ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (54 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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Paired with a set of black flats she was good to go. Now the outfit hung pristine from the back of her closet door while the rest of her sizeable wardrobe lay in disarray across the room, and it would stay there until the weekend. Getting up early had already taken its toll on her, and Anna had little energy to devote to cleaning.


The second day of her internship would have been the same as the first had Gabriel not already made his interest clear. Anna was told to tidy up and sweep, and from time to time Gabriel asked her to fetch a different kind of chisel, but now Anna also watched for how he looked at her. From time to time she caught his dark eyes drinking her in when he thought she wasn't looking, and each time her cheeks flushed red in delight. Of course, he caught her looking at him as well. Each time he shot her a devious grin that disarmed her entirely, and the work day both seemed to crawl and fly by when knowing that later that evening they'd be seeing each other as more than professionals.


"Don't forget," Gabriel bade her at the end of the day, "Cosgrove Cafe, seven. Don't be late. I don't want you to miss it."


"It?" Anna asked. They were packing up for the day, Gabriel rinsing his hands and arms in the studio's sink.


"You'll see tonight if you're not late," he promised, but said no more. "It was good working with you again today."


"And you." This time she was prepared. Anna smiled at him even as her heart fluttered and then made her exit. There were only about five hours left after her haircut until she'd have to head out, and she intended to make the most of them.


A long, thorough shower. Anna scrubbed herself pink and shaved carefully, not willing to miss a single hair. Once the blank canvas was prepared, she dried and styled her freshly cut hair and agonized over her makeup. A modestly colored lip and a touch of drama to the eye was her signature, and by the time Anna was done she knew she looked amazing. Chubby or not, she was worth looking at.


Prim and proper, she took the dress down from the back of her closet door and slipped into it. There was just enough time left to move one of the piles of clothes back into her closet when the alarm on her cellphone went off — it was time to hit the road.


"Act normal," she whispered to herself as she descended her apartment stairs and towards the parking lot. "He's just a normal person interested in normal people things, and there's no reason to do weird things. If he asked you out, it means he likes you, so don't try too hard."


The front doors opened following a heavy push, and Anna emerged into the chilly fall evening. She'd brought along a light jacket and was grateful for it. Just the walk between the building and the car was brisk, and goose flesh rose along her arms.


Cosgrove Cafe was a good half hour drive from where she lived, clear on the other side of the city, but close enough to Southview's campus that it made sense that Gabriel would know of it. With fifteen minutes to spare, Anna parked a few blocks away and walked her way over. The neighborhood was a blend of residential and retail, indie shops popping up down the main street while the off-streets housed middle class families. It was on one of those off-streets that she found Cosgrove Cafe. Renovated from residential house to coffee shop, the establishment flirted with the corner of the main street. Cheery bay windows glowed with warm light, and through them Anna could see the place was busy. People clustered near the windows, all standing. For a coffee house, so many standing patrons seemed strange.


Anna entered through the front doors to find it crowded there, too. The walls dividing the original rooms of the house had been taken down, the remaining support beams done up with a wood trimming that served as table space. Tall stools were drawn up to them, but tonight no one was sitting, and even the loose tables and chairs had been pushed to the side. Anna picked her way through the crowd, searching for Gabriel. It was ten minutes to seven and he had been insistent she be on time, so where was he?


It wasn't long before Anna found her answer.


At the back of the cafe was a small stage area, barely elevated from the normal floor. Everyone in the place had gathered to face it, and a band was setting up for a performance. Three members fiddled with microphones and stools, and amongst them Anna recognized Gabriel. An acoustic guitar hung from a strap secured across his shoulder. His insistence she arrive on time made sense; he was going to play the show, and he didn't want her to miss it.


Tonight he was dressed in simple dark jeans and a fitted white dress shirt. A thick, woven hemp bracelet hung from his left wrist, but instead of lend him femininity, it lent his masculinity a softer edge. Anna pushed her way through the crowd to stand towards the front, watching as they set up. In all of her research she'd never heard mention that Gabriel was musically inclined, and the surprise was welcome. Gabriel had been handsome with a chisel in his hand, the muscles in his arms hardening as he worked over the block of marble, but now she saw a softer side to his creativity and found herself just as hooked. There was something about a man with a guitar that was irresistible, and Anna couldn't wait until he played.


Before long the three of them had taken their places on stage. Gabriel sat center, guitar placed comfortably on his lap. The two others settled just a little behind him, one of them standing behind an upright bass, the other seated with a cello. All three of them had microphones positioned for use, and Anna wondered what kind of a show she was in for.


"Hey," Gabriel greeted the crowd, leaning forward just a little bit to speak into the microphone. The sound of his voice struck her deep, and Anna's eyes found their way to his. Gabriel hadn't found her yet through the crowd, but she saw him looking. "A big thanks to the Cosgrove Cafe for hosting us tonight, and a huge thank you to all of you who made your way out to see us. We're Dreams of the Wild. I'm Gabriel. The good looking guy on bass is Michael, and our talented cellist is Luke. I won't tell you about how attractive he is, because he's off the market; sorry ladies."


There were some cheers and some laughter, and Anna couldn't help but smile. Gabriel's dominance translated well into charisma; he had the whole room hanging on his words.


"We've got an hour and a half to entertain you, and we hope you enjoy the music. If not, well, we're getting paid for this anyway, so that's okay."


