skin even more. 

Henry let Nina do what she wanted as long as she went to school and kept her grades up.  She did what he expected of her and in return, he let her be the person she’d always wanted to be.  She liked being a little weird and mysterious. 

Michelle had always pushed Nina to run with the “in crowd” and to be a popular girl.  She’d even gone as far as signing Nina up for a cheerleading squad.  Nina had screamed the entire way to the football field and Michelle eventually gave up and turned the car around, heading back to the house.

There wasn’t much Nina could do to retaliate against her mother, but one of the few powers she had was refusing to be the angel her mother expected her to be.  She would fight to the bitter end to be herself.  If Michelle thought she was getting a clone when she had Nina, she’d need to think again. 

She had gotten so used to fighting hard to be her own person that when she arrived in New York she was surprised that she didn’t have to fight anymore.  Her father simply wrapped his arms around her, kissed her cheek and told her that he loved her just the way she was.

It was the only thing she’d ever wanted to hear. 

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