More laughter. Gabriel grinned as well, and Anna watched as the tension eased from his shoulders.


"Let's get this show on the road. This first one's called 'Conversations of Solitude'. Enjoy."


The music began. The deep melody of the cello paired with the strumming of the guitar, and both instruments rode upon the grounding beat of the bass. Anna had never heard anything quite like it. It wasn't classical, but it wasn't quite pop, either. There was a poetic way the music flowed that suggested more technical prowess than simple pop beats, but a concurrent simplicity made it easy to listen to. Within the first handful of seconds Anna found herself enamored. When Gabriel began to sing there was no escape.


Low, crooning words. His vocals flowed smoothly, like running water around pebbles. Those in the audience swayed and bobbed their heads, and many began to engage in quiet conversations as the soulful tunes united each of Cosgrove's clients. Anna did not speak with anyone — her attention was undivided, and it was focused on Gabriel.


An artist, a musician, what other beautiful talents did the man possess? The thick, rough fingers that chiseled into tough marble now strummed effortlessly at the guitar, and the voice she made small talk with navigated its way seamlessly through mellow notes.


Gabriel spotted her, and then his eyes did not stray. The words he sang, strung like pearls in early morning light, were for her and her alone. They hadn't spoken, they hadn't acknowledged one another, but the way he held her attention told Anna that this had been his plan all along. Warmth spread through her chest like a bird stretching its wings to soar, and Anna knew she was hooked. Gabriel was doing everything in his power to impress her, but she'd already fallen under his spell.


Song by song they moved along. The crowd came and went, some settling at tables by the outskirts of the swarm to enjoy cups of coffee or baked goods. Sometimes Gabriel and his friends joked with the crowd between songs, and sometimes they launched into the next piece seamlessly. When it came time to play the last song it seemed like only minutes had passed. Time had passed unpredictably around him, as though he played it just like the strings of a guitar. At this point, it wouldn't surprise Anna if he were magical. No mortal creature could be so good at so many things.


"And that was it from Dreams of the Wild. I hope you guys enjoyed." Gabriel picked up a water bottle from the floor near his stool and slugged some back. "See you around. Don't forget to tip your baristas."


There was not enough applause for Anna's taste. People clapped politely, then the crowd began to break. Some people went to the counter to order while others flowed out through the front door. Anna lingered by the stage, watching as the band cleared away their instruments and microphones. The cleanup was quick, and it wasn't long before Gabriel hopped down from the small platform to stand beside her. Their eyes met, and he smiled at her.


"So," he said, "worth showing up for?"


"Yes!" Caught off guard, Anna didn't have to worry about being awkward. He had disarmed her and opened her up, and now things felt natural and easy. "I had no idea that you could play music. Or sing. Your voice is beautiful. How long have you been in the band?"


Gabriel laughed. He gestured towards an empty table, but even as he did, his eyes did not stray from her. There was no doubt he had noticed just how much work she'd put into her appearance tonight, and Anna was glad that the time she spent was paying off.


"Why don't we sit and talk? I've got you scheduled for at least another two hours, after all."


Another two hours didn't feel like long enough. Anna grinned at him, then boldly took his hand and led him to the table he'd gestured towards. Tonight had already passed her expectations, and she was sure it was only going to get better.



Chapter Three


Two hours came and went, and still they talked. Anna learned about Dreams of the Wild and of Gabriel's childhood. They spoke of sculpture and Gabriel's ambitions to take on an apprenticeship beneath one of the Italian masters after he'd finished his Masters in Dimensional Studies. They spoke of her experience with exhibitions and her own dreams to work in an animation studio. Often times students of sculpture and three dimensional design scoffed at illustration majors, but Gabriel was nothing but kind and helpful. The man was flawless in talent, manners, and charm, and he wasn't hard to look at, either. Anna had no idea how he could still be single.


It was nearing eleven when Gabriel finally excused himself.


"We're back in the studio tomorrow morning," he reminded her, rising from the table. "I'm already up later than normal, but I'd do it all again as long as I had you for company."


Anna blushed, standing as he did.


"I had a really good time tonight."


"As did I." Gabriel took her gently by the arm and led her from the cafe and into the night. The moon, full and bright, shone overhead. The street was surprisingly lonely.


"I hope to see you outside of work again, Anna," Gabriel said, voice little more than a whisper. The words were meant for her ears, and her ears alone. Anna turned to face him in full, feeling the moment between them start to heat with desire. Gabriel had a way of asserting himself that was quiet, surprising, and totally inescapable. She was caught up in him.


"I'd like that," she replied. Gabriel smiled and tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear. Talented fingers now treated her to their touch; Gabriel traced along her jaw line until his index finger rested at the tip of her chin to make sure her gaze remained locked on him.


"You're a sweet girl," he told her. "I don't want to hurt you, so I'm going to be upfront. I don't want commitment. I like having fun with you, Anna, but for now that's all it is. I understand if you can't keep seeing me for it, but I can't let myself be tied down. Not yet. Not with Italy in my future."


She hadn't seen the imperfection because the fault lay inside of him, wrapped up behind blinding talent and a stunning physique. The hope she'd had and the excitement she felt cracked and fell to pieces, broken and useless. What had once been weightless glee now felt like bricks of lead dragging her spirits down. Anna did not let her disappointment show on her face.

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